How can i insert a BusinessProcess into Salesforce? - salesforce

I need to create test classes and am doing the following in my test class on BusinessProcess
List<BusinessProcess> BusinessProcessList = new List<BusinessProcess>();
BusinessProcess BusinessProcess_0 = new BusinessProcess( Name='Test1');
BusinessProcess BusinessProcess_1 = new BusinessProcess( Name='Test2');
insert BusinessProcessList;
But get the error:
DML operation Insert not allowed on List<BusinessProcess>
I think BusinessProcess is a custom metadata object , how can i view this in Salesforce UI ?
How can i write a test class for this metadata object ?


System.TypeException: DML operation INSERT not allowed on __Share

I have created share object in my salesforce environment.
From Setup-> security Controls -> Sharing Settings -> I made my custom object access to "Private". So suppose my object name is EVT_Client__c & I am trying to insert data into EVT_Client__Share from trigger(AfterInsert) I am unable to do it. I am getting error as given below.
Once data get inserted into EVT_Client__c object our trigger tries to insert data into EVT_Client__share object but we are getting error. Profile user who is inserting data into EVT_Client__c object through UI having Read/create/edit/delete access on object.
System.TypeException: DML operation INSERT not allowed on
My code in trigger is as below in which I am getting error.
public with sharing class EVT_Client_TriggerHandler {
private void ShareClientToThirdPartyJobGroup(List<EVT_Client__c> lstClients){
List<EVT_Client__Share> lstSharesForThirdPartyGroup = new List<EVT_Client__Share>();
List<Group> lstThirdPartyGroups = [Select Id, RelatedId from Group where Name = 'Third Party'];
for(EVT_Client__c client: lstClients){
for(Group roleGroup : lstThirdPartyGroups ){
EVT_Client___Share objShareForThirdPartyGroup = new EVT_Client__Share(ParentId = client.Id,
UserOrGroupId = roleGroup.Id,
AccessLevel = 'Edit',
RowCause = Schema.EVT_Client__Share.RowCause.User_Client__Access__c);
insert lstSharesForThirdPartyGroup;
You're sure it's not a "detail" in any master-detail relationship? The OWD would then say "controlled by parent" instead of "private". Can you switch to Classic view, go to page layout and verify the [Sharing] button can be added, displays OK, this user can manually share this record from UI?
Post your code sample? I suspect you need to define Apex Sharing Reason first. It's bit like roles if you ever played with Account/Contact/Opportunity/Case roles.
Once it's set you should be able to do something like this code sample: (they use "manual" as sharing reason but you might have more luck with custom sharing reason.
I quickly created your object and this worked like a charm for me:
trigger Stack57201752 on EVT_Client__c (after insert) {
List<Group> groups = [SELECT Id FROM Group WHERE Name = 'Third Party'];
List<EVT_Client__Share> shares = new List<EVT_Client__Share>();
for(EVT_Client__c c :{
for(Group g : groups){
shares.add(new EVT_Client__Share(
ParentId = c.Id,
UserOrGroupId = g.Id,
AccessLevel = 'Edit',
RowCause = 'Manual'
insert shares;
And when I click the [Sharing] button on the record it looks good:
So... Stupid question time: have you clicked this checkbox?

JDO and Cloud SQL update objects with makePersistentAll

I am using google cloud SQL with JDO. When I try to use the JDO PersistenceManager to store new objects with a new key it works fine, however I get an error when I try to update entities already inserted in the db:
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: Duplicate entry '503062001-43661003' for key 'PRIMARY'
The key is indeed duplicated, but I want to update that object.
Is it possible to do this with the PersistentManager.makePersistentAll() method or in an another way that avoids to write the UPDATE query manually?
More details:
The object I am trying to persist is defined like this:
PersistenceCapable(table = "xxx")
public class XXX {
#Index(name = "xxx_id")
private Long userId;
#Index(name = "xxx_idx")
#Column(length = 128)
private String otherId;
If you want to update the object then you retrieve the object first, and update it (either in the same txn, or detach it and update it whilst detached). All of that would be described in the JDO spec
For example and page down to "Update Objects"

SQL Server Session Serialization in ASP.Net MVC

I am new to ASP.Net MVC . Any help is greatly appreciated in resolving my problem.
I am using a LINQToSQL db in my MVC application. For one of the auto generated partial class (Example MyClass assume for table MyClass) , I created another Partial class as MyClass and added DataAnnotations Like following...
namespcae NP
public partial class MyClass
public myData
public string ID { get ; set ;}
// Other properties are listed here
In my controller class example MyHomeController
I have a code as follows:
List<MyClass> list = new List<MyClass>();
list = dbContext.StoredProcedure(null).ToList<MyClass>()
session["data"] = list.
above code works fine if I use inProc session state. But if I use SQLServer mode then I get error as
"Unable to serialize the session state. In 'StateServer' and
'SQLServer' mode, ASP.NET will serialize the session state objects,
and as a result non-serializable objects or MarshalByRef objects are
not permitted. The same restriction applies if similar serialization
is done by the custom session state store in 'Custom' mode. "
Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong here..?. I can see the data is getting populated in ASPState database tables. By application throws error as follows.
Just mark as Serializable all classes whose instances you want to store in Session.
Finally I was able to resolve the issue.
Add the below statement before querying the database. In my case I was calling LinqToSQl context( dbContext).
dbContext.ObjectTrackingEnabled = false;
Sample Code:
List empList = new List();
dbContext.ObjectTrackingEnabled = false;
empList = dbContext.SomeStoredProcedure().ToList()
Session["employee"] = empList.

