When using Okta as an IdP with SP initiated workflow, login never leaves Okta portal - saml-2.0

So I am trying to setup Okta as an identity provider, and I want to login to an application using the Service Provider initiated workflow. I've setup the template SAML 2.0 application in Okta and setup the entry point and SAML certificate on the Service provider. The Service Provider initiates the workflow just fine, a popup opens with the Okta login dialogue. But once the login is complete I am taken into the Okta portal with a list of my apps. What should be happening is a re-direct back to the Service Provider so that it can use the userID to login the user there.
I followed the instruction here for setting up the IdP https://support.okta.com/entries/23364161-Configuring-Okta-Template-SAML-2-0-application
Here is what my config in Okta looks like
Application Label: App Name
Force Authentication: no
Name ID format: EmailAddress
Recipient: https://serviceprovider.com/_saml/validate/okta/
Audience Restriction: https://serviceprovider.com/
authnContextClassRef: Password Protected Transport
Destination: https://serviceprovider.com/_saml/validate/okta/
Response: signed
Assertion: signed
Request: uncompressed
Default Relay State: Leave blank since we are only doing SP initiated workflow
Post Back URL: https://serviceprovider.com/_saml/validate/okta/
Attribute Statements: none
Group Name: leave blank
Group filter: leave blank
I don't see any errors in the Okta portal or in the Okta administration panel, so I can't figure out why it is not completing the workflow and re-directing back to the SP.
Is there a place in Okta to see any errors that might be getting thrown by the process?
Anyone know what might be up?

I had a similar problem a while back. In my case, the "Rquest" was set to "compressed". changing it to "uncompressed" solved the issue. But in your case I see it is already "uncompressed"...
However, try to contact OKTA's support - they can help you out.

The answer is different depending on the type of SAML HTTP BINDING used for the SAML Authentication Request.
For HTTP Redirect Bindings you need to set the Okta Request to "compressed".
For HTTP POST Bindings you need to set the Okta Request to "uncompressed".


Azure AD B2C. ROPC flow error The application associated with client id has no registered redirect URIs

The application associated with client id 09ac92da-a796-4cd9-973b-c97756____ has no registered redirect URIs
I followed the steps described in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/configure-ropc?tabs=applications.
When attempting to obtain the token in Postman using ROPC I'm getting
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "AADB2C90007: The application associated with client id '09ac92da-a796-4cd9-973b-c97756____' has no registered redirect URIs.\r\nCorrelation ID: e85003c3-cfd5-43ad-a74b-efa5c1ea6525\r\nTimestamp: 2019-12-06 19:47:42Z\r\n"
I should not be asked for a redirect URIs.
My POST is as follows:
URL: ''https://mytenant.b2clogin.com/mytenant.onmicrosoft.com/oauth2/v2.0/token?p=B2C_1_ROPC_Auth"
username: some_username_of_a_user
password: its-password
grant_type: password
scope: openid offline_access 09ac92da-a796-4cd9-973b-c97756____
client_id: 09ac92da-a796-4cd9-973b-c97756____
response-type: token id_token
I didn't reproduce your issue by following this document. Here are the main steps for your reference.
1.Create a resource owner user flow
2.Register an application(It is an application under Azure AD B2C, not Azure AD)
3.Test the user flow
This error generally occurs because you still need to configure some application claims in the b2c directory user flow to allow complete access to the application.
You need to make sure that the right versions of the authentication are in the reply url (likely extension v2.0) and that the reply URL is configured in the application and in the code.
Please look to the documentation for the reply URL schema that you would need to follow: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/tutorial-register-applications?tabs=applications#register-a-web-application
If you still run into this issue let me know and I can reach out to the correct product team contacts, as sometimes this can happen due to breaking changes on our end.

OKTA Logout SAML App

I have setup an Application that's is using OKTA as IDP. The app is SAML Based.This part is working fine.
But I am unable to log out. For this we have
1. Enabled Single Logout
2. Set the Single Log out URL (I received this from Metadata of IDP under header Identity Provider Single Logout URL)
3.Sp Issues (I received this from Metadata of IDP under header Identity Provider Issuer )
4. Signature Certificate (This is the certificate of IDP)
Now when I call the Logout URL I am receiving 403. On checking the Logs of OKTA I see the (User Single Sign out from App Failure:- Malformed Request)
Can any one please help me how to fix it.
I am assuming that I just need to call the logout URL and the session will kill off. Is my understanding correct?
Reviving a very old thread, check that you have a ?ReturnTo=<path> at the end of the logout URL.
Okta requires strictly post binding requests for logout. Please make sure you are making POST requests for logout and you are using correct entity Id in request.
I think the setting values below need to be set for sp side.
Set the Single Log out URL
Sp Issues
Signature Certificate
It is not on idp side.

How do I hand RelayState correctly to Okta's ACS URLs?

