How can I invalidateQueries, react-query, within a redux-toolkit reducer? - reactjs

As its probably obvious, I am trying to have a couple of APIs, used within the redux-toolkit reducer all invalidate my queries, react-query. BUT, I can't get it to work because of not being able to use "hooks" within the reducer. Instead of tracking down all the api calls.. and then invalidating "n" number of times, I figure to just do something like... but of course, not working. Anyone have ingenius way of invaliding queries from "n" number of api calls?
(action): action is AnyAction =>
].some(actionCreator => actionCreator.match(action)),
(state, action: AnyAction) => {
NOTE: I know redux-toolkit has it's own query. But I have a fast project and don't have time to learn it and also, by upgrading my toolkit, it creates massive amounts of TS errors (I guess a lot TS changes with later versions)...

You are not allowed to trigger any side effect in a Redux Reducer, ever. You will need to find another place to do something like this - if you want to tie it to the Redux action being dispatched, you could look into the listener middleware.


Why redux actions needs to be serializable?
While it is certainly possible to manually create action objects everywhere, and write each type value by hand, defining reusable constants makes maintaining code easier.
I don't feel easy at all. 95% of my actions are used once or twice. Anyone feel writing actions are beneficial?
I got mad writing redux actions. Even for libs like zustand need action. So I decided to write an anonymous function to automatically change state for me. Hence the warning.
reducer: (state, action) => {
let newState = { ...state };
if (action.type === "func") {
newState = produce(state, action.func); // import produce from 'immer'
return newState;
Yes it is possible and can be done but serialization of actons enable several of Redux's defining features, such as time travel debugging, and recording and replaying actions. As an example: time travel debugging means redux knows when new thread for a specific time is resolved and can be checked back by the store to re-render the Components. Writing it in un-serialable way, redux does not keep this track.

How to use RTK query but always fetch

I've read about RTK query, I'm interested as it removes the hassle of writing slices & thunk action creators. However, I don't think I will want to use the cache invalidation feature. For example, in this sandbox: when switching between tabs, e.g. from Notifications to Posts, I would always want to fetch Posts, but in this example, it follows the cache timer. Should I still use RTK query if I don't use the cache invalidation feature? If yes, what are clean ways to make sure when I call a component with a call to query hook, it will always fetch? Should I set the cache timer to 0s? Thanks
You can use refetchOnMountOrArgChange​ either globally or as a query hook option. Using true will always fetch, using a number allows you to set a maximum age after which a refetch occurs.
const { data } = useGetPostsQuery(
{ count: 5 },
// this overrules the api definition setting,
// forcing the query to always fetch when this component is mounted
{ refetchOnMountOrArgChange: true }

Why use redux-thunk or redux-saga for fetches?

I keep reading that I should use redux-thunk or redux-saga to handle side effects.
Why not simply use action creators like that to dispatch multiple actions :
function loadProductActionCreator(dispatch) {
type: 'load_product',
function (r) {
return r.json();
.then(function (res) {
type: 'loaded_product',
data: res
I tried that and it worked (complete code). So I guess there must be some inconvenients I'm not aware of.
You code is similar to what thunk does.
As per redux docs, actions should be pure. And they should always return same values for same input parameters. By using fetch you are allowing action to return not specific value, rather value from server and that mean action response may vary upon time.
That is called side effects. And it's something what shouldn't be in redux actions by default.
But why?
Yes, you can type it inside action like you have, in small apps it does not matter.
In larger application there are benefits of using redux-saga:
actions are predictable, they just return payload like
type: 'FETCH_POSTS',
params: {
category: 'programming'
and then you build middleware which will take actions with all data required to perform request to real API
Possible advantages:
Cleaner codebase (but may be overhead on smaller applications)
Separation of "dummy" actions with all required information to perform requests and actual API middleware
Request parameters are visible directly in redux dev tools
Possible to easily debounce, throttle fetches which may be really tricky with redux-thunk
Possible to easily combine actions (wait for another event/fetch, chain events)
Possible to stop running tasks
From personal experience, on one project (larger codebase) we have started with redux-thunk, but later we needed to integrate more advanced features, like throttle, and some dependencies between actions. So we rewrote everything to redux-saga and it worked well for us.
You are kind of replicating redux-thunk here. A pure redux action creator should return an action object to be dispatched and not dispatch an action itself (see redux doc on action creator).
To better understand why your technic is a replication of redux-thunk, look at this post from its author

