max. distance of a number greater than a given number in array - arrays

i was going through an interview question ..and came up with logic that requires to find:
Find an index j for an element a[j] larger than a[i] (with j < i), such that (i-j) is the largest. And I want to find this j for every index i in the array, in O(n) or O(n log n) time with O(n) extra space.`
What I have done until now :
1) O(n^2) by using simple for loops
2) Build balanced B.S.T. as we scan the elements from left to right and for i'th element find index of element greater than it. But I realized that it can easily be O(n) for single element, therefore O(n^2) for entire array.
I want to know if it is possible to do it in O(n) or O(n log n). If yes, please give some hints.
EDIT : i think i am unable to explain my question . let me explain it clearly:
i want arr[j] on left of arr[i] such that (i-j) is the largest possible ,and arr[j]>arr[i] and find this for all index i i.e.for(i=0 to n-1).
EDIT 2 :example - {2,3,1,6,0}
for 2 , ans=-1
for 3 , ans=-1
for 1 , ans=2 (i-j)==(2-0)
for 6 , ans=-1
for 0 , ans=4 (i-j)==(4-0)

Create an auxillary array of maximums, let it be maxs, which will basically contain the max value on the array up to the current index.
Formally: maxs[i] = max { arr[0], arr[1], ..., arr[i] }
Note that this is pre processing step that can be done in O(n)
Now for each element i, you are looking for the first element in maxs that is larger then arr[i]. This can be done using binary search, and is O(logn) per op.
Gives you total of O(nlogn) time and O(n) extra space.

You can do this in O(n) time using a stack data structure for array indexes for which you have yet to find a solution. It can be implemented as an array of at most n elements.
Iterate over the input array from left to right, starting with the last element:
Pop all indexes from the stack for which the array element is less than the current element. Mark the index of the current element as the solution for each index you pop.
Push the index of the current element on the stack.
Invariant: the array items corresponding to the indexes in the stack are always in ascending order, with the least item on top.
When you reach the beginning of the input, mark any items that still remain on the stack with -1; for them there is no answer.
Each array index is pushed into the stack exactly once and popped at most once, so this algorithm runs in O(n) time.
An example in Python:
def solution(arr):
stack = []
out = [-1]*len(arr)
for i in xrange(len(arr)-1, -1, -1):
while len(stack) > 0 and arr[stack[-1]] < arr[i]:
out[stack.pop()] = i
return out
Note that the correct answer for input [2, 4, 1, 5, 3] is [-1, -1, 1, -1, 3]: for a fixed i, the difference j-i is greatest when j is greatest, so you are looking for the leftmost index j, which minimizes the distance. (When j < i, the difference j-i is negative.)

The fastest solution I can think of is allocating a second array and scanning the array left-to-right. As you traverse the array and scan each element, append the index of the element to your second array if arr[index] is greater than the right-most element of your second array. This is O(1) time per append, maximum of n appends, so O(n).
Finally, once your array is complete, take a second pass through your array. For each element, scan your second array using binary search (this is possible since it is implicitly sorted) and find the leftmost (earliest inserted) index j in your array such that arr[j] > arr[i].
To do this, you have to do a modification of binary search. If you find an index j such that arr[j] > arr[i], you still have to check to see if there are any indices k to the left such that arr[k] > arr[i]. You must do this until you find the left-most index.
I think this is O(log n) per binary search and you have to do the search for n elements. So the total time complexity would be close to O(n log n), but I am not sure of this. Any comments/suggestions to this answer would be much appreciated.

Here's my solution in C++
We maintain an increasing array. Compare the current element with the element at the back of the array.
If it is larger or equals to the larget element so far, then append this element to the array, return -1, there's no smaller element on its left.
If not, we use a binary search, find the index and return the difference.
(We still need to append vec.back() to the array, because we cannot change the index)
int findIdx(vector<int>& vec, int target){
auto it = upper_bound(vec.begin(), vec.end(), target);
int idx = int(it-vec.begin());
return idx;
vector<int> farestBig(vector<int>& arr){
vector<int> ans{-1};
vector<int> vec{arr[0]};
int n = (int)arr.size();
for(int i=1; i<n; i++){
if(arr[i] >= vec.back()){
int idx = findIdx(vec, arr[i]);
return ans;