How do I hand RelayState correctly to Okta-side ACS URLs so that it gets to the IdP as entered?
The Okta-provided ACS URLs for Identity Providers don't handle SP-initiated RelayState as I expect.
I put ?RelayState=hello on an ACS URL and the IdP gets a SAMLRequest with a RelayState of %3FRelayState%3Dhello which decodes to ?RelayState=hello.
If I put ?RelayState= instead then the RelayState with the SAMLRequest is blank as I expect.
I've attached NetworkData.xml which is a capture from Internet Explorer. On line 447 column 53, you can see that the RelayState encoded by Okta to be POSTed to https://fs.research.verafin.local/adfs/ls includes ?RelayState in it.
AD FS's IdP SSO service at https://fs.research.verafin.local/adfs/ls decodes and re-encodes the RelayState preserving the broken value it was given and drops it into a form to be POSTed to https://verafin.oktapreview.com:443/sso/saml2/0oaa25fc86YRTkyb60h7 (Okta ACS URL).
It then redirects to https://verafin.oktapreview.com/?RelayState=hello&fromLogin=true HTTP/1.1
Is this a bug in Okta's ACS implementation?
How do I get Okta ACS URLs to accept RelayState in GET requests (SP initiated SSO with RelayState)?
Steps to Reproduce
Copy the ACS URL from an Identity Provider in Okta
Paste it into the browser with ?RelayState=hello after it
Visit resulting URL
How do I hand RelayState correctly to Okta-side ACS URLs so that it gets to the IdP as entered?
The accepted answer is no longer current, Okta recommends against using fromURI now and recommends using SAML DeepLinks as defined here
Redirect with SAML deep links
Use SAML deep links to automatically redirect the user to an app after
successfully authenticating with a third-party IdP. To use deep links,
assemble these three parts into a URL:
For example: https://{myOktaDomain}.com/sso/saml2/:idpId
The app to which the user is automatically redirected after successfully authenticating with the IdP
For example: /app/:app-location/:appId/sso/saml
Optionally, if the app is an outbound SAML app, you can specify the relayState passed to it.
For example: ?RelayState=:anyUrlEncodedValue
The deep link for the above three parts is:
You can use fromURI as a query parameter with a minor tweak.
An example with minimal dependencies is a loopback within an Okta Org.
Say you want to get to the admin interface of an Org. It's at:
URL encoded (what you need for RelayState) that is:
You can verify this by looking at the URL of the Admin link on the /app/UserHome page.
You create a Identity Provider called loopback in Okta. My example has an ACS URL of:
You create an App that is linked to that Identity Provider called loopback. It has a Single Sign-on URL (visible after clicking View Setup Instructions on the Sign-on tab) of:
There are two layers of RelayState:
The app you want Okta to direct you to: in this case the loopback app
The path within that app
Passing the RelayState to an App SSO URL is easy:
Following that URL brings me to the Admin dashboard.
There's no inbound SAML yet. This is all within Okta. Let's add the SAML layer.
The path of that App SSO URL, minus the leading slash (workaround for fromURI) is:
We URL encode that to prepare it to be the value of a query parameter:
You then drop that insanity on the ACS of the loopback Identity Provider as the fromURI query parameter:
You can convince yourself that worked or you can open the Network tab of your browser's developer tools and trace the communications. The ACS drops a RelayState prepending the slash (that's why we had to remove it), then gets redirected to the IdP (the loopback App), then gets reflected back to the ACS (preserving the RelayState). Login completes and Okta redirects to the loopback App SSO URL with the RelayState in the query parameter. Okta processes that and redirects to itself and then redirects to the embedded RelayState which takes you to the Admin Dashboard.
This is a working example of Deep Linking from SP-initiated flow from Okta with Okta as a SAML intermediary to another app.

Can you use Okta REST API to login a user and get SAML2 response back

We have a successful implementation of SSO with Okta as the IdP and an external PHP site as a SP. We are currently utilizing the Okta Sign On Widget which sends our PHP SP a SAML2 Token.
Question is, can we now change from the widget to the API and still get the SAML 2 token on successful login via the API?
So, Since posting this I figured out that - 'yes you can'. I don't know if this is the cleanest/best way but it works and here is how to do it in case anyone else gets stuck looking into this issue...
Already having SAML2 communication working between Okta as IdP and
PHP site as SP.
Create an API access token in Okta.
Use the access token to post a request for a one-time use token from
the API for a specific user you want to login as:
Redirect the user with the retrieved one-time session token to your
App's embed link with the one-time session token:
This will log the user into Okta to get a proper session we can then
use to send to our PHP end-point to get the SAML2 token we want but
while utilizing the full customization benefits of the API.

Missing Application Claims when completed SignUp policy on Azure B2C

I am implementing the Azure B2C preview in our mobile app but I am having trouble retrieving the application claims once the Signup policy has completed and the redirect_uri is called. I have specified the claims I need returned through the "Application claims" section of the policy blade and similarly through the other two policies (Sign-in and Profile) but I never receive a JWT along with the access code on the callback to the redirect_uri.
I have also tried HTTP and HTTPS in the redirect_uri and using the different response_mode settings but all i get is the code returned.
Am i missing something, or does the signup policy not support returning other claims at this point. I was planning on using them to send a welcome email to the new user.
I think i may have just realised - i need to make a call to the token endpoint to swap my code for the id_token and then i can get the claims.