Sending error message from reducer to user

I'm new to React and Redux and I'm trying to write a simple application where a person can submit a URL for an image and it will show up on the page. Note that there is no backend to the application as of yet.
export const addImage = (url) => {
return {
type: ADD_IMAGE,
key: Guid.create().toString(),
payload: url
Adding an image creates an action of type ADD_IMAGE and my reducer updates the state consequently. However I also check if the URL is already in the list.
switch (action.type) {
if (state.find(image => image.url === action.payload)) {
return state;
} else {
{key: action.key, url: action.payload}
The problem is that when I deny a post because the URL is already in the state I also want to convey that message to the user by showing it in a div next to the form. From what I've read I think I'm not supposed to try to access React state from reducers (if that is even possible) and... well.. I'm just stuck. I've been trying to find a simple guide on how to do this but I find nothing I can quite understand. After adding a database I guess I will have to do this as part of the async process but as I have it now I guess there should be some kind of simple solution.
You are starting to introduce logic into your reducer and this will inevitably lead to situation where you need to process some state outside of the reducer's scope.
The solution is to transfer your reducer logic into a thunk using a middleware package such redux-thunk (or similar package). This allows you to treat special kinds of actions as functions which means you can extend a plain action with specific action-related logic. The example you give of needing to dispatch an error action under certain conditions is an excellent use-case for redux-thunk.
Below is a example of how you might pull the logic out of your reducer into a thunk. You should note that, unlike reducers, thunks explicitly support fetching state and dispatching subsequent actions via the getState and dispatch functions.
Thunk example
export const addImage = (url) => {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
const key = Guid.create().toString()
type: ADD_IMAGE,
payload: url
const state = getState()
// you would want to use a `selector` here to locate the existing image
// within the state tree
const exists = selectors.images.exists(state, url)
if (exists) {
dispatch(actions.ERROR_IMAGE_EXISTS({key, url}))
A note on selectors
You will see that I am using a selector to determine if the image exists. In the same way that thunks are the place to put your dispatch logic, a selector is the place to put your state-traversal logic. They are used to return portions of the state-tree or provide simple state-utilities such as the exists function shown above. Packages are available to help, for example reselect.
Follow on questions from comments
Are selectors not a built-in thing in Redux?
No they are not. Selectors are an idea that builds on top of redux and the concept exists as a place to put your state searching, caching, reading logic. This extracts the sometimes complex state traversal logic out of your thunks and components and into a nice tidy, structured collection of selectors.
Why use a selector instead of state.images.find(i => i.url === url)?
If you use a selector package then you get far more benefit than just a good separation of concerns, you get a big performance improvement (see usage example below).
Here are the headlines from the popular reselect package:
Selectors can compute derived data, allowing Redux to store the minimal possible state.
Selectors are efficient. A selector is not recomputed unless one of its arguments change.
Selectors are composable. They can be used as input to other selectors.
Why doesn't actions.ERROR_IMAGE_EXISTS(url) work for me
Because I just made that up for the example. The point is that you can dispatch actions from within the thunk, how you declare or get access to the action is up to you. I tend to centralise all my shared actions into an actions object that I import.
Selector usage example
Here is an example from my real-life code that shows how I use selectors to passing portions of the state as props to a react component:
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
model: services.model.selector.getSelected(state),
recommendations: services.recommend.selector.getRecommendations(state)
Each of these selectors is finding the correct portion of the state tree and delivering it back ready for use. Nice and tidy, and if you use reselector, very efficient.

Should I use one or several action types to represent this async action?

I'm building a front-end for a search system where almost all user actions need to trigger the same async action to re-fetch search results. For example, if a user enters a keyword, then we need to fetch /api/search?q=foo, and if they later select a category we fetch /api/search?q=foo&categoryId=bar. I originally had separate action types for FETCH_RESULTS, SELECT_CATEGORY, DESELECT_CATEGORY, etc. I created one asynchronous action creator for FETCH_RESULTS, but the others are synchronous. The more I think about it, they all end up needing to re-fetching the results from the backend and update the app state based on the response from the backend.
Would it make sense for me to use the single async action-creator for any change? Or would it be better to use async action creators for each distinct user action (selecting a keyword, category, or filter)?
I think the advantage of granular actions would be the events more accurately reflect what the user did (e.g. the user selected a category) vs having to peer into the payload to figure out what actually changed, but they are all pretty similar.
This is of course something only you can really answer based on what you know about the project. I don't think that there is any inherent advantage to having the actions be more granular, and if there aren't any, its not worth the extra effort. I would have a generic FILTER_CHANGED event and not worry about being able to see what specifically changed--presumably the action isn't going to be complicated, so I'm not going to be debugging the action a lot. As the filter state becomes more complicated and diverse, it might make more sense to break out the actions. By default though, I don't really see much value.
I fully agree with Nathan’s answer.
I just want to add that in order to tell whether actions A and B are really one or two actions, you need to ask yourself: “If I change how some reducers react to A, will I also need to change how they react to B?”
When the handlers change together in the reducer code, it’s likely they should be a single action. When their changes may not affect each other, or if many reducers handle just one of them but not the other, they should probably stay separate.
I agree with Dan Abramov: if the text and categories are highly coupled in your interface, just fire FETCH_RESULTS with the text and categories as action payload.
If the text input and categories selection widget do not share a close parent component, it is complicated to fire a FETCH_RESULTS which contains the text and categories (unless passing a lot of props down the tree...): you then need the action granularity.
One pattern that I have found helpful when such granularity is needed is the Saga / Process manager pattern. I've written a bit about it here:
Basically, implementing this on redux would mean there's a very special kind of reducer that can trigger side-effects. This reducer is not pure, but do not have the purpose of triggering React renderings, but instead manage coordination of components.
Here's an example of how I would implement your usecase:
function triggerSearchWhenFilterChangesSaga(action,state,dispatch) {
var newState = searchFiltersReducer(action,state);
var filtersHaveChanged = (newState !== state);
if ( filtersHaveChanged ) {
return newState;
function searchFiltersReducer(action,state = {text: undefined,categories: []}) {
switch (action.type) {
return Object.assign({}, state, {text: action.text});
return Object.assign({}, state, {categories: state.categories.concat(action.category) });
return Object.assign({}, state, {categories: _.without(state.categories,action.category) });
return state;
Note if you use any time-traveling (record/replay/undo/redo/whatever) debugger, the saga should always be disabled when replaying actions because you don't want new actions to be dispatched during the replay.
EDIT: in Elm language (from which Redux is inspired) we can perform such effects by "reducing" the effects, and then applying them. See that signature: (state, action) -> (state, Effect)
There is also this long discussion on the subjet.
I did not know before but in Redux action creators can access state. So most problems a Saga is supposed to resolve can often be solved in the action creators (but it creates more unnecessary coupling to UI state):
function selectCategory(category) {
return (dispatch, getState) => {
dispatch({type: "CategorySelected",payload: category});
dispatch({type: "SearchTriggered",payload: getState().filters});
