Azure AD B2C. ROPC flow error The application associated with client id has no registered redirect URIs - azure-active-directory

The application associated with client id 09ac92da-a796-4cd9-973b-c97756____ has no registered redirect URIs
I followed the steps described in
When attempting to obtain the token in Postman using ROPC I'm getting
"error": "invalid_request",
"error_description": "AADB2C90007: The application associated with client id '09ac92da-a796-4cd9-973b-c97756____' has no registered redirect URIs.\r\nCorrelation ID: e85003c3-cfd5-43ad-a74b-efa5c1ea6525\r\nTimestamp: 2019-12-06 19:47:42Z\r\n"
I should not be asked for a redirect URIs.
My POST is as follows:
URL: ''"
username: some_username_of_a_user
password: its-password
grant_type: password
scope: openid offline_access 09ac92da-a796-4cd9-973b-c97756____
client_id: 09ac92da-a796-4cd9-973b-c97756____
response-type: token id_token

I didn't reproduce your issue by following this document. Here are the main steps for your reference.
1.Create a resource owner user flow
2.Register an application(It is an application under Azure AD B2C, not Azure AD)
3.Test the user flow

This error generally occurs because you still need to configure some application claims in the b2c directory user flow to allow complete access to the application.
You need to make sure that the right versions of the authentication are in the reply url (likely extension v2.0) and that the reply URL is configured in the application and in the code.
Please look to the documentation for the reply URL schema that you would need to follow:
If you still run into this issue let me know and I can reach out to the correct product team contacts, as sometimes this can happen due to breaking changes on our end.


How to get data from Microsoft Bing Ads API

I'm trying to get Bing ads spends from my firm. According to the Microsoft documentation, I understood that it's mandatory to use Microsoft Azure portal, get developer_token, client_id, tenant_id, client_secret, and access/refresh token to download the csv files with the data I want.
So, this is what I did:
I've received an invitation from my firm to Microsoft advertising onto this email adress:, and I've generated my developer token.
With this email address, I've created a web application onto Microsoft Azure portal, which allow all king of users. Getting client_id, tenant_id, and generated a client_secret.
The redirect URL that I have chosen is http://localhost (according to the documentation but not sure this is the good URL to choose).
With Postman, I have tried with this endpoint:
and the params (previously obtained) needed for the OAuth 2.0 authentication to get my access token. Without success.
The issue is here.
When I request the access token, a new browser window opens, and asks for an email address on which to authenticate. I'm using my email address and I received authentication completed onto Postman but into the response body I have access_token: invalid.
The role of my account is super admin.
So I'm trying to authenticate with a professional Microsoft Azure Account and this time I received into the browser Invalid redirect url.
I have also tried to start all over again with different email address, like my personal email address, or with the email address of the creator of the Microsoft Advertising account, and I get the error contact your system Admin into the browser.
I have also tried with the Python SDK project given in the documentation, with the error message.
I must have forgotten or misunderstood something.
Should we use the same email address (or same account) on Microsoft Advertising, on Microsoft Azure, and when obtaining the access token?
Do you have to pay and take an Azure subscription? (Already done but without success)
Thanks in advance, sorry for my English.
Thank for ypur reply. The full request is: with the following params:
-type: OAuth 2.0
-Header Prefix: Bearer
-Grant Type: Authorization Code
-Callback URL: https://localhost
-Auth URL:{my-tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
-Access Token URL:{my-tenant_id}/oauth2/v2.0/token
-my client id
-my client secret
-scope: OR also testing with
-State: None
-Client authentication: send client credentials in body
Give me an access_token but when I click on use token and send the request, I'm not getting an refresh token
Once a user provides consent, you can get an access token and act on behalf of the user.
So when the browser session starts, you should enter your Microsoft Advertising credentials.
Remember to set scope= in the request for acquiring the authorization code.
If you prefer to automate this process, you can refer to this script and steps to obtain an access token.

