GemBox SpreadSheet and merged cells - gembox-spreadsheet

To illustrate, create a new Excel file, with merged cell.
e.g. row 2 below has columns A and B merged:
If you run code like this, where worksheet is a GemBox.Spreadsheet.ExcelWorksheet:
string v1 = worksheet.Cells[1, 0].GetFormattedValue(); // cell A2 ?
string v2 = worksheet.Cells[1, 1].GetFormattedValue(); // cell B2 ?
Both v1 and v2 will contain "xyz merged". I'm guessing this is by design for merged cells.
Is there an easy way to obtain "xyz merged" for the 1st merged cell (A2), and return null for all subsequent merged cells in the same merged range?
I saw there is a cell.MergedRange property, which returns not null when a cell is merged, so may be able to use that in conjunction with FirstColumnIndex, LastColumnIndex, FirstRowIndex, LastRowIndex properties, to work out if the cell is the first one in the merged range. Wondering if there might be an easier (or more efficient) way ?

Yes, this is by design, you'll need to use the ExcelCell.MergedRange property to get the desired result.
For example, try something like this:
public static class GemBoxSpreadsheetExtension
public static string GetFormattedValue(this ExcelCell cell, bool skipMergedCell)
if (!skipMergedCell || cell.MergedRange == null || cell.MergedRange[0] == cell)
return cell.GetFormattedValue();
return null;
You could use this extension method like this:
string v1 = worksheet.Cells[1, 0].GetFormattedValue(true);
string v2 = worksheet.Cells[1, 1].GetFormattedValue(true);


Google Sheets Query - build referenced array source dynamically

I have many sheets in my spreadsheet (sheet1,sheet2,sheet3...) and I want to add them all to array, maybe based on any call range? Now I add them manually as below:
INDIRECT("sheet3!$A$3:$V") };
"SELECT Col2, Col3, Col4, ...[etc]")
I want to create any "Settings" sheet and put here all sheets that should be in array, like this:
get_all_sheets_names_from('settings!A1:A100'); // something like this
"SELECT Col2, Col3, Col4, ...[etc]")
Is it possible?
My attempts:
I would like the array with data sources to be taken from the G2:G column.
The example in column C shows how this can be done manually. However, I am looking for a solution so that in the query nothing has to be done so that the query can drag an array with the names of the data source from G2:G
1) What i Think
I think it is not possible to use "INDIRECT" in the query parameters, because "INDIRECT" returns a cell reference and the parameters {(); ()} in a query are fixed objects.
An "INDIRECT" on a complete query is not possible either, for the same reason: a query does not return a reference on a cell.
2) Limited soluce
the principle: case1: look in column G the 3rd line (3rd source), if empty then test case 2, otherwise apply the formula with 3 sources.
case 2: if 2nd source is empty then go to case 1, otherwise apply the formula with 2 sources
case 1: if empty then display "no sources" otherwise apply formula with 1 source
note 1 replace ESTVIDE (fr) by ISBLANK (eng) !!
note 2 : you can test with (G2="source1" and G3="source2),
but it works with G2="source3" and G3="source1"
=SI(ESTVIDE($G$4); SI(ESTVIDE($G$3); SI(ESTVIDE($G$1); "no source(s)";query({((INDIRECT("'"&G2&"'!A1:A5")))};"SELECT Col1")) ;query({(INDIRECT("'"&G2&"'!A1:A5"));(INDIRECT("'"&G3&"'!A1:A5"))};"SELECT Col1")) ;query({(INDIRECT("'"&G2&"'!A1:A5"));(INDIRECT("'"&G3&"'!A1:A5"));(INDIRECT("'"&G4&"'!A1:A5"))};"SELECT Col1"))
Online sheet
Off course, this is a formula with only 3 sources max !
It will be verry big and uggly with more sources...
macro is the only solution ?
soluce with Macro
append this script,
it gets value sources values from G2:G30 (you need more...put G100..)
it create the formula and put it on H2
it read max 50 value in each source (see A1:A50 in source code)
it's not so hard to understand,
note : managing macro with GSheet is a another problem, if you needs advices, please post a comment.
link to live sheet :
function formula6() {
var spreadsheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var values=spreadsheet.getRange('G2:G30').getValues();
var acSources="{";
for (var i = 0; (i < values.length) && (values[i]!=""); i++) {
if (i>0) { acSources+=";" }
var formula='query('+acSources+';"SELECT Col1")';
dudes who copy-pasted INDIRECT function into Google Sheets completely failed to understand the potential of it and therefore they made zero effort to improve upon it and cover the obvious logic which is crucial in this age of arrays.
in other words, INDIRECT can't intake more than one array:
=INDIRECT("Sheet1!A:B"; "Sheet2!A:B")
nor convert an arrayed string into active reference, which means that any attempt of concatenation is also futile:
=INDIRECT("{Sheet1!A:B; Sheet2!A:B}")
={INDIRECT("Sheet1!A:B"; "Sheet2!A:B")}
=INDIRECT("{INDIRECT("Sheet1!A:B"); INDIRECT("Sheet2!A:B")}")
the only possible way is to use INDIRECT for each end every range like:
={INDIRECT("Sheet1!A:B"); INDIRECT("Sheet2!A:B")}
which means that the best you can do is to pre-program your array like this if only part of the sheets/tabs is existant (let's have a scenario where only 2 sheets are created from a total of 4):
{IFERROR(INDIRECT("Sheet1!A1:B5"), {"",""});
IFERROR(INDIRECT("Sheet2!A1:B5"), {"",""});
IFERROR(INDIRECT("Sheet3!A1:B5"), {"",""});
IFERROR(INDIRECT("Sheet4!A1:B5"), {"",""})},
"where Col1 is not null", 0)
so, even if sheet names are predictable (which not always are) to pre-program 100+ sheets like this would be painful (even if there are various sneaky ways how to write such formula under 30 seconds)
an alternative would be to use a script to convert string and inject it as the formula
A1 would be formula that creates a string that looks like real formula:
FILTER(SNAME(1); SNAME(1)<>SNAME(0))&"!A1:A20")&"}; ""where Col1 is not null""; 0)")
then this script will take the string from A1 cell and it will paste it as valid formula into A2 cell:
function onEdit() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('query'); // MASTER SHEET NAME
var src = sheet.getRange("A1"); // COPY STRING FROM
var str = src.getValue();
var cell = sheet.getRange("A2"); // PASTE AS FORMULA INTO
function SNAME(option) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet()
var thisSheet = sheet.getName();
if(option === 0){ // ACTIVE SHEET NAME =SNAME(0)
return thisSheet;
}else if(option === 1){ // ALL SHEET NAMES =SNAME(1)
var sheetList = [];
return sheetList;
}else if(option === 2){ // SPREADSHEET NAME =SNAME(2)
return ss.getName();
return "#N/A"; // ERROR MESSAGE
of course, the script can be changed to onOpen trigger or with custom name triggered from the custom menu or via button (however it's not possible to use the custom function as formula directly)
this will cover all your needs to not edit the formula by adding references if new sheets are added. the only drawback is a recalculation of sheet name script... to do so you need to dismantle A1 formula for example by adding ' before the leading = pressing enter and then removing it to fix the formula
spreadsheet demo

