How to find largest subarray of sum k - arrays

Let's say you have given an array of size N, which can have a positive and a negative number.
we need to return the length of the largest subarray of sum equal to k. I tried to use the sliding window algorithm but soon I found out it won't work here since the array element can have a positive and negative integer.
For E.g:
arr=[-20,-38,-4,-7,10,4] and k = 3 It's obvious, there are two possible subarray ([-4,-7,10,4] and [-7,10]) whose sum will equal to given k. So the output will be 4(Length of largest subarray)
The brute force approach will take O(n^2) is there any better way to do the same problem?

Make a hashtable.
Walk through array, calculating cumulative sum (from 0th item upto i-th one), and put result in hash table with current sum as key and for value -insert index into pair of the first ans last occurence like this: {13:[2,19]} sum 13 is met first at index 2 and rightmost position for this sum is 19.
Then scan array again. For index i with sum S look hashtable for key S + k and choose the farthest index. For example, having index 5, sum 6, k=7 we can find the farthest index 19 in example above.

You can find more information about the question in geekforgeeks, "Longest sub-array having sum k".
Naive Approach: Consider the sum of all the sub-arrays and return the length of the longest sub-array having the sum ‘k’.
Time Complexity is of O(n^2).
Efficient Approach would be(using hash table):
Initialize sum = 0 and maxLen = 0.
Create a hash table having (sum, index) tuples.
For i = 0 to n-1, perform the following steps:
Accumulate arr[i] to sum
If sum == k, update maxLen = i+1.
Check whether sum is present in the hash table or not. If not present,
then add it to the hash table as (sum, i) pair.
Check if (sum-k) is present in the hash table or not. If present, then
obtain index of (sum-k) from the hash table as index. Now check if maxLen <
(i-index), then update maxLen = (i-index).
Return maxLen.
Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the length of the given array.
Auxiliary Space: O(N), for storing the maxLength in the HashMap.
Another Approach
This approach won’t work for negative numbers
The approach is to use the concept of the variable-size sliding window using 2 pointers
Initialize i, j, and sum = k. If the sum is less than k just increment j, if the sum is equal to k compute the max and if the sum is greater than k subtract the ith element while the sum is less than k.
Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the length of the given array.
Auxiliary Space: O(1).

#Largest Subarray of sum K |
def largestsubarray(arr,K):
left =0
Largest_subarry_length =0
if(sum(arr[left:right]) == K):
Largest_subarry_length = max(right-left+1,Largest_subarry_length)
left = right+1
right = right+1
elif(sum(arr[left:right])> K):
left =left+1
right = right+1
return Largest_subarry_length
largestsubarray([1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0],4)
#code by sree bhargavi balija


Find the element occuring once in an array where all other elements occur twice (without using XOR)