Create Microsoft teams meeting through API

In Azure Active Directory I've registered a new app and given it the Read and create online meetings permissions. I've granted admin consent for the permission and now I'm trying to create a meeting through the command line.
I generated a client secret for the app.
Then I'm requesting a access token using my tenant GUID, client ID of the app and client secret I generated. This gives me back a jwt. When I decode the JWT amongst the roles I can see "OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All" which gives me hope that I can actually create meetings using this bearer token.
I then send a POST request to<my-user-guid>/onlineMeetings
with the following body:
"subject":"Application Token Meeting",
"participants": {
"organizer": {
"identity": {
"user": {
"id": "<my-user-guid>"
and the response comes back with
"code": "Forbidden",
"message": "Application does not have permission to Create online meeting on behalf of this user.",
Am I missing something?
As some of the comments have suggested I should create an application access policy. So I'm following the documentation which asks me to Connect using admin credentials
When i run Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $userCredential with my account it fails with the following error:
Connect-MicrosoftTeams: accessing_ws_metadata_exchange_failed: Accessing WS metadata exchange failed: Response status code does not indicate success: 406 (NotAcceptable).
Connect-MicrosoftTeams: accessing_ws_metadata_exchange_failed: Accessing WS metadata exchange failed
Connect-MicrosoftTeams: Response status code does not indicate success: 406 (NotAcceptable).
Connect-MicrosoftTeams: : Unknown error
But this is what is confusing me. I don't really know if I'm trying to login with the correct account. I'm using my personal account on azure which is (afaik) not a business account with skype for business.
I'm running the commands to log in on the azure portal's PowerShell interface. Am I supposed to run this on my local machine instead?
I think I'm not fully understanding what all of the moving parts are that need configuration.
Can I add those application Access Policies in the azure portal interface somewhere?
According to the api documentation, make sure you grant the OnlineMeetings.ReadWrite.All application permission to the application. Then you need to use the client credential flow to obtain an access token.
Please note that when you create an online meeting with an application token, administrators must create an application access policy and grant it to a user, authorizing the app configured in the policy to create an online meeting on behalf of that user (user ID specified in the request path).

How to solve "NoPermissionsInAccessToken" returned by Microsoft Graph when reading calendar or sending mail

Within our department we have a Classic ASP website that has been using our corporate Google accounts for authentication and to insert events into our Google Calendars. The organisation has just switched from Google to Office 365 and I'm trying to switch the code to use Outlook instead - with no success.
I can use the access token to GET and see the basic profile, but if I try to read calendar events or send an e-mail I see the message:
"error": {
"code": "NoPermissionsInAccessToken",
"message": "The token contains no permissions, or permissions can not be understood."
I created an Azure account with my personal Microsoft account and added an application. I added my colleagues and my corporate account as guest users. I set the permissions required and did the admin consent thing:
I then followed the steps on this page.
I first visit{tenant id}/oauth2/v2.0/authorize, including the following query items:
client_id={client id}
redirect_uri={our URL}
This returns a "code", which I send to{tenant id}/oauth2/v2.0/token, including:
client_secret={client secret}
client_id={client id}
state={same number as above}
redirect_uri={same URL as above}
code={code returned from /authorize}
This returns the id, access and refresh tokens. If I decode the access token using, it seems to contain the appropriate audience and scope:
"aud": ""
"scp": "Calendars.ReadWrite email Mail.Send openid profile User.Read"
...although I notice that there is no "roles" entry, which I see in some of the documentation. Is that an issue?
I then send the access token to with the following headers:
"Authorization", "Bearer {access token}"
"Host", ""
"Content-Type", "application/json"
"Prefer", "outlook.timezone Europe/London"
That will return my e-mail address, etc., but if I change the URL to anything else, such as /me/photo/$value, /me/calendar/events, or try to send an e-mail I'm told that there are no permissions in the token.
I see that there are other similar questions, but they are mostly for the client_credentials flow (I'm not sure that makes any difference), and none of the answers has helped me resolve my problem.
Can someone please let me know if I've obviously missed anything - or I'm going about this in the wrong way to access Graph data on the client side? It seemed so straightforward with Google, but I'm finding the Microsoft documentation and examples a bit less detailed.
Adding guest users is meaningless.
What you have done is Admin consent for the Azure AD with your personal Microsoft account.
What you actually need to do is Admin consent for the target Azure AD/ O365 tenant.
Construct a consent link as following:{tenant ID of the target Azure AD}/oauth2/authorize?response_type=id_token&client_id={client ID}&redirect_uri={reply url}&response_mode=form_post&nonce=a4014117-28aa-47ec-abfb-f377be1d3cf5&resource=
Access it in a browser and log in with an admin account of target Azure AD.
Another issue is that you are using Get access on behalf of a user. So you have to assign Delegated permissions rather than Application permissions in the Azure AD app.

Postman - how to obtain Azure Active Directory token using sign in form?

