I have fairly large broadcast state (about 62MB when serialized as state). I noticed that each instance of my operator is saving a copy of this state during checkpointing. With a parallelism of 400, that's 24gb of checkpoint state, most of it duplicated.
This matches the description of Important Considerations in the docs. On the other hand, Checkpointing under backpressure says:
Broadcast partitioning is often used to implement a broadcast state which should be equal across all operators. Flink implements the broadcast state by checkpointing only a single copy of the state from subtask 0 of the stateful operator. Upon restore, we send that copy to all of the operators. Therefore it might happen that an operator will get the state with changes applied for a record that it will soon consume from its checkpointed channels.
The bit about "checkpointing only a singe copy of the state from subtask 0" doesn't match what I'm seeing, hoping someone can clarify.
Regardless...is there any typical workaround for this? For example, I could set up my TMs with one slot (even though they have 8 cores), and then use a thread pool to process incoming non-broadcast elements. This would reduce by 8x the parallelism of the operator. Assuming I deal with concurrency issues (threads accessing state while it's being updated), what other issues are there? E.g. can the collector be saved & then safely called asynchronously by a thread? I don't have watermarks, but wondering about things like checkpoint barriers.
Or I could bail on using a broadcast stream, and replicate the data myself (with carefully constructed keys), but that's also a helicopter stunt.
The bit about "checkpointing only a single copy of the state from subtask 0" is incorrect (I verified this with the author of that sentence). In the current implementation of BroadcastState all operators snapshot their state.
I'm afraid that doesn't help answer your real question, but hopefully clarifies the situation.
I am using broadcastprocess function to perform simple pattern matching. I am broadcasting around 60 patterns. Once the process completed the memory is not coming down i am using garbage collection setting in my flink configuration file env.java.opts = "-XX:+UseG1GC" to perform GC but it is also not working. But CPU percentage coming after completing the processing of data. I am doing checkpointing every 2 minutes and my statebackend is filesystem. Below are screenshots of memory and CPU usage
I don't see anything surprising or problematic in the graphs you have shared. After ingesting the patterns, each instance of your BroadcastProcessFunction will be holding onto a copy of all of the patterns -- so that will consume some memory.
If I understand correctly, it sounds like the situation is that as data is processed for matching against those patterns, the memory continues to increase until the pods crash with out-of-memory errors. Various factors might explain this:
If your patterns involve matching a sequence of events over time, then your pattern matching engine has to keep state for each partial match. If there's no timeout clause to ensure that partial matches are eventually cleaned up, this could lead to a combinatorial explosion.
If you are doing key-partitioned processing and your keyspace is unbounded, you may be holding onto state for stale keys.
The filesystem state backend has considerable overhead. You may have underestimated how much memory it needs.
we are trying to setup a Flink stateful job using RocksDB backend.
We are using session window, with 30mins gap. We use aggregateFunction, so not using any Flink state variables.
With sampling, we have less than 20k events/s, 20 - 30 new sessions/s. Our session basically gather all the events. the size of the session accumulator would go up along time.
We are using 10G memory in total with Flink 1.9, 128 containers.
Following's the settings:
state.backend: rocksdb
state.checkpoints.dir: hdfs://nameservice0/myjob/path
state.backend.rocksdb.memory.managed: true
state.backend.incremental: true
state.backend.rocksdb.memory.write-buffer-ratio: 0.4
state.backend.rocksdb.memory.high-prio-pool-ratio: 0.1
containerized.heap-cutoff-ratio: 0.45
taskmanager.network.memory.fraction: 0.5
taskmanager.network.memory.min: 512mb
taskmanager.network.memory.max: 2560mb
From our monitoring of a given time,
rocksdb memtable size is less than 10m,
Our heap usage is less than 1G, but our direct memory usage (network buffer) is using 2.5G. The buffer pool/ buffer usage metrics are all at 1 (full).
Our checkpoints keep failing,
I wonder if it's normal that the network buffer part could use up this much memory?
I'd really appreciate if you can give some suggestions:)
Thank you!
For what it's worth, session windows do use Flink state internally. (So do most sources and sinks.) Depending on how you are gathering the session events into the session accumulator, this could be a performance problem. If you need to gather all of the events together, why are you doing this with an AggregateFunction, rather than having Flink do this for you?
For the best windowing performance, you want to use a ReduceFunction or an AggregateFunction that incrementally reduces/aggregates the window, keeping only a small bit of state that will ultimately be the result of the window. If, on the other hand, you use only a ProcessWindowFunction without pre-aggregation, then Flink will internally use an appending list state object that when used with RocksDB is very efficient -- it only has to serialize each event to append it to the end of the list. When the window is ultimately triggered, the list is delivered to you as an Iterable that is deserialized in chunks. On the other hand, if you roll your own solution with an AggregateFunction, you may have RocksDB deserializing and reserializing the accumulator on every access/update. This can become very expensive, and may explain why the checkpoints are failing.
Another interesting fact you've shared is that the buffer pool / buffer usage metrics show that they are fully utilized. This is an indication of significant backpressure, which in turn would explain why the checkpoints are failing. Checkpointing relies on the checkpoint barriers being able to traverse the entire execution graph, checkpointing each operator as they go, and completing a full sweep of the job before timing out. With backpressure, this can fail.
The most common cause of backpressure is under-provisioning -- or in other words, overwhelming the cluster. The network buffer pools become fully utilized because the operators can't keep up. The answer is not to increase buffering, but to remove/fix the bottleneck.
I need to enrich my fast changing streamA keyed by (userId, startTripTimestamp) with slowly changing streamB keyed by (userId).
