Auto-suggest input box from RESTful API using AngularJS - angularjs

I have an input box that I would like to fill with suggestions incrementally as the user inputs characters -- you know, google style.
My challenge is that the suggestions could number thousands and it seems inappropriate to load that many into the webpage. Fortunately I have build a RESTful API that can be queried for the list, or parts of the list. So I was thinking that maybe I could leverage that API and tie it into AngularJS somehow.
How do I tell AngularJS to autocomplete (i.e. suggest) an input box from a list generated by the return value of the RESTful API based on what the user types in that input box?

Try Typeahead from Angular UI Bootstrap (scroll to bottom of page)


Jira Rest API search for options in a dropdown field

I am using Jira Rest API in Java and I have the following problem. I want to get the all the options for a dropdown list in a custom field.
I know how to get the Field (
But there seems to be no method to show all the possible options.

Can I add a horizontal navigation panel in the chatbot

My chatbot returns text from search engines results on the chatbot screen with the link in the form of a list.
I want to add a horizontal navigation button suc that at once only 1 text result is shown for a query and the next result can be seen by clicking the next botton which will slide over the current result.
Can this be achieved via conversation>
Conversation is one REST API endpoint, so you can calling the Watson conversation service, and built your application with custom code.
Take a look in this project: conversation-simple. One example using Watson Conversation with Node.js (Back-end). You can simple download this project and make your custom design (like buttons) in the front-end or add more business roles in the back-end. Or, you can add your HTML custom code in the conversation and will render for you.
But, like I said, you need to build one custom code to added this painel in the Front-end (HTML, CSS, Javascript). I recommend take a look jQuery, bootstrap, or search templates.
See the API Reference for using Watson Conversation.
See the Official documentation for using this API.

How to use autocomplete box using angular js with bulky Data?

i want to implement a auto complete text box ,I am new to angular.js ,From sources i got to know that in angular.js first we have to load whole data from database then search begins on that data.In my project i have to run search over 50000 records(database) hence its impossible to load 50000 thousand because of performance issue.
Is it possible to change data for search according to value typed in text box while searching ?
What you are lookin for is Typehead. It is very easy to implement in Angular using Bootstrap UI.
Typehead in Bootstrap UI

searching for a tool/solution that allows angular to show forms and form elements dynamically based on metadata

the forms in my app display themself based on metadata.
In design mode the user should be able to change the form (metadata) by dragging all form elements (text, input ...) somewhere in the browsers window. I want to save the new metadata to display the changed form.
I wonder, if there is allready any solution or a tool.
Thanks in advance
Check this link - which contains a detailed list of plugins developed for angularjs. I have found many useful plugins here.

Best way to implement custom search form

Firstly, I am a Drupal newbie and am still alien to many of Drupal's core concepts. My questions probably seem lame but .... I am trying my best.
I want to implement a custom search form like in the picture attached.
Hotel, flight, etc. are taxonomy terms.
Depending on the taxonomy term selected, the parameters below will also change, like in the picture below:
I came across Drupal Search API. I saw the Munich DrupalCon screencast on search api.
From what I have seen so far, I am not sure whether this can be implemented using Search API.
I know this can be implemted using Forms API (I will create the form manually).
I want to know which way will be faster, Forms API or Search API.
I am using : Drupal 7.26
A simple way is to build a regular view with exposed filters.
To add and configure a views exposed filter:
Go to your views edit page.
Create the filter criteria that we want our users to be able to control, by clicking the "Add" button, in the filter criteria box.
Choose the fields that you want your users to be able to filter through them and click "Add".
In Configure filter criterion, check the option Expose this filter to visitors, to allow them to change it.
Configure the rest of the settings to your liking and click "Next".
After saving the view, this filter should be exposed to your users and they are able to search your view.
For a demo with screenshots; Check this tutorial.
