How to display data in the bootstrap table so that it is reasonable with rowSpan? - reactjs

Currently, I'm coding Reactjs and using bootstrap's table. And I have a list of data as follows.
Can anyone help stop it from showing up like the photo by mapping the list above?


Create a from builder using Django

I am fairly new to programming and start my career with Python Django. I already build some basic application and recently came across to use google forms and decided to create application like this.
Where any user can come to certain page and can able to create his own form as per his requirement.
I though of some new features like drag and drop. I wanted to ask if that's somehow possible to drag drop input fields or something like that using Django template system where I can use some simple JS library or if its possible using React as fronted.
So my requirements are quite simple, but I am confused with Django models that what will be the structure of models.
UI should be drag n drop thing. User can select the list of fields available in the inventory. And create his own form.
And on post submission. From django you need to capture and store the data.
Here in this case the data will be the form fields as well as its values.
Ex form fields which are available in the inventory.
Test field
Email Field
Multi select field and
Drop Down Field=
I hope someone can help me so that I can get started and came up with some methodology.

LWC :how can i display the list of Objects in a drop down list and when we select an objects it should display it fields

Lightning web Components to display list of Objects in a drown list. and display fields of selected objects
this is possible using getGlobalDescribe in Apex side and then getObjectInfo on the javascript side.
If you need something already working, you can have a look at the AppExchange market and try to find a solution there.
If you need a development, I suggest to find a developer or hope that someone will have time to give you that for free but this website is more about questions/issues that we try to solve.

Django and React - Models for adding multiple data fields - Material UI

I am using Django for my backend and react for my frontend to build a web application that calculates cost based on the total volume (calculated using dimensions lwh) of some boxes. In order to do that, I created a form using React and Material UI in which there is an ADD MORE button to add the dimensions of multiple additional boxes. Below image showing part of the form.
Although I managed to create a model in case there is only one box and store the values in the database, I don't know how this will work when I use the ADD MORE button. How can I create my Django model to store the dimensions and volume for each additional box of the form?
I checked several other threads and found out about Formsets but I don't know how to apply it in my case.
Thanks in advance for your help :)

Joomla database query based on dropdown selection

I am very new to programing but after a lot of research i can rufly manage to create a dropdown selection from database and show a column result from that table based on the dropdown selection using ajax.
I write the html form, the php file that connects to the database, the script that loads the data on the dropdown list, the script that handles the on change event and calls for the php file that queries the database and display the result on a div.
In this particular case is a price stored on the database based on the destination selection.
Now my problem atarts here:
I'm using joomla and i would like to do this with the code that I have but I have no clue where to save the various html, php and js files.
I tried doing this with chronoforms but gave up as I found it very difficult.
Can someone give me some advise on what and how to do this?

How to use autocomplete box using angular js with bulky Data?

i want to implement a auto complete text box ,I am new to angular.js ,From sources i got to know that in angular.js first we have to load whole data from database then search begins on that data.In my project i have to run search over 50000 records(database) hence its impossible to load 50000 thousand because of performance issue.
Is it possible to change data for search according to value typed in text box while searching ?
What you are lookin for is Typehead. It is very easy to implement in Angular using Bootstrap UI.
Typehead in Bootstrap UI
