Change color of server in pgadmin - pgadmin-4

How do I change these colors in pgadmin? Clicking the color won't change or prompt a rgb seleciton. I did this on setup by accident, but it bothers me a lot now.

You need to disconnect from the server first and then you can click on the color. A prompt will open and from there you can select your desired color.


Launch Screen Image is not updating for Dark Mode in iOS 13

I have a story board file as the launch screen. I have set image in button background Image. In that image, I have an image set for light and dark mode. but when I switch to dark mode, it always shows light mode image.
I'm not sure if you still need an answer to this, but I recently had the same issue.
For me, what fixed this was to uncheck the box 'Preserve Vector Data' within the image set properties. This means resizing won't work on the vector image, but you will see the image change with light/dark mode toggled within the storyboard.
Alternatively if I go back and check 'Preserve Vector Data' (back to the original state) the Dark image will display when the app is running if the simulator phone is in Dark mode.
Make sure you have enabled Appearance to Any, Dark. And check that you have added images for dark mode appearance.

How to change the border color in DB-Visualizer?

I am using DB-Visualizer 9.2.10 and I want to change the border color of the editor but I don't see any border option to change. Below image shows the options colors and borders but in my pro version I don't see this option. Is there any other way to accomplish the same.
You should be able to change the border by going to Tools -> Properties.
You can either select one of the predefined styles or specify a small image file to use for the border.
You should also be able to change it by going to Database -> Connections

How do I change the size of the text in Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2017? [duplicate]

In SQL Server Management Studio Object Explorer - How to increase Font Size?
From the tool --> Options --> Fonts & Colors we can change fonts for many windows. There is a drop down 'Show Settings For' where we can changes font for text in many area's but I'm not sure how to change the font for the Object Explorer. I thought it would be the tools window drop down selection but that didn't effect the Object Explorer. Any help is appreciated.
You can't change the font of the Object Explorer on it's own but you can change it.
Go to "Tools/Options/Fonts and Colors"
Under the "Show settings for:" dropdown choose "Environment font"
Set the font/fontsize to whatever you want (I use 12 pt Segoe UI)
Click "OK"
Restart SSMS
Using SSMS 2016, it will set use the font and size settings under "Environment Font" in object explorer (and in all menus etc) on restart of SSMS. Screen shot showing setting panel and result
Sometimes I like larger fonts, they help me see clearly and avoid mistakes when reading all the tons of text and data.
My alternatives for not being able to change the font in Object Explorer:
Windows 7 has a Magnifier.
Add a Filter when finding a specific table among the many tables in a database. Right click on Tables --> Filter.
In SSMS-17, Once you have navigated to Tools->Options->Environment->Fonts and Colors, Select Environment Font from the Show settings for. Then the Font will need to be set to a different Font before the Size of the text can be changed. The Automatic default Font setting prevents the Size from being changed.
Snip: SSMS-17 Before changes are made
Snip: SSMS-17 After changes are made
This is a known issue, and will not be fixed at this time.
currently there is no option but you can vote for this to be added into future versions here:
change grid result font
Go to "Tools/Options/Fonts and Colors"
Under the "Show settings for:" dropdown choose "grid results"
Set the font/fontsize to whatever you want (I use 12 pt Segoe UI)
Click "OK"
I had a similar issue where the sql connection box was really tiny. I tried using all the different font sizes for environment but nothing would fix the connection box size. What did fix it was a computer restart. All fonts went back to normal.
To increase the output of the print or select function, go to Options > Fonts and colors > Show settings for:, select Grid Results and change the field Size to a default of 7.

SSRS Action hyperlink colour change

See attached screen shot.
I have made the 4 text box's hyperlinkes to different reports.
Is it possible to have a some sort of formula which will say change the colour of the box when the cursor is hovered over the hyperlink like a webpage button could do?
Unfortunately SSRS does not allow events like onHover etc. The only thing you can do is to provide a label for the entry or to simply color the text using the properties section and set it to underline. However, this would mean at all times it would be underlined and colored.

Create a GUI for Application

I have to create a program that starts with a splash screen and a transparent image, but in windows form not working there always the white background, how can I do?
You need to set a transparency key. If you set it to white, it will make everything that's white on the form transparent (doesn't work well with the picturebox control though).
So for instance, you create a panel, and give it the background image you want to be displayed, then set the transparency key to whatever color should be made transparent ;p
