IdentityServer: How to give option to user with 'Retry Url' which redirects to Client Link - azure-active-directory

Using IdentityServer 4 for authentication which work with different clients, that support OpenID Connect and OAuth 2.0 protocols for AAD authentication
In scenario, if there is an error before Login or after Login (authentication)
User is redirected to Home\Error, default exception middlerware handler. Here I want to provide user with 'Retry Url' which redirects to Client link.
Appreciate if any body can suggest on this.

In Account Controller Login() you can get the return_url from the model(check LoginViewModel). Just validate this return_url and Redirect the user, it will take it to the client. You can also fetch the redirect_uri from return_url which have the client info - if thats what you are looking for!
You can always pass the return_url to error view and inject it in a hyperlink where user can click to go back to the client.


IdenityServer4 - doesn't redirect after MFA

My Auth Server uses IdentityServer4.
Redirect configured as follows for a client
RedirectUris = new List<string>
this works fine for those users for whom MFA is not enabled. But when it is enabled, and kicks in, the redirect doesn't work. After successful 2nd FA, user stays back on the AuthServer page.
Any idea why?
Multifactor authentication is not implemented by Identityserver4. Identityserver4 is about how the third party application gets access to protected resources on behalf of the user.
The means of how the user gets authenticated are out of the identityserver4 scope. In other words, this is not related to identityserver4.
If you're using the identityserver4 quickstart it comes with ASPNET Identity, ASPNET Identity provides you with a local authentication system for ASPNET applications. MultiFactor Authentication is probably there.
Being said that, when you try to POST to the /authorize endpoint (note authorize not authenticate) from your client application IdentityServer tries to authorize your request and to do so it makes you authenticate first, by presenting you the Login Form.
If you look at the Address bar on this point, you'll notice there's an encoded url as returnUrl param, on the controller code you'll see a check that if that param is present, redirect to that url after successful login.
So, check the flow on your application and see where does that parameter get lost on the redirect hell, at some point you're not passing the returnUrl.

How does Single-logout works with OKTA(IDP)-Shibboleth(SP)-App

SSO is working for logging-in.
Now, I need to configure Logout. So, user logs out from the app, user needs to be redirected to OKTA page with tiles.
But, currently,user is redirected to the app again.
It's sending user to /logout?redirect=default.html but that default.html is captured by Apache rule and logging user back in.
It looks like it needs to hit
https://xxxx/Shibboleth.sso/Logout. When I access this url, it says logout is successfully done although it's not going back to OKTA. Does that mean that in the App's logout setting, they need to redirect to this?
But, how do I make user to go back to IdP(i.e OKTA) again?
This is what I assume that will happen.
Logout button click > logout from Shibboleth > return to OKTA so user can click other tiles.
Something to configure Shibboleth2.xml?
Document says i just need to configure the following which is there by default.
<!-- SAML and local-only logout. -->
<Logout>SAML2 Local</Logout>
But, how does it redirect user to OKTA(IdP) once user log out completes.
Is it configured in IdP's metadata ?
You can redirect the user after a local logout event anywhere you'd like, via passing the ?return= parameter a URL-encoded destination, i.e. you should update your logout link to:
in order to redirect folks to Google once logout has taken place.
Now, you only need an Okta URL to return folks to... so I think if your client's Okta tenant is "", redirecting them after local logout to the Okta login page shouldn't prompt them to login, since they will already have the Okta Session... so maybe try:
Of course, you'll need to test that... but it should work, and on the off chance that the user's Shibboleth SP session was active, and their Okta session invalidated through some other mechanism, that'll just return them to their regular Okta login page.
You can obviously redirect them to any endpoint with the return parameter, for example, whatever Okta's logout URL (if you wanted to kill their Okta session too).
The only logout that's configurable by Metadata is SLO (single logout), i.e. if you wanted it to, Shibboleth can redirect the user to Okta after they complete the logout of the SP session, along with a specially-craft <LogoutRequest> assertion payload, which Okta would parse and act on in any number of ways, i.e. killing the user's Okta session, propagating Okta-initiated subsequent <LogoutRequest> assertions to other Service Providers, etc. In practice, this never really works, because such configurations are very difficult to get working between all of the relevant parties.

AAD implementation reply url

I am trying to integrate my application with AAD authentication but the replyurls which i am configuring in the AAD application is
but when i am coming back after authentication i am getting redirected to
Only and my request is coming as authenticated but i want user to redirect to full url which i have configured.
I have tried sending RedirectUri at the time of app configuration in startup class as same as that time user is redirect to this url but that time request is not getting authenticated
any one knows how i will achieve this?
thank you in advance.
Reply URL is where the token would send to . It means that it is a endpoint
which signs in users for that provider. But after signing in, the user will be redirect to the Homepage(Sign-on) URL.
For your scenario, you can change the Home page (Sign-on)URL in both AAD Application and your APP config file to the URL which you want to use.
Please refer to this documentation for detailed instructions on how to set up these configurations. Like Wayne said, you need to make sure that the home page URL is matched to whatever site you want the users to be redirected to after login. Then make sure that the reply URL and the RedirectURI are matching.

how to integrate regular username/password login with 3rd party social login for a Spring Boot + Angular single page web app?