How to find largest subarray of sum k

Let's say you have given an array of size N, which can have a positive and a negative number.
we need to return the length of the largest subarray of sum equal to k. I tried to use the sliding window algorithm but soon I found out it won't work here since the array element can have a positive and negative integer.
For E.g:
arr=[-20,-38,-4,-7,10,4] and k = 3 It's obvious, there are two possible subarray ([-4,-7,10,4] and [-7,10]) whose sum will equal to given k. So the output will be 4(Length of largest subarray)
The brute force approach will take O(n^2) is there any better way to do the same problem?
Make a hashtable.
Walk through array, calculating cumulative sum (from 0th item upto i-th one), and put result in hash table with current sum as key and for value -insert index into pair of the first ans last occurence like this: {13:[2,19]} sum 13 is met first at index 2 and rightmost position for this sum is 19.
Then scan array again. For index i with sum S look hashtable for key S + k and choose the farthest index. For example, having index 5, sum 6, k=7 we can find the farthest index 19 in example above.
You can find more information about the question in geekforgeeks, "Longest sub-array having sum k".
Naive Approach: Consider the sum of all the sub-arrays and return the length of the longest sub-array having the sum ‘k’.
Time Complexity is of O(n^2).
Efficient Approach would be(using hash table):
Initialize sum = 0 and maxLen = 0.
Create a hash table having (sum, index) tuples.
For i = 0 to n-1, perform the following steps:
Accumulate arr[i] to sum
If sum == k, update maxLen = i+1.
Check whether sum is present in the hash table or not. If not present,
then add it to the hash table as (sum, i) pair.
Check if (sum-k) is present in the hash table or not. If present, then
obtain index of (sum-k) from the hash table as index. Now check if maxLen <
(i-index), then update maxLen = (i-index).
Return maxLen.
Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the length of the given array.
Auxiliary Space: O(N), for storing the maxLength in the HashMap.
Another Approach
This approach won’t work for negative numbers
The approach is to use the concept of the variable-size sliding window using 2 pointers
Initialize i, j, and sum = k. If the sum is less than k just increment j, if the sum is equal to k compute the max and if the sum is greater than k subtract the ith element while the sum is less than k.
Time Complexity: O(N), where N is the length of the given array.
Auxiliary Space: O(1).
#Largest Subarray of sum K |
def largestsubarray(arr,K):
left =0
Largest_subarry_length =0
if(sum(arr[left:right]) == K):
Largest_subarry_length = max(right-left+1,Largest_subarry_length)
left = right+1
right = right+1
elif(sum(arr[left:right])> K):
left =left+1
right = right+1
return Largest_subarry_length
largestsubarray([1, 2, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0],4)
#code by sree bhargavi balija

Smallest Lexicographic Subsequence of size k in an Array

Given an Array of integers, Find the smallest Lexical subsequence with size k.
EX: Array : [3,1,5,3,5,9,2] k =4
Expected Soultion : 1 3 5 2
The problem can be solved in O(n) by maintaining a double ended queue(deque). We iterate the element from left to right and ensure that the deque always holds the smallest lexicographic sequence upto that point. We should only pop off element if the current element is smaller than the elements in deque and the total elements in deque plus remaining to be processed are at least k.
vector<int> smallestLexo(vector<int> s, int k) {
deque<int> dq;
for(int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) {
while(!dq.empty() && s[i] < dq.back() && (dq.size() + (s.size() - i - 1)) >= k) {
return vector<int> (dq.begin(), dq.end());
Here is a greedy algorithm that should work:
Choose Next Number ( lastChoosenIndex, k ) {
minNum = Find out what is the smallest number from lastChoosenIndex to ArraySize-k
//Now we know this number is the best possible candidate to be the next number.
lastChoosenIndex = earliest possible occurance of minNum after lastChoosenIndex
//do the same process for k-1
Choose Next Number ( lastChoosenIndex, k-1 )
Algorithm above is high complexity.
But we can pre-sort all the array elements paired with their array index and do the same process greedily using a single loop.
Since we used sorting complexity still will be n*log(n)
Ankit Joshi's answer works. But I think it can be done with just a vector itself, not using a deque as all the operations done are available in vector too. Also in Ankit Joshi's answer, the deque can contain extra elements, we have to manually pop off those elements before returning. Add these lines before returning.
while(dq.size() > k)
It can be done with RMQ in O(n) + Klog(n).
Construct an RMQ in O(n).
Now find the sequence where every ith element will be the smallest no. from pos [x(i-1)+1 to n-(K-i)] (for i [1 to K] , where x0 = 0, xi is the position of the ith smallest element in the given array)
If I've understood the question right, here's a DP Algorithm that should work but it takes O(NK) time.
//k is the given size and n is the size of the array
create an array dp[k+1][n+1]
initialize the first column with the maximum integer value (we'll need it later)
and the first row with 0's (keep element dp[0][0] = 0)
now run the loop while building the solution
for(int i=1; i<=k; i++) {
for(int j=1; j<=n; j++) {
//if the number of elements in the array is less than the size required (K)
//initialize it with the maximum integer value
if( j < i ) {
dp[i][j] = MAX_INT_VALUE;
}else {
//last minimum of size k-1 with present element or last minimum of size k
dp[i][j] = minimun (dp[i-1][j-1] + arr[j-1], dp[i][j-1]);
//it consists the solution
return dp[k][n];
The last element of the array contains the solution.
I suggest you can try use modified merge sort. The place for
modified is merge part, discard the duplicate value.
select the smallest four
The complexity is o(n logn)
Still thinking whether complexity can be o(n)