appendRow from an array

If I have an array, [Joe, John, Adam, Sam, Bill, Bob] and I want to try to add this to a new row by doing SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName('Sheet4').appendRow([array]); , what happens is that the entire list of names goes into 1 cell. Is there a way to break this up so they file away into the same row, but different columns? I need to continue using appendRow however.
I get this:
But I really want to have it look like this:
var my2DArrayFromRng = datasheet.getRange("A:A").getValues();
var a = my2DArrayFromRng.join().split(',').filter(Boolean);
var array = [];
for (d in a) {
You are converting your array to a string before you post it which is causing your issue.
Do not use the array.toString() method inside append row. Instead just append the array as it is.

Store formatting information in an array then apply it to a range

I'm trying to create a script that will automatically format a selection based on the formatting of a table in another sheet. The idea is that a user can define a table style for header, rowOdd and rowEven in the Formats sheet, then easily apply it to a selected table using the script.
I've managed to get it working, but only by applying one type of formatting (background colour).
I based my code for reading the code into an array on this article.
As you will hopefully see from my code below, I am only able to read one formatting property into my array.
What I would like to do is read all formatting properties into the array, then apply them to the range in one go. I'm new to this so sorry if my code is a mess!
function formatTable() {
var activeRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveRange(); //range to apply formatting to
var arr = new Array(activeRange.getNumRows());
var tableStyleSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Formats"); //location of source styles
var tableColours = {
header: tableStyleSheet.getRange(1, 1, 1).getBackground(),
rowEven: tableStyleSheet.getRange(2, 1, 1).getBackground(),
rowOdd: tableStyleSheet.getRange(3, 1, 1).getBackground()
for (var x = 0; x < activeRange.getNumRows(); x++) {
arr[x] = new Array(activeRange.getNumColumns());
for (var y = 0; y < activeRange.getNumColumns(); y++) {
x == 0 ? arr[x][y] = tableColours.header :
x % 2 < 1 ? arr[x][y] = tableColours.rowOdd : arr[x][y] = tableColours.rowEven;
I might be wrong but based from the list of methods given in Class Range, feature to save or store formatting details currently do not exist yet.
However, you may want to try using the following:
copyFormatToRange(gridId, column, columnEnd, row, rowEnd) or copyFormatToRange(sheet, column, columnEnd, row, rowEnd) wherein it copies the formatting of the range to the given location.
moveTo(target) wherein it cuts and paste (both format and values) from this range to the target range.
Did you know that you can get all of the different formatting elements for a range straight into an array?
var backgrounds = sheet.getRange("A1:D50").getBackgrounds();
var fonts = sheet.getRange("A1:D50").getFontFamilies();
var fontcolors = sheet.getRange("A1:D50").getFontColors();
However, there's no way to get all of the formatting in one call unfortunately, so you have to handle each element separately. Then you can apply all of the formats in one go:
and so on.