I have tried solving this for so long but I can't seem to be able to.
The question is as follows:
Given an array n numbers where all of the numbers in it occur twice except for one, which occurs only once, find the number that occurs only once.
Now, I have found many solutions online for this, but none of them satisfy the additional constraints of the question.
The solution should:
Run in linear time (aka O(n)).
Not use hash tables.
Assume that computer supports only comparison and the arithmetic (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).
The number of bits in each number in the array is about O(log(n)).
Therefore, trying something like this using the XOR operator isn't possible, since we don't have the XOR operator. Since the number of bits in each number is about O(log(n)), trying to implement the XOR operator using normal arithmetic (bit by bit) will take about O(log(n)) actions, which will give us an overall solution of O(nlog(n)).
The closest I have come to solving it is if I had a way to get the sum of all unique values in the array in linear time, I could subtract twice that sum from the overall sum to get (negative) the element that occurs only once, because if the numbers that appear twice are {a1,a2,....,ak} and the number that appears once is x, then the overall sum is
As far as I know, sets are implemented using hash tables, so using them to find the sum of all unique values is no good.
Let's imagine we had a way to find the exact median in linear time and partition the array so all greater elements are on one side and smaller elements on the other. By the parity of expected number of elements, we could identify which side the target element is in. Now perform this routine recursively in the section we identified. Since the section is halved in size each time, the total number of elements traversed cannot exceed O(2n) = O(n).
The key element in the question seems to be this one:
The number of bits in each number in the array is about O(log(n)).
The issue is that this clue is vague a little bit.
A first approach is to consider that the maximum value is O(n). Then a counting sort can be performed in O(n) operations and O(n) memory.
It will consists in finding the maximum value MAX, setting an integer array C[MAX] and performing directly a classical counting sort thanks to it
Looking for an odd value in array C[] will provide the solution.
A second approach, I guess more efficient, would be to set an array of size n, each element consisting of an array of unknown size. Then, a kind of almost counting sort would consists in :
C[a[i]%n].append (a[i]);
To find the unique element, we then have to find a sub-array of odd size, and then to examine the elements in this sub-array.
The maximum size k of each sub-array will be about 2*(MAX/n). According to the clue, this value should be very low. Dealing with this sub-array has a complexity O(k), for example by performing a counting sort on the b[j]/n, all the elements being equal modulo n.
We can note that practically, this is equivalent to perform a kind of ad-hoc hashing.
Global complexity is O(n + MAX/n).
This should do the trick as long as your a dealing with integers of size O(log n). It is a Python implementation of the algorithm sketched #גלעד ברקן answer (including #OneLyner comments), where the median is replaced by a mean or mid-value.
def mean(items):
result = 0
for i, item in enumerate(items, 1):
result = (result * (i - 1) + item) / i
return result
def midval(items):
min_val = max_val = items[0]
for item in items:
if item < min_val:
min_val = item
elif item > max_val:
max_val = item
return (max_val - min_val) / 2
def find_singleton(items, pivoting=mean):
n = len(items)
if n == 1:
return items[0]
# find pivot - O(n)
pivot = pivoting(items)
# partition the items - O(n)
j = 0
for i, item in enumerate(items):
if item > pivot:
items[j], items[i] = items[i], items[j]
j += 1
# recursion on the partition with odd number of elements
if j % 2:
return find_singleton(items[:j])
return find_singleton(items[j:])
The following code is just for some sanity-checking on random inputs:
def gen_input(n, randomize=True):
"""Generate inputs with unique pairs except one, with size (2 * n + 1)."""
items = sorted(set(random.randint(-n, n) for _ in range(n)))[:n]
singleton = items[-1]
items = items + items[:-1]
if randomize:
return items, singleton
items, singleton = gen_input(100)
print(singleton, len(items), items.index(singleton), items)
print(find_singleton(items, mean))
print(find_singleton(items, midval))
For a symmetric distribution the median and the mean or mid-value coincide.
With the log(n) requirement on the number of bits for the entries, one
can show that any arbitrary sub-sampling cannot be skewed enough to provide more than log(n) recursions.
For example, considering the case of k = log(n) bits with k = 4 and only positive numbers, the worst case is: [0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 8, 8, 16, 16]. Here pivoting by the mean will reduce the input by 2 at time, resulting in k + 1 recursive calls, but adding any other couple to the input will not increase the number of recursive calls, while it will increase the input size.
(EDITED to provide a better explanation.)
Here is an (unoptimized) implementation of the idea sketched by גלעד ברקן .
I'm using Median_of_medians to get a value close enough to the median to ensure the linear time in the worst case.
NB: this in fact uses only comparisons, and is O(n) whatever the size of the integers as long as comparisons and copies are counted as O(1).
def median_small(L):
return sorted(L)[len(L)//2]
def median_of_medians(L):
if len(L) < 20:
return median_small(L)
return median_of_medians([median_small(L[i:i+5]) for i in range(0, len(L), 5)])
def find_single(L):
if len(L) == 1:
return L[0]
pivot = median_of_medians(L)
smaller = [i for i in L if i <= pivot]
bigger = [i for i in L if i > pivot]
if len(smaller) % 2:
return find_single(smaller)
return find_single(bigger)
This version needs O(n) additional space, but could be implemented with O(1).

