Office-Addin Single Sign On and API Scopes - active-directory

The Office Addin for Excel provides the method:
to call the Azure Active Directory, log in the user and gain access to the users profile. The method brings up a dialog box asking the users consent for the Office App to access their profile. The consent box also includes the grants to my Web App (Angular web site that runs in the Excel Taskpane) and includes the words "If you accept, will also have access to your user profile information"
All good. But my Web App communicates with my API, which requires an additional granting of consent for my API to access the users profile.
Is there any way to cause the dialog box invoked by 'getAcccessToken' to also grant permission to my API?
When I login using MSAL as a fallback method (not getAccessToken(), but using an excel dialog box with MSAL configured as per the various Microsoft Walkthoughts), the consent box DOES include both my WebApp and my WebAPI. And authentication works correctly.
I note that the Manifest file has a tag. I had hoped that adding the Scope to my API in here would cause the Office-Addin to request consent to it, but no banana, it does nothing.
Any Ideas?
I do note that getAccessToken() deliberately does not return an access token to MS Graph, with the Microsoft Documentation citing 'security concerns', and such access to Graph must be via Server Side Code using the On-Behalf-Of flow, perhaps similar reasoning does not permit me to gain consent to any API using getAccessToken(), but what then are these section in the manifest file for? I have really struggled to get SSO working with Office Addins, there are so many nuances and unexpected behaviours.

The getAccessToken method calls the Azure Active Directory V 2.0 endpoint to get an access token to your add-in's web application. That enables add-ins to identify users. Server-side code can use this token to access Microsoft Graph for the add-in's web application by using the "on behalf of" OAuth flow. This API requires a single sign-on configuration that bridges the add-in to an Azure application. Office users sign-in with Organizational Accounts and Microsoft Accounts. Microsoft Azure returns tokens intended for both user account types to access resources in the Microsoft Graph. Read more about that in the Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow article.

In answer to my own question,
It is NOT possible to cause the dialog box invoked by 'getAcccessToken' to also grant permission to my API
I have written a lengthy response to this in my answer to this question
Office-Addin MSAL Single Sign In SSO: How to Refresh the Access Token?


Can I use my personal (local) account to authenticate into Azure B2C React MSAL app?

I'm trying to use React and Azure B2C to sign-up a local account (using personal emails).
I'm able to sign-up and login using userflows, however, I cannot get active account information from MsGraph API.
GET 401 (Unauthorized)
Yes ,azure AD b2c supports authentication for personal accounts,
Microsoft Graph supports optional query parameters that you can use to
specify and control the amount of data returned in a response. The
support for the exact query parameters varies from one API
operation to another, and depending on the API, can differ between the
v1.0 and beta endpoints.
Use query parameters to customize responses - Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Docs
Try with GET
You can use use $select to control the properties returned,
Ex: /me?$select=displayName,jobTitle
Do make sure to give required claims marked in application claims.
If you want to acquire a token for all the static scopes of a v1.0 application, append ".default" to the app ID URI of the API: app ID/.default
Calling the /me endpoint requires a signed-in user and therefore a delegated permission. Application permissions are not supported when using the /me endpoint.
Article says
Users cannot obtain tokens for Microsoft APIs (e.g. MS Graph API)
using delegated permissions. Applications can obtain tokens for
Microsoft APIs using application permissions (user management

Azure AD app registration settings for getting groups and users using ASP.NET web api

I'm getting 403 forbidden access when trying to fetch all the groups from Microsoft graph using ASP.NET Web API, and here is my code to get all the groups:
String jsonResponse = MicrosoftGraphHelper.MakeGetRequestForString (
var userGroups = JsonConvert.Deser
What are the required permissions in both Delegated and Application tabs for fetching both users and groups? Do I need Application permissions since this is an API and my UI is deployed in azure separately? I'm confused with the list of permission options and with admin consents.
Firstly, here's a great read in case you haven't seen it yet.
Delegated permissions, Application permissions, and effective permissions - Microsoft Graph permissions reference.
What are the required permissions in both Delegated and Application tabs for fetching both users and groups?
You can understand the required permissions for each api by looking at relevant documentation. With the information you've shared in your question..
For users/{1}/memberOf it will be List memberOf
For getting all groups - List Groups
If it's just these two calls in your application, Directory.Read.All would be the least privilege required. In case there are other calls, look at their documentation.
Do I need Application permissions since this is an API and my UI is deployed in azure separately?
This will depend on whose context do you acquire the token to call Microsoft Graph API. Share a little more information on your code.. OAuth flow you use to acquire token and you might get better suggestions specific to your application. In general though,
If you acquire the token as a user, then Delegated permissions (Example if you acquire token by prompting the user for credentials and from a flow perspective if you're using say Authorization code or Implict grant flow)
If you acquire the token as an application, then Application permissions (Example if you use only clientId, clientSecret/certificate to acquire token using Client Credentials flow)
Admin Consent is required or not?
This depends on what permissions you finally end up deciding as required for your application.
You can see it directly in Azure portal.. when setting required permissions fro your application, each permission has a yes or no next to it to indicate whether Admin consent is required or not. Just as example see screenshot below.
Microsoft Graph Permissions Reference.. the first link I had shared has all permissions documented. Example here is one that is relevant for you.