quicksort code understanding

i have a quicksort code that is supposed to run on the text "B A T T A J U S" (ignore blanks). But i dont seem to understand the code that well.
void quicksort (itemType a[], int l, int r)
int i, j; itemType v;
if (r>l)
v = a[r]; i = l-1; j = r;
for (;;)
while (a[++i] < v);
while (a[--j] >= v);
if (i >= j) break;
i can explain what i understand: the first if check if l < r which in this case it is since, s is greater than b. THen i get alittle confused: v is set to be equal to a[r], does this mean S? since S is all the way to the right? then l is set to outside the "array" since its -1. (so its undefined, i assume) then j is set to be equal to r, but is that the posision r? as in S?
I kinda dont understand what values are set to what, if the a[r] = the letter in the posision or the or anything else. Hopefully some1 can explain me how the first swap works, so i hopefully can learn this?
It is probably better to start with an understanding of the QuickSort algorithm, and then see how the code corresponds to it, than to study the code to try to figure out how QuickSort works. Basic QuickSort (which is what you have) is in fact a pretty simple algorithm. To sort an array A:
If the length of A is less than 2 then the array is already sorted. Otherwise,
Select any element of A to be a "pivot element".
Rearrange the other elements as needed so that all those that are less than the pivot are at the beginning of A, and those that are greater than or equal to the pivot are at the end. (This particular version also puts the pivot itself between the two, which is common but not strictly necessary; it could simply be included in the upper subarray, and the algorithm would still work.)
Apply the QuickSort procedure to each of the two sub-arrays produced by (3).
Your particular code chooses the right-most element of each (sub)array as the pivot element, and at step (4) it excludes the pivot from the sub-arrays to be recursively sorted.
Quick sort works by separating your array into a "left" subarray which contains only values stricly less than an arbitrarily chosen a pivot value and a "right" subarray that contains only elements that are greater than or equal to the pivot. Once the array has been divided like this, each of the two subarrays are sorted using the same algorithm. Here is how this applies to your code:
v = a[r] sets the pivot value to the last element in the array. This works well since the array is presumably unsorted to begin with, so a[r] is as good a value as any.
while(a[++i] < v) ; keeps stopping at the first element of the left sub-array that is greater than or equal to the pivot, v. When this loop ends, i is the index of an element that should be in the right sub-array rather than the left.
while(a[--j] >= v) ; does the same thing, except that it stops at the last element of the right sub-array that is strictly less than the pivot, v. When this loop ends, j is the index of an element that should be in the left sub-array rather than the right.
Whenever we find a pair of elements that are in the wrong sub-arrays, we swap them.
When all of the elements in the array are sorted (i meets j), we swap the pivot with the element at index i (which is now guaranteed to be in the right sub-array).
Since the pivot is guaranteed to be in the right position (left sub-array is strictly less and right sub-array is greater than or equal), we need to sort the sub-arrays but not the pivot. That is why the recursive calls use indices l,i-1 and i+1,r, leaving the pivot at index i.
I can't offer a solution in that exact form. That code is overly complicated in my thinking.
Also not sure if what I'm proposing is a bubble sort, or modified bubble, but to me just easier. My added comment is that quicksort() is calling itself, therefore it is recursive. Not good in my book for something as simple as a sort. This all depends on what you need for size and efficiency. If you're sorting many terms, then my proposed sort is not the best.
for(i = 0; i < (n - 1); i++) {
for(j = (i + 1); j < n; j++) {
if(value[i] > value[j]) {
tmp = value[i];
value[i] = value[j];
value[j] = tmp;
n is the number of total elements.
i, j, and tmp are integers
value[] is an array of integers to sort

