Buffer Overflow Return Address Attack - c

I am trying to learn more about buffer overflows so I have created a simple program to gain knowledge and try to exploit it.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void failed(void)
puts("Did not exploit");
void pass(void)
puts("Good Job");
void foo()
char input[4];
int _main()
return 0;
I am trying to fill the buffer within foo() with random characters as well as the address of pass() such that the return address of foo() gets overwritten to the starting address of pass(). Using the GDB commands as follows to get relevant information.
x foo
-> 0x8049dd7 foo : 0xfb1e0ff3
disas foo
Dump of assembler code for function foo:
0x08049e09 <+0>: endbr32
0x08049e0d <+4>: push %ebp
0x08049e0e <+5>: mov %esp,%ebp
0x08049e10 <+7>: push %ebx
0x08049e11 <+8>: sub $0x14,%esp
0x08049e14 <+11>: call 0x8049e5a <__x86.get_pc_thunk.ax>
0x08049e19 <+16>: add $0x9b1e7,%eax
0x08049e1e <+21>: sub $0xc,%esp
0x08049e21 <+24>: lea -0xc(%ebp),%edx
0x08049e24 <+27>: push %edx
0x08049e25 <+28>: mov %eax,%ebx
0x08049e27 <+30>: call 0x8058850 <gets>
0x08049e2c <+35>: add $0x10,%esp
0x08049e2f <+38>: nop
0x08049e30 <+39>: mov -0x4(%ebp),%ebx
0x08049e33 <+42>: leave
0x08049e34 <+43>: ret
End of assembler dump.
I then created a python program which feeds its output into my vulnerable.c program as printing simply
print('A'*15 + '\x08\x04\x9d\xd7')
The A*15 is supposed to fill the buffer and the EBP then overwrites the return address with the address of foo (\x08\x04\x9d\xd7) but I continue to get segmentation faults. Any assistance would be great!

Any mistake and the attempt will segfault. You must:
have the right target address
put it in the right place on the stack
use the right byte order
The first one is difficult because the kernel will randomize address spaces on load,
primarily because of these kinds of attacks.
The other two you've gotten wrong.
If you'd like to play with something similar, here's an example
that changes the return address. Because of C calling conventions,
the stack is corrupted at the end of main, which can be fixed by using
stdcall or pascal calling conventions for the test function.
Syntax for that is compiler dependent.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void oops() {
void /*__stdcall*/ test(int t)
/* x86 stack is top down, int is same size as pointer */
int *return_is_at = &t - 1;
/* replace parameter with our return address, for oops to return to */
*(&t) = *return_is_at; /* just-in-case avoid optimization*/
/* replace our return address with address of oops */
*return_is_at = (int)oops;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("test returned\n");
/* unless stdcall, at this point our stack is corrupted
and this return will crash, so:
Here's an alternative function that uses a local variable to calculate
the return address location intead of the parameter.
This assumes a standard stack frame, which the compiler may optimize away.
It also corrupts the stack.
void test2()
/* x86 stack is top down, int is same size as pointer */
/* this relies on consistently defined stack frames */
int l;
int *return_is_at = &l + 2;
/* copy our return address up one,
for oops to return to (corrupting the stack)
return_is_at[1] = *return_is_at;
/* replace our return address with address of oops */
*return_is_at = (int)oops;
FYI - It's possible to use a similar technique to track unique call trees for a function
(by walking up the stack frames) in order to fail specific call instances during testing.


