How to use autocomplete box using angular js with bulky Data? - angularjs

i want to implement a auto complete text box ,I am new to angular.js ,From sources i got to know that in angular.js first we have to load whole data from database then search begins on that data.In my project i have to run search over 50000 records(database) hence its impossible to load 50000 thousand because of performance issue.
Is it possible to change data for search according to value typed in text box while searching ?

What you are lookin for is Typehead. It is very easy to implement in Angular using Bootstrap UI.
Typehead in Bootstrap UI


How to display data in the bootstrap table so that it is reasonable with rowSpan?

Currently, I'm coding Reactjs and using bootstrap's table. And I have a list of data as follows.
Can anyone help stop it from showing up like the photo by mapping the list above?

snowflake load csv file option not available or any file

I'm trying to upload a .csv file but there is no option to load or may be I'm not finding it. I watched many tutorials but the UI that they had is different to mine and I'm not able to change to the other UI like others that has load options.
this above picture is the UI that I have, and am not able to shift to another one as the classic UI button is missing. Am I missing anything here or the load option is missing temporarily?
The Load option is currently disabled and currently we are working on adding this feature to the Snowsight.
Also the classic Web UI is disabled for all new trial accounts.
However there is a workaround as of now.
Can you add ?disableDirectLogin=true to the URL you are currently using and let me know the results.
This will get you the classic Web UI and you can use the load button in thus UI.
Hope this helps.

Django and React - Models for adding multiple data fields - Material UI

I am using Django for my backend and react for my frontend to build a web application that calculates cost based on the total volume (calculated using dimensions lwh) of some boxes. In order to do that, I created a form using React and Material UI in which there is an ADD MORE button to add the dimensions of multiple additional boxes. Below image showing part of the form.
Although I managed to create a model in case there is only one box and store the values in the database, I don't know how this will work when I use the ADD MORE button. How can I create my Django model to store the dimensions and volume for each additional box of the form?
I checked several other threads and found out about Formsets but I don't know how to apply it in my case.
Thanks in advance for your help :)

how to debug form rendering issues when using angular-schema-form

i am using angular-schema-form to render some forms dynamically. the forms are rendering mostly as expected, but when i use tabs, only the tab names are getting rendered, but not the content of the tabs. i have tested the json schema and the form on the test page ( where it renders correctly, but the same doesn't render the tab content in my application.
Note 1: it is worthwhile to note that i am using angular-schema-form within a larger application that is based on spring-boot + angularjs (the application itself is generated using JHipster (
any pointers on where i need to start looking for debugging this issue? i looked at the google chrome developer tools but did not find anything useful to help debug.
Note 2: i am not using any custom decorators or validators. both the schema and form are generated from a YAML template which is more 'user friendly'

Auto-suggest input box from RESTful API using AngularJS

I have an input box that I would like to fill with suggestions incrementally as the user inputs characters -- you know, google style.
My challenge is that the suggestions could number thousands and it seems inappropriate to load that many into the webpage. Fortunately I have build a RESTful API that can be queried for the list, or parts of the list. So I was thinking that maybe I could leverage that API and tie it into AngularJS somehow.
How do I tell AngularJS to autocomplete (i.e. suggest) an input box from a list generated by the return value of the RESTful API based on what the user types in that input box?
Try Typeahead from Angular UI Bootstrap (scroll to bottom of page)
