Azure AD app registration settings for getting groups and users using ASP.NET web api - azure-active-directory

I'm getting 403 forbidden access when trying to fetch all the groups from Microsoft graph using ASP.NET Web API, and here is my code to get all the groups:
String jsonResponse = MicrosoftGraphHelper.MakeGetRequestForString (
var userGroups = JsonConvert.Deser
What are the required permissions in both Delegated and Application tabs for fetching both users and groups? Do I need Application permissions since this is an API and my UI is deployed in azure separately? I'm confused with the list of permission options and with admin consents.

Firstly, here's a great read in case you haven't seen it yet.
Delegated permissions, Application permissions, and effective permissions - Microsoft Graph permissions reference.
What are the required permissions in both Delegated and Application tabs for fetching both users and groups?
You can understand the required permissions for each api by looking at relevant documentation. With the information you've shared in your question..
For users/{1}/memberOf it will be List memberOf
For getting all groups - List Groups
If it's just these two calls in your application, Directory.Read.All would be the least privilege required. In case there are other calls, look at their documentation.
Do I need Application permissions since this is an API and my UI is deployed in azure separately?
This will depend on whose context do you acquire the token to call Microsoft Graph API. Share a little more information on your code.. OAuth flow you use to acquire token and you might get better suggestions specific to your application. In general though,
If you acquire the token as a user, then Delegated permissions (Example if you acquire token by prompting the user for credentials and from a flow perspective if you're using say Authorization code or Implict grant flow)
If you acquire the token as an application, then Application permissions (Example if you use only clientId, clientSecret/certificate to acquire token using Client Credentials flow)
Admin Consent is required or not?
This depends on what permissions you finally end up deciding as required for your application.
You can see it directly in Azure portal.. when setting required permissions fro your application, each permission has a yes or no next to it to indicate whether Admin consent is required or not. Just as example see screenshot below.
Microsoft Graph Permissions Reference.. the first link I had shared has all permissions documented. Example here is one that is relevant for you.


Office-Addin Single Sign On and API Scopes

The Office Addin for Excel provides the method:
to call the Azure Active Directory, log in the user and gain access to the users profile. The method brings up a dialog box asking the users consent for the Office App to access their profile. The consent box also includes the grants to my Web App (Angular web site that runs in the Excel Taskpane) and includes the words "If you accept, will also have access to your user profile information"
All good. But my Web App communicates with my API, which requires an additional granting of consent for my API to access the users profile.
Is there any way to cause the dialog box invoked by 'getAcccessToken' to also grant permission to my API?
When I login using MSAL as a fallback method (not getAccessToken(), but using an excel dialog box with MSAL configured as per the various Microsoft Walkthoughts), the consent box DOES include both my WebApp and my WebAPI. And authentication works correctly.
I note that the Manifest file has a tag. I had hoped that adding the Scope to my API in here would cause the Office-Addin to request consent to it, but no banana, it does nothing.
Any Ideas?
I do note that getAccessToken() deliberately does not return an access token to MS Graph, with the Microsoft Documentation citing 'security concerns', and such access to Graph must be via Server Side Code using the On-Behalf-Of flow, perhaps similar reasoning does not permit me to gain consent to any API using getAccessToken(), but what then are these section in the manifest file for? I have really struggled to get SSO working with Office Addins, there are so many nuances and unexpected behaviours.
The getAccessToken method calls the Azure Active Directory V 2.0 endpoint to get an access token to your add-in's web application. That enables add-ins to identify users. Server-side code can use this token to access Microsoft Graph for the add-in's web application by using the "on behalf of" OAuth flow. This API requires a single sign-on configuration that bridges the add-in to an Azure application. Office users sign-in with Organizational Accounts and Microsoft Accounts. Microsoft Azure returns tokens intended for both user account types to access resources in the Microsoft Graph. Read more about that in the Microsoft identity platform and OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of flow article.
In answer to my own question,
It is NOT possible to cause the dialog box invoked by 'getAcccessToken' to also grant permission to my API
I have written a lengthy response to this in my answer to this question
Office-Addin MSAL Single Sign In SSO: How to Refresh the Access Token?

Application does not have sufficient permissions against this web resource to perform the operation in Azure AD B2C

I have created Azure AD B2C Application and tried to integrate with React JS using MSAL Library , When i tried to get access token I am getting following error.
AADB2C90205: This application does not have sufficient permissions against this web resource to perform the operation
Any Help would highly appreciated.
The link provided by #Jas Suri is correct, but I need to add some more:
You need to create two applications, one representing the client application and the other representing the api application, and then use the client application to call the api application.
Next, you need to expose the api of the back-end application and record the scope name, then go to the client application to add the scope to the API permissions (you need to find it in My APIs), and grant the admin consent to the permission.
Finally, when you get the access token, you must add the scope.
You didn’t grant admin consent. Follow this:
Specifically the Grant Permissions section.