I use Flink 1.8 with DataStream API. I consider 2 approaches:
Broadcast streamB and join stream by userId and most recent timestamp. Would it be equivalent of DynamicTable from the TableAPI? I can see some downsides of this solution: streamB needs to fit into RAM of each worker node, it increase utilization of RAM as whole streamB needs to be stored in RAM of each worker.
Generalise state of streamA to a stream keyed by just (userId), let's name it streamC, to have common key with the streamB. Then I am able to union streamC with streamB, order by processing time, and handle both types of events in state. It's more complex to handle generaised stream (more code in the process function), but not consume that much RAM to have all streamB on all nodes. Are they any more downsides or upsides of this solution?
I have also seen this proposal https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/FLINK/FLIP-17+Side+Inputs+for+DataStream+API where it is said:
In general, most of these follow the pattern of joining a main stream
of high throughput with one or several inputs of slowly changing or
static data:
Join stream with slowly evolving data: This is very similar to
the above case but the side input that we use for enriching is
evolving over time. This can be done by waiting for some initial data
to be available before processing the main input and the continuously
ingesting new data into the internal side input structure as it
Unfortunately, it looks like a long time ahead to reach this feature https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/FLINK-6131 and no alternatives are described. Therefore I would like to ask of the currently recommended approach for the described use case.
I've seen Combining low-latency streams with multiple meta-data streams in Flink (enrichment), but it not specify what are keys of that streams, and moreover it is answered at the time of Flink 1.4, so I expect the recommended solution might have changed.
Building on top of what Gaurav Kumar has already answered.
The main question is do you need to exactly match records from streamA and streamB or is it best effort match? For example, is it an issue for you, that because of a race condition some (a lot of?) records from streamA can be processed before some updates from streamB arrive, for example during the start up?
I would suggest to draw an inspiration from how Table API is solving this issue. Probably Temporal Table Join is the right choice for you, which would leave you with the choice: processing time or event time?
Both of the Gaurav Kumar's proposal are implementations of processing time Temporal Table joins, which assumes that records can be very loosely joined and do not have to timed properly.
If records from streamA and streamB have to be timed properly, then one way or another you have to buffer some of the records from both of the streams. There are various of ways how to do it, depending on what semantic you want to achieve. After deciding on that, the actual implementation is not that difficult and you can draw an inspiration from Table API join operators (org.apache.flink.table.runtime.join package in flink-table-planner module).
Side inputs (that you referenced) and/or input selection are just tools for controlling the amount of unnecessary buffered records. You can implement a valid Flink job without them, but the memory consumption can be hard to control if one stream significantly overtakes the other (in terms of event time - for processing time it's non-issue).
The answer depends on size of your state of streamB that needs to be used to enrich streamA
If you broadcast your streamB state, then you are putting all userIDs from streamB to each of the task managers. Each task on task manager will only have a subset of these userIds from streamA on it. So some userId data from streamB will never be used and will stay as a waste. So if you think that the size of streamB state is not big enough to really impact your job and doesn't take significant memory to leave less memory for state management, you can keep the whole streamB state. This is your #1.
If your streamB state is really huge and can consume considerable memory on task managers, you should consider approach #2. KeyBy same Id both the streams to make sure that elements with same userID reach the same tasks, and then you can use managed state to maintain the per key streamB state and enrich streamA elements using this managed state.
dataStream.map(func1).keyBy("key") //(1)
.process(func2).keyBy("key") //(2)
Method process() doesn't change the field(key) value of records. Given that the parallelism of all operators is 2, does keyBy() at (2) also result in network shuffle? Maybe keyBy() at (2) has the effect of forward strategy avoiding network communication cost due to the unchanged key value?
Thx soooo much~
A keyBy is always expensive, because it forces the records to go through ser/de. But in the case where the communication is local -- i.e., within the same task slot -- then Flink will use a shared buffer to communicate the serialized bytes, rather than going through the whole netty tcp stack. So yes, in your case the second keyBy is less expensive than the first one. But I would not say the cost is small.
If you know that the keyBy is completely unnecessary, you can use reinterpretAsKeyedStream to get back to having a KeyedStream again without any of this overhead.
I am pretty new to flink and about to load our first production version. We have a stream of data. The stateful filter is checking if the data is new.
would it be better to split the stream to different jobs to gain more control on the parallelism as shown in option 1 or option 2 is better ?
following the documentation recommendation. should I put uid per operator e.g :
should I add rebalance after each uid if at all?
what is the difference if I setMaxParallelism as described here or setting parallelism from flink UI/cli ?
You only need to define .uid("someName") for your stateful operators. Not much need for operators which do not hold state as there is nothing in the savepoints that needs to be mapped back to them (more on this here). Won't hurt if you do though.
rebalance will only help you in the presence of data skew and that only if you aren't using keyed streams. If you process data based on a key, and your load isn't uniformly distributed across your keys (ie you have loads of "hot" keys) then rebalancing won't help you much.
In your example above I would start Option 2 and potentially move to Option 1 if the job proves to be too heavy. In general stateless processes are very fast in Flink so unless you want to add other consumers to the output of your stateful filter then don't bother to split it up at this stage.
There isn't right and wrong though, depends on your problem. Start simple and take it from there.
[Update] Re 4, setMaxParallelism if I am not mistaken defines the number of key groups and thus the maximum number of parallel instances your stream can be rescaled to. This is used by Flink internally but it doesn't set the parallelism of your job. You usually have to set that to some multiple of the actually parallelism you set for you job (via -p <n> in the CLI/UI when you deploy it).