c generate function and call it - c

#include <stdio.h>
#define uint unsigned int
#define AddressOfLabel(sectionname,out) __asm{mov [out],offset sectionname};
void* CreateFunction(void* start,void *end) {
uint __start=(uint)start,__end=(uint)end-1
void* func_runtime=malloc(size=(((__end)-(__start)))+1);
((char*)func_runtime)[size]=0xC3; //ret
return func_runtime;
void CallRuntimeFunction(void* address) {
__asm {
call address
main() {
void* _start,*_end;
void* func = CreateFunction(_start,_end);
CallRuntimeFunction(func); //I expected this method to print "Test"
//but this method raised exception
return 0;
CreateFunction - takes two points in memory (function scope), allocate, copy it to the allocated memory and returns it (The void* used like a function to call with Assembly)
CallRuntimeFunction - runs the functions that returns from CreateFunction
#define AddressOfLabel(sectionname,out) - Outs the address of label (sectionname) to variable (out)
When I debugged this code and stepped in the call of CallRuntimeFunction and go to disassembly ,
I saw alot of ??? instead of assembly code of between __start and __end labels.
I tried to copy machine code between two labels and then run it. But I don't have any idea why I can't call function that allocated with malloc.
I changed some code and done part of the work.
Runtime Function's memory allocate:
void* func_runtime=VirtualAlloc(0, size=(((__end)-(__start)))+1, MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
Copy from function scope:
But when I ran this program I can that:
mov esi,esp
push 0E4FD14h
call dword ptr ds:[0E55598h] ; <--- printf ,after that I don't know what is it
add esp,4
cmp esi,esp
call 000B9DBB ; <--- here
mov dword ptr [ebp-198h],0
lea ecx,[ebp-34h]
call 000B9C17
mov eax,dword ptr [ebp-198h]
jmp 000D01CB
At here it enters to another function and weird stuff.

void CallRuntimeFunction(void* address) {
__asm {
call address
here address is a "pointer" to a parameter of this function which is also a pointer.
pointer to a pointer
void CallRuntimeFunction(void* address) {
_asm {
mov ecx,[address] //we get address of "func"
mov ecx,[ecx] //we get "func"
call [ecx] //we jump func(ecx is an address. yes)
you wanna call func which is a pointer. when passed in your CallRunt... function, this generates a new pointer to point to that pointer. Pointer of second degree.
void* func = CreateFunction(_start,_end);
yes func is a pointer
Important: check your compilers "calling convention" options. Try the decl one

Be sure to invalidate the caches (both instruction and data) between the function code generation and its calling. See self-modifying code for further info.


Buffer Overflow Return Address Attack

I am trying to learn more about buffer overflows so I have created a simple program to gain knowledge and try to exploit it.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void failed(void)
puts("Did not exploit");
void pass(void)
puts("Good Job");
void foo()
char input[4];
int _main()
return 0;
I am trying to fill the buffer within foo() with random characters as well as the address of pass() such that the return address of foo() gets overwritten to the starting address of pass(). Using the GDB commands as follows to get relevant information.
x foo
-> 0x8049dd7 foo : 0xfb1e0ff3
disas foo
Dump of assembler code for function foo:
0x08049e09 <+0>: endbr32
0x08049e0d <+4>: push %ebp
0x08049e0e <+5>: mov %esp,%ebp
0x08049e10 <+7>: push %ebx
0x08049e11 <+8>: sub $0x14,%esp
0x08049e14 <+11>: call 0x8049e5a <__x86.get_pc_thunk.ax>
0x08049e19 <+16>: add $0x9b1e7,%eax
0x08049e1e <+21>: sub $0xc,%esp
0x08049e21 <+24>: lea -0xc(%ebp),%edx
0x08049e24 <+27>: push %edx
0x08049e25 <+28>: mov %eax,%ebx
0x08049e27 <+30>: call 0x8058850 <gets>
0x08049e2c <+35>: add $0x10,%esp
0x08049e2f <+38>: nop
0x08049e30 <+39>: mov -0x4(%ebp),%ebx
0x08049e33 <+42>: leave
0x08049e34 <+43>: ret
End of assembler dump.
I then created a python program which feeds its output into my vulnerable.c program as printing simply
print('A'*15 + '\x08\x04\x9d\xd7')
The A*15 is supposed to fill the buffer and the EBP then overwrites the return address with the address of foo (\x08\x04\x9d\xd7) but I continue to get segmentation faults. Any assistance would be great!
Any mistake and the attempt will segfault. You must:
have the right target address
put it in the right place on the stack
use the right byte order
The first one is difficult because the kernel will randomize address spaces on load,
primarily because of these kinds of attacks.
The other two you've gotten wrong.
If you'd like to play with something similar, here's an example
that changes the return address. Because of C calling conventions,
the stack is corrupted at the end of main, which can be fixed by using
stdcall or pascal calling conventions for the test function.
Syntax for that is compiler dependent.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
void oops() {
void /*__stdcall*/ test(int t)
/* x86 stack is top down, int is same size as pointer */
int *return_is_at = &t - 1;
/* replace parameter with our return address, for oops to return to */
*(&t) = *return_is_at; /* just-in-case avoid optimization*/
/* replace our return address with address of oops */
*return_is_at = (int)oops;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
printf("test returned\n");
/* unless stdcall, at this point our stack is corrupted
and this return will crash, so:
Here's an alternative function that uses a local variable to calculate
the return address location intead of the parameter.
This assumes a standard stack frame, which the compiler may optimize away.
It also corrupts the stack.
void test2()
/* x86 stack is top down, int is same size as pointer */
/* this relies on consistently defined stack frames */
int l;
int *return_is_at = &l + 2;
/* copy our return address up one,
for oops to return to (corrupting the stack)
return_is_at[1] = *return_is_at;
/* replace our return address with address of oops */
*return_is_at = (int)oops;
FYI - It's possible to use a similar technique to track unique call trees for a function
(by walking up the stack frames) in order to fail specific call instances during testing.