Auto-create user/drive using delegated permissions and Microsoft Graph

I am using the acquireUserCode, acquireTokenWithDeviceCode flow found in adal-node library to authenticate my application and user. This process works successfully and I am then able to make MS Graph calls with the returned token. Where I am stuck is using the /users/{id}/drive endpoint. The docs state:
If a user's OneDrive is not provisioned but the user has a license to use OneDrive, this request will automatically provision the user's drive, when using delegated authentication.
My understanding is that the device code is a form of delegated permissions but the drive is not being created. Instead I get a 404 response. The user is properly licensed. In testing I have granted all graph delegated permissions to the application registration and "granted" them through the UI. Any pointers where in the chain I should be looking if this scenario is supported? Thanks!

Why do i need to create a Multi-Tenant App?

I have been doing some R&D on using the MicrosoftGraphAPI to fetch the skus subscribed by my organization.
I have created an app as described in the documentation. I did all the steps in the above link except 'Assign application to role'.
Using postman am able to get the oauth2 token by sending a post request using the link<mytenantid>/oauth2/token
with the client_id, client_secret, resource( and grant_type(client_credentials) parameters.
After this token is obtained I can fire a get request with the Authorization header set as Bearer {token} which will return the SKUs subscribed by my organization.
So far so good. :-)
Now the requirement is I need to fetch the subscribed SKUs by one of the client (let's say having the azure ad tenant id 'ABCDEFG') of my organization.
I can successfully do that by registering an app in the client's tenant 'ABCDEFG' with the same steps as above.
This approach is fine if my organization has say 1 or 2 clients.
However, if the client numbers are more than say 30 this approach of registering an application in each Azure AD instance is not feasible.
If the application that I registered in my organizations AAD was multi-tenant then how should it help me?
What will be the steps needed to obtain the access token for each tenant?
Can somebody assist with some detailed explanation?
Since you need application-level access, you would assign one of the Application permissions listed in the documentation for getting SKUs:
Directory.Read.All, Directory.ReadWrite.All
In this case you should require the Read Directory Data (Directory.Read.All) application permission.
Then you mark your app as multi-tenanted.
Now then in order for another org to use your app, they will have to be on-boarded.
You will need some kind of page where their administrator can click a button/link to start using your app.
This should redirect the admin to:
Once they sign in, they will be presented with a consent screen, where they can approve the permissions that your app requires.
If and when they do that, they will be redirected back to your app (to the URL you specified) and you can use the Id token to know which Azure AD tenant registered.
During this process a service principal for your app is created in their tenant, and the required permission is granted to it.
This means you can then get an access token for their tenant from: (using the same credentials)
Remember that access tokens are specific to an Azure AD tenant, so you will have to get an access token for each tenant.
One thing I would like to point out is that you should instead try to use delegated permissions if possible.
The application permission given here gives quite large access to your app, and some admins might not use your service for that reason alone.
Delegated permissions are more complex to handle, but allow your app to act on behalf of a user instead of purely as itself.

Querying a tenants Azure AD from a multi-tenant Application

We have a multi-tenant Saas application providing sign in using our username/pwd authentication system and using Azure AD (OAuth 2.0 flows). When a user signs in using Azure AD, we can get the user's profile using{tenantid}/me. We want however to get more information using the memberOf or getMemberGroups operations to retrieve the user's groups in the tenants directory, to map specific groups from the tenant to an organizational structure in our application. However these operations always fail with a Forbidden statuscode. Are we missing required permissions or is it just not possible to query for the groups and roles of another tenant.
Thanks in advance
This is totally possible, but today requires that you request the "Read Directory" permission. This permission does require and admin of the tenant to consent. We are looking at adding some additional fine grained permissions for Graph API that will allow users to consent (to get group membership information).
Another option for you is to configure your application to request group membership claims (which should appear in any user or JWT token). You can do this by going to the azure management portal and getting to your app's config page. From there download the application manifest file and update the groupMembershipClaims property. You can see most of the properties in the application manifest described here: Once updated, you can upload this app manifest file, and this will configure your application accordingly. Once done, AAD will issue group membership claims in the token. Dushyant has written a nice blog about authorizing access to a web app, using group membership claims or app roles. You can find it via Alex Simons blog post here:
