Reverse Geocode in ASP.NET to get detailed location information - maps

what is the best way to get detailed address by point(latitude, longitude) (reverse geocoding) in an asp core web . i want detailed location address like city, street name , ..( but Not using the google maps, i can't grt a key ( i want free way) )


AzMonitor workbook to visualize data by city

One is able to group the number of page views by country, per this documentation. PFB KQL query.
pageViews | project client_CountryOrRegion, itemCount, client_City
However, visualizing by client_City doesn't work.
Is there a way one could group and visualize by the name of the city instead?
Workbooks itself doesn't currently have any built in mapping of city to lat/long, we only have that at the country/region level. (In the screenshots above, you told workbooks that a column of data has country information, but then you passed it cities, so it doesn't know of any countries named those things)
there are various ways to do it by using the externaldata operator in ADX/Log Analytics to have the database load, parse, and join with your other data. If you can get to lat/long, then you can tell workbooks to use that mode where you tell it which columns are lat and long and you'd have your points.
not the exact files you want, but in another example someone wanted to map from ip address to country, and in that example you'd add something like this to your query:
let geoData = externaldata
[#""] with (ignoreFirstRecord=true, format="csv");
| limit 10
in your real query you'd not have the limit, you'd use the kql join operator to do an intersection and you'd get your lat/long that way.

I want to use the query builder to implement virtual fields (AS) with a value for the argument

Thank you for all your help.
I'm building an application in CakePHP4 that handles maps.
I want to get the values that are within a reference center point from the DB.
The SQL you want to execute is as follows
SELECT id, place, lng, lat,
(6378 * acos(
cos(radians(Base latitude)) * cos(radians(lat)) * cos(radians(lng) – radians(Base latitude))
+ sin(radians(Base latitude)) * sin(radians(lat))))
AS distance FROM test HAVING distance < 10 ORDER BY distance
I know that you can write pure SQL and execute it with "$connection->execute($sql, $bind)->fetchAll('assoc')".
But I want to run it in Cake's query builder. I've done some research. I found out that I can create a virtual field in my model with a protected function __getSocial(){. But I can't pass any arguments to it.
I want to write the code that I tried, but I don't have anything to write because I don't understand it at all.
Please help me out....
Translated with (free version)

How to use an array to work around google scripts "service invoked too many times for one day" error

I wrote a simple script to fetch the distance between two locations, each in a different cell in GoogleSheets (below). My sheet has one set of 65 locations in the top row and a second set of 6000 locations listed in the first column. I want to find the distance between each location in the top row and each location in the first column.
Given the size of my data set, I'm running into the "service invoked too many times for one day: route" error message. I found this post suggesting that one could create an array to execute calculations for the whole spreadsheet at once, rather than cell by cell. Would this be a suitable solution for my current problem? If so, how would I go about writing the script? Here's my current code:
function GOOGLEMAPS(start_address,end_address) {
var mapObj = Maps.newDirectionFinder();
var directions = mapObj.getDirections();
var meters = directions["routes"][0]["legs"][0]["distance"]["value"];
var distance = meters * 0.000621371
return distance;
If you desire overcome a daily limit established by the Google Apps Script you should initialize a Map with the Google Maps Premium plan credentials. This means you should contact Google and purchase a Google Maps Platform Premium plan license in order to get additional quota allowances.
There is a Maps.setAuthentication(clientId, signingKey); method for this purpose.
Enables the use of an externally established Maps API for Business account, to leverage additional quota allowances. Your client ID and signing key can be obtained from the Google Enterprise Support Portal. Set these values to null to go back to using the default quota allowances.
I hope this answer clarifies your doubt.

AWS SimpleDB contains value

I am trying to make a db query (AWS simpleDB) and want only things to return if they contain the # symbol somewhere in the email field. I am starting like this
select * from `myDomain` where email = _____
I just can't figure out what to put in that space.
I found this article which explains features and keywords of simpleDB but was unable to see anything here that could help me...
So if there are 3 items with emails 1."" 2. "1234" 3."asdf" then only "" should be returned because it contains #.
select * from myDomain where email like '%#%'

How to get the bounding coordinates for a US postal(zip) code?