Given an array, find out the next smaller element for each element

Given an array find the next smaller element in array for each element without changing the original order of the elements.
For example, suppose the given array is 4,2,1,5,3.
The resultant array would be 2,1,-1,3,-1.
I was asked this question in an interview, but i couldn't think of a solution better than the trivial O(n^2) solution.
Any approach that I could think of, i.e. making a binary search tree, or sorting the array, will distort the original order of the elements and hence lead to a wrong result.
Any help would be highly appreciated.
O(N) Algorithm
Initialize output array to all -1s.
Create an empty stack of indexes of items we have visited in the input array but don't yet know the answer for in the output array.
Iterate over each element in the input array:
Is it smaller than the item indexed by the top of the stack?
Yes. It is the first such element to be so. Fill in the corresponding element in our output array, remove the item from the stack, and try again until the stack is empty or the answer is no.
No. Continue to 3.2.
Add this index to the stack. Continue iteration from 3.
Python implementation
def find_next_smaller_elements(xs):
ys=[-1 for x in xs]
for i,x in enumerate(xs):
while len(stack)>0 and x<xs[stack[-1]]:
return ys
>>> find_next_smaller_elements([4,2,1,5,3])
[2, 1, -1, 3, -1]
>>> find_next_smaller_elements([1,2,3,4,5])
[-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]
>>> find_next_smaller_elements([5,4,3,2,1])
[4, 3, 2, 1, -1]
>>> find_next_smaller_elements([1,3,5,4,2])
[-1, 2, 4, 2, -1]
>>> find_next_smaller_elements([6,4,2])
[4, 2, -1]
How it works
This works because whenever we add an item to the stack, we know its value is greater or equal to every element in the stack already. When we visit an element in the array, we know that if it's lower than any item in the stack, it must be lower than the last item in the stack, because the last item must be the largest. So we don't need to do any kind of search on the stack, we can just consider the last item.
Note: You can skip the initialization step so long as you add a final step to empty the stack and use each remaining index to set the corresponding output array element to -1. It's just easier in Python to initialize it to -1s when creating it.
Time complexity
This is O(N). The main loop clearly visits each index once. Each index is added to the stack exactly once and removed at most once.
Solving as an interview question
This kind of question can be pretty intimidating in an interview, but I'd like to point out that (hopefully) an interviewer isn't going to expect the solution to spring from your mind fully-formed. Talk them through your thought process. Mine went something like this:
Is there some relationship between the positions of numbers and their next smaller number in the array? Does knowing some of them constrain what the others might possibly be?
If I were in front of a whiteboard I would probably sketch out the example array and draw lines between the elements. I might also draw them as a 2D bar graph - horizontal axis being position in input array and vertical axis being value.
I had a hunch this would show a pattern, but no paper to hand. I think the diagram would make it obvious. Thinking about it carefully, I could see that the lines would not overlap arbitrarily, but would only nest.
Around this point, it occurred to me that this is incredibly similar to the algorithm Python uses internally to transform indentation into INDENT and DEDENT virtual tokens, which I'd read about before. See "How does the compiler parse the indentation?" on this page: However, it wasn't until I actually worked out an algorithm that I followed up on this thought and determined that it was in fact the same, so I don't think it helped too much. Still, if you can see a similarity to some other problem you know, it's probably a good idea to mention it, and say how it's similar and how it's different.
From here the general shape of the stack-based algorithm became apparent, but I still needed to think about it a bit more to be sure it would work okay for those elements that have no subsequent smaller element.
Even if you don't come up with a working algorithm, try to let your interviewer see what you're thinking about. Often it is the thought process more than the answer that they're interested in. For a tough problem, failing to find the best solution but showing insight into the problem can be better than knowing a canned answer but not being able to give it much analysis.
