Finding Serial Number when Associated Azure AD device only shows name - azure-active-directory

Occasionally I find a device in Azure (under a user > devices) that doesn't have S/N naming convention. It has a generic DESKTOP-name. If I knew the serial, I could search that in AutoPilot list, and then find the associated device. But I don't know how to do it the other way around.
Obviously there is some link between these two records. Is there a way to get the S/N with a powershell search or some other spot? Currently the only way to do this is to click through all the AutoPilot S/N's, pull up properties until I find the associated name. With thousands of devices, this is not feasible. See images below.
If I have the S/N, I can search it in AutoPilot, look at properties and find the Associated Azure AD device. But not the other way around.
I want to know how to take Azure Ad device Name: DESKTOP-IMMKAOT to find the S/N.

Thanks for posting your query. From your description I could understand that you are looking to find device serial number with device name. Currently we don't have a direct way to get device serial number from Azure AD devices. Here are the following workaround you could follow from UI.
When device hash is uploaded then the object created in Azure AD with
name==serial number of the device. (The device is not provisioned yet).
Once device is provisioned the serial number and name of the device
could be sorted from MEM console by navigating to Devices -> Windows
-> Windows Devices -> and sort the device with serial number or device name and > hardware.
Another way around is to have serial number in the device name (post
device provisioning). This is possible by adding device name in
deployment profile.

I realise this question is a few months old but I came across this while looking for something else Azure Ad related and as I had the exact same problem this morning I thought I would share my solution.
Copy the Device ID from Azure Portal.
Open Microsoft Graph Explorer -
Authenticate to your tenant if not automatically logged in.
In the query window select Get and enter the following query:$filter=azureActiveDirectoryDeviceId
eq 'Azure Device ID'.
Where 'Azure Device ID' is the one you copied from the Azure Portal.
This will return the Autopilot id, group tag, serial number and a bunch of other information to locate the device in Autopilot.


Database with Image display

Ok, this one is annoying me. The company network is restricted to the max, we can't run exe's only set programs via AD.
I cant use powerapps as the folders I need to access are internal. Can't use php/mysql or asp/sql as admins will not allow me space or even look at setting up a dev site.
I looked at Excel, but have a few GB's of images, that'll almost kill any excel file.
What options if any are out there that will allow me to create a db of all my images and make a searchable user interface that can be shared out to users?
Thnaks in advance

Prevent from duplicate installation in different devices

We provide a subscription to our app.
Are there any standard technics to prevent users from duplicate installations in different devices?
In app payment requires that you let a user restore his purchases on a different device. I'm not aware of a standard way to verify that the previous devices content was removed.
If you're asking about just copying the files then there's storage encryption which you can read about here. Notice that it is breakable if someone tries.
You can collect device information from each device and then just compare if the new device is trying to install the app with the same account as in another device.

Sharing files without letting the end users store them into their PC

We got PDF files that are only allowed to be viewed in the office. Some users keep those files in the flash drive disk and bring them home or send them to their email. What'd be the best way to prevent this situation. Taking a screenshot of screen is still enabled.
Network : 100 Mbps LAN-based
Number of concurrent users to view file
: Around 50 at a time.
If a user can read a file, he can copy it. You definitely need a piece of software to act as the go-between. There are a few software solutions out there that use DRM encryption to protect your PDF files. Some claim to prevent screen captures as well.
In your situation, you would probably want to have the DRM software check for a license certificate server on your network to ensure they are at the office before letting them open the file. This would allow them to still use take-home thumbdrives and laptops to get work done.
Try searching for "PDF DRM" and see what you find.

Activate Upon Scanning?

I'm not sure if this is where I need to be asking this question, but here it is. My company is preparing to release a software program in the format of PIN cards (similar to phone cards). Each card will have a PIN on it under a scratch panel. The PIN can then be used to download the software program from our website.
I need to figure out what to do about theft prevention. I know with the phone cards, the PIN doesn't work until it is scanned at the register. How would I get this setup? Do I need to setup a "special" database or something?
How will I know if the card has been scanned at the register? Will the POS submit it to a database?
AFAIK the codes are submitted online to the phone company. The exact setup depends on the POS system; probably the POS terminals just submit it to their local POS Server, which then has to be configured to act accordingly (e.g. add new Entry to a license database, that has to be queried by your software to check the activation).
There also needs to be a way to handle refunds (scratch panel intact).

Getting the list of shares connected to a machine

Consider that i have connected to multiple shares of a remote machine( \\machineA\share1, \\machineA\share2....) along with shares on other remote machines.
Now my question is how to find only those shares which are connected to a particular machine. For eg, only those shares which are connected to machineA.
I already came across WNetOpenEnum and WNetEnumResource. But these are highly inefficient that they will return all shares which are connected to my machine and then i will have to search through the results for the shares connected to machineA:(
I need to know if there is some other function, using which i can find the share.
I am working on VC++ 6.0.
edit: Hey guys having another trouble. Whenever i try to connect to a share on the machine i get the following error:
"The referenced account is currently locked out and may not be logged on to"
Has anyone encountered this problem and how was it solved
To resolve your lockout problem, log onto a the target server (Or, if it's on a domain, log onto any domain controller on that domain), go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Active Directory Users & Computers, navigate to the User you're logging in as, and unlock it.
If the system is not on a domain, simply log onto it and unlock the account via the "Local users & Groups" tool in compmgmt.msc.
Iterating through all shares and only picking the ones you want, to me, looks as efficient as it gets. Is there some circumstance why you can't do it? (except laziness ;))
foreach (string systemName in systemNames)