Wrong function address

Here’s the code:
__declspec ( naked ) void nseel_asm_assign(void)
fld qword ptr [eax]
fstp qword ptr [ebx]
__declspec ( naked ) void nseel_asm_assign_end(void) {}
The code that consumes them crashes. The debugger shows the addresses are OK, e.g.
&nseel_asm_assign 0x0f45e4a0 {vis_avs.dll!nseel_asm_assign(void)} void(*)()
&nseel_asm_assign_end 0x0f45e4b0 {vis_avs.dll!nseel_asm_assign_end(void)} void(*)()
However, when the address of these functions is taken by the actual C code not by the debugger, it stops being correct and the consuming code crashes because the size is negative:
fn 0x0f455056 {vis_avs.dll!_nseel_asm_assign} void(*)()
fn_e 0x0f45295f {vis_avs.dll!_nseel_asm_assign_end} void(*)()
The underscored functions contain just a single instruction, e.g. jmp nseel_asm_assign
How do I get the addresses of the real functions, without the underscore?
Update: in case you wondering why I wrote code like this, it wasn’t me, it’s third party, and it worked just fine when built with VC++ 6.0.
Here’s how to get the real address.
static void* unwrapJumpAddress( void *f )
const uint8_t* pb = (const uint8_t*)f;
if( *pb == 0xE9 ) // JMP: http://felixcloutier.com/x86/JMP.html
const int offset = *(const int*)( pb + 1 );
// The jump offset is relative to the start of the next instruction.
// This JMP takes 5 bytes.
return (void*)( pb + 5 + offset );
return f;

C - Inline asm patching at runtime

I am writing a program in C and i use inline asm. In the inline assembler code is have some addresses where i want to patch them at runtime.
A quick sample of the code is this:
void __declspec(naked) inline(void)
mov eax, 0xAABBCCDD
An say i want to modify the 0xAABBCCDD value from the main C program.
What i tried to do is to Call VirtualProtect an is the pointer of the function in order to make it Writeable, and then call memcpy to add the appropriate values to the code.
DWORD old;
VirtualProtect(inline, len, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, &old);
However VirtualProtect fails and GetLastError() returns 487 which means accessing invalid address. Anyone have a clue about this problem??
Doesn't this work?
int X = 0xAABBCCDD;
void __declspec(naked) inline(void)
mov eax, [X]
call [X]
How to do it to another process at runtime,
Create a variable that holds the program base address
Get the target RVA (Relative Virtual Address)
Then calculate the real address like this PA=RVA + BASE
then call it from your inline assembly
You can get the base address like this
DWORD dwGetModuleBaseAddress(DWORD dwProcessID)
ZeroMemory(zFileName, MAX_PATH);
HANDLE hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, true, dwProcessID);
HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, dwProcessID);
DWORD dwModuleBaseAddress = 0;
if (hSnapshot != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
MODULEENTRY32 ModuleEntry32 = { 0 };
ModuleEntry32.dwSize = sizeof(MODULEENTRY32);
if (Module32First(hSnapshot, &ModuleEntry32))
if (wcscmp(ModuleEntry32.szModule, L"example.exe") == 0)
dwModuleBaseAddress = (DWORD_PTR)ModuleEntry32.modBaseAddr;
} while (Module32Next(hSnapshot, &ModuleEntry32));
return dwModuleBaseAddress;
Assuming you have a local variable and your base address
mov dword ptr ss : [ebp - 0x14] , eax;
mov eax, dword ptr BaseAddress;
add eax, PA;
call eax;
mov eax, dword ptr ss : [ebp - 0x14] ;
You have to restore the value of your Register after the call returns, since this value may be used somewhere down the code execution, assuming you're trying to patch an existing application that may depend on the eax register after your call. Although this method has it disadvantages, but at least it will give anyone idea on what to do.

