How to JOIN 2 Tables in SalesForce (SOQL) - salesforce

I'm new to SalesForce and SOQL and was surprised that simple JOIN can become a real problem for me.
There are 2 Tables (Account and Intake__c) that I want to INNER JOIN. The only data I need from Account Table is Client Name (Name).
I was able to run 2 queries separately with no errors.
FROM Account AS a
FROM Intake__c AS i
However, when I try to join them, I get the error:
MALFORMED_QUERY: ERROR at Row:1:Column:151 unexpected token: 'JOIN'
FROM Intake__c AS i
JOIN Account AS a
ON (i.Client_Id__c = a.Id)

SOQL syntax for joins is special, looks bit object-oriented.
You probably need
SELECT Client_Id__r.Name, Intake_Id__c, Intake_Name__c, Intake_Status__c
FROM Intake__c
The "__r" bit is called relationship name and acts bit like a table alias in JOIN. You can travel via "dot" up to 5 times (see, "object-oriented").
And if you'd need a top-down approach (left outer join starting from account) it'd probably be something like
SELECT Id, Name,
(SELECT Intake_Status__c FROM Intakes__r)
FROM Account


SQL: Building hierarchies and nesting queries on the same table

I am trying to build hierarchies by nesting queries on the same table in MS SQL Server 2014.
To give an example of what I am trying to achieve:
I have a table 'employees' whith the following columns:
[ID],[First Name],[Last Name],[ReportsTo]
I am trying to build a statement, where I join the employees table with itself and where I build a hierarchy with the boss on top.
Expected Result:
{Doe, John},{Miller,Mary}
I apologize, if this is a stupid question, but I fail to create a working nested query.
Could you please help me with that?
Thank you very much in advance
Based on the intended results, it looks like what you essentially want is a list of employees. So let's start with that:
SELECT LastName, FirstName, ReportsTo FROM Employees
This gives you the list, so you now have the objects you're looking for. But you need to fill out more data. You want to follow ReportsTo and show data from the record to which that points as well. This would be done exactly as it would if the foreign key pointed to a different table. (The only difference from being the same table is that you must use table aliases in the query, since you're including the same table twice.)
So let's start by joining the table:
SELECT e.LastName, e.FirstName, e.ReportsTo
FROM Employees e
LEFT OUTER JOIN Employees b on e.ReportsTo = b.ID
The results should still be the same, but now you have more data to select from. So you can add the new columns to the SELECT clause:
e.LastName AS EmployeeLastName,
e.FirstName AS EmployeeFirstName,
b.LastName AS BossLastName,
b.FirstName AS BossFirstName
FROM Employees e
LEFT OUTER JOIN Employees b on e.ReportsTo = b.ID
It's a join like any other, it just happens to be a join to the same table.

Is it possible to perform a join in Access on a second column if the first is blank?

I have this ugly source data with two columns, let's call them EmpID and SomeCode. Generally EmpID maps to the EmployeeListing table. But sometimes, people are entering the Employee IDs in the SomeCode field.
The person previously running this report in Excel 'solved' this problem by performing multiple vlookups with if statements, as well as running some manual checks to ensure results were accurate. As I'm moving these files to Access I am not sure how best to handle this scenario.
Ideally, I'm hoping to tell my queries to do a Left Join on SomeCode if EmpID is null, otherwise Left Join on EmpID
Unfortunately, there's no way for me to force validation or anything of the sort in the source data.
Here's the full SQL query I'm working on:
SELECT DDATransMaster.Fulfillment,
NZ([DDATransMaster]![DirectSellerNumber],[DDATransMaster]![PromotionCode]) AS EmpJoin,
EmployeeLookup.ID AS EmpLookup,
LEFT JOIN EmployeeLookup ON NZ([DDATransMaster]![DirectSellerNumber],[DDATransMaster]![PromotionCode]) = EmployeeLookup.[Employee #])
You can create a query like this:
IIf(EmpID Is Null, SomeCode, EmpID) AS join_field,
FROM YourTable
Or if the query will always be used within an Access session, Nz is more concise.
Nz(EmpID, SomeCode) AS join_field,
FROM YourTable
When you join that query to your other table, the Access query designer can represent the join between join_field and some matching field in the other table. If you were to attempt the IIf or Nz as part of the join's ON clause, the query designer can't display the join correctly in Design View --- it could still work, but may not be as convenient if you're new to Access SQL.
See whether this SQL gives you what you want.
NZ(dda.DirectSellerNumber,dda.PromotionCode) AS EmpJoin,
el.ID AS EmpLookup
DDATransMaster AS dda
LEFT JOIN EmployeeLookup AS el
ON NZ(dda.DirectSellerNumber,dda.PromotionCode) = el.[Employee #])
But I would use the Nz part in a subquery.
el.ID AS EmpLookup
NZ(DirectSellerNumber,PromotionCode) AS EmpJoin
FROM DDATransMaster
) AS sub
LEFT JOIN EmployeeLookup AS el
ON sub.EmpJoin = el.[Employee #])
What about:
LEFT JOIN EmployeeListing ON NZ(EmpID, SomeCode)
as your join, nz() uses the second parameter if the first is null, I'm not 100% sure this sort of join works in access. Worth 20 seconds to try though.
Hope it works.
You Could use a Union:
SELECT DDATransMaster.Fulfillment,
EmployeeLookup.ID AS EmpLookup
FROM DDATransMaster
LEFT JOIN EmployeeLookup ON
DDATransMaster.DirectSellerNumber = EmployeeLookup.[Employee #]
where DDATransMaster.DirectSellerNumber IS NOT NULL
SELECT DDATransMaster.Fulfillment,
EmployeeLookup.ID AS EmpLookup
FROM DDATransMaster
LEFT JOIN EmployeeLookup ON
DDATransMaster.PromotionCode = EmployeeLookup.[Employee #]
where DDATransMaster.DirectSellerNumber IS NULL;

