SvelteKit, reload $ - sveltekit

To know about the logged in user on my pages, I return the user in the load function of +layout.server.js and use it with $ on my pages (as suggested in
How can I tell the pages to run the load function again? E.g.: When logging out, the data returned by the load function of +layout.server.js is out of date, and it needs to "run" again to return new data (i.e. no user).
I found the function invalidate, but I don't know how to use it.

The solution was to use the function invalidateAll.


How do i use this fetched data response?

I Am using react. I have a fetch setup in an useEffect to grab the data from a database from the backend. It pulls the account and sends it back to the front where i can access it from there.
From the File I want to access the user information i have a console log
I want to be able to grab like the firstname, lastname individually and use them in the script. how do i go about that. I did try to console log UserData.user and it gave me this result
However when i went to try to get firstname like userData.user.firstname i was met with an error. Im pretty new to react and pushing myself with things ive never done before to learn and any help would be great
Thank you everyone who does help it means alot
Please note all information in screenshots are fictitious and are just prop data.
This may be because you are trying to read the user information before the api returns the data. so check if the array has data before trying to access it . You can use save navigation to check for undefined or null
Based on your screenshot the data you are getting back is an array of user objects. To access it you will need to use:
Note that this will access the first user object in the array - you will likely need checks to ensure the data data exists before accessing it, e.g.:
if (userData.user.length > 0) {
// Access data as needed
user is an array so you can acces like this
it will be better if you update your endPoint to get an object instead, so you can have access and check easier

Get page URL for scheduled publishing

My editors want to know the end page url for publishing in social media.
Is there any way to get the page URL as when it will be published before actually publishing it (scheduled publishing)?
slug_url should give you what you need:
Note that slugurl might provide a relative link, so if it does, then you would have to prepend the domain name to the relative url in order to create the final url for the user. See the test_slugurl_tag() routine in the tests for an example of how to use slugurl in Python code.
Note also that if the location of the page in the page tree is changed or the slug (as defined in the Promote tab) is changed, then the url that you retrieved with slugurl prior to any such change will no longer be valid. However, if you are using Wagtail 2.16+, then this problem can be handled automatically if you use the wagtail.contrib.redirects app.
Here a code snippet that takes in account when the slug changes or the page is moved in the tree (you will need to subclass the Page model somehow and add a new field published_url):
def save_revision(self, user=None, submitted_for_moderation=False, approved_go_live_at=None, changed=True,
log_action=False, previous_revision=None, clean=True):
old_record = Page.objects.get(
if old_record.slug != self.slug:
kwargs = {'update_fields': ['slug']}, kwargs)
self.published_url = self.get_full_url()
return Page.save_revision(self, user, submitted_for_moderation, approved_go_live_at, changed,
log_action, previous_revision, clean)

How to process and change output before it is sent back to the browser?

I want to implement a mechanism in CakePHP that is like ShortCodes in Wordpress. I want to save my pages (in the DB) with tokens, e.g.
[form id=12]
and then, after the view got rendered and before it is sent back to the browser, I want to search the rendered view for these tokens, and replace them with something else.
I assume I'll have to use beforeFilter, afterFilter or beforeRender, but I can't find any documentation (including in CakePHP's own documentation!) about how these overriden functions can be used to change the output.
Can anyone help?

Angular JS Permissions Check

Have a long list of items for some of which the user has permissions for some of them don't. How can I check if the user has permission for specific item?
I can load the permissions in the controller and then when I iterate trough the list in ng-repat call a method to check if for that item I have permission - the item is in the permissions array - loaded before.
What I have seen trying this approach is that because of the two way data biding this takes a long time - the check is executed even when the user is doing something else on the screen - clicking a button - interacting with the controller. What will be the best method to implement this?
I update my user (->permissions) only on app start or route changes.
With this, I get no performance problems in my central method
which only checks the result, so js has nothing to calculate in template.
Just use memoization technics. Permission checks should not change very often (I guess after login form and after logout). So, you can do something like:
var memoize = require('lodash.memoize')
var hasPermission = memoize(service.hasPermission)
If you want to clear cache just call
I used this approach on my projects using CASL and it works quite fast

cakephp avoid logged in users to access other user's account

I'm developing a web with CakePHP 1.3.7. Everything is going fine and I love it, but I just came accross a problem (probably because of my lack of knowledge) that I can't figure out how to fix.
This is my problem:
In the website, there's the typical 'manage my account' area, where users can only access when they're logged in. In this area, there's a link that calls to an action in the same 'users' controller called 'edit_items'. So when a user goes to edit_items, the action receives as a parameter the user's id (something like, where 45 is the user's id), and shows the information in a form. The problem comes if I go directly to the address bar of the browser and change that 45 for any other user's Id, then the information of that other user is also shown, even if that user is not logged in. This is obviously a big security issue.
I've been trying to avoid passing the user's id as a parameter and getting it from the Auth component (which I'm using) with $this->Auth->User('id'). For whatever reason, I can read the logged user's info into the form fine, but when I try to save the changes on the form, I get an error as if the save action had failed, and I have no clue why.
Is there any other way to avoid my problem? Or to figure out why the save is returning an error?
SO the problem comes from the validation, here's the deal: when the user fills out the form to create a new item, there are certain fields, some of them with validation rules applied. However, when the user goes back to edit the item, not all the fields are editable, only some. Is it possible that, since some fields that required validation when creating the item are not available when editing, that causes the error? How can avoid that? Can I change the validation rules only for the edit action?
Example of what's happening: when creating an item,one of the fields is item_name, which has some validation applied to it. When editing the item, its name can not be changed, so it's not shown in the edit form. I believe this what may be causing the error, maybe because the item_name is missing?
You are turned on the right direction - passing user_id on the url is a bad idea when the users need to edit their own details.
You can use following: when saving your form before the actual save you can pass the user_id to the posted data. Something like this:
if (!empty($this->data)) {
$this->data['User']['id'] = $this->Auth->user('id');
... //Some extra stuff
if ($this->User->save($this->data)) {
... //success
} else {
... //error
This way the logged user will override it's own record always. Check if you have some validation rules in your model which give you this error.