Pointers and Pointer Functions

Studying the K&R book in C I had a few questions regarding complicated pointer declarations and pointer-array relationships.
1) What exactly is the difference between
char amessage[] = "this is a string";
char *pmessage
pmessage = "this is a string"
and when would you use one or the other?
From my understanding the first one allocates some amount of memory according to the size of the string, and then stores the chars in the memory. Then when you access amessage[] you just directly access whatever char you're looking for. For the second one you also allocate memory except you just access the data through a pointer whenever you need it. Is this the correct way of looking at it?
2) The book says that arrays when passed into functions are treated as if you gave the pointer to the first index of the array and thus you manipulate the array through manipulating the pointer even though you can still do syntax like a[i]. Is this true if you just created an array somewhere and want to access it or is it only true if you pass in an array into a function? For example:
char amessage[]= "hi";
char x = *(amessage + 1); // can I do this?
3) The book says the use of static is great in this particular function:
/* month_name: return name of n-th month */
char *month_name(int n)
static char *name[] = {
"Illegal month",
"January", "February", "March",
"April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September",
"October", "November", "December"
return (n < 1 || n > 12) ? name[0] : name[n];
I don't understand why exactly this is a good use of static. Is it because the char *name[] would get deleted after function return if it is not static (because its a local variable)? Then does that mean in c you can't do stuff like:
void testFunction(){
int x = 1;
return x;
Without x being deleted before you use the return value? (Sorry I guess this might not be a pointer question but it was in the pointer chapter).
4) There are some complicated declaration like
char (*(*x())[])()
I'm really confused as to what is going on. So the x() part means a function x that returns a pointer? But what kind of pointer does it return its just a "" without like int or void or w/e. Or does that mean a pointer to a function (but I thought that would be like (*x)())? And then after you add brackets (because I assume brackets have the next precedence)...what is that? An array of functions?
This kind of ties to my confusion with function pointers. If you have something like
int (*func)()
That means a pointer to a function that returns an int, and the name of that pointer is func, but what does it mean when its like int (*x[3])(). I don't understand how you can replace the pointer name with an array.
Thanks for any help!
1) What exactly is the difference between
char amessage[] = "this is a string";
char *pmessage
pmessage = "this is a string"
and when would you use one or the other?
amessage will always refer to the memory holding this is a string\0. You cannot change the address it refers to. pmessage can be updated to point to any character in memory, whether or not it is part of a string. If you assign to pmessage, you might lose your only reference to this is a string\0. (It depends if you made references anywhere else.)
I would use char amessage[] if I intended to modify the contents of amessage[] in place. You cannot modify the memory that pmessage points to. Try this little program; comment out amessage[0]='H' and pmessage[0]='H'; one at a time and see that pmessage[0]='H'; causes a segmentation violation:
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
char amessage[]="howdy";
char *pmessage="hello";
printf("amessage %s\n", amessage);
printf("pmessage %s\n", pmessage);
return 0;
Modifying a string that was hard-coded in the program is relatively rare; char *foo = "literal"; is probably more common, and the immutability of the string might be one reason why.
2) The book says that arrays when passed into functions are treated as
if you gave the pointer to the first index of the array and thus you
manipulate the array through manipulating the pointer even though you
can still do syntax like a[i]. Is this true if you just created an
array somewhere and want to access it or is it only true if you pass
in an array into a function? For example:
char amessage[]= "hi";
char x = *(amessage + 1); // can I do this?
You can do that, however it is pretty unusual:
$ cat refer.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
char amessage[]="howdy";
char x = *(amessage+1);
printf("x: %c\n", x);
return 0;
$ ./refer
x: o
At least, I have never seen a "production" program that did this with character strings. (And I'm having trouble thinking of a program that used pointer arithmetic rather than array subscripting on arrays of other types.)
3) The book says the use of static is great in this particular
/* month_name: return name of n-th month */
char *month_name(int n)
static char *name[] = {
"Illegal month",
"January", "February", "March",
"April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September",
"October", "November", "December"
return (n < 1 || n > 12) ? name[0] : name[n];
I don't understand why exactly this is a good use of static. Is it
because the char *name[] would get deleted after function return if
it is not static (because its a local variable)? Then does that mean
in c you can't do stuff like:
void testFunction(){
int x = 1;
return x;
Without x being deleted before you use the return value? (Sorry I
