NextJS project is reloading after any changes - reactjs

I am new so If I changes something like css properties(I am using tailwind) or something after I save all changes localhost:3000 is reloading page automatically. I thought it is not big problem due to losing some state changes after reloading page.


React app keeps reloading entire page on code edit/save

I'm having an issue with my React app where as soon as I edit code and hit save on my IDE, the entire app refreshes on the browser- triggering all of the API calls. I could be making a minor text change and the entire project will essentially reload.
I've tried messing around with FAST_REFRESH=false in the env file, but it's not working. I've also confirmed that there are no instances of window.location.reload() within the codebase. The project also does not include any custom webpacks or bundles.
Ideally, I want the project to update the necessary components on edits, without reloading the entire project.

Why does the web page reload periodically?

I am newbie to nextjs.
I have no idea why my website will reload periodically?
I know that hot code loading is the feature of nextjs.
Next.js reloads the page when it detects any change saved to disk.
However, How can I know what is the changes which cause the page reloading?
Fast refresh is triggered in development mode for a number of reasons like when an error is fixed, a file is updated, or Next detected out of date state. When stuff is out of sync Next will reload, this sometimes occurs between saves. The link as a complete list of reasons fast refresh is triggered and more detailed explanation.
You can also manually force a page to fast refresh which is helpful when working with code that is invoked on mount.
I have not seen a way to tell what triggered the fast refresh other than an obvious error that was fixed or when a file is updated and saved.

React require Hard refresh to show last changes

Every time I update my website, the users need to do a Hard refresh to see the last changes
I search this issue but no result, tried added Tags in my Html file to avoid save cache in my app, the unregister function from the serviceWoker and the library of react-clean-cache but none seem to work
Is there a way to force Browser load my page from scratch ?
React v16.13.1
Node v13.13.0
You can use useHistory from react-router-dom. And then history.go(0) to force the refresh actual page.

page refreshes when file is changed react

I have a react/redux app and when file changes and I hit save it refreshes the page and clears
all redux data.I know t that I can persist redux data to localstorage. What I would love to know
is that is it the default behaviour of react/node server to refresh the page when file changes? If not how can I prevent it?
Is it a default behaviour? : YES, it is.
This is known as live-reloading where a change in your file refreshes your local server and restarts the app setting all state to initial ones.
But the problem as you mentioned is that the state of the app is lost.
There is another concept called hot-reloading which prevents it. Hot reloading will just replace the modules which have changed while the app is running. This won't cause a total refresh of the app. It will just update the page with the changes without a reload, and so will maintain the state of the app. However, the state of the component,i.e, the react state isn't maintained.
Now, when you create a react project using CRA, the hot reload feature is built in. You can try it by running your app and changing some css. You will notice that the app doesn't refresh but the changes are applied!!
However, if you try doing this in a JSX file, the entire app changes. This is because there are some changes that needs to be done to enable hot reloading in a JSX file.
Go to the index.js and write this line of code:
if ( && process.env.NODE_ENV !== 'production') {;
If you go and make a change to your JSX file now, you will see that the updates are applied without refresh.
BUT, the react state aren't maintained. There is a library called the react-hot-loader, which can help you in maintaining the react state too.Try it out!

React add local state changes to browser history

I'm new to react, and I'm wondering if there is a way to add local state changes to the browser history to allow users to use back browser button to navigate back. I know this could cause problems sometimes, but I'll do it just in some specific and managed cases.
In my real application I'm using react-router v4 and experimented with history.push(location,state) but it didn't worked out
Here is an example application on codesandbox:
In this application I'd like the user to be able to browse back with the browser button between status changes.
Is that possible in any way?