I have a Angular + Spring boot single page web app. The server also acts as an Auth Server which issues tokens for the angular app to use to make Restful API calls.
My old login flow uses a grant_type=password POST call to the /oauth/token endpoint to get a Bearer token. And all further API calls on behalf of the user will include the Bearer token as the "Authorization" http header.
Now I need to integrate social login (facebook, twitter, etc.), which means I don't have username/password to generate tokens so I'm not sure how to make it work.
I have been using the following two tutorials as my template:
Spring Security and Angular JS
Spring Boot and OAuth
In the first tutorial's oauth-vanilla example, the username passwork login flow brings up the authorization page. But I'd like to have the traditional username/password form login experience (log user in directly instead of showing the Authorization page).
In the second tutorial, after facebook login, I'd like to use the facebook id to look up my internal user database and create a new user if not exist and logs him in as the user. And use the internal db user's identity and authorities to authorize future API calls to my API server.
I have a stripped down sample at at
I can make POST calls to /oauth/token endpoint and use the returned token to make further api calls to my protected /api/blogs endpoint. But I haven't figure out how to make the following things work:
Username/password login that will create a session cookie so I don't need to send the Authorization bearer token for future API calls to the resource endpoint
After facebook login (the facebook login link is under the username/password login form), calls to my endpoint still fails with 401 error (I have a "test" button that makes a get call to /api/blogs, you can click on it to see the behavior). So what am I missing to make the API call succeed?
=== UPDATE ===
Just to clarify. Here are the goals I'm trying to achieve:
multiple ways of authentication (traditional username/password, third party oauth login such as facebook, possibly cellphone number + SMS code in the future)
we do need our own user model backed by DB to store other user attributes, pure social login is not enough
social login needs to be implicit. Meaning user should not be required to create a user account in our system manually once they login through a 3rd party (facebook, etc.). We're not just grabbing users' social profile data to pre-populate the registration form. We want to create new DB users automatically behind the scene if no existing db user is associated with the given external social account. i.e. if user is logged in through facebook, they don't need to enter username/password. Authentication through facebook will automatically log the user into our system as well and user should be able to access restricted resources after facebook login.
There's some confusion that I might be asking people to put their facebook username/password in a login form hosted by my app and I'll login facebook on behalf of the user. That's not what I was asking for.
You don't need such a complicated configuration. Add #EnableOAuth2Sso to your MainConfiguration and set appropriate application properties.
Here is what I have done in order to use Facebook as a authorization server.
a) Remove clientId and authServer from UserServiceImpl. Otherwise you'll be forced to configure an authorization server that is not needed.
b) Remove AuthorizationServerConfiguration completely.
c) Add #EnableWebSecurity and #EnableOAuth2Sso to your MainConfiguration.
d) Change MainConfiguration::configure to
.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/", "/login", "/home.html").permitAll()
e) Delete everything else except nested class AuthenticationSecurity from MainConfiguration.
f) Change ResourceServerConfiguration::configure(HttpSecurity) to
f) Remove attribute tokenStore and method ResourceServerConfiguration::configure(ResourceServerSecurityConfigurer) from ResourceServerConfiguration.
g) Remove configuration block security and facebook from application.yml. Instead add this
client-id: <CLIENT_ID>
token-name: oauth_token
authentication-scheme: query
client-authentication-scheme: form
client-id: <CLIENT_ID>
client-secret: <CLIENT_SECRET>
token-type: code
h) In index.html change login to login.
i) Replace the content of hello.js with this one.
But I'd like to have the traditional username/password form login experience (log user in directly instead of showing the Authorization page).
I would never use a site that requires my credentials without redirecting me to the origin! I don't know you and you are under suspicion being a phishing site.
You should really reconsider your decision.
Btw, I created a pull request with these changes.

When using Okta as an IdP with SP initiated workflow, login never leaves Okta portal

So I am trying to setup Okta as an identity provider, and I want to login to an application using the Service Provider initiated workflow. I've setup the template SAML 2.0 application in Okta and setup the entry point and SAML certificate on the Service provider. The Service Provider initiates the workflow just fine, a popup opens with the Okta login dialogue. But once the login is complete I am taken into the Okta portal with a list of my apps. What should be happening is a re-direct back to the Service Provider so that it can use the userID to login the user there.
I followed the instruction here for setting up the IdP
Here is what my config in Okta looks like
Application Label: App Name
Force Authentication: no
Name ID format: EmailAddress
Audience Restriction:
authnContextClassRef: Password Protected Transport
Response: signed
Assertion: signed
Request: uncompressed
Default Relay State: Leave blank since we are only doing SP initiated workflow
Post Back URL:
Attribute Statements: none
Group Name: leave blank
Group filter: leave blank
I don't see any errors in the Okta portal or in the Okta administration panel, so I can't figure out why it is not completing the workflow and re-directing back to the SP.
Is there a place in Okta to see any errors that might be getting thrown by the process?
Anyone know what might be up?
I had a similar problem a while back. In my case, the "Rquest" was set to "compressed". changing it to "uncompressed" solved the issue. But in your case I see it is already "uncompressed"...
However, try to contact OKTA's support - they can help you out.
The answer is different depending on the type of SAML HTTP BINDING used for the SAML Authentication Request.
For HTTP Redirect Bindings you need to set the Okta Request to "compressed".
For HTTP POST Bindings you need to set the Okta Request to "uncompressed".