Start making a BST, starting from the array end. For each value 'v' answer would be the last node "Right" that you took on your way to inserting 'v', of which you can easily keep track of in recursive or iterative version.
Going by your requirements, you can approach this in a linear fashion:
If every next element is smaller than the current element(e.g. 6 5 4 3 2 1) you can process this linearly without requiring any extra memory. Interesting case arises when you start getting jumbled elements(e.g. 4 2 1 5 3), in which case you need to remember their order as long as you dont' get their 'smaller counterparts'.
A simple stack based approach goes like this:
Push the first element (a[0]) in a stack.
For each next element a[i], you peek into the stack and if value ( peek() ) is greater than the one in hand a[i], you got your next smaller number for that stack element (peek()) { and keep on popping the elements as long as peek() > a[i] }. Pop them out and print/store the corresponding value.
else, simply push back your a[i] into the stack.
In the end stack 'll contain those elements which never had a value smaller than them(to their right). You can fill in -1 for them in your outpput.
e.g. A=[4, 2, 1, 5, 3];
stack: 4
a[i] = 2, Pop 4, Push 2 (you got result for 4)
stack: 2
a[i] = 1, Pop 2, Push 1 (you got result for 2)
stack: 1
a[i] = 5
stack: 1 5
a[i] = 3, Pop 5, Push 3 (you got result for 5)
stack: 1 3
1,3 don't have any counterparts for them. so store -1 for them.
Assuming you meant first next element which is lower than the current element, here are 2 solutions -
Use sqrt(N) segmentation. Divide the array in sqrt(N) segments with each segment's length being sqrt(N). For each segment calculate its' minimum element using a loop. In this way, you have pre-calculated each segments' minimum element in O(N). Now, for each element, the next lower element can be in the same segment as that one or in any of the subsequent segments. So, first check all the next elements in the current segment. If all are larger, then loop through all the subsequent segments to find out which has an element lower than current element. If you couldn't find any, result would be -1. Otherwise, check every element of that segment to find out what is the first element lower than current element. Overall, algorithm complexity is O(N*sqrt(N)) or O(N^1.5).
You can achieve O(NlgN) using a segment tree with a similar approach.
Sort the array ascending first (keeping original position of the elements as satellite data). Now, assuming each element of the array is distinct, for each element, we will need to find the lowest original position on the left side of that element. It is a classic RMQ (Range Min Query) problem and can be solved in many ways including a O(N) one. As we need to sort first, overall complexity is O(NlogN). You can learn more about RMQ in a TopCoder tutorial.
For some reasons, I find it easier to reason about "previous smaller element", aka "all nearest smaller elements". Thus applied backward gives the "next smaller".
For the record, a Python implementation in O(n) time, O(1) space (i.e. without stack), supporting negative values in the array :
def next_smaller(l):
""" Return positions of next smaller items """
res = [None] * len(l)
for i in range(len(l)-2,-1,-1):
while j is not None and (l[j] > l[i]):
j = res[j]
res[i] = j
return res
def next_smaller_elements(l):
""" Return next smaller items themselves """
res = next_smaller(l)
return [l[i] if i is not None else None for i in res]
Here is the javascript code . This video explains the Algo better
function findNextSmallerElem(source){
let length = source.length;
let outPut = [...Array(length)].map(() => -1);
let stack = [];
for(let i = 0 ; i < length ; i++){
let stackTopVal = stack[ stack.length - 1] && stack[ stack.length - 1].val;
// If stack is empty or current elem is greater than stack top
if(!stack.length || source[i] > stackTopVal ){
stack.push({ val: source[i], ind: i} );
} else {
// While stacktop is greater than current elem , keep popping
while( source[i] < (stack[ stack.length - 1] && stack[ stack.length - 1].val) ){
outPut[stack.pop().ind] = source[i];
stack.push({ val: source[i], ind: i} );
return outPut;
Output -
[23, 12, 12, 7, 7, -1, -1]
Time complexity O(N), space complexity O(N).