Is there a service/API that will take a postal/zip code and return the bounding(perimeter) coordinates so I can build a Geometry object in a MS SQL database?
By bounding coordinates, I mean I would like to retrieve a list of GPS coordinates that construct a polygon that defines the US zip code.
An elaboration of my comment, that ZIP codes are not polygons....
We often think of ZIP codes as areas (polygons) because we say, "Oh, I live in this ZIP code..." which gives the impression of a containing region, and maybe the fact that ZIP stands for "Zone Improvement Plan" helps the false association with polygons.
In actuality, ZIP codes are lines which represent, in a sense, mail carrier routes. Geometrically, lines do not have area. Just as lines are strings of points along a coordinate plane, ZIP code lines are strings of delivery points in the abstract space of USPS-designated addresses.
They are not correlated to geographical coordinates. What you will find, though, is that they appear to be geographically oriented because it would be inefficient for carriers to have a route completely irrelevant of distance and location.
What is this "abstract space of USPS-designated addresses"? That's how I am describing the large and mysterious database of deliverable locations maintained by the US Postal Service. Addresses are not allotted based on geography, but on the routes that carriers travel which usually relates to streets and travelability.
Some 5-digit ZIP codes are only a single building, or a complex of buildings, or even a single floor of a building (yes, multiple zip codes can be at a single coordinate because their delivery points are layered vertically). Some of these -- among others -- are "unique" ZIPs. Companies and universities frequently get their own ZIP codes for marketing or organizational purposes. For instance, the ZIP code "12345" belongs to General Electric up in Schenectady, NY. (Edit: In a previous version of Google Maps, when you follow that link, you'd notice that the placement marker was hovering, because it points to a ZIP code, which is not a coordinate. While most US ZIP codes used to show a region on Google Maps, these types cannot because the USPS does not "own" them, so to speak, and they have no area.)
Just for fun, let's try verifying an address in a unique ZIP code. Head over to SmartyStreets and punch in a bogus address in 12345, like:
Street: 999 Sdf sdf
ZIP Code: 12345
When you try to verify that, notice that... it's VALID! Why? The USPS will deliver a piece to the receptacle for that unique ZIP code, but at that point, it's up to GE to distribute it. Pretty much anything internal to the ZIP code is irrelevant to the USPS, including the street address (technically "delivery line 1"). Many universities function in a similar manner. Here's more information regarding that.
Now, try the same bogus address, but without a ZIP code, and instead do the city/state:
Street: 999 Sdf sdf
City: Schenectady
State: NY
It doesn't validate. This is because even though Schenectady contains 12345, where the address is "valid," it geometrically intersects with the "real" ZIP codes for Schenectady.
Take another instance: military. Certain naval ships have their own ZIP codes. Military addresses are an entirely different class of addresses using the same namespace. Ships move. Geographical coordinates don't.
ZIP precision is another fun one. 5-digit ZIP codes are the least "precise" (though the term "specific" might be more meaningful here, since ZIP codes don't pinpoint anything). 7- and 9-digit ZIP codes are the most specific, often down to block or neighborhood-level in urban areas. But since each ZIP code is a different size, it's really hard to tell what actual distances you're talking.
A 9-digit ZIP code might be portioned to a floor of a building, so there you have overlapping ZIP codes for potentially hundreds of addresses.
Bottom line: ZIP codes don't, contrary to popular belief, provide geographical or boundary data. They vary widely and are actually quite un-helpful unless you're delivering mail or packages... but the USPS' job was to design efficient carrier routes, not partition the population into coordinate regions so much.
That's more the job of the census bureau. They've compiled a list of cartographic boundaries since ZIP codes are "convenient" to work with. To do this, they sectioned bunches of addresses into census blocks. Then, they aggregated USPS ZIP code data to find the relation between their census blocks (which has some rough coordinate data) and the ZIP codes. Thus, we have approximations of what it would look like to plot a line as a polygon. (Apparently, they converted a 1D line into a 2D polygon by transforming a 2D polygon based on its contents to fit linear data -- for each non-unique, regular ZIP code.)
From their website (link above):
A ZIP Code tabulation area (ZCTA) is a statistical geographic entity
that approximates the delivery area for a U.S. Postal Service
five-digit or three-digit ZIP Code. ZCTAs are aggregations of census
blocks that have the same predominant ZIP Code associated with the
addresses in the U.S. Census Bureau's Master Address File (MAF).
Three-digit ZCTA codes are applied to large contiguous areas for which
the U.S. Census Bureau does not have five-digit ZIP Code information
in its MAF. ZCTAs do not precisely depict ZIP Code delivery areas, and
do not include all ZIP Codes used for mail delivery. The U.S. Census
Bureau has established ZCTAs as a new geographic entity similar to,
but replacing, data tabulations for ZIP Codes undertaken in
conjunction with the 1990 and earlier censuses.
