Python-constraint variables that take their name instead of the value - python-constraint

I want to multiply the range of each variable because I can't use more than 5 kg and 50 euros so I multiply the weight of each product and its value but instead, the program returns me an error that it's taking the value an instead of the range.
from constraint import *
problem = Problem()
problem.addConstraint(MaxSumConstraint(5000),['a'*340, 'b'*120,'c'*105,'d'*300])
soluciones = problem.getSolutions()
for solucion in soluciones:
solucion_string = ""
for i in range(4):
solucion_string += "("+str(i)+","+str(solucion[i])+")"
I want to use the value of the range of each variable and multiply it.


Extract coefficient and p-value for certain variable from regression loop

In Stata have applied a regression loop to 1000 metabolites (outcome), and the exposure variable is BMI. I also have other variables in the model. I would like to know how I can extract only the coefficient, p-value, and 95% CI for BMI if and only aif BMI is significant. And then I want to extract them into an Excel file.
This is the code I have used. It informed me that there were, for example, 100 significant results. So I'm trying to figure out which 100 are those and extract them for BMI only, without other variables in the model.
local counter = 0
local counter_pos = 0
local counter_neg = 0
foreach outcome of varlist B - Z {
regress `outcome' bmi Age i.smoking i.lpa2c i.cholestrol
matrix M = r(table)
if M[4, 1] < 0.05 {
local ++counter
if _b[bmi] < 0 {
local ++counter_neg
else {
local ++counter_pos
display as text "Total of significant results: " as result `counter'
Here is a reproducible example showing how to send a variable name and some results to a new file. In your case, posting is conditional on a conventionally significant result; here it is unconditional.
sysuse auto, clear
local counter = 0
local negative = 0
local positive = 0
tempname RESULTS
postfile `RESULTS' str32 varname coefficient using myresults.dta, replace
foreach v in price mpg rep78 headroom trunk length turn displacement gear_ratio {
quietly regress `v' weight
local ++counter
if _b[weight] < 0 local ++negative
else local ++positive
post `RESULTS' ("`v'") (_b[weight])
di "variables tried: " `counter'
di "negative relation: " `negative'
di "positive relation: " `positive'
postclose `RESULTS'
use myresults, clear

How to sampling Data Frame?

The goal is to subsample a data frame.
# 1 date is in type datatime
dg.Yr_Mo_Dy = pd.to_datetime(dg.Yr_Mo_Dy, format='%Y%m%d')
# 2 date is in index
dg = dg.set_index(dg.Yr_Mo_Dy, drop = True)
# 3 to group by 10
That gives:
RPT 14.847325
VAL 12.914560
ROS 13.299624
KIL 7.199498
SHA 11.667734
BIR 8.054839
DUB 11.819355
CLA 9.512047
MUL 9.543208
CLO 10.053566
BEL 14.550520
MAL 18.028763
dtype: float6
The code takes every 10 values the 10 intermediate values and the average.
Similarly, it is also possible to sum these 10 values by replacing mean() with sum().
However, what I want to do is not an average but a sampling. That is, to take all the values and only one without averaging, without summing the intermediate values.
For example, the data: 1,2,3,4,5,6.. sampled by 0.5 gives 2,4,6... et non 1.5,2.5,3.5,5.5...