Segmentation fault when calling printf in C after setting the stack

I'am doing an exercice for an Operational Systems class and getting an SegFault error when calling printf with arguments.
The objective of the exercice is to simulate the initialization of a thread and print a counter, not very difficult. I have a table of 4 entries each with size 4096 bytes, each entry must represent the thread's stack represented as
#define STACK_SIZE 4096
char table[4][STACK_SIZE];
I defined a type called coroutine that will get only a stack address
typedef void* coroutine_t;
The i have a initialization code. This code must take the end of the routine stack, append the address of the coroutine and the initialization of the registers and return the pointer that will be the stack pointer for the coroutine.
coroutine_t init_coroutine(void *stack_begin, unsigned int stack_size,
void (*initial_pc)(void)) {
char *stack_end = ((char *)stack_begin) + stack_size;
void **ptr = (void**) stack_end;
*ptr = initial_pc;
*ptr = stack_end; /* Frame pointer */
*ptr = 0; /* RBX*/
*ptr = 0; /* R12 */
*ptr = 0; /* R13 */
*ptr = 0; /* R14 */
*ptr = 0; /* R15 */
return ptr;
Then i have this code in x86 assembly to enter the coroutine that just pop the register previously pushed
.global enter_coroutine /* Makes enter_coroutine visible to the linker*/
mov %rdi,%rsp /* RDI contains the argument to enter_coroutine. */
/* And is copied to RSP. */
pop %r15
pop %r14
pop %r13
pop %r12
pop %rbx
pop %rbp
ret /* Pop the program counter */
The rest of my code is this
coroutine_t cr;
void test_function() {
int counter = 0;
while(1) {
printf("counter1: %d\n", counter);
int main() {
cr = init_coroutine(table[0], STACK_SIZE, &test_function);
return 0;
So for the error
If i run as it is i will get a segfault when the program call printf the output from gdb is
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x00007ffff7dfcfdd in __vfprintf_internal (s=0x7ffff7f9d760 <_IO_2_1_stdout_>, format=0x555555556004 "counter1: %d\n", ap=ap#entry=0x555555558f48 <table+3848>, mode_flags=mode_flags#entry=0) at vfprintf-internal.c:1385
I assume it has some thing happening with the stack for two causes:
If i just print a string without parameters i get no error
If i remove the first ptr-- statement from the init_coroutine function it will also work, but will alocate things in the end of the stack and hence in the other thread's stack
I'am running this in a Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5200U CPU with ubuntu 21.10 and ggc version 11.2.0
Could you give me some light here ?
I wasn't able to reproduce the problem on my x86_64 Linux box, but I was on compiler explorer, and the problem seems to be simple stack overflow (i.e., 4096 is too small a stack for printf).
Increasing the stack size (or choosing table[1], table[2], or table[3] instead table[0], which is effectively the same as increasing stack size) appears to make it work: https://gcc.godbolt.org/z/rnfMThbjo

Calling Perl function from C produce crash

I have a Perl library written in C and inside XS file I declared callback function to call Perl functions from C code. When call this function from C code (multithreaded):
char *
callbackfunc(void *fun, char **args)
int count,i;
char *s;
for(i=0;args[i];++i) {
count = call_sv(fun,G_SCALAR|G_EVAL);
s = NULL;
if(count > 1)
croak("callback may return only single value\n");
if(count==1) {
s = strdup(POPp);
return s;
I get crash at dSP macro:
#0 callbackfunc (fun=0x2416a58, args=0x7f3a0cfa9a10) at MyLibrary.xs:24
24 dSP;
In disassembler it looks like some thread specific data not found:
push %r15
push %r14
mov %rdi,%r14
push %r13
mov %rsi,%r13
push %r12
push %rbp
push %rbx
sub $0x8,%rsp
mov 0x2015dd(%rip),%rbx
mov (%rbx),%edi
callq 0x7f3a0e37f550 <pthread_getspecific#plt>
mov (%rbx),%esi
mov (%rax),%r15 // here is crash because %rax is 0x0
You probably forgot to tell your thread about the current Perl interpreter. The perlembed man page says:
PERL_SET_CONTEXT(interp) should also be called whenever interp is used by a thread that did not create it (using either perl_alloc(), or the more esoteric perl_clone()).
Also note that calling Perl from C is not thread-safe. Make sure that proper locking is in place.
EDIT: If you didn't create the interpreter yourself, you can get a void * to the interpreter via the macro PERL_GET_CONTEXT. If you're only using a single interpreter, you could add some code to the XS boot section to store this value in a global. If you have multiple interpreters (or want to support fork on Windows), you have to track the current interpreter when registering your callback.