Smallest Lexicographic Subsequence of size k in an Array

Given an Array of integers, Find the smallest Lexical subsequence with size k.
EX: Array : [3,1,5,3,5,9,2] k =4
Expected Soultion : 1 3 5 2
The problem can be solved in O(n) by maintaining a double ended queue(deque). We iterate the element from left to right and ensure that the deque always holds the smallest lexicographic sequence upto that point. We should only pop off element if the current element is smaller than the elements in deque and the total elements in deque plus remaining to be processed are at least k.
vector<int> smallestLexo(vector<int> s, int k) {
deque<int> dq;
for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
while(!dq.empty() && s[i] < dq.back() && (dq.size() + (s.size() - i - 1)) >= k) {
return vector<int> (dq.begin(), dq.end());
Here is a greedy algorithm that should work:
Choose Next Number ( lastChoosenIndex, k ) {
minNum = Find out what is the smallest number from lastChoosenIndex to ArraySize-k
//Now we know this number is the best possible candidate to be the next number.
lastChoosenIndex = earliest possible occurance of minNum after lastChoosenIndex
//do the same process for k-1
Choose Next Number ( lastChoosenIndex, k-1 )
Algorithm above is high complexity.
But we can pre-sort all the array elements paired with their array index and do the same process greedily using a single loop.
Since we used sorting complexity still will be n*log(n)
Ankit Joshi's answer works. But I think it can be done with just a vector itself, not using a deque as all the operations done are available in vector too. Also in Ankit Joshi's answer, the deque can contain extra elements, we have to manually pop off those elements before returning. Add these lines before returning.
while(dq.size() > k)
It can be done with RMQ in O(n) + Klog(n).
Construct an RMQ in O(n).
Now find the sequence where every ith element will be the smallest no. from pos [x(i-1)+1 to n-(K-i)] (for i [1 to K] , where x0 = 0, xi is the position of the ith smallest element in the given array)
If I've understood the question right, here's a DP Algorithm that should work but it takes O(NK) time.
//k is the given size and n is the size of the array
create an array dp[k+1][n+1]
initialize the first column with the maximum integer value (we'll need it later)
and the first row with 0's (keep element dp[0][0] = 0)
now run the loop while building the solution
for(int i=1; i<=k; i++) {
for(int j=1; j<=n; j++) {
//if the number of elements in the array is less than the size required (K)
//initialize it with the maximum integer value
if( j < i ) {
dp[i][j] = MAX_INT_VALUE;
}else {
//last minimum of size k-1 with present element or last minimum of size k
dp[i][j] = minimun (dp[i-1][j-1] + arr[j-1], dp[i][j-1]);
//it consists the solution
return dp[k][n];
The last element of the array contains the solution.
I suggest you can try use modified merge sort. The place for
modified is merge part, discard the duplicate value.
select the smallest four
The complexity is o(n logn)
Still thinking whether complexity can be o(n)