Clean solution on java keeping order of the array:
public static int[] getNGE(int[] a) {
var s = new Stack<Pair<Integer, Integer>>();
int n = a.length;
var result = new int[n];
s.push(Pair.of(0, a[0]));
for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) {
while (!s.isEmpty() && s.peek().v2 > a[i]) {
var top = s.pop();
result[top.v1] = a[i];
s.push(Pair.of(i, a[i]));
while (!s.isEmpty()) {
var top = s.pop();
result[top.v1] = -1;
return result;
static class Pair<K, V> {
K v1;
V v2;
public static <K, V> Pair<K, V> of (K v1, V v2) {
Pair p = new Pair();
p.v1 = v1;
p.v2 = v2;
return p;
Here is an observation that I think can be made into an O(n log n) solution. Suppose you have the answer for the last k elements of the array. What would you need in order to figure out the value for the element just before this? You can think of the last k elements as being split into a series of ranges, each of which starts at some element and continues forward until it hits a smaller element. These ranges must be in descending order, so you could think about doing a binary search over them to find the first interval smaller than that element. You could then update the ranges to factor in this new element.
Now, how best to represent this? The best way I've thought of is to use a splay tree whose keys are the elements defining these ranges and whose values are the index at which they start. You can then in time O(log n) amortized do a predecessor search to find the predecessor of the current element. This finds the earliest value smaller than the current. Then, in amortized O(log n) time, insert the current element into the tree. This represents defining a new range from that element forward. To discard all ranges this supercedes, you then cut the right child of the new node, which because this is a splay tree is at the root, from the tree.
Overall, this does O(n) iterations of an O(log n) process for total O(n lg n).
Here is a O(n) algorithm using DP (actually O(2n) ):
int n = array.length();
The array min[] record the minimum number found from index i until the end of the array.
int[] min = new int[n];
min[n-1] = array[n-1];
for(int i=n-2; i>=0; i--)
min[i] = Math.min(min[i+1],array[i]);
Search and compare through the original array and min[].
int[] result = new int[n];
result[n-1] = -1;
for(int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
result[i] = min[i+1]<array[i]?min[i+1]:-1;
Here is the new solution to find "next smaller element":
int n = array.length();
int[] answer = new int[n];
answer[n-1] = -1;
for(int i=0; i<n-1; i++)
answer[i] = array[i+1]<array[i]?array[i+1]:-1;
All that is actually not required i think
case 1: a,b
answer : -a+b
case 2: a,b,c
answer : a-2b+c
case 3: a,b,c,d
answer : -a+3b-3c+d
case 4 :a,b,c,d,e
answer : a-4b+6c-4d+e
recognize the pattern in it?
it is the pascal's triangle!
1 1
1 2 1
1 3 3 1
1 4 6 4 1
so it can be calculated using Nth row of pascal's triangle!
with alternate + ans - for odd even levels!
it is O(1)
You can solve this in O(n) runtime with O(n) space complexity.
Start with a Stack and keep pushing elements till you find arr[i] such that arr[i] < element. Then store this index .
Code Snippet:
vector<int> findNext(vector<int> values) {
stack<int> st;
vector<int> nextSmall(values.size(), -1);
for (int i = 1; i < values.size(); i++) {
while (!st.empty() && values[i] < values[]) {
// change values[i] < values[] to values[i] > values[] to find the next greater element.
nextSmall[] = i;
return nextSmall;
Solution with O(1) space complexity and O(n) time complexity.
void replace_next_smallest(int a[], int n)
int ns = a[n - 1];
for (int i = n - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (i == n - 1) {
a[i] = -1;
else if (a[i] > ns) {
int t = ns;
ns = a[i];
a[i] = t;
else if (a[i] == ns) {
a[i] = a[i + 1];
else {
ns = a[i];
a[i] = -1;
Solution With O(n) Time Complexity and O(1) Space Complexity. This Solution is not complex to understand and implemented without stack.
def min_secMin(a,n):
min = a[0]
sec_min = a[1]
for i in range(1,n):
sec_min = min
min = a[i]
if(a[i]>min and a[i]<sec_min):
sec_min = a[i]
return min,sec_min
Given an array find the next smaller element in array for each element without changing the original order of the elements.
where arr is the array and n is length of the array..
Using Python logic,
def next_smallest_array(arr,n):
for i in range(0,n-1,1):
if arr[i]>arr[i+1]:
return arr
Output is [2, 1, -1, 3, -1]
Output is [-1, -1, -1, -1, -1]

