Username Get back to calling point after successful SAML authentication - itfoxtec-identity-saml2

I want to get the SAML response back to the calling service when I am calling using from other web API.
I want to further validate the user in database where I am struggling any hint?
Try various redirect options but not getting how to return back to the point from where I have left with the user details.

The IdP should redirect back to the endpoint configured in the IdP. Where you can do a new redirect to the returnUrl, please se the sample:


OKTA Logout SAML App

I have setup an Application that's is using OKTA as IDP. The app is SAML Based.This part is working fine.
But I am unable to log out. For this we have
1. Enabled Single Logout
2. Set the Single Log out URL (I received this from Metadata of IDP under header Identity Provider Single Logout URL)
3.Sp Issues (I received this from Metadata of IDP under header Identity Provider Issuer )
4. Signature Certificate (This is the certificate of IDP)
Now when I call the Logout URL I am receiving 403. On checking the Logs of OKTA I see the (User Single Sign out from App Failure:- Malformed Request)
Can any one please help me how to fix it.
I am assuming that I just need to call the logout URL and the session will kill off. Is my understanding correct?
Reviving a very old thread, check that you have a ?ReturnTo=<path> at the end of the logout URL.
Okta requires strictly post binding requests for logout. Please make sure you are making POST requests for logout and you are using correct entity Id in request.
I think the setting values below need to be set for sp side.
Set the Single Log out URL
Sp Issues
Signature Certificate
It is not on idp side.

IdentityServer: How to give option to user with 'Retry Url' which redirects to Client Link

Using IdentityServer 4 for authentication which work with different clients, that support OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 protocols for AAD authentication
In scenario, if there is an error before Login or after Login (authentication)
User is redirected to Home\Error, default exception middlerware handler. Here I want to provide user with 'Retry Url' which redirects to Client link.
Appreciate if any body can suggest on this.
In Account Controller Login() you can get the return_url from the model(check LoginViewModel). Just validate this return_url and Redirect the user, it will take it to the client. You can also fetch the redirect_uri from return_url which have the client info - if thats what you are looking for!
You can always pass the return_url to error view and inject it in a hyperlink where user can click to go back to the client.

Okta Kentor.AuthServices IdentityServer3 IDP-initiated SSO is triggering SP-initiated SSO - error or design?

Using IdentityServer3, Kentor.AuthServices 0.19 (with OWIN middleware) and a standard MVC 4 WebApi 2 app, we have followed instructions at
and it appeared that we achieved successful IDP-initiated login.
However, when we looked closely at this, and using KentorStubIdp (where we first noticed we were prompted to provide a SAML response), we found the following
IDP hits our endpoint, e.g. identityserver/okta/acs, status 303
Successful redirection to our redirection endpoint in our app, which is coded to return a redirection to the identityserver authorisation endpoint, thus
var client = new AuthorizeRequest(new Uri(identityServerUrl + "connect/authorize"));
var returnUrlForIdp = client.CreateAuthorizeUrl(
"id_token token",
acrValues: string.Format("idp:{0}", idp),
responseMode: "form_post"
return Redirect(returnUrlForIdp);
This results in a 302 to identityserver/connect/authorise. It appears that this has all the login information it needs, and I would have expected a 200 straight into the app, but instead we get a 302 to identityserver/login?signin=xxx which gives a 401 which appears to trigger...
The subsequent call to the login endpoint gets a 303 redirection back to the IDP, which marks the start of an ultimately successful SP-initiated login. Meaning it comes back to identityserver/okta/acs, then the /callback endpoint, then /connect/authorise then the user is logged in.
I cannot find any meaningful difference between the first and second calls to /connect/authorise except
The successful attempt is preceeded by a call to identityserver/callback
Cookies for idsvr and idsvr.session appear not to be set on the first call but are in the second
Also, Kentor config settings seem to be in order - e.g.
AllowUnsolicitedAuthnResponse = true
AuthenticationMode = Microsoft.Owin.Security.AuthenticationMode.Passive although this last one didn't seem to have an effect either way
At this point I'm just trying to work out a) whether this is how it is supposed to work under the covers and b) if not, where should I focus my attention to diagnose the problem.
Is there a particular set of circustances that trigger authservices to initiate an SP-initiated SAML request if a, IDP-initiated one is lacking info?
Any advice much appreciated.
Using Idp-initiated sign on with SAML2 + OIDC is a bit tricky, as OIDC doesn't support it. Which means that IdSrv3 is not really built for that scenario either.
The outline of what you would need is:
Idp sends unsolicited response to IdSrv3/AuthServices.
AuthServices validates response
IdSrv3 establishes log in session on IdSrv3.
User is redirected to client application's login init url
Client app initiates a OIDC sig in towards IdSrv3.
IdSrv3 Single signs on with session established in 3.
User is redirect back to client app.
Looks like step 2 works, but step 3 is not properly done. Which means that in step 6 there is no session, so user is redirected all the way to the Idp to pick up existing session. This works, but is somewhat ugly. And if you later on want to do single sign out there is a session count mismatch which might cause issues.

Can you use Okta REST API to login a user and get SAML2 response back

We have a successful implementation of SSO with Okta as the IdP and an external PHP site as a SP. We are currently utilizing the Okta Sign On Widget which sends our PHP SP a SAML2 Token.
Question is, can we now change from the widget to the API and still get the SAML 2 token on successful login via the API?
So, Since posting this I figured out that - 'yes you can'. I don't know if this is the cleanest/best way but it works and here is how to do it in case anyone else gets stuck looking into this issue...
Already having SAML2 communication working between Okta as IdP and
PHP site as SP.
Create an API access token in Okta.
Use the access token to post a request for a one-time use token from
the API for a specific user you want to login as:
Redirect the user with the retrieved one-time session token to your
App's embed link with the one-time session token:
This will log the user into Okta to get a proper session we can then
use to send to our PHP end-point to get the SAML2 token we want but
while utilizing the full customization benefits of the API.

How to check if the SAML Assertion Response from the IdP reaches the SP in Ping Federate?

The SAML Response will be posted to the following url:
But when I try to hit the url, I am not able to see the response.
Anything wrong in my approach?
Thanks & Regards,
Aswini J
A few things assuming you are setting up SAML 2.0 Web SSO Profile -
What do you mean you can't "see" the Response? Are you successfully logging into the IDP and having it redirect the Browser to the PF ACS URL?
With PingFederate, the application and protocol end-points are case sensitive. You should use http(s)://<PF runtime port>/sp/ACS.saml2. If you simply request this value from your browser with a GET request and no SAML data, PingFed will show you a generic error template page.
If you have successfully POST'd the SAMLResponse to the right endpoint, you will see the actual SAMLResponse logged in the /pingfederate/log/server.log.
