How to integrate alexa echo dot with salesforce? - salesforce

I am trying to integrate my alexa echo dot with salesforce, but could not find any decent solution. Can someone help.

Nadim Shaikh posted a tutorial on LinkedIn How-To: Salesforce & Amazon Alexa - Internet of Things, which gives a fast track to query some facts from Salesforce via Alexa.
Salesforce itself also posted some videos:
Alexa Integration to SalesForce in Minutes with No Code
Voice Enabled Salesforce Apps - Getting started with Amazon Alexa for Business
And finally a GitHub Project for a private skill with Salesforce integration from AlexaDevs /Amazon, would be a starting point to see how it could be done.


What is a good way to deploy/reference Alexa Skills on my website

I have built a Alexa Skill, but for now it only works for Alexa Device.
I wonder if that is possible I can deploy/reference the Alexa Skill in my website (only text or voice part)?
One use case:
User can say "i am born in xx/xx/xxxx", and Alexa can capture the intent "CaptureBirthdayIntent", so that my website code (Python) can address the intent.
I found many CMS (e.g. Wordpress, Drupal) can do this: But I am not using those CMS.
It also seems like Alexa Voice Service can do this.
Can anyone give me some reference?
In most cases, you'll need to use Account Linking, which is an API where the customer links their account at your website and their account with Alexa, and then you'll have a unique ID for the customer that is the same in both your skill and your external app (and is unique to that link between them), so you can sync data between them using a database.
You can create your own unique OAuth 2 provider at your web app or use Login with Amazon, Login with Google, Facebook, AWS Cognito... Having your own OAuth provider can make it way easier to get a customer linked and not have them give up, because adding in third parties (LwA, Google, FB, AWS) adds extra logins/authorizations to complete the process.
You can use Dialogflow to do this. Make a chatbot with similar intents and map the endpoint to Alexa endpoints and should work. I am sure you can easily work it out if you have made an Alexa skill.

AWS Chime - meeting has created - how to join to that meeting

I've created meeting using Amazon chime SDK in React js. Through this I can able to start a meeting. How some one can join to that meeting or add attendees to that meeting.
If your intention is to create a meeting hosted on AWS Chime programmatically, the SDK isn't what you're looking for:
Amazon Chime SDK works independently of any Amazon Chime administrator accounts, and it does not affect meetings hosted on Amazon Chime. Instead, the Amazon Chime SDK provides builder tools for developers to use to build their own meeting applications. (the docs)
Otherwise, to build your own app, first, you need a back-end to:
Create a meeting
Get an attendee for everyone who is allowed to join the conference
Then create a client app:
receive meeting and attendee details in your client app and initialize a meeting session with these parameters
connect audio and video devices
add observer, event and output handlers, etc
Here's a good place to start and here you can find various demos. The most common answers can be found in the FAQ. - How to integrate with Google Home / Alexa

I am working on an e-commerce website and would like to integrate with Google Voice assistant or Amazon alexa. I have gone through the dialogflow on how to build a voice assistant. But how It'll be available in amazon alexa or google home that shipped to every household ?
Both Alexa and Google Assistant let you develop things that work very much like websites - Alexa calls them Skills, Google calls them Actions. These are programs that run on your (or a) web server, get HTTPS calls from Amazon or Google with JSON information about what the user has said, and are expected to return JSON information that replies to what has been said.
Amazon requires you to use the Alexa Skills Kit to do the development of these sites, but Dialogflow can export its model to Alexa. Google is a little more open, but since they own Dialogflow, integrating a Dialogflow agent with Actions on Google is very straightforward.
You will need to register your Skill/Action with the appropriate company, but once you have done so, it is available to the users. Alexa users need to "install" the Skill from the Skills directory, although that really just means that they can activate it. The Assistant doesn't require users to activate it this way, but it will be listed in the directory. In both cases, users can then trigger it by saying something like "open Skill Name" or "talk to Action Name".

Test Alexa Skill on local Echo

I created a Alexa Skill with an AWS Lambda. I want to have this Skill only on my personal echo Without certificating or even publishing it. Is this possile? Didnt find a way
Just don't submit it for publishing. As long as the skill is not published it will only be available in the developer account and for the beta testers, if at all you have added any. Then setup your echo with that developer account.

Is there a way to integrate chatbot created using IBM Watson with Skype?

I want to make a chatbot using IBM Watson for Skype. I am not getting any tutorial to integrate it with Skype. I am confused with various tools and platforms like botkit, chatfuel, IBM Conversation Middleware etc. Anyone can show light on it?
Watson Conversation is one REST API endpoint, so you can build some Skype app for call the Watson endpoint with code.
You can use botkit-framework, have support with Microsoft Bot Framework, including Skype, but you would have to adjust for the new botkit additions by writing some of your own custom code.
Obs.: Try to talk with Skype people professionals to see how to connect one bot API, in this case, Watson Conversation Service.
Reference: Mitch Mason