The USCB's dataset is incomplete, and at times inaccurate. Google still has holes in their data, too (the 12345 is a somewhat good example) -- but Google will patch it eventually by going over each address and ZIP code by hand. They do this already, but haven't made all their map data perfect quite yet. Naturally, access to this data is limited to API terms, and it's very expensive to raise these.
Phew. I'm beat. I hope that helps clarify things. Disclaimer: I used to be a developer at SmartyStreets. More information on geocoding with address data.
Even more information about ZIP codes.
What you are asking for is a service to provide "Free Zip code Geocoding". There are a few out there with varying quality. You're going to have a bad time coding something like this yourself because of a few reasons:
Zip codes can be assigned to a single building or to a post office.
Zip codes are NOT considered a polygonal area. Projecting Zip codes to a polygonal area will require you to make an educated guess where the boundary is between one zipcode and the next.
ZIP code address data specifies only a center location for the ZIP code. Zip code data provides the general vicinity of an address. Mailing addresses that exist between one zipcode and another can be in dispute on which zipcode it actually is in.
A mailing address may be physically closer to zipcode 11111, yet its official zip code is a more distant zip code point 11112.
Google Maps has a geocoding API:
The google maps API is client-side javascript. You can directly query the geocoding system from php using an http request. However, google maps only gives you what the United States Postal Service gives them. A point representing the center of the zipcode.
map city/zipcode polygons using google maps
Thoughts on projecting a zipcode to its lat/long bounding box
There are approximately 43,000 ZIP Codes in the United States. This number fluctuates from month to month, depending on the number of changes made. The zipcodes used by the USPS are not represented as polygons and do not have hard and fast boundaries.
The USPS (United States Postal Service) is the authority that defines each zipcode lat/long. Any software which resolves a zipcode to a geographical location would be in need of weekly updates. One company called alignstar provides demographics and GIS data of zipcodes ( ).
Given a physical (mailing) address, find the geographical coordinates in order to display that location on a map.
If you want to reliably project what shape the zipcode is in, you are going to need to brute force it and ask: "give me every street address by zipcode", then paint boxes around those mis-shapen blobs. Then you can get a general feel for what geographical areas the zipcodes cover.
If you were to throw millions of mailing address points into an algorithm resolving every one to a lat/long, you might be able to build a rudimentary blob bounding box of that zipcode. You would have to re-run this algorithm and it would theoretically heal itself whenever the zipcode numbers move.
Other ideas
step 1:download
if you want to keep them in mysql
step 2: in your mysql create a db of named :spatialdata
run this command
ogr2ogr -f "MySQL" MYSQL:"spatialdata,host=localhost,user=root" -nln "map" -a_srs "EPSG:4683" cb_2018_us_zcta510_500k.shp -overwrite -addfields -fieldTypeToString All -lco ENGINE=MyISAM
i uploaded the file on github(
In the your "spatialdata db" there will be 2 table named map & geometry_columns .
In 'map' there will be a column named "shape".
shape column is of type "geometry" and it contains polygon/multipolygon files
In 'geometry_columns' there will will be srid defined
how to check if point falls in the polygon
SELECT * FROM map WHERE ST_Contains( map.SHAPE, ST_GeomFromText( 'POINT(63.39550 -148.89730 )', 4683 ) )
and want to show boundary on a map
select zcta5ce10 as zipcode, ST_AsGeoJSON(SHAPE) sh from map where ST_Contains( map.SHAPE, ST_GeomFromText( 'POINT(34.1116 -85.6092 )', 4683 ) )
"ST_AsGeoJSON" this returns spatial data as geojson.
"HERE maps" to check the shape of geojson
if you want to generate topojson
mapshaper converts shapefile to topojson (no need to convert it to kml file)
npx -p mapshaper mapshaper-xl cb_2018_us_zcta510_500k.shp snap -simplify 0.1% -filter-fields ZCTA5CE10 -rename-fields zip=ZCTA5CE10 -o format=topojson cb_2018_us_zcta510_500k.json
If you want to convert shapefile to kml
`ogr2ogr -f KML tl_2019_us_zcta510.kml -mapFieldType Integer64=Real tl_2019_us_zcta510.shp
I have used mapbox gl to display 2 zipcodes
code :
SQL Server Solution
Download the Shape files from the US Census:
I then found this repository to import the shape file to SQL Server, it was very fast and required no additional coding:
Then I could write my own script to find out which zip codes are in a polygon I created:
DECLARE #isValid bit = 0;
DECLARE #p nvarchar(2048) = 'POLYGON((-120.1547 39.2472,-120.3758 39.1950,-120.2124 38.7734,-119.6590 38.8162,-119.6342 39.3672,-120.1836 39.2525,-120.1547 39.2472))'
SET #polygon = GEOMETRY::STPolyFromText(#p,4326)
SET #isValid = #polygon.STIsValid()
IF (#isValid = 1)
SET #polygon = #polygon.MakeValid();
SET #isValid = #polygon.STIsValid()
IF (#isValid = 1)
SELECT * FROM cb_2019_us_zcta510_500k
WHERE geom.STIntersects(#polygon) = 1
SELECT 'Polygon not valid'
I think this is what you need it uses US Census as repository: US Zipcode
Boundaries API:
Above API shows US Boundaries(GeoJson) by zipcode,city, and state. you should use the API programatically to handle large results.
Disclaimer,I work here
I think the world geoJson link and the google map geocode api can help you.
example: you can use the geocode api to code the zip,you will get the city,state,country,then,you search from the world and us geoJson get the boundry,I have an example of US State boundry,like dsdlink
