How can I delete "Guna2Transition1" in Windows Forms? I'm receiving this error when I try ("thread abort is not supported on this platform") - winforms

I tried to delete the control manually, from the Designer code. It didn't solve the issue


Permission denied error from loader on Windows

I have been getting this error for the past few weeks while programming in C. I'm confused on how to fix this since the error doesn't tell me where the error is coming from. Why can the compiler not open the output file?
Your bonus.exe file is busy due to some reason. Create a new project and try. Seems like you are working on Visual Studio. Close the application and reload also can fix your issue. This is not compilation issue rather build and link issue while it try to create bonux.exe second time it failed because your previous bonus.exe file is still busy. Also go to task manager and try to kill bonus.exe. That will also fix your issue.

WPF Application Error Handleing

I followed the example below for global exception trapping in WPF. In the example he throws a null pointer exception in a try-catch block and then another outside the block. The second is supposed to be handled in the app.xaml.cs file in the Application_DispatcherUnhandledException() procedure. This procedure is subscribed to in the app.xaml file with DispatcherUnhandledException="Application_DispatcherUnhandledException".
For me it does not work. Any ideas why? I am in VS 2010 and I think this tutorial is for VS 2012. Perhaps the behavior changed between versions.
The version of visual studio wouldnt affect this sort of behaviour.
I tried the example you linked to and it worked as expected for me.
Are you running it in Debug? If so Visual Studio will catch the unhandled exception before your handler would do (depending on how you have exceptions set up). Try running it using 'Start without debugging' and see if you hit the secind Message Box.

Detecting Exceptions During Beta Testing

(see update below)
While running within the VisualStudio 2010 environment, I can easily tell if my Winform application causes an exception. I just have to go to Debug | Exceptions and make sure that both columns of checkboxes are checked. I then run the application and if any exceptions then I get dropped straight into the offending piece of code.
How do I determine exceptions during testing, when I give test build to a tester. I do not want the tester to run within Visual Studio, just as a regular user. I still want to know if there are exceptions and the pertinent details.
Obviosualy, I should be able to control the process, so that when the code gets released normal execution happens.
Yes, I know about and use try/catch blocks, but I am talking about a method similar to Visual Studio exception catcher and reporter, just possibly compiled into the product and used for deployment to beta testers.
Maybe Visual Studio has such a feature, in which case where and how to set up, or possibly a third party component.
I added two sub-questions, which you can find at Unhandled Exception next line or exit.
The solution mentioned below sounds great and with a tweak probably works, just not at the moment.
Inside the Visual Studio both 2010 and now 2012 works great. The exception handler gets called, okay after VS breaks at the line and I say to continue. I decided to test outside the VS2012 IDE, good thing for that. The OS traps the bug, shows the standard an "An Unhandled Exception Occurred" dialog giving the details along with a continue and quit buttons. Selecting continue, just continues the application with no trapping into my uber exception handler. Selecting quite, whites-out the application and displays the standard close window dialog. The quit button also does not call my uber handler.
The purpose is so that my exception handler gets called. I do not need an uber exception handler if I am working inside the VS2012 IDE. The purpose of the handler is for end users and beta testers, namely anyone other than myself and who will not have my development station.
So unless I am missing something, the question is still open.
There are code samples in the other question, enough to copy and paste and create a test application in a couple minutes time.
Thanks in advance,
I don't know of any automagical ways to reports error in Visual Studio but here is what I do.
Hook into the UnhandledException event for the application.
Use a logging framework like nLog or Log4Net to log the exception and other data you get from that event. Or just write to a text file.
Upload that data either from within your application or have the beta-tester send it to you.
Okay, the Google Uberlord took pitty upon me and I found this wonderful article solving the problem. Praise to the almighty Google.
Here is the link:
Basically, JRadness had the right idea, just slightly in error. He should have used
Application.ThreadException +=
new System.Threading.ThreadExceptionEventHandler(Application_ThreadException);
rather than
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.UnhandledException +=
new UnhandledExceptionEventHandler(CurrentDomain_UnhandledException);
The author on Switch on the Code talked of three methods, the first of which is what JRadness proposed and does not work for Windows forms.
The autor even solved my other question of Continue and Abort. The OS got bypassed.