TSQL query to merge data from multiple tables that may or may not have matching rows?

For example, suppose we're conducting research where students can take up to 10 different tests, and each table in the database stores all the students' responses for one test. The tables are named after each test as: T1, T2, ... , T10. Suppose each table has a primary key column 'Username' that identifies each student. Students may or may not have completed each test, so there may or may not be a record in each table for each student.
What is the correct SQL Query to return all the test data from all tables, with one row per student (one row per username)? I want the simplest query possible that returns the correct results. I would also like to coalesce the Username fields into a single Username field in the final query.
To clarify, I understand that SQL has a major limitation in that it does not support a syntax to select all columns except one or more fields like "select *[^ExcludeColumn1][^ExcludeColumn2]". To avoid specifically naming all columns in the final query, it would be acceptable to leave all the Username columns there, as long as it includes a coalesced Username field at the beginning named something like RowID.
As for the overall query, one option would be to perform a union all on the username column of all ten tables, then select the distinct usernames across all tables, then perform a series of left joins against the list of distinct usernames on all 10 tables. That would result in a very straightforward query where each left join is performed on the same distinct set of usernames, but I want to avoid a separate up-front query for distinct usernames. (Although if that's the best option, let me know). It would look something like this:
select * from
(select distinct coalesce(t1.Username,t2.Username,...,t10.Username) as RowID from t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t10) distinct_usernames
left join t1 on t1.Username = distinct_usernames.RowID
left join t2 on t2.Username = distinct_usernames.RowID
left join t10 on t10.Username = distinct_usernames.RowID
Although that is short and easy to write, it is incredibly inefficient and would take hours to run on test tables with 5000+ rows each, so with an adjustment, an equivalent version that runs in a few seconds is:
select * from (
select distinct Username as RowID from (
select Username from t1
union all
select Username from t2
union all
select Username from t10
) all_usernames) distinct_usernames
left join t1 on t1.Username = distinct_usernames.RowID
left join t2 on t2.Username = distinct_usernames.RowID
left join t10 on t10.Username = distinct_usernames.RowID
I think that what I have above might be the most efficient and correct query (takes only a couple seconds to run and returns correct result set), but I also thought perhaps it could be simplified with some kind of full join. The problem is that full joins get confusing with more than two tables, because without pre-determining the usernames, each subsequent table would have to match records against any of the preceding tables, resulting in a query where each additional table has "[previous table count] + 1" conditions on matching the username.
Assuming that Username is unique in each table, your second query would be the way I would try first, with the slight modifications of removing distinct and simply using union (which implies distinct) rather than union all:
select *
from (
select Username from t1
select Username from t2
-- ...
select Username from t10
) distinct_usernames
left join t1 on t1.Username = distinct_usernames.Username
left join t2 on t2.Username = distinct_usernames.Username
-- ...
left join t10 on t10.Username = distinct_usernames.Username
From there I would make sure that Username is indexed, possibly even using it as the clustered index. I've also had optimization luck in the past by implementing your distinct_usernames as a temp table (possibly indexed, or an indexed view) at the beginning of the proc, but only testing would determine if that were worthwhile.
A full outer join would require a bunch of or conditions or coalesce arguments, though it could be worth a try on just a few tables to see if the performance is there. I can't try to out-guess what your query engine will like best.
Also, getting just the column names that you want could be done with a query to sys.columns or information_schema.columns and using dynamic SQL to build your query as a string and then executing that.