Finding kth smallest number from n sorted arrays

So, you have n sorted arrays (not necessarily of equal length), and you are to return the kth smallest element in the combined array (i.e the combined array formed by merging all the n sorted arrays)
I have been trying it and its other variants for quite a while now, and till now I only feel comfortable in the case where there are two arrays of equal length, both sorted and one has to return the median of these two.
This has logarithmic time complexity.
After this I tried to generalize it to finding kth smallest among two sorted arrays. Here is the question on SO.
Even here the solution given is not obvious to me. But even if I somehow manage to convince myself of this solution, I am still curious as to how to solve the absolute general case (which is my question)
Can somebody explain me a step by step solution (which again in my opinion should take logarithmic time i.e O( log(n1) + log(n2) ... + log(nN) where n1, n2...nN are the lengths of the n arrays) which starts from the more specific cases and moves on to the more general one?
I know similar questions for more specific cases are there all over the internet, but I haven't found a convincing and clear answer.
Here is a link to a question (and its answer) on SO which deals with 5 sorted arrays and finding the median of the combined array. The answer just gets too complicated for me to able to generalize it.
Even clean approaches for the more specific cases (as I mentioned during the post) are welcome.
PS: Do you think this can be further generalized to the case of unsorted arrays?
PPS: It's not a homework problem, I am just preparing for interviews.
This doesn't generalize the links, but does solve the problem:
Go through all the arrays and if any have length > k, truncate to length k (this is silly, but we'll mess with k later, so do it anyway)
Identify the largest remaining array A. If more than one, pick one.
Pick the middle element M of the largest array A.
Use a binary search on the remaining arrays to find the same element (or the largest element <= M).
Based on the indexes of the various elements, calculate the total number of elements <= M and > M. This should give you two numbers: L, the number <= M and G, the number > M
If k < L, truncate all the arrays at the split points you've found and iterate on the smaller arrays (use the bottom halves).
If k > L, truncate all the arrays at the split points you've found and iterate on the smaller arrays (use the top halves, and search for element (k-L).
When you get to the point where you only have one element per array (or 0), make a new array of size n with those data, sort, and pick the kth element.
Because you're always guaranteed to remove at least half of one array, in N iterations, you'll get rid of half the elements. That means there are N log k iterations. Each iteration is of order N log k (due to the binary searches), so the whole thing is N^2 (log k)^2 That's all, of course, worst case, based on the assumption that you only get rid of half of the largest array, not of the other arrays. In practice, I imagine the typical performance would be quite a bit better than the worst case.
It can not be done in less than O(n) time. Proof Sketch If it did, it would have to completely not look at at least one array. Obviously, one array can arbitrarily change the value of the kth element.
I have a relatively simple O(n*log(n)*log(m)) where m is the length of the longest array. I'm sure it is possible to be slightly faster, but not a lot faster.
Consider the simple case where you have n arrays each of length 1. Obviously, this is isomorphic to finding the kth element in an unsorted list of length n. It is possible to find this in O(n), see Median of Medians algorithm, originally by Blum, Floyd, Pratt, Rivest and Tarjan, and no (asymptotically) faster algorithms are possible.
Now the problem is how to expand this to longer sorted arrays. Here is the algorithm: Find the median of each array. Sort the list of tuples (median,length of array/2) and sort it by median. Walk through keeping a sum of the lengths, until you reach a sum greater than k. You now have a pair of medians, such that you know the kth element is between them. Now for each median, we know if the kth is greater or less than it, so we can throw away half of each array. Repeat. Once the arrays are all one element long (or less), we use the selection algorithm.
Implementing this will reveal additional complexities and edge conditions, but nothing that increases the asymptotic complexity. Each step
Finds the medians or the arrays, O(1) each, so O(n) total
Sorts the medians O(n log n)
Walks through the sorted list O(n)
Slices the arrays O(1) each so, O(n) total
that is O(n) + O(n log n) + O(n) + O(n) = O(n log n). And, we must perform this untill the longest array is length 1, which will take log m steps for a total of O(n*log(n)*log(m))
