Coinbase API not behaving consistently across development and production environments - coinbase-api

I'm building a crypto payments solution using Coinbase API. I've tested it in my development environment it works just fine.
Problem is when I push to production. I can't seem to figure out what is wrong. No build errors. Nothing. (It should at least throw errors!)
I'm using API_KEY and API_SECRET to handle authentication.
Send help.
I tried a refactoring and rewriting the code (I thought it was a problem with NextRouter, but no it wasn't).


How do I add auth to and deploy my React app with lambda api?

I have locally working code for a React front-end application, hooked up to a serverless framework lambda back-end (which in turn accesses S3 and RDS). I'm now at the stage where I need to add user authentication to both the front and back-end, as well as deploy my solution.
I have cobbled together a Cloudfront distribution and s3 static hosting for the React portion, with the api available as a secondary origin on /api/*, however this solution seems awkward, and I'm not sure it helps me tackle auth.
Other guides that I've found suggest AWS-Amplify, or SST, but I have no experience with either.
Am I close to a well-structured roll-your-own solution, or completely on the wrong track? I'm happy to spend a little longer on a clean and future-proof solution, but am not adverse to side-stepping to a well respected tool.
I opted to follow this guide on SST. Once I saw it did everything I could have wanted and more, I ported over my API and React code with minimal fuss. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend this guide (which leverages SST, Amplify and Cognito).

How to get rid of site is not secure for api

I created an API in Spring for my react app. When I was ready to publish site I noticed that the app can not call the api. I went to the api link and noticed it said this site is not secure. I did create a self assigned certificate so that https would work but its giving me this issue now. Until I click trust the react app will not fetch the data. Once I click trust once it works but other people using my site wont know that. How can I fix my API so that it is trusted?
The problem is that you're creating an SSL Certificate build by yourself. Browsers only accept trusted certificates signed by companies.
You will need to buy a certificate and use it on your app. Here's a source of signed certificates:
I did never used the free options, but some people say it works fine too:
For better understanding of that I strongly recommend you the following video:
Hope it helps you bro.

can't deploy Google Cloud Endpoints 2.0 on existing service

I have had a Python-based Google App Engine app working great using Cloud Endpoints 1.0 for several years without incident. I have had nothing but trouble migrating to Cloud Endpoints 2.0.
Currently I'm in the following state after already clearing many previous hurdles described in other similar questions:
I have one version of my service called gce1 which uses Endpoints 1.0 and is set as the default service receiving 100% of my traffic. I can point API clients and the APIs Explorer to both and the default and everything works fine. I can verify in the logs that anything that goes through here is using GCE 1.0.
I have a second version of my service called gce2 which is not receiving any traffic by default, but if I point an API client or the APIs Explorer to it works just fine, and I can verify in the logs that anything that goes through here is using GCE 2.0.
Great, right? So it would seem that all I need to do is migrate all my traffic to gce2 and I'm done.
But... when I do that everything breaks! The default serves up 405 POST Method Not Allowed responses to my existing clients, and if I look at the APIs Explorer, suddenly it now shows a bunch of obsolete methods that I think are from years ago and are no longer used in my current API. I can't tell where those are coming from (they are nowhere in my code, and haven't been for years), and I can't get the default service to serve the GCE 2.0 API no matter what I do.
The biggest problem is that I have thousands of users in the wild that all point to the default API URL, so it isn't so easy to just have them start pointing to gce2-dot-myservice, and besides, it doesn't make sense that I can't make the new default the new default. I've been working on this migration to GCE 2.0 for months, the deadline for getting off GCE 1.0 is getting closer by the day, and Google Support has not responded since late last year on this topic.
I should also mention I have tried:
Pushing a new service with the GCE2.0 code directly to default
Pushing a new service with no API at all (to maybe clear a cache or something)
Pushing services with all different sorts of version names
None of these have worked, although I haven't done any of them allowing a long delay since I'm working on a live service with real users.
This issue is now resolved, so for most people it should no longer occur. However, in my specific case, I had a legacy API that was getting in the way and had to be deleted, which did require specific attention from a Google engineer.
If you have similar issues, visit and comment there.
Thanks to #saiyr for help tracking this down.

React clarifications

I am trying to understand React to possibly create an app for Production purposes.
I am used to creating an Node Express app, and with Express if we want https we require https and in the https.createserver() we provide a path to our pem file from our CA and our passphrase to access it.
Do we not have this option to use a CA Certificate file for React? Or since it is just a UI does it not need it?
Say I have an Express API, I created using https that I can get information from using postman with no problems, and I want my React App to access my API. Is the only thing I will need to get info from my api the proxy line in my react package.json file pointing to I thought it was bad practiced to post or get to https server from http.
Plus I just read that Create-React-App should not be used for production. Then what am I supposed to use for production? Is there a Create-React-Production-App? Or is this something else I need to add to my express server? I am very confused about the entire setup.
React is a front-end library. As such, it has nothing to do with SSL certificates, since in the end it's just javascript code that runs inside the client interface (i.e. a browser).
React is also agnostic when it comes to your back-end. It can be Node/Express, Rails, Python, PHP, your front-end really doesn't care, all it will see is an API that provides data (usually in the JSON form) upon request.
You do not have to serve your API and your front-end files from the same server - you can, but it's a matter of preference. And to access your API from your front-end, you can use one of several npm packages, Axios is a great one, there are others (Fetch, ...) ; all you have to do is hookup your API calls using the same URLs you used in Postman in the components that require them.
As for Create-React-App, it's a nice helper tool, but I would recommend learning a bit about the React ecosystem rather than rely blindly on it. The trickiest part is probably the Webpack configuration, but once you get the hang of it, everything becomes a lot easier. There are also newer tools like poi that can do a lot of the grunt work for you. With Webpack, you can have a dev configuration (hot reloading dev server, etc.) and a production configuration (that will output your production build JS, HTML, CSS, can optimize with chunking, etc.).
I'm not very familiar with Create-React-App (I prefer to use my own boilerplate projects), but if I'm not mistaken, there is a possibility for you to access full customization of your project, see here. Be warned however, it's a one-way operation.

How to make Pylons work in Google App Engine?

I am new to Pylons and GAE and was wondering if any team has had success with this combination. I have followed this howto that is available on the web and have got it to work. But after I have everything working I cannot even create a controller. I have also gone through this but still no results.
Also I want to able to put it in source control and allow other developers to work with it. So far it seems everything is tied to the location where I have my pylons application. Has a TEAM developed using Pylons + GAE?
I've tried the steps described here and got it to work without a problem.