max. distance of a number greater than a given number in array

i was going through an interview question ..and came up with logic that requires to find:
Find an index j for an element a[j] larger than a[i] (with j < i), such that (i-j) is the largest. And I want to find this j for every index i in the array, in O(n) or O(n log n) time with O(n) extra space.`
What I have done until now :
1) O(n^2) by using simple for loops
2) Build balanced B.S.T. as we scan the elements from left to right and for i'th element find index of element greater than it. But I realized that it can easily be O(n) for single element, therefore O(n^2) for entire array.
I want to know if it is possible to do it in O(n) or O(n log n). If yes, please give some hints.
EDIT : i think i am unable to explain my question . let me explain it clearly:
i want arr[j] on left of arr[i] such that (i-j) is the largest possible ,and arr[j]>arr[i] and find this for all index i i.e.for(i=0 to n-1).
EDIT 2 :example - {2,3,1,6,0}
for 2 , ans=-1
for 3 , ans=-1
for 1 , ans=2 (i-j)==(2-0)
for 6 , ans=-1
for 0 , ans=4 (i-j)==(4-0)
Create an auxillary array of maximums, let it be maxs, which will basically contain the max value on the array up to the current index.
Formally: maxs[i] = max { arr[0], arr[1], ..., arr[i] }
Note that this is pre processing step that can be done in O(n)
Now for each element i, you are looking for the first element in maxs that is larger then arr[i]. This can be done using binary search, and is O(logn) per op.
Gives you total of O(nlogn) time and O(n) extra space.
You can do this in O(n) time using a stack data structure for array indexes for which you have yet to find a solution. It can be implemented as an array of at most n elements.
Iterate over the input array from left to right, starting with the last element:
Pop all indexes from the stack for which the array element is less than the current element. Mark the index of the current element as the solution for each index you pop.
Push the index of the current element on the stack.
Invariant: the array items corresponding to the indexes in the stack are always in ascending order, with the least item on top.
When you reach the beginning of the input, mark any items that still remain on the stack with -1; for them there is no answer.
Each array index is pushed into the stack exactly once and popped at most once, so this algorithm runs in O(n) time.
An example in Python:
def solution(arr):
stack = []
out = [-1]*len(arr)
for i in xrange(len(arr)-1, -1, -1):
while len(stack) > 0 and arr[stack[-1]] < arr[i]:
out[stack.pop()] = i
return out
Note that the correct answer for input [2, 4, 1, 5, 3] is [-1, -1, 1, -1, 3]: for a fixed i, the difference j-i is greatest when j is greatest, so you are looking for the leftmost index j, which minimizes the distance. (When j < i, the difference j-i is negative.)
The fastest solution I can think of is allocating a second array and scanning the array left-to-right. As you traverse the array and scan each element, append the index of the element to your second array if arr[index] is greater than the right-most element of your second array. This is O(1) time per append, maximum of n appends, so O(n).
Finally, once your array is complete, take a second pass through your array. For each element, scan your second array using binary search (this is possible since it is implicitly sorted) and find the leftmost (earliest inserted) index j in your array such that arr[j] > arr[i].
To do this, you have to do a modification of binary search. If you find an index j such that arr[j] > arr[i], you still have to check to see if there are any indices k to the left such that arr[k] > arr[i]. You must do this until you find the left-most index.
I think this is O(log n) per binary search and you have to do the search for n elements. So the total time complexity would be close to O(n log n), but I am not sure of this. Any comments/suggestions to this answer would be much appreciated.
Here's my solution in C++
We maintain an increasing array. Compare the current element with the element at the back of the array.
If it is larger or equals to the larget element so far, then append this element to the array, return -1, there's no smaller element on its left.
If not, we use a binary search, find the index and return the difference.
(We still need to append vec.back() to the array, because we cannot change the index)
int findIdx(vector<int>& vec, int target){
auto it = upper_bound(vec.begin(), vec.end(), target);
int idx = int(it-vec.begin());
return idx;
vector<int> farestBig(vector<int>& arr){
vector<int> ans{-1};
vector<int> vec{arr[0]};
int n = (int)arr.size();
for(int i=1; i<n; i++){
if(arr[i] >= vec.back()){
int idx = findIdx(vec, arr[i]);
return ans;

