React Native build vs expo ejected build - reactjs

Can anyone answer my question!
1: I have an expo-ejected project. I have installed some react-native libraries in it .when I try to create a build using the expo server then it is building fine but when I try to build it Xcode it shows an error?
2: Does expo generated build includes react-native libraries . As it does not show errors when building using the expo server .but shows an error when trying to create a build locally i.e(Xcode or Android Studio)
Trying to create build but error


"RNSScreen" was not found in the UIManager - Expo Dev Client

Following the official blog post, I've recently upgraded my Expo-managed project to Expo 47 (from version 45). I've built a custom dev client for my application and installed it on my Android emulator. I'm now trying to open it with npx expo start --dev-client, but I get an error Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "RNSScreen" was not found in the UIManager.
I've also tried to start the without dev client (npx expo start) and it works, but obviously, it can't run some native code. I'm using React Navigation, and yes, I have the React Native Screens (~3.18.0) library installed.
Is there a way to fix it for the dev client build?

React native EXPO installation (npm start)

I created my app in react native using Expo but when i run the npm start command its showing me this:
running metro bundler on port 8081
and then
loading dependency graph, done
and never end. what to do?
Here is the complete console output.
First of all if you have a bundler like the one that you have used then it would suggest that you have used react-native init to create you application, instead of expo.
Expo bunders look like this:
If you have created a react-native init and as it suggests in your screenshot that you are building the app on a Windows machine, that means you will be developing on Android.
The instructions for using Android and running react-native are quite long and complicated, they can be found here. For the sake of brevity I am not going to repeat them here asyou can just follow this link. Make sure to choose Building Projects with Native Code -> Development OS: Windows -> Target OS: Android to find the instructions that are pertinent to your situation.
If you are planning on developing on an emulator then you will need to make sure that you have one installed (the link above has all the info that you need). Also you need to make sure that you launch your emulator before running react-native run-android if you do that then it should load on to the emulator and you should be able to see what you are developing on.
If you want to run on your own Android device then you should follow the instructions on this page (again choosing the options for your situation).
If this feels like too much effort, you can always try Expo. It doesn't require you to be able to deal with native code. And depending on your use case can be a better option than creating a project with react-native init, plus you can always eject from the expo project and turn it in to a full fledged react-native app.
You install the expo-cli with
npm install -g expo-cli
Then download the expo app from the App Store or the Google Play Store (depending on the mobile that you are using).
Then you can use
expo init
to create your application
Check out the expo documentation for more information
Well, Nice question, First of all, I totally understand what's exactly your problem is, let me give you a solution in a very appropriate way.
Basically, there is two way to install and setup React Native Project on your mac and windows machines
1st React Native (native) Method: (That's basically you're using right know
Note: If you're using Apple product - Like MacBook then you can do IOS and Android both platform by using this method, if you're using Windows or Linux you can only do this part for Android platforms
In this method, we have to follow these simple steps
Download Nodejs from Offical website link here
Installing the React Native Cli
npm install -g react-native-cli
If you get an error like Cannot find module 'npmlog', try installing npm directly: curl -0 -L | sudo sh.
(Only for mac)
Install the Xcode from Appstore (Only for Mac user/macos users)
download and install the Android Studio (Stable version) from the official website of Android studio
Setup Xcode (Simulator) or Setup Android Studio for Android devices use (emulator)
by learn and guide from this link here
Note: Basically in your scenario, I'm pretty sure you didn't set up your emulator for android and simulator for IOS that's why you didn't see anything after
2nd React Native with Expo Method: that's you're not using a loading dependency graph
For Android
react-native run-android
react-native run-ios
2nd React Native without Expo (that's not your case):
In this method, we have to follow these simple steps
Download Nodejs from Offical website link here
installing expo cli
npm install -g expo-cli
expo init yourprojectname
cd yourprojectname
npm start
Note: Simulators and emulators way same for both

Cannot configure existing React-Native project

I am new learner for the React-Native and trying to setup the project on Mac.
I'm able to create the fresh project but unable to do so with the existing project using WebStorm IDE. I am trying since a week.
You are trying to run your application using node node_modules\react-native\local-cli\runIOS\runIOS.js. This is not the right way to start React Native application. You need using React Native run configuration for this.
See and for more info.

I run react native app in linux with android studio. But i always got builds tools 27.0.3 correpted

I install native command using react-native init and install latest android studio 3.3 v. But when i run app it always run on platform from of 27.0.3 which shows error or corrupted. Help me to debug it.

React Native command to generate ios and android code

I have started developing a mobile app in React Native but wanted to know is there a way to generate only the android and ios folder.
Because when I run
react-native run-android
, it generates the latest code for android and generates the apk as well along with installing it on the emulator.
I wish to know the separate steps for each of the step.
Can any one help me identify this?
To initialize the project only with Android code use:
react-native init MyProject --skip-ios
For iOS:
react-native init MyProject --skip-android