guess this might not be a pointer question but it was in the pointer
In this specific case, I believe the static is needless; at least GCC is able to determine that the strings are not modified and stores them in the .rodata read-only data segment. However, that might be an optimization with string literals. Your example with another primitive data type (int) also works fine because C passes everything by value both on function calls and function returns. However, if you're returning a pointer to an object allocated on the stack then the static is absolutely necessary, because it determines where in memory the object lives:
$ cat stackarray.c ; make stackarray
#include <stdio.h>
struct foo { int x; };
struct foo *bar() {
struct foo array[2];
return &array[1];
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
struct foo* fp;
fp = bar();
printf("foo.x: %d\n", fp->x);
return 0;
cc stackarray.c -o stackarray
stackarray.c: In function ‘bar’:
stackarray.c:9:2: warning: function returns address of local variable
If you change the storage duration of array to static, then the address that is being returned is not automatically allocated, and will continue to work even after the function has returned:
$ cat staticstackarray.c ; make staticstackarray ; ./staticstackarray
#include <stdio.h>
struct foo { int x; };
struct foo *bar() {
static struct foo array[2];
return &array[1];
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
struct foo* fp;
fp = bar();
printf("foo.x: %d\n", fp->x);
return 0;
cc staticstackarray.c -o staticstackarray
foo.x: 2
You can see where the memory allocation changes between stackarray and staticstackarray:
$ readelf -S stackarray | grep -A 3 '\.data'
[24] .data PROGBITS 0000000000601010 00001010
0000000000000010 0000000000000000 WA 0 0 8
[25] .bss NOBITS 0000000000601020 00001020
0000000000000010 0000000000000000 WA 0 0 8
$ readelf -S staticstackarray | grep -A 3 '\.data'
[24] .data PROGBITS 0000000000601010 00001010
0000000000000010 0000000000000000 WA 0 0 8
[25] .bss NOBITS 0000000000601020 00001020
0000000000000018 0000000000000000 WA 0 0 8
The .bss section in the version without static is 8 bytes smaller than the .bss section in the version with static. Those 8 bytes in the .bss section provide the persistent address that is returned.
So you can see that the case with strings didn't really make a difference -- at least GCC doesn't care -- but pointers to other types of objects, the static makes all the difference in the world.
However, most functions that return data in function-local-static storage have fallen out of favor. strtok(3), for example, extracts tokens from a string, and if subsequent calls to strtok(3) include NULL as the first argument to indicate that the function should re-use the string passed in the first call. This is neat, but means a program can never tokenize two separate strings simultaneously, and multiple-threaded programs cannot reliably use this routine. So a reentrant version is available, strtok_r(3), that takes an additional argument to store information between calls. man -k _r will show a surprising number of functions that have reentrant versions available, and the primary change is reducing static use in functions.
4) There are some complicated declaration like
char (*(*x())[])()
I'm really confused as to what is going on. So the x() part means a
function x that returns a pointer? But what kind of pointer does it
return its just a "" without like int or void or w/e. Or does that
mean a pointer to a function (but I thought that would be like
(*x)())? And then after you add brackets (because I assume brackets
have the next precedence)...what is that? An array of functions?
This kind of ties to my confusion with function pointers. If you have
something like
int (*func)()
That means a pointer to a function that returns an int, and the name
of that pointer is func, but what does it mean when its like int
(*x[3])(). I don't understand how you can replace the pointer name
with an array.
First, don't panic. You'll almost never need anything this complicated. Sometimes it is very handy to have a table of function pointers and call the next one based on a state transition diagram. Sometimes you're installing signal handlers with sigaction(2). You'll need slightly complicated function pointers then. However, if you use cdecl(1) to decipher what you need, it'll make sense:
struct sigaction {
void (*sa_handler)(int);
void (*sa_sigaction)(int, siginfo_t *, void *);
sigset_t sa_mask;
int sa_flags;
void (*sa_restorer)(void);
cdecl(1) only understands a subset of C native types, so replace siginfo_t with void and you can see roughly what is required:
$ cdecl
Type `help' or `?' for help
cdecl> explain void (*sa_sigaction)(int, void *, void *);
declare sa_sigaction as pointer to function
(int, pointer to void, pointer to void) returning void
Expert C Programming: Deep C Secrets has an excellent chapter devoted to understanding more complicated declarations, and even includes a version of cdecl, in case you wish to extend it to include more types and typedef handling. It's well worth reading.
This has to do with part 3 and is a kind of reply/addition to sarnold's comment. He's right in that with or without the static, the string literals are always going to be apart of the .data .rodata segment and essentially only created once. However, without the use of the word static, the actual array, that is the array of char pointers, will in fact be created on the stack each time the function is called.
With the use of static:
Dump of assembler code for function month_name:
0x08048394 <+0>: push ebp
0x08048395 <+1>: mov ebp,esp
0x08048397 <+3>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8],0x0
0x0804839b <+7>: jle 0x80483a3 <month_name+15>
0x0804839d <+9>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8],0xc
0x080483a1 <+13>: jle 0x80483aa <month_name+22>
0x080483a3 <+15>: mov eax,ds:0x8049720
0x080483a8 <+20>: jmp 0x80483b4 <month_name+32>
0x080483aa <+22>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
0x080483ad <+25>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [eax*4+0x8049720]
0x080483b4 <+32>: pop ebp
0x080483b5 <+33>: ret
Without the use of static:
Dump of assembler code for function month_name:
0x08048394 <+0>: push ebp
0x08048395 <+1>: mov ebp,esp
0x08048397 <+3>: sub esp,0x40
0x0804839a <+6>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x34],0x8048514
0x080483a1 <+13>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x30],0x8048522
0x080483a8 <+20>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x2c],0x804852a
0x080483af <+27>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x28],0x8048533
0x080483b6 <+34>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x24],0x8048539
0x080483bd <+41>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x20],0x804853f
0x080483c4 <+48>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x1c],0x8048543
0x080483cb <+55>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x18],0x8048548
0x080483d2 <+62>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x14],0x804854d
0x080483d9 <+69>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x10],0x8048554
0x080483e0 <+76>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0xc],0x804855e
0x080483e7 <+83>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x8],0x8048566
0x080483ee <+90>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x4],0x804856f
0x080483f5 <+97>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8],0x0
0x080483f9 <+101>: jle 0x8048401 <month_name+109>
0x080483fb <+103>: cmp DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8],0xc
0x080483ff <+107>: jle 0x8048406 <month_name+114>
0x08048401 <+109>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp-0x34]
0x08048404 <+112>: jmp 0x804840d <month_name+121>
0x08048406 <+114>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+0x8]
0x08048409 <+117>: mov eax,DWORD PTR [ebp+eax*4-0x34]
0x0804840d <+121>: leave
0x0804840e <+122>: ret
As you can see in the second example (without static), the array is allocated on the stack each time:
0x08048397 <+3>: sub esp,0x40
and the pointers are loaded into the array:
0x0804839a <+6>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x34],0x8048514
0x080483a1 <+13>: mov DWORD PTR [ebp-0x30],0x8048522
So there's obviously a little more to be set up each time the function is called if you decide not to use static.
3) It has nothing to do with that - static creates the array once, as opposed to creating it every time the function runs. Since the data in the array never changes, it is more efficient not to re-create it every time. Your example function would work fine, every time. It's a value. It won't be deleted before you can return it. That would be very unintuitive.
4) Adding some more information in the reply for the 4) point:
I'm following the next book to learn C: C for pascal Programmers by Norman J. Landis.It's quite old and it's thought to be a bridge from pascal to C; but I find it so so so useful, completed and explained at the lowest level of the machine. For me it's an awesome book.
The chapter 5.3.1 in the appendix A talks precisely about this. (Blockquotes is content extracted from the book)
Definition of base type:
The type specifier appearing in the declaration containing the declarator is called the >base type
Basically, in bool x => bool is the base type and in int x[] => the base type for the array is int and the base type for the x is array of int.
In order to interpret complex declarators, the following rules apply:
Apply asterisk operators first.
Apply the "function of base type"( () ) and "array of returning base type" ( [] ) >operators afterward, from right to left.
Of course, parentheses may enclose a declarator to alter the order of evaluation.
And there it is the same example changing the letter x by a letter w:
How I 'parse' this: char (*(*w())[])();
I'm going from outside of the parentheses to inside, after I follow the 2 rules said above. Steps:
Outside any parentheses, we find the function declarator. Then, so far we have a function returning a char.
Now, we enter in the parentheses and process prior pointer and after array.
Such pointer, is a pointer of "the upper base type", which is, we say, a function
returning a char. Then we got pointer of function returning a char, so far.
Following to the array, it's an array of "the upper base type". And "the upper base type" = pointer to function returning a char.
Now, go into the deepest parentheses, we find a pointer and a function. Same manner, first pointer, after function.
We process the pointer => pointer to an array of pointers to functions returning a char.
And finally the function declarator, and we got: Function returning a pointer to an array of pointers to functions returning a char.
I hope now it's much clear.
But you'll need some time and practice to really understand and hand this, but once you get it, it's pretty easy ;)

