tableHeaderCheckbox comes disabled on 1st load of the page using ptable - primeng

i am using ptable and in that header contains ptableHeaderCheckbox . By default when the page loads this header checkbox on the table header comes disabled. It gets enabled only if i click a checkbox that is in the table body.
Tried all the examples from primeng table creation with checkbox that is available on primeng site.


Ag grid custom pagination option is missing

In the application I have been working need to have a customize pagination option , so that the user can select how many records / page he want to display in the grid. Currently the ag community version has the option to place a dropdown to change the page size dynamically is available. This makes a call to paginationSetPageSize(newPageSize). So do we have any option available to display the custom pagination option along with the autopagination controls coming in the grid footer?. Please help.

smart table pagination is not reset to first page on data source is updated

We have created report table using angular smart table.When a page is selected and updated the smart table data source. The page selection is still preserved. Not reset to first page.Please specify the method for reset the page selection to first page on data source updation

Extjs How to make Grid Column Header Menu options persist in Cookies (Stateful)

Using Sencha Architect Version 3.0.2
ExtJS 4.1
I am trying to make the selections in the Grid column headers stateful and save them in a cookie.
What I am after is the Columns menu that further dropdowns to list the columns in the grid with a Checkbox besides it. Selecting/Un-selecting this box will unhide/hide the respective column.
I want to save this setting so that next time the user loads the grid, a column that is unselected before is hidden and does not appear (until obviously cookies are cleared).
Example Fiddle Located here
Following is the menu I am talking about:
Set stateProvider and make the grid stateful:true with stateId, fiddle here:

SSRS : How to repeat header row of a table on each page that is embedded in a LIST?

I have a SSRS report that has a list which includes two embedded tables.
For these tables if I set the header rows to repeat on each page, I get an error "All tablix member elements in a TablixColumnHierarchy must have the RepeatOnNewPage Property set to false".
How do I fix this and make the headers repeat on each page?
Thank you.
In design mode while editing the rdl file, at bottom of the editor you will find Row Groups and Column Groups (left and right, respectively). Beside Column Groups you will find one arrow button ▼ (this arrow button is at the right side of the column groups portion). Click on this arrow button.
Check Advanced Mode
In the RowGroups section you will find '(Static)' and '(Details)'. click on/highlight (Static) and press F4 (to check its properties on the Properties window.)
Set Keep With Group to After
Set Repeat On New Page to True
Go back to table, right-click on the row header (the grey bar), and select to Tablix Properties.
Check on Repeat header columns on each page and repeat header column on each Row. (Edit as of VS2012 at least he might mean Repeat header rows on each page)
Its nothing but a property for the report named RepeatOnNewPage is false. If you click on the page header and go for page header properties
General --> Display header for this page -> Print on first page and print on last page(check all the boxes over here )and click ok
Run the report. This is done on report builder 3.0 .I am not sure which tool you are using.
Or you can follow this
Select the Tablix.
In the grouping pane, click on the small triangle and select "Advanced Mode" to show static members.
In the row group hierarchy, select the corresponding (static) item of the header row.
In the Properties grid:
set RepeatOnNewPage to True

EXT.js Grid CheckboxSelectionModel: Header Check box not updating

I have an EXT js grid that uses the CheckboxSelectionModel. The grid is paged. The first column is check-boxes and this columns header is a check box as well. When the column header box is clicked, it selects/delesects all rows on the page, and only that page. The problem is that if on one page you select all, and then go to another, the column header box is still checked. the records are not selected which is correct, it's just the top one that is not updated. I found the code that fires when switching pages. I already have a selModel var set up. I found a condition to check whether or not the column header should be checked, I just don't know how to updated it. can anyone give me an idea how to do this?
Have you tried adding a listener to your grid's data store:
listeners : {
'load' : function() {
Hopefully the clearSelections() method will also uncheck the header checkbox.