Doing a join with SOQL

Here is my SOQL problem.
Query 1:
from Contact c WHERE c.regcode__c ='XXXXXXXXX'
Query 2:
from Points__c p where p.Account__c ='YYYYYYYYYYYY' and (p.Points__c > 0)
Order by p.Date__c DESC
The relationship between the two queries is that c.regcode__c will have the same value as p.Code__c.
I want to combine Query1 and Query2, so c.regcode__c = p.Code__c
I'm stuck, I can't seem to get the syntax right for SOQL.
Is it even possible to do joins in the API?
You can't really create a join per se but you can do some filtering using a syntax similar to this:
SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE c.RegCode__c IN (SELECT p.Code__c FROM Account)
As long as the subquery in the WHERE clause is only returning a single value and codes is a filterable field this should work. Also, this doesn't work if you were trying to filter by the same object (i.e. Account to Account). You can add more criteria to the account side to match your example queries.
Again, this isn't a true join so you can't put the account fields from your subquery. But you can at least filter down your contacts.

Performance problem on a query

I have a performance problem on a query.
First table is a Customer table which has millions records in it. Customer table has a column of email address and some other information about customer.
Second table is a CommunicationInfo table which contains just Email addresses.
And What I want in here is; how many times the email address in CommunicationInfo table repeats in Customers table. What could be the the most performer query.
The basic query that I can explain this situation is;
Select ci.Email, count(*) from Customer c left join
CommunicationInfo ci on c.Email1 = ci.Email or c.Email2 = ci.Email
Group by ci.Email
But sure, it takes about 5, 6 minutes in execution.
Thanks in Advance.
this query is about as good as it gets if you have an index on Customer.Email and another on CommunicationInfo.Email
c.Email, count(*)
from Customer c
left join CommunicationInfo ci on c.Email1 = ci.Email
left join CommunicationInfo ci2 on c.Email2 = ci2.Email
Group by c.Email
You mention:
And What I want in here is; how many
times the email address in
CommunicationInfo table repeats in
Customers table. What could be the the
most performer query.
To me, that sounds like you could easily use an INNER JOIN - this would most likely be a lot faster, since it will limit the search scope to just those customers who really do have an e-mail - anyone who doesn't have an e-mail at all (and thus a count(*) = 0) will not even be looked at - that might make a big difference even just in the number of rows SQL Server has to count and group.
So try this:
ci.Email, COUNT(*)
dbo.Customer c
INNER JOIN dbo.CommunicationInfo ci
ON c.Email1 = ci.Email OR c.Email2 = ci.Email
How does that perform in your case??
Using the OR condition robs the optimizer of opportunity to use HASH JOIN or MERGE JOIN.
Use this:
SELECT ci.Email, SUM(cnt)
SELECT ci.Email, COUNT(c.Email) AS cnt
FROM CommunicationInfo ci
Customer c
ON c.Email1 = ci.Email
SELECT ci.Email, COUNT(c.Email) AS cnt
FROM CommunicationInfo ci
Customer c
ON c.Email2 = ci.Email
) q2
or this:
SELECT ci.Email, COUNT(*)
FROM CommunicationInfo ci
SELECT Email1 AS email
FROM Customer c
FROM Customer
) q
ON q.Email = ci.Email
Make sure that you have indexes on Customer(Email) and Customer(Email2)
The first query will be more efficient if your emails are mostly not filled, the second one — if most emails are filled.
Depending on your environment there may not be much you can do to optimize this.
A couple of questions:
How many records in CommunicationInfo?
How often do you really need to run this query? Is it a one time analysis, or are multiple people going to be running this every 10 minutes?
Are the fields indexed? I'll make a guess that neither Email1 nor Email2 field is indexed. However, I wouldn't suggest adding an index without taking the balance of the whole system into consideration.
Why are you using a left join? Do you really need EVERYTHING from the Customer table? You're counting, so no harm in doing an INNER JOIN.
Run the query through the Query Optimization wizard to see if there is anything SQL Server would recommend.
An extreme suggestion would be to dump the Email1 and Email2 columns into a temp table and join to that. I've seen queries run slowly because of a large amount of stress on a particular table, so sometimes copying the records into a temp table is faster, but this technique is very dependent on how much memory there is, how fast IO is, and the amount of stress on a particular table.