Is is possible to obtain an AAD token in Postman by letting the user to Sign In using the standard AAD sign in form?
I know how to obtain token using the request to AAD (grant_type = client_credentials) but such a token does not have a UPN (user identity).
I would like to somehow type in my credentials in Postman and get the token. So it is a manual interaction, the user(me) needs to manually sign in - the same way how ie. Visual Studio verifies your identity.
Postman now offers the ability to "Authorize using browser." You'll need to make changes to your AAD application to support it in addition to configuring Postman.
Configure your AAD application
Add a redirect URI to your AAD application for Postman to receive the authorization code. In the AAD Portal, navigate to your app registration, then to the "Authentication" tab, then add as a new redirect URI. This URI was provided by Postman when you check the ✅ Authorize using browser box (below) and is also documented on their website.
Configure Postman
You can set this up under "Authorization" for a single request, a folder of requests, or a Collection. Open the "Authorization" tab and select OAuth 2.0. Under the "Configure New Token" section, enter the following information:
Token Name: anything you want. I chose the name of the AAD application.
Grant Type: Authorization Code (With PKCE)
Callback URL: check the ✅ Authorize using browser box
Auth URL: copy this from the AAD portal under Overview > Endpoints (on top bar) > OAuth 2.0 authorization endpoint (v2). Mine looks like<tenant>/oauth2/v2.0/authorize
Access token URL: copy this from the AAD portal under Overview > Endpoints (on top bar) > OAuth 2.0 token endpoint (v2). Mine looks like<tenant>/oauth2/v2.0/token
Client ID: copy this from the AAD portal under Overview. It's also commonly referred to as an "Application ID" and is a GUID.
Client Secret: leave blank (not used by this grant type)
Code Challenge Method: SHA-256
Code Verifier: leave blank or provide your own
Scope: the scopes you're requesting in your token, separated by spaces
State: leave blank or provide a value such as a random GUID.
Client Authentication: Send as Basic Auth Header (not used by this grant type)
Refer to Postman's documentation on OAuth 2.0 options for more information.
Get a token
Click Get New Access Token to open the auth flow in your machine's default web browser. After authentication, it should redirect back to the Postman application and a new token will be created with the name you provided earlier for "Token Name." Select "Use Token" in the top-right corner of the popup to copy it into your current token. If the token expires and your requests start failing authorization (probably a 401 or 403 error), you can revisit this tab and get a new access token.
Occasionally, you may want to visit Current Token > Access Token > Manage Tokens > Delete > Expired tokens, otherwise you'll be inundated with nearly-identical tokens.
Postman cannot popup the sign in page as it only does HTTP requests. As you stated, it can do confidential client flows.
What you could do is hand-construct an auth request, sign in, and grab the auth code. Then take that auth code and drop it into the Postman authorization form, and let it hit the Azure AD token endpoint:
The Azure AD protocol referene will be super helpful for you.
I think if you're wanting to quickly generate Access Tokens your best bet is to pick a framework/language and build a lightweight app that gets and logs tokens. Azure AD has a Python Flask sample for the v2 endpoint that takes 5 minutes to setup and could be converted to printing out access tokens. If you want to use v1, you can checkout the list of samples at the Azure AD developer guide.

When using Okta as an IdP with SP initiated workflow, login never leaves Okta portal

So I am trying to setup Okta as an identity provider, and I want to login to an application using the Service Provider initiated workflow. I've setup the template SAML 2.0 application in Okta and setup the entry point and SAML certificate on the Service provider. The Service Provider initiates the workflow just fine, a popup opens with the Okta login dialogue. But once the login is complete I am taken into the Okta portal with a list of my apps. What should be happening is a re-direct back to the Service Provider so that it can use the userID to login the user there.
I followed the instruction here for setting up the IdP
Here is what my config in Okta looks like
Application Label: App Name
Force Authentication: no
Name ID format: EmailAddress
Audience Restriction:
authnContextClassRef: Password Protected Transport
Response: signed
Assertion: signed
Request: uncompressed
Default Relay State: Leave blank since we are only doing SP initiated workflow
Post Back URL:
Attribute Statements: none
Group Name: leave blank
Group filter: leave blank
I don't see any errors in the Okta portal or in the Okta administration panel, so I can't figure out why it is not completing the workflow and re-directing back to the SP.
Is there a place in Okta to see any errors that might be getting thrown by the process?
Anyone know what might be up?
I had a similar problem a while back. In my case, the "Rquest" was set to "compressed". changing it to "uncompressed" solved the issue. But in your case I see it is already "uncompressed"...
However, try to contact OKTA's support - they can help you out.
The answer is different depending on the type of SAML HTTP BINDING used for the SAML Authentication Request.
For HTTP Redirect Bindings you need to set the Okta Request to "compressed".
For HTTP POST Bindings you need to set the Okta Request to "uncompressed".