Compiler flags change code behavior (O2, Ox)

The following code works as expected with flags Od, O1 but fails with O2, Ox. Any ideas why?
edit: by "fails" I mean that the function does nothing, and seems to just return.
void thread_sleep()
listIterator nextThread = getNextThread();
void * pStack = 0;
struct ProcessControlBlock * currPcb = pPCBs->getData(currentThread);
struct ProcessControlBlock * nextPcb = pPCBs->getData(nextThread);
if(currentThread == nextThread)
currentThread = nextThread;
__asm pushad // push general purpose registers
__asm pushfd // push control registers
__asm mov pStack, esp // store stack pointer in temporary
currPcb->pStack = pStack; // store current stack pointer in pcb
pStack = nextPcb->pStack; // grab new stack pointer from pcb
if(nextPcb->state == RUNNING_STATE)// only pop if function was running before
__asm mov esp, pStack // restore new stack pointer
__asm popfd
__asm popad;
__asm mov esp, pStack // restore new stack pointer
// After implementing suggestions: (still does not work)
listIterator nextThread = getNextThread();
struct ProcessControlBlock * currPcb = pPCBs->getData(currentThread);
struct ProcessControlBlock * nextPcb = pPCBs->getData(nextThread);
void * pStack = 0;
void * pNewStack = nextPcb->pStack; // grab new stack pointer from pcb
pgVoid2 = nextPcb->pStack;
if(currentThread == nextThread)
lastThread = currentThread; // global var
currentThread = nextThread;
if(nextPcb->state == RUNNING_STATE)// only pop if function was running before
__asm pushad // push general purpose registers
__asm pushfd // push control registers
__asm mov pgVoid1, esp // store stack pointer in temporary
__asm mov esp, pgVoid2 // restore new stack pointer
__asm popfd
__asm popad;
struct ProcessControlBlock * pcb = pPCBs->getData(lastThread);
pcb->pStack = pgVoid1; // store old stack pointer in pcb
__asm pushad // push general purpose registers
__asm pushfd // push control registers
__asm mov pgVoid1, esp // store stack pointer in temporary
__asm mov esp, pgVoid2 // restore new stack pointer
struct ProcessControlBlock * pcb = pPCBs->getData(lastThread);
pcb->pStack = pgVoid1; // store old stack pointer in pcb
It is likely because your compiler is not using a specific frame pointer register on the higher optimisation levels, which frees up an additional general-purpose register.
This means that the compiler accesses the local variable pStack using an offset from the stack pointer. It cannot do this correctly after the stack pointer has been adjusted by the pushad and pushfd - it is not expecting the stack pointer to change.
To get around this, you shouldn't put any C code after those asm statements, until the stack pointer has been correctly restored: everything from the first pushad to the popad or startThread() should be in assembler. This way, you can load the address of the local variables and ensure that the accesses are done correctly.
As you use inline assembler, you'd probably want to see how's (or whether is) the code really modified when it's compiled with various -Ox options. Try this on your binary:
objdump -s your_program
It gives a heap of code, but finding the corresponding code section shouldn't be that hard (search for your assembly or for function names).
By the way, I was taught that heavy optimization doesn't do very well with inline assembly, so I tend to separate assembler routines to .S files because of this.
