I've looked all over and can't find a simple method to do this. And the API docs seem incomplete.
Is there a way with Sketch's plugin API to access the currently selected artboard? All I can come up with is checking by looping over them all.
Im currently working on my backend for my website and Ive found that I need an index html. As I've done my front end in react (on Vscode) do I just copy and paste the exact same index html code I've already done in react in spring boot?
On my index page there is a search bar where users will enter text and I will pass it through to my algorithm that I've created in spring boot on eclipse and then the result will be returned on a new page. I've searched how to do this but a lot of the examples are more to do with saving items entered into a database. Im assuming I will need a controller which I have made that will link to the index page? But I don't know what else comes after that This may seem trivial but I am a complete beginner. Thanks in advance!
The class named review.java is my algorithm. I read that I probably need an entity, repo and service but I am unsure what goes in them. Ive attached my package explorer. Sorry if this a very basic question.
package explorer
I'm working to integrate noflo into AngularJS. For some reason, I've only been able to find an old answer that seemed to direct users wanting to do this to "the-graph", but wasn't super-clear: github.com/noflo/noflo/issues/286.
I am working to attempt to integrate into AngularJS; if anyone has a working example of doing this, a plukr or fiddle would be appreciated.
Secondly, the "left-click" option that allows editing node properties doesn't appear functional in the-graph example. It seems to work here, but not here. I was wondering how to get the search/properties edit box for each node to function when including inside an existing UI.
So, in sum,
How can I get the "left-click" node properties to show up in a custom UI?
How can I best integrate noflo into AngularJS? The-graph has a ton of other libraries that appear to need to be added (React, Polymer, HammerJS, KlayJS, KlayJS-NoFlo, etc..)
Thanks for any help!
It is not clear what you hope to achieve. Do you want to:
Program webapps using NoFlo and AngularJS?
Make an app (using AngularJS) with a node-editor like the one used in NoFlo UI (the-graph)?
Or something else?
I have to do similar web search on e-shop based on this site:
So far I recognize it as reactJS implementation. Am I correct? I don't know anything about reactJS and am I right that every search item is existing in _resource variable (which is visible in page source), and that's why the searching is so fast?
Also what plugin respond for automatic change of browser URL while typing keyword in search box?
Yes this website is made with reactjs.
for automatic change of browser URL, its made with react-router (but you can use other to manage that).
React abstracts away the DOM from you, giving a simpler programming model and better performance.
I am looking to make a web app where each person can add to a list and as soon as someone adds something, everyone elses browser shows the new addition.
I believe this is called 3-way data binding (I'm new to Ang). From what I can see, this can be achieved with Firebase. Is there some form of open source solution I can use that would do the same thing and is beginner friendly. I know the hacker plan on Firebase gives me 50 connections but I'm going to need more than that.
I've had a look at Deployd and Loopback.. But I'm not sure whether this would do what I want it to do.
Any help would be appreciated.
Many thanks.
Node backend option:
I haven't tried this yet myself, but Meteor offers 3 way binding and the documentation looks good:
As long as you're using node for the backend, I imagine that you could include the Meteor library even if you're not building a full "Meteor app."
Django backend option:
Described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/24868721/706768
I am currently building my first web application with AngularJS. I need to know the correct way to deeplink to content within a view.
http://signalreview.2mellow.com/ this is the current build.
Description of problem
For example, You can search for mcdonalds, spokane, When this happens I want the address bar to reflect the search that was just done such as #/search/mcdonalds%20spokane so that a user can link a search to someone else. I understand how I can get the data out and initiate the search. I just don't understand how I should be utilizing Angular JS to accomplish the goal.
From my research I have determined that nested views is not a good idea.
Also I have plans to have it so that if you click a map marker for a place that has been reviewed (stored locally in the db) It would put the id in the address bar so that location could then be linked to someone else or you could bookmark it.
The idea is that everything is done on one view with a persistent google map however there are certain states that are saved within that view.
Am I approaching this the wrong way?