Hooking - hotpatching

I'm trying to hook the Windows API function FindWindowA(). I successfully did it with the code below without "hotpatching" it: I've overwritten the bytes at the beginning of the function. myHook() is called and a message box shows up when FindWindowA() is called.
user32.dll has hotpatching enabled and I'd like to overwrite the NOPs before the actual function instead of overwriting the function itself. However, the code below won't work when I set hotpatching to TRUE. It does nothing when FindWindowA() gets executed.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
void myHook()
MessageBoxA(NULL, "Hooked", "Hook", MB_ICONINFORMATION);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
BOOLEAN hotpatching = FALSE;
LPVOID fwAddress = GetProcAddress(GetModuleHandleA("user32.dll"), "FindWindowA");
LPVOID fwHotpatchingAddress = (LPVOID)((DWORD)fwAddress - 5);
LPVOID myHookAddress = &myHook;
DWORD jmpOffset = (DWORD)&myHook - (DWORD)(!hotpatching ? fwAddress : fwHotpatchingAddress) - 5; // -5 because "JMP offset" = 5 bytes (1 + 4)
printf("fwAddress: %X\n", fwAddress);
printf("fwHotpatchingAddress: %X\n", fwHotpatchingAddress);
printf("myHookAddress: %X\n", myHookAddress);
printf("jmpOffset: %X\n", jmpOffset);
char JMP[1] = {0xE9};
char RETN[1] = {0xC3};
LPVOID offset0 = NULL;
LPVOID offset1 = NULL;
LPVOID offset2 = NULL;
if (!hotpatching)
offset0 = fwAddress;
offset0 = fwHotpatchingAddress;
offset1 = (LPVOID)((DWORD)offset0 + 1);
offset2 = (LPVOID)((DWORD)offset1 + 4);
DWORD oldProtect = 0;
VirtualProtect(offset0, 6, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &oldProtect);
memcpy(fwAddress, JMP, 1);
memcpy(offset1, &jmpOffset, 4);
memcpy(offset2, RETN, 1);
VirtualProtect(offset0, 6, oldProtect, &oldProtect);
printf("FindWindowA() Patched");
FindWindowA(NULL, "Test");
return 0;
Could you tell me what's wrong?
Thank you.
Hotpatching enabled executable images are prepared by the compiler and linker to allow replacing the image while in use. The following two changes are applied (x86):
The function entry point is set to a 2-byte no-op mov edi, edi (/hotpatch).
Five consecutive nop's are prepended to each function entry point (/FUNCTIONPADMIN).
To illustrate this, here is a typical disassembly listing of a hotpaching enabled function:
(2) 768C8D66 90 nop
768C8D67 90 nop
768C8D68 90 nop
768C8D69 90 nop
768C8D6A 90 nop
(1) 768C8D6B 8B FF mov edi,edi
(3) 768C8D6D 55 push ebp
768C8D6E 8B EC mov ebp,esp
(1) designates the function entry point with the 2-byte no-op. (2) is the padding provided by the linker, and (3) is where the non-trivial function implementation starts.
To hook into a function you have to overwrite (2) with a jump to your hook function jmp myHook, and make this code reachable by replacing (1) with a relative jump jmp $-5.
The hook function must leave the stack in a consistent state. It should be declared as __declspec(naked) to prevent the compiler from generating function prolog and epilog code. The final instruction must either perform stack cleanup in line with the calling convention of the hooked function, or jump back to the hooked function at the address designated by (3).

How do I get info from the stack, using inline assembly, to program in c?

