How to add refresh button to fullcalendar day - fullcalendar-5

We are using fullcalendar V5 in an application.
How can I add a button to the top of each day, on same row as the day number?


Calendar in row using React

Can anybody help me to build a calendar using react js.
I would like to achieve generating calendar after selecting the month and the year.
The calendar table would be like this

how to disable specific date in angular bootstrap datepicker

I am using angular ui bootsrap datepicker with this version (2.5.0):!#datepicker
I want to disable specific dates. for example, every 29th and 30th on each month. how can i do it?

AngularJS calendar - navigation buttons events

I use the AngularJS calendar in my application. My question now would be, if there is a possibility with AngularJS to get the click event of button "today" and the buttons previous and next? The reason is that I will have my own buttons to navigate through the calendar.
AngularJS calendar
I would recommend you to use this plug for your comfortability
which by default have previous next and today button

Display Date picker for ionic

I need date picker for my hybrid mobile app, i develop an application with ionic framework and i want to display Date picker by clicking on a button, i don't want to choose the normal way like : < input type = "date">
Thank you for helping me,

Is there a way to show month and year in dropdown in bootstrap ui datepicker

We are using bootstrap ui in our angularjs project. Is there a way to display years and month in drop-down in datepicker popup.
