The meaning of the result of “explain ESTIMATED_COST” in flinksql - apache-flink

I‘m a beginner of flink and I’m learning about the “explain” statement. I’m confused about the numbers in the result of “explain ESTIMATED_COST”, such as “TableSourceScan(..., cumulative cost ={1.0E8 rows, 1.0E8 cpu, 2.4E9 io, 0.0 network, 0.0 memory})”. Could someone tell me what do they means and what are the measures of them? Thanks a lot.
I have searched through the Internet and there’s no introduction about the meaning of these metrics


LPG planner: how to increase the MAX_RELEVANT_ FACTS?

I'm new in using LPG planner. I'm trying to find a plan using pddl 2.2 for domain with many derived-predicates and problem with many initial "conditions". The LPG planner starts running but at some point it can't find a plan, so it can do two things:
it loops until it kills the process after many minutes
it gives me this error message: too many relevant facts! increase MAX_RELEVANT_FACTS (currently 15000).
Does anybody know how to solve that? Where can I change that value? If it is not possible could you suggest me a different planner (possible that allows interface with c++/python) that supports a higher number of relevant facts?
I tried to decrease the number of derived predicates and in that case it can find a plan or if they're more of 15000, but not too many that it crashes, it gives me that error. But those predicates are fundamental for my work, I can't cut them in the final project.
Thank you so much, guys!

Dog face detection with dlib - need advice on improving recal

I'm trying to train a dog face detector with dlib's hog pyramid detector.
I used Columbia dogs dataset:
At first I would get a recall of 0%, but by increasing C value I managed to increase it to 62% on training set and 53% on testing set. After certain point increasing C value stopped helping (1000+) and would only slow down training.
Precision is really high though, if it actually manages to find dog's face it's always correct, haven't seen any false positives.
Could you give any advice on how I could improve recall to a descent recall quality?
Thanks in advance
Following Davis King's advice, got the accuracy to 100% on training set and 80% on testing set just by training different detector per breed. I imagine it could be even higher if I cluster them by direction they're looking to.
You probably need to train different detectors for different head poses and dogs that look very different. I would try running dlib's imglab command line tool with the --cluster option. That will cluster the images into coherent poses and you can train detectors for each pose.

Neural network inputs

I don't really know how to word this question so bear with me..
Let's say I am developing a neural network for rating each runner in an athletics race. I give the neural network information regarding the runner, eg. win%, days since last run etc. etc.
My question is - in this case where the neural network is rating runners, can I give the network an input like the race weather ? e.g. I give the network 1.00 for hot, 2.00 for cold, 3.00 for OK .. ?
The reason I am asking this question: The greater the output of the neural network, the better the runner. So, this means that the higher the win % input, the bigger the rating. If I give the neural network inputs whereby the greater the value doesn't necessarily mean the better the runner, will the network be able to understand and use/interpret this input?
Please let me know if the question doesn't make sense!
Neural nets can correctly model irrelevant inputs (by assigning them low weights) and inputs that are inversely related to the desired output (by assigning negative weights). Neural nets do better with inputs that are continuously-varying, so your example of 1.00 for hot, 2.00 for cold, 3.00 for OK .. is not ideal: better would be 0.00 for hot, 1.00 for OK, 2.00 for cool.
In situations such as your country code where there is no real continuous relationship, the best encoding (from a convergence standpoint) is to use a set of boolean attributes (isArgentina, isAustralia, ..., isZambia). Even without that, though, a neural net ought to be able to model an input of discrete values (i.e., if countries were relevant and if you encoded them as numbers, eventually a neural net should be able to converge on 87 (Kenya) is correlated with high performance). In such a situation, it might take more hidden nodes or a longer training period.
The whole point of neural nets is to use them in situations where simple statistical analysis is difficult, so I disagree with the other answer that says that you should pre-judge your data.
What a neural network does is map relations between inputs and outputs. This means that you have to have some kind of objective for your neural network. Examples of such objectives could be "to predict the winner", "to predict how fast each runner will be" or to "predict the complete results from a race". Which of those examples that are plausible for you to attempt depends, of course, on what data you have available.
If you have a large dataset (say e.g. a few hundred races for each runner) where the resulting time and all predictory variables (including weather) are recorded and you establish that there is a relationship between weather and an individual runners performance a neural network would very well be able to map such a relationship, even if it is a different relationship for each individual runner.
Example of good weather variables to record could be sun intensity (W/m2), head wind (m/s) and temperature (deg C). Then each runners performance could be modeled using these variables and then the neural network could be used to predict a runners performance (observe that this approach would require one neural network per runner).

large test data for knapsack problem

i am researcher student. I am searching large data for knapsack problem. I wanted test my algorithm for knapsack problem. But i couldn't find large data. I need data has 1000 item and capacity is no matter. The point is item as much as huge it's good for my algorithm. Is there any huge data available in internet. Does anybody know please guys i need urgent.
You can quite easily generate your own data. Just use a random number generator and generate lots and lots of values. To test that your algorithm gives the correct results, compare it to the results from another known working algorithm.
I have the same requirement.
Obviously only Brute force will give the optimal answer and that won't work for large problems.
However we could pitch our algorithms against each other...
To be clear, my algorithm works for 0-1 problems (i.e. 0 or 1 of each item), Integer or decimal data.
I also have a version that works for 2 dimensions (e.g. Volume and Weight vs. Value).
My file reader uses a simple CSV format (Item-name, weight, value):
If I recall correctly, I've tested mine on 1000 items too.
I ran my algorithm again the problem on Rosette Code that Mark highlighted (thank you). I got the same result but my solution is much more scalable than the dynamic programming / LP solutions and will work on much bigger problems

PID controller affect on a differential driving robot when the parameters (Kp, Ki, and Kd) are increased individually. [full Q written below]

Question: A PID controller has three parameters Kp, Ki and Kd which could affect the output performance. A differential driving robot is controlled by a PID controller. The heading information is sensed by a compass sensor. The moving forward speed is kept constant. The PID controller is able to control the heading information to follow a given direction. Explain the outcome on the differential driving robot performance when the three parameters are increased individually.
This is a question that has come up in a past paper but most likely won't show up this year but it still worries me. It's the only question that has me thinking for quite some time. I'd love an answer in simple terms. Most stuff i've read on the internet don't make much sense to me as it goes heavy into the detail and off topic for my case.
My take on this:
I know that the proportional term, Kp, is entirely based on the error and that, let's say, double the error would mean doubling Kp (applying proportional force). This therefore implies that increasing Kp is a result of the robot heading in the wrong direction so Kp is increased to ensure the robot goes on the right direction or at least tries to reduce the error as time passes so an increase in Kp would affect the robot in such a way to adjust the heading of the robot so it stays on the right path.
The derivative term, Kd, is based on the rate of change of the error so an increase in Kd implies that the rate of change of error has increased over time so double the error would result in double the force. An increase by double the change in the robot's heading would take place if the robot's heading is doubled in error from the previous feedback result. Kd causes the robot to react faster as the error increases.
An increase in the integral term, Ki, means that the error is increased over time. The integral accounts for the sum of error over time. Even a small increase in the error would increase the integral so the robot would have to head in the right direction for an equal amount of time for the integral to balance to zero.
I would appreciate a much better answer and it would be great to be confident for a similar upcoming question in the finals.
Side note: i've posted this question on the Robotics part earlier but seeing that the questions there are hardly ever noticed, i've also posted it here.
I would highly recommend reading this article PID Without a PhD it gives a great explanation along with some implementation details. The best part is the numerous graphs. They show you what changing the P, I, or D term does while holding the others constant.
And if you want real world Application Atmel provides example code on their site (for 8 bit MCU) that perfectly mirrors the PID without a PhD article. It follows this code from AVR's website exactly (they make the ATMega32p microcontroller chip on the Arduino UNO boards) PDF explanation and Atmel Code in C
But here is a general explanation the way I understand it.
Proportional: This is a proportional relationship between the error and the target. Something like Pk(target - actual) Its simply a scaling factor on the error. It decides how quickly the system should react to an error (if it is of any help, you can think of it like amplifier slew rate). A large value will quickly try to fix errors, and a slow value will take longer. With Higher values though, we get into an overshoot condition and that's where the next terms come into play
Integral: This is meant to account for errors in the past. In fact it is the sum of all past errors. This is often useful for things like a small dc/constant offset that a Proportional controller can't fix on its own. Imagine, you give a step input of 1, and after a while the output settles at .9 and its clear its not going anywhere. The integral portion will see this error is always ~.1 too small so it will add it back in, to hopefully bring control closer to 1. THis term usually helps to stabilize the response curve. Since it is taken over a long period of time, it should reduce noise and any fast changes (like those found in overshoot/ringing conditions). Because it's aggregate, it is a very sensitive measurement and is usually very small when compared to other terms. A lower value will make changes happen very slowly, and create a very smooth response(this can also cause "wind-up" see the article)
Derivative: This is supposed to account for the "future". It uses the slope of the most recent samples. Remember this is the slope, it has nothing to do with the position error(current-goal), it is previous measured position - current measured position. This is most sensitive to noise and when it is too high often causes ringing. A higher value encourages change since we are "amplifying" the slope.
I hope that helps. Maybe someone else can offer another viewpoint, but that's typically how I think about it.