I have a task to do and I'm asking for some help. (on simple c lang')
What I need to do?
I need to check every command on the main c program (using interrupt num 1) and printing a message only if the next command is the same procedure that was sent earlier to the stack, by some other procedure.
What I want to do?
I want to take info from the stack, using inline assembley, and put it on a variable that can be compare on c program itself after returnning to c. (volatile)
This is the program:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <dos.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef void (*FUN_PTR)(void);
void interrupt (*Int1Save) (void); //pointer to interrupt num 1//
volatile FUN_PTR our_func;
char *str2;
void interrupt my_inter (void) //New interrupt//
{volatile FUN_PTR next_command;
asm { PUSH BP
MOV word ptr next_command,AX
pop BP}
if (our_func==next_command) printf("procedure %s has been called\n",str2);}
void animate(int *iptr,char str[],void (*funptr)(), char fstr[])
Int1Save = getvect(1); // save old interrupt//
asm { pushf //TF is ON//
pop ax
or ax,100000000B
push ax
void unanimate()
{asm { pushf //TF is OFF//
pop ax
and ax,1111111011111111B
push ax
setvect (1,Int1Save); //restore old interrupt//}
void main(void)
{int i;
int f1 = 1;
int f2 = 1;
int fibo = 1;
animate(&fibo, "fibo", sleep, "sleep");
for(i=0; i < 8; i++)
f1 = f2;
f2 = fibo;
fibo = f1 + f2;} // for//
unanimate();} // main//
My question...
Off course the problem is at "my inter" on the inline assembly. but can't figure it out.
What am I doing wrong? (please take a look at the code above)
I wanted to save the address of the pointer for the specific procedure (sleep) in the volatile our_func. then take the info (address to each next command) from the stack to volatile next_command and then finaly returnning to c and make the compare each time. If the same value (address) is on both variables then to print a specific message.
Hope I'm clear..
Nir B
Answered as a comment by the OP
I got the answer I wanted:
asm { MOV SI,[BP+18] //Taking the address of each command//
MOV DI,[BP+20]
MOV word ptr next_command+2,DI
MOV word ptr next_command,SI}
if ((*our_func)==(*next_command)) //Making the next_command compare//
printf("procedure %s has been called\n",str2);

c generate function and call it

#include <stdio.h>
#define uint unsigned int
#define AddressOfLabel(sectionname,out) __asm{mov [out],offset sectionname};
void* CreateFunction(void* start,void *end) {
uint __start=(uint)start,__end=(uint)end-1
void* func_runtime=malloc(size=(((__end)-(__start)))+1);
((char*)func_runtime)[size]=0xC3; //ret
return func_runtime;
void CallRuntimeFunction(void* address) {
__asm {
call address
main() {
void* _start,*_end;
void* func = CreateFunction(_start,_end);
CallRuntimeFunction(func); //I expected this method to print "Test"
//but this method raised exception
return 0;
CreateFunction - takes two points in memory (function scope), allocate, copy it to the allocated memory and returns it (The void* used like a function to call with Assembly)
CallRuntimeFunction - runs the functions that returns from CreateFunction
#define AddressOfLabel(sectionname,out) - Outs the address of label (sectionname) to variable (out)
When I debugged this code and stepped in the call of CallRuntimeFunction and go to disassembly ,
I saw alot of ??? instead of assembly code of between __start and __end labels.
I tried to copy machine code between two labels and then run it. But I don't have any idea why I can't call function that allocated with malloc.
I changed some code and done part of the work.
Runtime Function's memory allocate:
void* func_runtime=VirtualAlloc(0, size=(((__end)-(__start)))+1, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
Copy from function scope:
But when I ran this program I can that:
mov esi,esp
push 0E4FD14h
call dword ptr ds:[0E55598h] ; <--- printf ,after that I don't know what is it
add esp,4
cmp esi,esp
call 000B9DBB ; <--- here
mov dword ptr [ebp-198h],0
lea ecx,[ebp-34h]
call 000B9C17
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-198h]
jmp 000D01CB
At here it enters to another function and weird stuff.
void CallRuntimeFunction(void* address) {
__asm {
call address
here address is a "pointer" to a parameter of this function which is also a pointer.
pointer to a pointer
void CallRuntimeFunction(void* address) {
_asm {
mov ecx,[address] //we get address of "func"
mov ecx,[ecx] //we get "func"
call [ecx] //we jump func(ecx is an address. yes)
you wanna call func which is a pointer. when passed in your CallRunt... function, this generates a new pointer to point to that pointer. Pointer of second degree.
void* func = CreateFunction(_start,_end);
yes func is a pointer
Important: check your compilers "calling convention" options. Try the decl one
Be sure to invalidate the caches (both instruction and data) between the function code generation and its calling. See self-modifying code for further info.