How to debug a fatal error that happens after calling Application.Exit() in .NET CF 3.5 WinForms application for Windows CE 6?

I am porting a .NET CF 1.0 WinForms application (for older versions of Windows CE) to .NET CF 3.5 (for Windows CE 6). The problem is that, a few seconds after Application.Exit() is called, I get a flash of a "fatal error" message box, which simply says something to the effect of "A fatal error has occurred and the application will terminate.". Since I'm using a Chinese version of Windows CE, the message is in Chinese and I'm not sure what the exact message is in English. Anyway, the error message then automatically disappears and the application fails to terminate and release resources completely, such that the whole operating system becomes unusable (launching any application would result in the perpetual hourglass animation, docking the device in its cradle also does not cause ActiveSync to connect) until I warm boot the device.
This fatal error apparently never occurred in its original form (.NET CF 1.0) on the older device.
And because it's not a .NET exception, it is not caught by the .NET runtime.
What can I do?
Because you can not catch the exception which is happening at Application.Exit(), this sounds like you are facing a bug I've seen before. Please try to comment out all the lines where you set the Font attribute. If the application exists without the error message, you are facing a bug which affects NetCF 3.5 at WinCE 6.0 only. See this link for more information.
Sounds like a Dispose or Finalizer has a problem that's showing up when the GC is cleaning house. Check all app finalizers and all Dispose overrides. If that fails to find it, look at any worker thread shutdowns (things sitting in blocking calls, reading handles that might be invalidated, etc).
I've came across this issue recently and the issue was the forms weren't being disposed. So what I had to do was on every form load I added the form instance to a global list that contained all opened forms and upon the application exit I loop through the list and did a form.dispose on each. That solved my problem instantly.

OpenFileDialog crashes under Windows XP, but not Windows 7

I've got a strange problem I haven't seen before. I can open an OpenFileDialog in Windows 7 without any problems. However, when I try my app on Windows XP, calling OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() immediately crashes the application. It just vanishes! When running from the debugger, I don't get any unhandled exceptions. If I wrap the code in a try/catch block, nothing gets caught. I have also checked all thrown exceptions in Debug -> Exceptions, but nothing pops up. I'll try some of the other suggestions in the answers below and will report back.
Does anyone know how to resolve this problem? I found a post about something similar, but it was the opposite problem. I'll try tweaking the desktop settings to see if it's related to that, but I am dubious.
EDIT -- as a sanity check, I wrote a test WPF application that displays an OpenFileDialog directly via the main window as well as another Window that can be displayed by the main window. It totally works fine under Windows XP. So now I'm really confused. I have verified that I'm not doing something stupid like trying to display the dialog from a worker thread. The OpenFileDialog displays briefly, then disappears along with the application.
EDIT -- I'm going to try to reproduce this problem on another XP computer. For now, I'll try Windows XP mode and we'll see what happens.
I got a similar error when a DLL crashes when I open a OpenFileDialog. It turned out that OpenFileDialog changed the working directory so my dll tried to write to a relative file that did not exist.
Do you see any "First Chance" exceptions in the Output? Any entries in the event log? Does the default path you're using exist on the XP machine?
Try adding a handler to the App Domain's UnhandledException
Does the same happen when you use a brand new, stock FileOpenDialog without any tweaks? What about from a brand new app which does nothing but show a file open dialog?
See Galet's post
I cannot tell you what exactly the problem is, but here's what you could do to get a clue what's really happening. I assume you're using VS2008 or 2005.
1.Switch to release mode
2.Go to Debug\Exceptions, and mark all "Thrown" exceptions, like illustrated here:
3.Run executable in debugger, ignore the warnings from VS that there's no debug info
It does seem that there's a win32 exception thrown some time during execution, but this way or another, you will get one or more messages from debugger explaining what kind of exception happened and where. In most cases those messages make it pretty clear what exactly went wrong
EDIT: One thing I forgot to mention is that unmanaged debugging must also be turned on, such like here (when you start program directly from IDE) or here (when you attach to running process)
link|edit|flag edited Apr 12 '09 at 22:32
answered Apr 10 '09 at 19:01