You ask if this can be generalized to the case of unsorted arrays. Sadly, the answer is no. Consider the case where we only have one array, then the best algorithm will have to compare at least once with each element for a total of O(m). If there were a faster solution for n unsorted arrays, then we could implement selection by splitting our single array into n parts. Since we just proved selection is O(m), we are stuck.
You could look at my recent answer on the related question here. The same idea can be generalized to multiple arrays instead of 2. In each iteration you could reject the second half of the array with the largest middle element if k is less than sum of mid indexes of all arrays. Alternately, you could reject the first half of the array with the smallest middle element if k is greater than sum of mid indexes of all arrays, adjust k. Keep doing this until you have all but one array reduced to 0 in length. The answer is kth element of the last array which wasn't stripped to 0 elements.
Run-time analysis:
You get rid of half of one array in each iteration. But to determine which array is going to be reduced, you spend time linear to the number of arrays. Assume each array is of the same length, the run time is going to be cclog(n), where c is the number of arrays and n is the length of each array.
There exist an generalization that solves the problem in O(N log k) time, see the question here.
Old question, but none of the answers were good enough. So I am posting the solution using sliding window technique and heap:
class Node {
int elementIndex;
int arrayIndex;
public Node(int elementIndex, int arrayIndex) {
this.elementIndex = elementIndex;
this.arrayIndex = arrayIndex;
public class KthSmallestInMSortedArrays {
public int findKthSmallest(List<Integer[]> lists, int k) {
int ans = 0;
PriorityQueue<Node> pq = new PriorityQueue<>((a, b) -> {
return lists.get(a.arrayIndex)[a.elementIndex] -
for (int i = 0; i < lists.size(); i++) {
Integer[] arr = lists.get(i);
if (arr != null) {
Node n = new Node(0, i);
int count = 0;
while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
Node curr = pq.poll();
ans = lists.get(curr.arrayIndex)[curr.elementIndex];
if (++count == k) {
return ans;
The maximum number of elements that we need to access here is O(K) and there are M arrays. So the effective time complexity will be O(K*log(M)).
This would be the code. O(k*log(m))
public int findKSmallest(int[][] A, int k) {
PriorityQueue<int[]> queue = new PriorityQueue<>(Comparator.comparingInt(x -> A[x[0]][x[1]]));
for (int i = 0; i < A.length; i++)
queue.offer(new int[] { i, 0 });
int ans = 0;
while (!queue.isEmpty() && --k >= 0) {
int[] el = queue.poll();
ans = A[el[0]][el[1]];
if (el[1] < A[el[0]].length - 1) {
return ans;
If the k is not that huge, we can maintain a priority min queue. then loop for every head of the sorted array to get the smallest element and en-queue. when the size of the queue is k. we get the first k smallest .
maybe we can regard the n sorted array as buckets then try the bucket sort method.
This could be considered the second half of a merge sort. We could simply merge all the sorted lists into a single list...but only keep k elements in the combined lists from merge to merge. This has the advantage of only using O(k) space, but something slightly better than merge sort's O(n log n) complexity. That is, it should in practice operate slightly faster than a merge sort. Choosing the kth smallest from the final combined list is O(1). This is kind of complexity is not so bad.
It can be done by doing binary search in each array, while calculating the number of smaller elements.
I used the bisect_left and bisect_right to make it work for non-unique numbers as well,
from bisect import bisect_left
from bisect import bisect_right
def kthOfPiles(givenPiles, k, count):
Perform binary search for kth element in multiple sorted list
givenPiles are list of sorted list
count is the total number of
k is the target index in range [0..count-1]
begins = [0 for pile in givenPiles]
ends = [len(pile) for pile in givenPiles]
#print('finding k=', k, 'count=', count)
for pileidx,pivotpile in enumerate(givenPiles):
while begins[pileidx] < ends[pileidx]:
mid = (begins[pileidx]+ends[pileidx])>>1
midval = pivotpile[mid]
smaller_count = 0
smaller_right_count = 0
for pile in givenPiles:
smaller_count += bisect_left(pile,midval)
smaller_right_count += bisect_right(pile,midval)
#print('check midval', midval,smaller_count,k,smaller_right_count)
if smaller_count <= k and k < smaller_right_count:
return midval
elif smaller_count > k:
ends[pileidx] = mid
begins[pileidx] = mid+1
return -1
Please find the below C# code to Find the k-th Smallest Element in the Union of Two Sorted Arrays. Time Complexity : O(logk)
public int findKthElement(int k, int[] array1, int start1, int end1, int[] array2, int start2, int end2)
// if (k>m+n) exception
if (k == 0)
return Math.Min(array1[start1], array2[start2]);
if (start1 == end1)
return array2[k];
if (start2 == end2)
return array1[k];
int mid = k / 2;
int sub1 = Math.Min(mid, end1 - start1);
int sub2 = Math.Min(mid, end2 - start2);
if (array1[start1 + sub1] < array2[start2 + sub2])
return findKthElement(k - mid, array1, start1 + sub1, end1, array2, start2, end2);
return findKthElement(k - mid, array1, start1, end1, array2, start2 + sub2, end2);