Show a series of Dynamic JSON/Dictionaries in a WPF DataGrid, just like the values from a SQL select query

I've been trying and testing to get this working: binding a series of dictionaries to a datagrid. In such a way that it is like coming from a database. So not showing only 2 columns or any of the metadata columns such as count and toStrings.
The scenario:
I'm downloading JSON based upon a URL. The JSON values come in various forms, but i can transform them to a dictionary or any other type that has keys and values. Each URL is a single line / a single record, this i want to show the values with the same keys in the datagrid from multiple URL's.
I've tried dozens of possible solutions, such as expando objects, dropping the JObject directly in the Gridview, Working with arrays, single lists etc. None gets close to what i want. What i want is: automatic column detection and displaying the right values for the JSON that is loaded.
For example this json: {"x":"a", "y":"b","z":"c"} should be represented in the GridView like this:
x | y | z
a b c
When another JSON-returning part of the code (another URL) is loaded, it should look like this:
x | y | z
a b c
e f g
Current code:
What i have now is:
Dictionary < string, string> MyDictionary = new Dictionary < string, string>();
JObject parsed = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject< JObject>(jSonPart);
foreach (var x in parsed)
// list of dictionaries.
Here is some assigning i use:
List < List < KeyValuePair < String,String > > > _jsonObjects = new List < List < KeyValuePair<String,String> > > ();
outputJson.ItemsSource = _jsonObjects;

SSIS - import file with columns populated like sub-headers (omitted on some rows)

I am importing an Excel file which is formatted like a report - that is some columns are only populated once for each group of rows that it belongs to, such as:
CaseID |Date |Code
157207 | |
|8/1/2012 |64479
|8/1/2012 |Q9967
|8/1/2012 |99203
I need to capture one of these group headers (CaseID, in the example above) and use it for subsequent rows where the field is blank, then save the next value that I encounter.
I have added a variable (User::CurrentCaseId) and a Script transform, with the following code:
public class ScriptMain : UserComponent
string newCaseId;
public override void Input0_ProcessInputRow(Input0Buffer Row)
if (!Row.CaseIDName_IsNull && Row.CaseIDName.Length > 0)
newCaseId = Row.CaseIDName;
newCaseId = "DetailRow";
public override void PostExecute()
if (newClaimNumber != "DetailRow")
Variables.CurrentCaseId = newCaseId;
Basically, I am trying to read the value when present and save it in this variable. I use a conditional split to ditch the rows that only have the CaseID and then use a derived column to put the variable value into a new column to complete the detail row.
Alas, the value is always blank (placed a data viewer after the derived column). I modified the script to always set the variable to a fixed string - the derived column is still blank.
This seemed like a good plan... I received some feedback in the MS forums that you can't set a variable value and use its new value within the same Data Flow Task. If that is so, the only solution I can think of is to write the CaseID out to a table when present and read it back in when absent. I really hate to do that with several million rows (multiple Excel worksheets). Any better ideas?
This can be a good starting point for you.
I used the following file as the source. Saved it into C:\Temp\5.TXT
CaseID |Date |Code
157207 | |
|8/1/2012 |64479
|8/1/2012 |Q9967
|8/1/2012 |99203
157208 | |
|9/1/2012 |77779
|9/2/2012 |R9967
|9/3/2012 |11203
Put a DFT on the Control Flow surface.
Put Script Component as Source on the DFT
3.1. Go to Inputs and Outputs section
3.2. Add Output. Change it name to MyOutput.
3.2.1 Add the following output columns - CaseID, Date, Code
3.2.1 The data types are four-byte unsigned integer [DT_UI4], string [DT_STR], string [DT_STR]
Now go to Scripts // Edit Script. Put the following code. Make sure to add
using System.IO;
to the namespace area.
public override void CreateNewOutputRows()
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(#"C:\temp\5.txt");
int iRowCount = 0;
string[] fields = null;
int iCaseID = 0;
string sDate = string.Empty;
string sCode = string.Empty;
foreach (string line in lines)
if (iRowCount == 0)
fields = line.Split('|');
//trim the field values
for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++)
fields[i] = fields[i].Trim();
if (!fields[0].Equals(string.Empty))
iCaseID = Convert.ToInt32(fields[0]);
MyOutputBuffer.CaseID = iCaseID;
MyOutputBuffer.Date = fields[1];
MyOutputBuffer.Code = fields[2];
Testing your code: Add a Union All components right beneath where you put the Script component. Connect the output of the Script component to the Union All component. Put data viewer.
Hopefully this should help you. Please let us know. I responded to a similar question today; please check that one out as well. That may help in solidfying the concept - IMHO.