linq reflection WInForms

I am very new to linq and am trying to figure out how to accomplish the following:
Currently, I have a Winforms project that has a Base Form with a DataRow as one of it's members. I have several derived Forms populate the DataRow based on data from a DataTable (SQL Query Result). There are controls on the derived Forms that are populated with the values from the data as well. When the Save button on the derived Forms is clicked, the DataRow in the Base Form is updated and then the Derived Form updates the Database via a DataAdapter.
I wanted to replace all of the SQL Commands using linqs so I tried implementing this functionality using LINQ by the following:
I created my Linq query in the Derived Form and assigned the result to an Object in the Base Form. I cast the Object in the Base Form to the class type of the Linq query and use reflection to populate all the controls on the Derived Form. When the save button is clicked I update the Object but I am not able to update the Database.
The problem that I can't solve is how to update the database once the object is updated. At this point I don't have the Data Context that I used for the linq query.
I am using an SQL function within the linq query so I had to create a separate class for these values as I was getting an anonymous type error. I am probably missing something here.
Any help would be most appreciated as I really how clean the linq code is.
Edit (Copied from Brad's Edit to Tomas's answer):
Here are the 3 steps of my code.
Step 1 - Get a singe record of data from database
private void GetDatabaseDetailData()
_db = new PriorityDataContext();
DetailData = (from db in _db.tblDatabases
where db.DatabaseID == Id
select db).SingleOrDefault();
DeveloperData = (from db in _db.tblDatabases
where db.DatabaseID == Id
select new DeveloperInfo
DeveloperName = _db.func_get_employee_name(db.Developer)
Step 2 - Populate all controls whos name exists in the Object. The DetailData Object is cast to the specific type passed into this method. All code not shown for brevity.
protected virtual void PopulateDetailControlsA(List<Control> controlContainers, string srcDataTableName)
Object data = null;
Type type = null;
switch (srcDataTableName)
case "tblDatabases" :
type = typeof(tblDatabase);
data = (tblDatabase)DetailData;
if (type != null)
var properties = type.GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);
foreach (var controlContainer in controlContainers)
foreach (var propertyInfo in properties)
if (!ControlExists(controlContainer, propertyInfo.Name)) continue;
var txtControl = controlContainer.Controls[propertyInfo.Name] as ExtendedTextBox;
if (txtControl != null)
var value = propertyInfo.GetValue(data, null).ToString();
if (propertyInfo.Name == "row_oper_name" || propertyInfo.Name == "row_last_chng_oper_name")
txtControl.Text = RowOperatorData.RowOperatorName;
txtControl.ValueMember = propertyInfo.GetValue(data, null).ToString();
txtControl.Text = value;
catch (NullReferenceException)
Step 3 - Try and save changes back to database in the derived From.
private void SaveData()
catch (Exception sqlException)
What I am really unclear about hear is how to store the result set in the Base Form so that I can use the same code for many different queries. The DataRow worked great because I use the some code for over 25 derive Forms.
If I understand you correctly, you create the DataContext in a derived form and then use it to write some queries (in a derived form). In order to be able to update the database, your queries must return the entities obtained from the table (i.e. the select clause should just return the entity). For example:
DataContext db = // ...
var q = from p in db.Things
where p.Some > 10 select p;
If you then modify the entities, you can use db.SubmitChanges() to store the changes (made to the entity objects) to the database. For this, you need the original db value.
In your scenario, you'll need to store the DataContext (as a field) in the derived form. If you need to perform the update from the base form, then I suggest you define a virtual method:
// Base form
protected abstract void UpdateDatabase();
// Derived from with field 'db' storing 'DataContext'
protected override void UpdateDatabase() {

How to execute a custom command against a typed dataset

I want to execute a custom command against a typed dataset I created using the dataset designer. For this I need to get a reference to the underlying connection, right? How to go about this? In which autogenerated file can I find the connection?
You can set the ConnectionModifier property of the TableAdapter in the designer, is defaulted to Internal, so you can use it in the same project/assembly, change it to Public and use it everywhere you need it. Or a better aproach will be create a partial class based in your TableAdapter name/namespace and encapsulate the logic within the same table adapter:
// if DataSet name is Sales and Table name is Order
namespace SalesTableAdapters // use full namespace here
public partial class OrderTableAdapter
public void CustomCommand()
// here you can use the property this.Connection
// and execute your command
typedTableAdapter ta = new myNameSpace.myDataSet.myDataSetTableAdapters.typedTableAdapter;
SqlClient.SqlCommand com = new SqlClient.SqlCommand("my query");
com.Connection = ta.Connection;