Authentication flow Service to Service Microsoft Graph and Bookings API

I am building a custom mobile application that has a client, custom backend server (I'm building) and interacts with numerous other api's. One of these api's is Microsoft bookings.
The problem I'm facing is I need to be authenticated via server to server, with a shared client secret. I'm aware of the numerous docs from MS but have yet to find a solution. I'm wondering if Server to server is even possible with Bookings.
I am able to get an access_token server to server with these permissions. (I have granted 'all permissions' to this app in Azure AD already).
"roles": [
Those are the permissions from the decoded token. When I go to make calls to the Bookings api I receive 401.
I can however use this token to access different graph endpoints no problem.
I will note, that I am able to make successful calls to the bookings api through Graph Explorer with my account, not related to this 'Application in Azure AD'.
Does this resource in Azure AD need a bookings License?
Is this even possible S2S?
Are there any other ways to bypass this without user credentials?
So I spent over a week trying to solve this problem due to the MS doc nightmare. I'm only posting to help others!
Bookings doesn't support service to service yet. So if you wan't to implement this without a user physically signing in, IE. If you have a dedicated booking admin account credentials you have to hard code the clients credentials.
I found my answer here
Microsoft Bookings API doesn't seem to support "Application Permissions" so far.
Only permissions available are "Delegated Permissions", which means your token has to be acquired with the context of a signed-in user.
Here are two Microsoft documentation sources that I came across:
Microsoft Graph Permissions Reference - Please look at the "Bookings Permissions" section.
Microsoft Bookings Samples
I know you mention Server to Server authentication using a client secret. AFAIK, that case will NOT work directly, because clientId and clientSecret only provide an application's identity (which can't be assigned any permissions because there are no relevant application permissions available for this API).
Just in case you can have some User context involved, here is code from bookings samples link above, to acquire the token in a Native application using ADAL
var authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext("");
var authenticationResult = await authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(
new PlatformParameters(PromptBehavior.RefreshSession));
// The results of this call are sent as the Authorization header of each HTTPS request to Graph.
var authorizationHeader = authenticationResult.CreateAuthorizationHeader();
Suggestions on ways to make this scenario work
On Behalf Of Flow
Your mobile application client could prompt a user for credentials to act on Behalf of the user and call your backend web API, which in turn calls the downstream API like Bookings API. This is called Service to Service Calls on behalf of the User
Here is a code sample which shows exactly this with a native application (WPF) and an SPA. In your case, just replace the WPF application with your mobile client application for understanding purposes and rest of the scenario becomes very similar.
Calling a downstream web API from a web API using Azure AD
ROPC Grant (Not Recommended)
Resource Owner Password Credentials grant can help as your application will have end user password available to it, but it has multiple issues and any security guidance will discourage you from using it.
ROPC opens up security risks, doesn't follow best practices and has functionality issues as well. ROPC doesn't work with MFA enabled users as well as federated authentication users.
For all practical purposes, you should avoid ROPC as long as possible. You can find the same recommendation in ADAL documentation itself and multiple other documentations from Microsoft or even generally about OAuth 2.0.

Microsoft Graph Explorer consent screen is giving wrong scopes

When I try to login for the first time with new user via active directory to I get following scopes:
In my I have following permissions:
Why am I getting only these two scopes in access token:
Apps registered via the Application Registration Portal use the Azure AD v2 endpoint which supports incremental consent.
This means that while your app registration determines which scopes can be requested, you still need to specify specific scopes when you make the authorize request. Also, you should avoid requesting all scopes up front, rather incrementally request scopes as needed in the context of specific operations. So start out with your authorize request as you have it, with no extra scopes but when you need to send an email on behalf of the user issue another authorize request like so:
For more info on scopes in the v2.0 endpoint check out the Scopes, permissions, and consent in the Azure Active Directory v2.0 endpoint document.
For an example of an app that incrementally requests scopes, check out this Integrate Microsoft identity and the Microsoft Graph into a web application using OpenID Connect sample.
Also note that there 2 different Graph APIs:
Azure AD Graph (endpoint:, explorer:
Microsoft Graph (Endpoint:, Explorer:
We strongly recommend that you use Microsoft Graph instead of Azure AD Graph API to access Azure Active Directory resources. Our development efforts are now concentrated on Microsoft Graph and no further enhancements are planned for Azure AD Graph API. There are a very limited number of scenarios for which Azure AD Graph API might still be appropriate; for more information, see the Microsoft Graph or the Azure AD Graph blog post in the Office Dev Center.
I'm not quite sure where that screen shot is coming from, but the URL you're going to is incorrect. The correct URL for Graph Explorer is

Accessing Office Graph apis with Sharepoint Online login?

We've been running an Angular app in a custom masterpage during the last year, using the Sharepoint REST api to retrieve user properties, data from lists etc., which has been working fine. As the application is hosted on Sharepoint Online, accessing the page requires a login thus making the request digest available so further authentication is not necessary.
Now however, we want to start using some of the functionality in the Microsoft Graph API. From what I can gather this requires OAuth2 authentication against the Azure Active Directory, involving among other things a redirect to the AAD login page.
Does this mean I have to:
1) Login via the organizations (standard Microsoft) login page to access the Sharepoint Online site.
2) Redirect to the Azure AD login page and back again?
Or can I leverage the login that the user already did when logging into Sharepoint Online?
Sorry if the question is a bit vague, we are all still very new to this.
When registering your application on Azure AD you will give the app access to Files/Sharepoint REST api and Microsoft Graph API. See this picture the app has access to several apis (Exchange, Graph and AD) you must add sharepoint APIs in your case.
Regarding the authentication, I am afraid that the Sharepoint model does not provide a token that will enable you to request the Graph API see this. You will have two authentications, one to access the Sharepoint site, as you said, and the other "within" the sharepoint iframed add-in to log into your AAD's registered app. This will be an OAUTH process through Have a look at my Outlook add-in Keluro Mail Team on the Office store, I think it is similar to what you want to achieve.
You can use the same token from I have a sample using Asp.Net Core 1.0 and the.Net ADAL but the same authentication flow is used when using ASP.NET 4.6. Just make your auth request against ms graph on startup then acquire access token to auth against SharePoint.
Hope this helps.
