I had the following problem...
I was creating a select with AngularJS ng-options, and then applying select2 to that select.
Here is the code:
<select class="selector_pems" ng-model="pem" name="pem"
ng-options="p as p.des_pem for p in pems track by p.des_pem">
$scope.pems = [
{nro_ano: 0, nro_semestre: 0, des_pem: 'TODAS'},
{nro_ano: '2012', nro_semestre: '10', des_pem: '2012/10'},
{nro_ano: '2012', nro_semestre: '11', des_pem: '2012/11'},
$(".selector_pems").select2().select2("val", 'TODAS')
The data was loading fine and displaying fine on screen, the only problem was that the option that should be selected by default was not being displayed. It was in the list and I could select it, but it just wasn't selected by default.
I supposed that there was a desynchronization between the moment that angular generated the select and when select2 applied its format, so I tried this and it worked:
$scope.pems = msg.data.pems
function defaultPEM () {
$(".selector_pems").select2().select2("val", 'TODAS')
I hope this helps others who have experienced a similar problem.
I didn't quite understand why it worked, so I would appreciate if someone could explain a little better what happened.
I have a ng-multiselect dropdown. When I select all the values Instead of displaying all the values from the dropdown It should just display "All" in the dropdown.
this.dropdownSettings = {
singleSelection: false,
idField: 'item_id',
textField: 'item_text',
selectAllText: 'All',
unSelectAllText: 'UnSelect All',
itemsShowLimit: 3,
allowSearchFilter: false
When selected all the dropdowns it should display 'All' in the dropdown
you can try by changing the value of dropdowns.value with "ALL" when you select all options.
and you can do this in this event (onSelectAll).
In .ts file:
It seems you have done some changes in node_module and you are not able to get changes in build. It's common in angular. Angular will not get your custom changes in the production build.
If you your custom changes works fine then use this command to make a build. With the help of this command you will get your changes in build.
ng build --aot=false
I have tried a lot for implementing the same but couldn't find any solution as it is already built library.
I've found an alternative for it. Set the itemShowLimit to 0, this means there won't be any item to display. In that case, add a span right next to the multiselect dropdown and adjust the position accordingly. Worked for me :)
Sample code:
In .ts file:
this.dropdownSettings = {
singleSelection: false,
idField: 'item_id',
textField: 'item_text',
selectAllText: 'All',
unSelectAllText: 'UnSelect All',
itemsShowLimit: 0,
allowSearchFilter: false
In HTML File:
I have customized display as I wanted to show the number of items selected: https://i.stack.imgur.com/BsmRN.png
I've implemented the angular-advanced-searchbox (with AngularJS 1.5.8, ui-bootstrap, JQuery) like the demo-page:
<nit-advanced-searchbox ng-model="searchParams" parameters="availableSearchParams" placeholder="Search..."></nit-advanced-searchbox>
$scope.availableSearchParams = [
key: "city",
name: "City",
placeholder: "City...",
restrictToSuggestedValues: true,
suggestedValues: ['Berlin', 'London', 'Paris'] },
Here is a Plunker of this implementation too. I'll refer to this example to picture my problem.
If I type 'city' in the searchfield and select it by hitting enter, then I'll see the suggested Value-List (Berlin, London, Paris) for about a second and then the focus 'll lost and the selected key-value (city) is automatically removed. It seems this won't happen, if the mouse pointer is rested over the search-input field (without any action).
With this issue, I can't use this module on my site - but I really want to :) Are any suggestions out there?
OK, this (low-level) fix worked for me - i've just commented line 107 ():
angular-advanced-searchbox-tpls.js [#107]
$scope.searchQueryChanged = function (query) {
// updateModel('change', 'query', 0, query);
This line is used to build 'pre-queries'. If you start typing 'city', the scope of searchParams generate a temporary query on the fly and would be changed to the selected key - g.E.:
This will then lead to a timeout after 'city' is selected. I don't know this 'query' is used for - all things 'll do their job furthermore. But by time I'll looking to a real fix for this problem :)
The datasource for select k-kendo-dropdown grid has two values as follow:
{desc: 'zero', value : '0'}
{desc: 'One', value : '1'}
Even if the k-ng-model has value 0, zero does not get selected.
If I use any other value, then the corresponding desc gets selected.
On googling it , i saw a link that there is an issue with using 0 as value for select kendodropdown.
Someone suggested to use input data-role='dropdown' instead. (http://www.telerik.com/forums/data-value-not-working-when-zero)
but I am looking for a workaround with select kendodropdown.
Any help will be appreciated.
In my case, the drop-down list's data source is something like
Using k-ng-model="integerValue" with k-value-primitive="true" can successfully bind the value to the drop down.
We are facing multiple issues with select field's empty option.
My rendering code is as follows:
<select ng-switch-when="select" id="{{field.name}}" ng-model=data[field.name] >
<option ng-repeat="option in field.options" value="{{option.value}}">{{option.description}}
Here our UI is dynamically generated and options also populates dynamically using REST APIs. The Select field is bound to a data object that also populated using REST calls that might have blank value initially.
It automatically adds a empty option where it is not required and disappear after selecting any non-empty option.
Also it is showing following error for few select fields
TypeError: Cannot call method 'prop' of undefined
at selectDirective.link.ngModelCtrl.$render (lib/angular/angular.js:20165:47)
at Object.ngModelWatch (lib/angular/angular.js:16734:14)
at Scope.$get.Scope.$digest (lib/angular/angular.js:11800:40)
at Scope.$get.Scope.$apply (lib/angular/angular.js:12061:24)
at done (lib/angular/angular.js:7843:45)
at completeRequest (lib/angular/angular.js:8026:7)
at XMLHttpRequest.xhr.onreadystatechange (lib/angular/angular.js:7982:11)
I have doubt that is use following code in angular
function setupAsSingle(scope, selectElement, ngModelCtrl, selectCtrl) {
ngModelCtrl.$render = function() {
var viewValue = ngModelCtrl.$viewValue;
if (selectCtrl.hasOption(viewValue)) {
if (unknownOption.parent()) unknownOption.remove();
if (viewValue === '') emptyOption.prop('selected', true); // to make IE9 happy
} else {
if (isUndefined(viewValue) && emptyOption) {
} else {
and it break at this line
if (viewValue === '') emptyOption.prop('selected', true); // to make IE9 happy
because the empty option is provided by REST API at later stage and not available till initial rendering.
Please provide some suggestion for implementation and some alternate approach.
P.S : I can not use ng-option with select as it emit indexed values and I need actual values for some DOM manipulation.
I would first read over how to do data-ng-options (http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.directive:select) because your select will cause you a bit of issues. Here's how you could move your code around:
<span data-ng-switch-when="select">
<select id="{{field.name }}" data-ng-model="data[field.name]" data-ng-options="option.value as option.description for option in field.options></select>
Secondly, the reason that the blank option is selected is because data[field.name] is not set to a value that's present in option.value. You need to set it in your controller so the blank option goes away. You can see a similar question here: Why does AngularJS include an empty option in select?
I have this html:
<select ng-model="group.newCriterionType">
<option ng-repeat="type in group.availableTypes" value="{{type}}" ng-selected="$first">{{type}}</option>
And this model code (using jresig's Class mini-library)
var FilterGroup = Class.extend({
className: 'FilterGroup',
widgetType: 'group',
init: function(name) {
this.name = name;
this.availableTypes = FilterTypes;
this.newCriterionType = this.availableTypes[0];
However, I still get an empty element in my select. According to all the answers I've seen on SO so far, this is apparently the behaviour of when your model value contains an incorrect value. However:
I added in some console.log statements to check the value
This code is definitely being called because availableTypes is being set
It's pulling it from the array it's looping from. How can this be an incorrect value?
It persists even if i pull the ng-selected out
It persists if I use ng-options instead of looping through them (though that then means i can't set the value to the be the same as the text without turning it into an object)
Any clues much appreciated.