how to pull data from salesforce marketing cloud objects using API - salesforce

I am trying to pull data from salesforce marketing cloud object using API calls.
data: all available instances for the passed object.
I did this for salesforce objects using bulk api call.
I am very new to sfmc.
Glad if someone can share the example link.

Not sure if this is what you want, there are several trailheads to get started with MC.
Log in to your MC account
Hover on Audience Builder
Click Contact Builder
Click on tab Data Sources
Click sub tab Synchronised
(if you have already connected your CRM to MC) A box with your connected user should appear. Click on it.
Here you can see all your sObjects that are connected and synced. If you dont have any or want to connect some or more then:
click Set up Object button on the top right
Now all the sObjects that are available will appear and you can sync them. This will make them available in the MC environment.
Some will be unavailable at the moment, this is because they require others to be synced first. Once you start syncing the most basic ones, others will become available.
Hope this is what you were looking for.


OneLogin Notification - Track reactivation of disabled/suspended/unlicensed accounts

Just getting around to setting up some more detailed reporting in our OneLogin setup, and I'm not sure how to go about the title to this question. How would I create a new notification to alert us when a user account gets reactivated in any way and by whom it was done by?
This has been somewhat helpful, but I feel like there are more OL database values that can and/or need to be used to get what I need.
In your administration panel there is a tab for Notifications under the Activity tab. You are able to configure a email notification whenever an account is reactivated.
Upon getting the email you can log into your administration panel and view the user profile within the account to view who made the changes.
I am not an expert on the UI side of Onelogin, but I work on the engineering team. There may be an easier way to do this, but the functionality is there.

How do you get a URL to a shared O365 calendar?

I have been playing around with the Graph API to access the shared calendars and events within an organization.
I can successfully query my organization users and the calendar/events for any of those users. What I would like to do now is to generate a URL allowing you to jump to an outlook web session (eg - directly to a particular user's calendar (that you have access to).
I can see that Events have a 'WebLink' property that allows you to do this with a calendar event, but I can't find any documentation that indicates how you could jump to a calendar the same way.
I did find some old stuff implying that the old school OWA used to allow this but those url's don't look like they work anymore.
I also tried to pull apart the URL's provided when you 'share' you calendar with an external email address and it sends them a 'click here to add the calendar, or here to see a web view' etc email. That looked kind of promising because it actually DOES provide a direct link to a web version of the calendar; but it it includes a few fields in the URLthat I can't figure out (more than likely the external user auth) so I can't reverse engineer it to build one with the info I have available in the Graph API.
URL was of the form:<userid>#<domain>/<52CharacterHex_ProbablyAHashedTokenForTheExternalUsersAuth>/<WindowsUserSID_ProbablyToRepresentTheExternalUserOrProxyAccessEntity>/reachcalendar.html
Anyone else got any ideas on how I can launch a web session of another uses calendar (that I have access to)? Ultimately what I am doing is creating a small management dashboard (using a summary built via Graph API data) that shows an overview of a collection of user's calendars but allows you to jump into the any individual user's full calendar if more info is required.
Publish to the web. follow this:
OWA -> Settings
Calendar -> Shared Calendars
Publish a Calendar -> copy HTML

Firebase Realtime array populate div

Okay so I’m need guidance on where to start.
What I want to do is upon clicking a button in my web app which will be labelled “search” the web app will connect to my realism database and search the data base for the “search criteria” and the once found all matching cases it will create div blocks with the information inside it, in a list view and assign the ID of the div to the UID it gets back from the database.
--> Country
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Welcome to StackOverflow!
A great place to get started is the Firebase Realtime Database doocumentation or searching for Firecasts on YouTube (linked below).
As requested, here are some questions to ask yourself to get started and help scope out and define your new Firebase project.
What language are you going to use?
Are you planning on using any frameworks/libraries? e.g. For Javascript, these would include things like jQuery, Polymer, and React
What information are you storing in your database? e.g. user profiles, private user data/settings, public indexes, username lists, etc.
How is your database structured?
What data is being searched? The entire database? Values in a certain location?
What data needs to be displayed in your view?
Is the data accessible for just the current user or is it a public database that anyone can use?
What search criteria will be used? Is it just one filter at a time or many?
The answers to these questions aren't set in stone, but are to help you start thinking about the future of your project. They can be changed at any time as this isn't SQL where everything has to have its own schema.
If you intend on using "advanced searches" where you'll filter by multiple parameters at the same time, consider using Cloud Firestore instead.
I recommend looking at some Firecasts to help guide you through these questions. Here are some links to them:
Firebase YouTube Channel
Video: Getting Started with the Firebase Realtime Database on the Web
Playlist: Firebase on the Web

How do I create an Outlook calendar subscription from my web/app server?

I have a website that is a calendar with all the basic features (ASP.NET MVC and SQL Server). People can enter events, view others events, etc. One person asked me if there was a way they can see these events in their Outlook calendar - as a second calendar.
I have all of the data on the server. Is there a recommended way to have Outlook point to my web server or DB for a calendar? I see there are ways to generate iCal files from C#.
If so, how would this data stay in sync as new events are created, deleted, etc? A one time dump would be ok but the concern would be that the data would get stale. Is there a solution that would keep the reference dynamic to keep them in sync. (it would only need to be a one way transfer, i don't expect the need to create or delete from Outlook, so outlook is just read only)
I think you can create iCalendar file,then publish it ,so let clients subscribe your internet calendar because internet calendar subscription is periodically synchronized with a calendar that is saved on a web server,and any updates to the internet calendar are downloaded automatically into MS Outlook.
You can use DDay.Ical library for creating (.ics) files using C#.
assuming your question is about how to keep the client and server side synched, and since you only mention outlook as client, there is a custom way to control the update frequency: microsoft has a custom calendar property: X-PUBLISHED-TTL (see microsoft msdn calendar) Property: X-PUBLISHED-TTL
Brief Description: Specifies a suggested iCalendar file download frequency for clients and servers with sync capabilities.
however note that this property being custom will be ignored by other calendars
You could try to keep track of the SEQUENCE of updates to each calendar entry in your database, and add a trigger on your table of calendar events so that it would automatically send event updates when something changes. Each update would have a higher SEQUENCE property than the updates that came before it, but the UID (the event's unique identifier) would remain the same.
For this to work, though, you'd need to be able to send iCalendar events from within your SQL Server, which can be possible using the following CLR project:

Accessing All Sharepoint 2010 User Profiles

I'm attempting to iterate through all User Profiles in SharePoint 2010 from a Silverlight application that will be added to a SharePoint page. Based on what I've learned, the User Profile Service is different than the SharePoint Website's store of a list of users who are "members" of the site or have ever visited it. To get that list of users, see this question.
I know about the asmx web service that SharePoint 2010 provides at, but that doesn't seem to have anything like a GetAllUserProfiles method. The closest it looks like I can get is by iterating through all users with successive calls to the GetUserProfileByIndex method, but that's far from optimal.
Is there a way to access User Profiles via a built-in Sharepoint 2010 REST-ful service, such as what's provided for site links at If not, what approach do you recommend to get all existing User Profiles in SharePoint 2010?
The purpose of this is to provide summary profile information in the Silverlight control. For example, showing the User Profiles that have the most "Interests" set in their profile. This task is only possible by iterating through all User Profiles.
Are you sure you want to do this through a web service? Getting all links for a user means 20 simple urls. Getting all user profiles means 20,000 large complex objects.
Iterating through all profiles is something I have done in import code, but outside of that I can't think of a scenario where it wouldn't make more sense to use search - especially when user interaction is involved.