Find the median of the sum of the arrays

Two sorted arrays of length n are given and the question is to find, in O(n) time, the median of their sum array, which contains all the possible pairwise sums between every element of array A and every element of array B.
For instance: Let A[2,4,6] and B[1,3,5] be the two given arrays.
The sum array is [2+1,2+3,2+5,4+1,4+3,4+5,6+1,6+3,6+5]. Find the median of this array in O(n).
Solving the question in O(n^2) is pretty straight-forward but is there any O(n) solution to this problem?
Note: This is an interview question asked to one of my friends and the interviewer was quite sure that it can be solved in O(n) time.
The correct O(n) solution is quite complicated, and takes a significant amount of text, code and skill to explain and prove. More precisely, it takes 3 pages to do so convincingly, as can be seen in details here (found by simonzack in the comments).
It is basically a clever divide-and-conquer algorithm that, among other things, takes advantage of the fact that in a sorted n-by-n matrix, one can find in O(n) the amount of elements that are smaller/greater than a given number k. It recursively breaks down the matrix into smaller submatrixes (by taking only the odd rows and columns, resulting in a submatrix that has n/2 colums and n/2 rows) which combined with the step above, results in a complexity of O(n) + O(n/2) + O(n/4)... = O(2*n) = O(n). It is crazy!
I can't explain it better than the paper, which is why I'll explain a simpler, O(n logn) solution instead :).
O(n * logn) solution:
It's an interview! You can't get that O(n) solution in time. So hey, why not provide a solution that, although not optimal, shows you can do better than the other obvious O(n²) candidates?
I'll make use of the O(n) algorithm mentioned above, to find the amount of numbers that are smaller/greater than a given number k in a sorted n-by-n matrix. Keep in mind that we don't need an actual matrix! The Cartesian sum of two arrays of size n, as described by the OP, results in a sorted n-by-n matrix, which we can simulate by considering the elements of the array as follows:
a[3] = {1, 5, 9};
b[3] = {4, 6, 8};
//a + b:
{1+4, 1+6, 1+8,
5+4, 5+6, 5+8,
9+4, 9+6, 9+8}
Thus each row contains non-decreasing numbers, and so does each column. Now, pretend you're given a number k. We want to find in O(n) how many of the numbers in this matrix are smaller than k, and how many are greater. Clearly, if both values are less than (n²+1)/2, that means k is our median!
The algorithm is pretty simple:
int smaller_than_k(int k){
int x = 0, j = n-1;
for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i){
while(j >= 0 && k <= a[i]+b[j]){
x += j+1;
return x;
This basically counts how many elements fit the condition at each row. Since the rows and columns are already sorted as seen above, this will provide the correct result. And as both i and j iterate at most n times each, the algorithm is O(n) [Note that j does not get reset within the for loop]. The greater_than_k algorithm is similar.
Now, how do we choose k? That is the logn part. Binary Search! As has been mentioned in other answers/comments, the median must be a value contained within this array:
candidates[n] = {a[0]+b[n-1], a[1]+b[n-2],... a[n-1]+b[0]};.
Simply sort this array [also O(n*logn)], and run the binary search on it. Since the array is now in non-decreasing order, it is straight-forward to notice that the amount of numbers smaller than each candidate[i] is also a non-decreasing value (monotonic function), which makes it suitable for the binary search. The largest number k = candidate[i] whose result smaller_than_k(k) returns smaller than (n²+1)/2 is the answer, and is obtained in log(n) iterations:
int b_search(){
int lo = 0, hi = n, mid, n2 = (n²+1)/2;
while(hi-lo > 1){
mid = (hi+lo)/2;
if(smaller_than_k(candidate[mid]) < n2)
lo = mid;
hi = mid;
return candidate[lo]; // the median
Let's say the arrays are A = {A[1] ... A[n]}, and B = {B[1] ... B[n]}, and the pairwise sum array is C = {A[i] + B[j], where 1 <= i <= n, 1 <= j <= n} which has n^2 elements and we need to find its median.
Median of C must be an element of the array D = {A[1] + B[n], A[2] + B[n - 1], ... A[n] + B[1]}: if you fix A[i], and consider all the sums A[i] + B[j], you would see that the only A[i] + B[j = n + 1 - i] (which is one of D) could be the median. That is, it may not be the median, but if it is not, then all other A[i] + B[j] are also not median.
This can be proved by considering all B[j] and count the number of values that are lower and number of values that are greater than A[i] + B[j] (we can do this quite accurately because the two arrays are sorted -- the calculation is a bit messy thought). You'd see that for A[i] + B[n + 1 - j] these two counts are most "balanced".
The problem then reduces to finding median of D, which has only n elements. An algorithm such as Hoare's will work.
UPDATE: this answer is wrong. The real conclusion here is that the median is one of D's element, but then D's median is the not the same as C's median.
Doesn't this work?:
You can compute the rank of a number in linear time as long as A and B are sorted. The technique you use for computing the rank can also be used to find all things in A+B that are between some lower bound and some upper bound in time linear the size of the output plus |A|+|B|.
Randomly sample n things from A+B. Take the median, say foo. Compute the rank of foo. With constant probability, foo's rank is within n of the median's rank. Keep doing this (an expected constant number of times) until you have lower and upper bounds on the median that are within 2n of each other. (This whole process takes expected linear time, but it's obviously slow.)
All you have to do now is enumerate everything between the bounds and do a linear-time selection on a linear-sized list.
(Unrelatedly, I wouldn't excuse the interviewer for asking such an obviously crappy interview question. Stuff like this in no way indicates your ability to code.)
EDIT: You can compute the rank of a number x by doing something like this:
Set i = j = 0.
While j < |B| and A[i] + B[j] <= x, j++.
While i < |A| {
While A[i] + B[j] > x and j >= 0, j--.
If j < 0, break.
rank += j+1.
FURTHER EDIT: Actually, the above trick only narrows down the candidate space to about n log(n) members of A+B. Then you have a general selection problem within a universe of size n log(n); you can do basically the same trick one more time and find a range of size proportional to sqrt(n) log(n) where you do selection.
Here's why: If you sample k things from an n-set and take the median, then the sample median's order is between the (1/2 - sqrt(log(n) / k))th and the (1/2 + sqrt(log(n) / k))th elements with at least constant probability. When n = |A+B|, we'll want to take k = sqrt(n) and we get a range of about sqrt(n log n) elements --- that's about |A| log |A|. But then you do it again and you get a range on the order of sqrt(n) polylog(n).
You should use a selection algorithm to find the median of an unsorted list in O(n). Look at this:

Minimum value of maximum values in sub-segments ... in O(n) complexity

I interviewed with Amazon a few days ago. I could not answer one of the questions the asked me to their satisfaction. I have tried to get the answer after the interview but I have not been successful so far. Here is the question:
You have an array of integers of size n. You are given parameter k where k < n. For each segment of consecutive elements of size k in the array you need to calculate the maximum value. You only need to return the minimum value of these maximum values.
For instance given 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 and k = 3 the answer is 1.
The segments would be 1 2 3, 2 3 1, 3 1 1, 1 1 2, 1 2 1, 2 1 1, 1 1 1.
The maximum values in each segment are 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1.
The minimum of these values are 1 thus the answer is 1.
The best answer I came up with is of complexity O(n log k). What I do is to create a binary search tree with the first k elements, get the maximum value in the tree and save it in variable minOfMax, then loop one element at a time with the remaining elements in the array, remove the first element in the previous segment from the binary search tree, insert the last element of the new segment in the tree, get the maximum element in the tree and compare it with minOfMax leaving in minOfMax the min value of the two.
The ideal answer needs to be of complexity O(n).
Thank you.
There is a very clever way to do this that's related to this earlier question. The idea is that it's possible to build a queue data structure that supports enqueue, dequeue, and find-max in amortized O(1) time (there are many ways to do this; two are explained in the original question). Once you have this data structure, begin by adding the first k elements from the array into the queue in O(k) time. Since the queue supports O(1) find-max, you can find the maximum of these k elements in O(1) time. Then, continuously dequeue an element from the queue and enqueue (in O(1) time) the next array element. You can then query in O(1) what the maximum of each of these k-element subarrays are. If you track the minimum of these values that you see over the course of the array, then you have an O(n)-time, O(k)-space algorithm for finding the minimum maximum of the k-element subarrays.
Hope this helps!
#templatetypedef's answer works, but I think I have a more direct approach.
Start by computing the max for the following (closed) intervals:
[k-1, k-1]
[k-2, k-1]
[k-3, k-1]
[0, k-1]
Note that each of these can be computed in constant time from the preceeding one.
Next, compute the max for these intervals:
[k, k]
[k, k+1]
[k, k+2]
[k, 2k-1]
Now these intervals:
[2k-1, 2k-1]
[2k-2, 2k-1]
[2k-3, 2k-1]
[k+1, 2k-1]
Next you do the intervals from 2k to 3k-1 ("forwards intervals"), then from 3k-1 down to 2k+1 ("backwards intervals"). And so on until you reach the end of the array.
Put all of these into a big table. Note that each entry in this table took constant time to compute. Observe that there are at most 2*n intervals in the table (because each element appears once on the right side of a "forwards interval" and once on the left side of a "backwards interval").
Now, if [a,b] is any interval of width k, it must contain exactly one of 0, k, 2k, ...
Say it contains m*k.
Observe that the intervals [a, m*k-1] and [m*k ,b] are both somewhere in our table. So we can simply look up the max for each, and the max of those two values is the max of the interval [a,b].
So for any interval of width k, we can use our table to get its maximum in constant time. We can generate the table in O(n) time. Result follows.
I implemented (and commented) templatetypedef's answer in C#.
n is array length, k is window size.
public static void printKMax(int[] arr, int n, int k)
Deque<int> qi = new Deque<int>();
int i;
for (i=0 ; i < k ; i++) // The first window of the array
while ((qi.Count > 0) && (arr[i] >= arr[qi.PeekBack()]))
for(i=k ; i < n ; ++i)
Console.WriteLine(arr[qi.PeekFront()]); // the first item is the largest element in previous window. The second item is its index.
while (qi.Count > 0 && qi.PeekFront() <= i - k)
qi.PopFront(); //When it's out of its window k
while (qi.Count>0 && arr[i] >= arr[qi.PeekBack()])
