Is it possible to use Single Sends without click tracking? - sendgrid-api-v3

I'm using SendGrid's Single Sends in order to send mail to a contact list with unsubscribes, and I have both Open Tracking and Click Tracking disabled in the Tracking Settings. Despite this, all of the links in my emails are still converted to tracking links.
Is there a way to disable this click tracking?


how to pull data from salesforce marketing cloud objects using API

I am trying to pull data from salesforce marketing cloud object using API calls.
data: all available instances for the passed object.
I did this for salesforce objects using bulk api call.
I am very new to sfmc.
Glad if someone can share the example link.
Not sure if this is what you want, there are several trailheads to get started with MC.
Log in to your MC account
Hover on Audience Builder
Click Contact Builder
Click on tab Data Sources
Click sub tab Synchronised
(if you have already connected your CRM to MC) A box with your connected user should appear. Click on it.
Here you can see all your sObjects that are connected and synced. If you dont have any or want to connect some or more then:
click Set up Object button on the top right
Now all the sObjects that are available will appear and you can sync them. This will make them available in the MC environment.
Some will be unavailable at the moment, this is because they require others to be synced first. Once you start syncing the most basic ones, others will become available.
Hope this is what you were looking for.

Desktop notification in Gmail Web UI for messages added using "insert"

I'm writing an application that adds email messages to a Gmail inbox using the "insert" API call. I need the added messages to trigger a "new email" notification in the email clients connected to this inbox. This works with all the email clients I've tried, except with the Gmail Web UI. Not only Gmail doesn't trigger a desktop notification, but the new emails take up to 2 minutes to appear in the inbox.
I've tried using "import" instead of "insert" to add new emails, and that seems to get Gmail to trigger desktop notifications, unfortunately I can't really use "import" because I need to skip filters, among other reasons.
Is this a known issue of the Gmail Web UI? Does anyone know of a workaround to force Gmail to trigger a desktop notification?
Can you use import but then just undo the work done by the filters? I.e. move it back to the inbox, remove any labels from it, unstar it, etc.

Send updates to a user using and nodejs

I'm building an app using MEAN Stack (something like Facebook). So a user can login to my app using different browsers and I want for example, if there user will add a new message to the MongoDB, I want to update his messages in the other sessions. The same of he will remove a massage. At the same time, there maybe logged in different users from different browsers and I want to notify the user with his update in the other sessions.
Does supports such an option? And what is the best way to do it?
Yes do support that. Here is an example made by themselves:
You should be looking for socket.on() which are the listeners for an event on the server side and look into socket.emit() which are the senders of the events. the .emit()could be added into an function which are triggered on a button click for example.
Depending on you needs, if you're going to send the message to every user using your app then you could use this above code. But if you only wants to send to a specific list of persons you should look into something called Rooms (
This does exactly what it sounds like, it emits the messages to the specific room where users have been added to when they connect to your application.

Drupal 7 Views and Rules Action Sets

I have created a view based on profile fields to display a custom search page for a particular role.
Once the search results are displayed, the user can select one of them to send a notification.
For this a VBO has been used with a force single option. I have problems when i try to send an email notification thru rules, to the selected user.
I do not see the custom rules action to send email, under my bulk operation settings.
If i try to create the rule component with data type profile, i get the action listed under bulk operations, but not on my page.
Any help is appreciated.
The issue got resolved by enabling permissions for that particular user role to execute the Rule. By default, the Rule was enabled only for the creator (Admin).

How to get customer information after paypal transaction?

I am trying to get the customer's address, name and any information that they enter on the paypal side so I can create a customer account with order history. I am currently using web payments standard for the simplicity.
How do I get that information from paypal after the user is sent back to my confirmation page?
Can I get this back from the IPN?
Once they have completed the transaction it will show up in your HISTORY section. Next to the specific transaction click on "Details". This will provide you with all the information that was requested of them upon check out.
If you're using PayPal buttons make sure that the appropriate check boxes are checked when created the button to ask for the buyers address, otherwise it may not ask at all.