formatting arrays with numbers and characters

I need help turning a Decay.txt file into an array, the first 1-3 and 5th columns are numbers, the third column is "time elapsed" in integers, but the 4th column is a unit of time (milliseconds, Months, Days) but its spelled out with characters. i cant get this mixed array (numbers and characters) to transfer over to matlab
ideally id like to take the unit of time (4th column) change it to a seconds value, (i.e. hour becomes 3600 seconds) then multiply it by the number in the third column and have a final 4 column array where the 3rd column is simply the time elapsed in seconds
anyone know how to do either of these things?
ive tried
Decay = fopen('Decay.txt','r');
B = fscanf(Decay,'%f',[5 inf]);
which stops and has an error as soon as it hits the 4th column
Decay = fopen('Decay.txt','r');
B = fscanf(Decay,'%s',[5 inf]);
but this just creates a 5x10000 column where every single number, decimal, and letter is on its own in its own cell of the array
Your first example
Decay = fopen('Decay.txt','r');
B = fscanf(Decay,'%f',[5 inf]);
Breaks because it can't scan the fourth column (a string) as a number (%f). Your second example doesn't have numbers because you're scanning everything as a string (%s).
The correct specifier for your format should be
'%f %f %f %s %f'
However, if you call fscanfwith it, as per documentation:
If formatSpec contains a combination of numeric and character specifiers, then A is numeric, of class double, and fscanf converts each text characters to its numeric equivalent. This occurs even when formatSpec explicitly skips all numeric fields (for example, formatSpec is '%*d %s').
So this input file:
50 1.2 99 s 0
6.42 1.2 3.11 min 1
22 37 0.01 h 2
Has this (undesired) output:
>> fscanf(Decay, "%f %f %f %s %f", [5, inf])
ans =
50.0000 6.4200 110.0000 104.0000
1.2000 1.2000 1.0000 2.0000
99.0000 3.1100 22.0000 0
115.0000 109.0000 37.0000 0
0 105.0000 0.0100 0
That happens because a matrix in MATLAB can't have multiple data of different types. So, your best bet is scanning into a cell array, which can have any type inside.
B = textscan(Decay, "%f %f %f %s %f")
Returns a cell array with the appropriate types. You can use this output to convert the time data into the same unit and build your vectors/matrix. Columns 1, 2, 3 and 5 are trivial to do, just by accessing the cell B{n} for each n.
Column 4 is a cell array of cells. In each internal cell, there's the string you have. You need to apply a conversion from string to the number you need. For my example, such function would look like:
function scale = DecayScale(unit)
case 's'
scale = 1;
case 'min'
scale = 60;
case 'h'
scale = 3600;
throw('Number format not recognized');
Which you could then apply to the 4th column like:
timeScale = cellfun(#DecayScale, B{4})
And get the final time as:
timeColumn = B{3} .* timeScale

How to do SUM on array from outside file?

I'm newbie college student for programming studies,
so recently i have task to calculate matrix from outside files for Gauss Jordan Numeric Method, in the txt file i provide has 10 (x) and (y) data, and declare with do functions to calculate the 10 data from the txt file each for x^2, x^3, x^4, xy, x^2y
my question is : how to SUM (calculate total) each x^2, x^3 ... that was calculated by program ? i try do sum file in below and still got errors (the first argument of sum must not a scalar.)
the Fortran apps i use was Plato cc from Silverfrost.
I apologize if my english bad and my pogram looks funny.
i have 10 data in my txt looks like these :
(x) (y)
12 10
5 6
28 8
9 11
20 17
6 24
32 9
2 7
1 30
26 22
in program below i open these files and want each x and y i provide read and calculate to get x^2, x^3, x^4, xy, x^2y
Program Gauss_Jordan
Real x(10),y(10),xj,yj,xj2,xj3,xj4,xjyj,xj2yj
Open (10, file='Data.txt')
Do j = 1,10
Read(10,*) x(j), y(j)
xj2 = x(j)**2
xj3 = x(j)**3
xj4 = x(j)**4
xjyj = x(j)*y(j)
xj2yj = (x(j)**2)*y(j)
Do k = 1,10
T(xj2) = SUM( xj2, dim=1)
T(xj3) = SUM (xj3, dim=1)
T(xj4) = SUM (xj4, dim=1)
T(xjyj) = SUM (xjyj, dim=1)
T(xj2yj) = SUM (xj2yj, dim=1)
End Do
End Do
for T(xj2) I want to get one result scalar result from SUM the all xj^2 that program has been calculated.
Like in excel was expected :
(A) is 1st xj^2 value that has been calculated
until (J) is 10th xj^2 value that has been calculated
sxj^2 = SUM(Xj^2)
The 'sum' intrinsic needs an array argument, which we can compute from the input arrays without using a loop, so your program could be:
Program Gauss_Jordan
Real x(10), y(10), x2(10), x3(10), x4(10), xy(10), x2y(10)
Open(10, file='Data.txt')
Do j = 1, 10
Read (10, *) x(j), y(j)
End Do
x2 = x**2
x3 = x**3
x4 = x**4
xy = x*y
x2y = (x**2)*y
sx2 = SUM(x2)
sx3 = SUM(x3)
sx4 = SUM(x4)
sxy = SUM(xy)
sx2y = SUM(x2y)
From what I see I think you are misunderstanding what the SUM intrinsic does. Since your example isn't storing xj2, xj3 etc. in arrays, SUM isn't going to be useful to you. Instead you could declare totals as scalars (as you described you wanted) and simply add the individual xj2 variables in a loop as in the example below.
Also, you should get in the habit of using the implicit none declaration. It will save you from unexpected errors due to spelling mistakes.
Program Gauss_Jordan
implicit none
Real x(10),y(10),xj,yj,xj2,xj3,xj4,xjyj,xj2yj
real :: Txj2,Txj3,Txj4,Txjyj,Txj2yj
integer :: j
Txj2 = 0
Txj3 = 0
Txj4 = 0
Txjyj= 0
Txj2yj= 0
Open (10, file='Data.txt')
Do j = 1,10
Read(10,*) x(j), y(j)
xj2 = x(j)**2
xj3 = x(j)**3
xj4 = x(j)**4
xjyj = x(j)*y(j)
xj2yj = (x(j)**2)*y(j)
Txj2 = Txj2 + xj2
Txj3 = Txj3 + xj3
Txj4 = Txj4 + xj4
Txjyj = Txjyj + xjyj
Txj2yj = Txj2yj + xj2yj
End Do
print *, 'Txj2 = ', Txj2
When I ran this I got the output below which is what I believe you intended:

matlab complex for-loop correlation calcul

This is the script that I have. It works till the ------ separation. Under I do not get any error from Matlab, but neither do I get a return of bestDx nor bestDy. Please help. (The first part is given just to put you in context)
% Variables after running script Read_eA3_file.m
%Convert units
dBZ = reflectivity * 0.375 - 30;
dBZ_Mask = clutter_mask * 0.375 - 30;
%Replace clutter values with NaN
weather = NaN(size(dBZ)); %initialise to constant
weather(dBZ>=dBZ_Mask) = dBZ(dBZ>=dBZ_Mask); %copy values when A >= B
%Reduce to range -- those are 384x384 arrays
dBZ_range = dBZ(:,:,1:16); %16:18 to 16:23 included
weather_range = weather(:,:,1:16); %16:18 to 16:23 included
weather1618 = weather(:,:,1); %16:18 map only
weather1623 = weather(:,:,16); %16:23 map only
% Plot maps
image(imrotate(-weather1618,90)); %of 16:18
image(imrotate(-weather1623,90)); %of 16:23
%Find x,y of strongest dBZ
%Since the value are all negative. I look for their minimun
[M,I] = min(weather1618(:)); %for 16:18
[I_row, I_col] = ind2sub(size(weather1618),I); %values are 255 and 143
[M2,I2] = min(weather1623(:)); %for 16:23
[I2_row, I2_col] = ind2sub(size(weather1623),I2); %values are 223 and 7
%Calc displacement
%I get a value of 139.7140
max_displ=sqrt((I2_row-I_row)^2+(I2_col-I_col)^2); %between 1618 and 1623
% -----Section below does not work; ONLY RUN the section ABOVE---------
%% Find Dx Dy for max_corr between two maps
weather1618Modified = zeros(384,384); %create weather array for time range
%weather1618Modified(:) = {NaN}; % Matlab cannot mix cell & double
for x = 1:384
for y = 1:384
%30 pixel appx.
for Dx = -max_displ:30: max_displ
for Dy = -max_displ:30: max_displ
%Limit range of x+Dx and y+Dy to 1:384
if x+Dx<1 | y+Dy<1 | x+Dx>384 | y+Dy>384
%weather1618Modified is the forecasted weather1823
weather1618Modified(x+Dx,y+Dy) = weather1618(x,y)
%Find the best correlation; Is corrcoef the right formula?
if newCoeff>maxCoeff
%% Calc displacement
bestDispl = sqrt(bestDx^2+bestDy^2); %bestDispl for a 5 min frame
%Calc speed
speed = bestDispl/time;
You have to delete the continue statement after the first if (or place it somewhere else).
The continue statement makes the program skip the remaining part of the for-loop and go directly to the next iteration. Therefore bestDx and bestDy will never be set.
