How to start animation before component is removed in React? - reactjs

I would like to know how do I trigger an animation before removing a functional React component.
I am using the npm package to manage animations via JS. So I just need to call the function. For example function animate.
import React from "react";
useEffect(() => {
function animateStart() {
export default function () {
<div className={'component'}/>
This is how I am triggering the animation when the component appears. I would like to somehow catch the removal and postpone it for the duration of the animation.
At the moment I'm calling the delete animation from the parent component. This forces me to store the animateExit function in another component. It is not comfortable :(

Try this:
useEffect(() => {
function animateStart() {
return () => {/* whatever you want to do, it will be called everytime when this component is unmounted*/}


How do I call useEffect when the trigger is in another component?

I am trying to fetch data in a functional React component using useEffect (since the function is asynchronous) and I compute and return the data in h2 tags that was fetched in this component. However, I want to fetch the data when in another component (App.js) I hit the enter key. I have an enter key handler which calls a useState which I believe should re-render the component but since the useEffect is in another component, I am not getting the calling of the useEffect as I intend. What is the best method to press the Enter key and have useEffect in another component run?
function handleKeyDown(event){
if(event.key === 'Enter'){
//this setHeadingText is a useState variable which should re-render in App.js
It sounds like your useEffect is specifying an empty dependency array (instructing to run only once):
useEffect(() => {
//fetch some data
}, []); // This empty array ensures it only runs 1 time
Have a look at this section in the docs:
If your second component has access to your headingText state, try specifying your headingText as a dependency to the useEffect, and any changes to it should trigger your useEffect
useEffect(() => {
//fetch some data
}, [headingText]); // Only re-run the effect if headingText changes
Alternatively, remove the dependency array from your useEffect.
Note: this will cause the useEffect to run on every re-render
useEffect(() => {
//fetch some data
}); // run every time the component re-renders
Now that I have understood properly, I think this is the solution you wished for:
The headingText value that is being updated in your App.jsx component should be passed down to your Child component with the help of props. So use <Child headingText={headingText} /> while loading the Child component in your App.jsx.
Inside your Child component, receive the value like this function Child(props) or function Child({ headingText }) if you have more values to pass, prefer props.
Now you can easily access the changes in value made in your App component inside your Child component with the help of props.headingText or headingText respective to the way you defined your Child in point 2.
To re-render your Child component, you will now use the useEffect hook with its dependency set to headingText, like:
React.useEffect(() =>
// Code for refetching
, [headingText]); // or props.headingText if your Child component uses (props)
For example: CodeSandbox
Hope that helps you!
you can make a conditional rendering with the other component, so it get rendered only if you press Enter which would invoke an event:
import {AnotherComponent} from './anothercomponent.js' //assuming the file is in src folder
function RenderOnEnter({pressed}){
return (
return null
function App(){
const [pressed,setPressed] = useState(false)
function handlePressed(e){
if( === 'Enter'){
<button onClick={(e)=>handlePressed(e)}>Click me to obtain data!</button>
<RenderOnPress pressed={pressed}/>

Calling useNavigate('url') inside is not working

In this project, I'm using react leaflet to show a map which generated by GEOJSON features object. I just to go to a dynamic country route when clicking on each of the country layer.
const geoJsonRef = useRef();
click : ()=>{
useNavigate( 'go/to/country' ); // here is the error occurs
}, [state]);
<MapContainer style={containerStyle} center={[10, 0]} zoom={2} minZoom={2.4} maxZoom={10}>
<GeoJSON style={contryStyle} data={features} onEachFeature={onEachCountry} ref={geoJsonRef} />
React Hook "useNavigate" is called in function "click" that is neither a React
function component nor a custom React Hook function. React component names
must start with an uppercase letter. React Hook names must start with the word "use"
From this error I can understand that, it is incorrect way of using useNavigate(). The same I got when attaching the click handler in the onEachCountry function.
I just need to know the correct way click handler to give the route.
Thank you!
React hooks can only be called from React function components or custom hooks, they cannot be called in callbacks, conditions, and loops as this breaks the Rules of Hooks.
Call the useNavigate hook first in the component body to return the navigate function, then call navigate in any callback/hook/etc...
const navigate = useNavigate();
useEffect(() => {
.map((layer) => {
click: () => {
}, [state]);

What invokves the 2nd function call when using React Hooks?

I wrote the following React exercise which uses no hooks and renders a button.
const Button = ({ onClick }) => <button onClick={onClick}>Do Nothing</button>;
const Base = () => {
const onClickFunction = (() => {
console.log("Creating OnClick Function");
return () => {};
return (
<div className="App">
<Button onClick={onClickFunction} />
onClickFunction uses a self-invoking function, so that I can place a console.log to see the following behaviour. In this example, when Base is rendered, the message Creating OnClick Function appears only once 👍
If I change Base to the following however, adding a hook usage:
const Button = ({ onClick }) => <button onClick={onClick}>Do Nothing</button>;
const Base = () => {
const notUsedRef = React.useRef();
const onClickFunction = (() => {
console.log("Creating OnClick Function");
return () => {};
return (
<div className="App">
<Button onClick={onClickFunction} />
You will see the Creating OnClick Function message twice.
This CodeSandbox illustrates what I've been seeing:
Using React DevTools Profiler, we can see there is no rerender of this component.
Using <React.Profiler, it reports this component also didn't update.
I know that using React.useCallback wouldn't trigger a second invokation, however the question would still stand why we are in the situation Base is called twice.
My question is: why and what is triggering Base to be invoked when there is no need for a rerender.
This is due to the way React implements hooks.
If you invoke any hook, even if you don't use the resulting value, you are telling React to render twice before mounting, even if the props don't change. You can substitute the usage of useRef by useState, useEffect, etc. Try below.
You can also wrap your component with React.memo. Every function defined inside the function is recreated in every render.
EDIT: Only happens during development and in components wrapped by React.StrictMode. In the words of gaearon:
It's an intentional feature of the StrictMode. This only happens in
development, and helps find accidental side effects put into the
render phase. We only do this for components with Hooks because those
are more likely to accidentally have side effects in the wrong place.

React: add body class only to certain components in useEffect hook?

I am using React 16.8.6 and hooks. I am new to hooks.
I have a component loaded in a route I need to add a body class to. When the user leaves this page, I need the class removed. I am using
useEffect(() => {
document.body.className = 'signin';
}, []);
This correctly adds the class to the body tag. Except when I navigate to another page, the class remains. If I reload the second page it's gone.
How do I remove the class when the component unmounts when the route changes?
If your effect returns a function, it will act as a cleanup.
useEffect(() => {
return function cleanup() {
}, []);
You can check out Effects with cleanup in the documentation
The useEffect hook supports a cleanup function that runs when the component unmounts
useEffect(() => {
document.body.className = 'signin';
return () => { document.body.className = ''; }
See the docs.

Re-render component when navigating the stack with React Navigation

I am currently using react-navigation to do stack- and tab- navigation.
Is it possible to re-render a component every time the user navigates to specific screens? I want to make sure to rerun the componentDidMount() every time a specific screen is reached, so I get the latest data from the server by calling the appropriate action creator.
What strategies should I be looking at? I am pretty sure this is a common design pattern but I failed to see documented examples.
If you are using React Navigation 5.X, just do the following:
import { useIsFocused } from '#react-navigation/native'
export default function App(){
const isFocused = useIsFocused()
useEffect(() => {
//Update the state you want to be updated
}, [isFocused])
The useIsFocused hook checks whether a screen is currently focused or not. It returns a boolean value that is true when the screen is focused and false when it is not.
React Navigation lifecycle events quoted from react-navigation
React Navigation emits events to screen components that subscribe to them. There are four different events that you can subscribe to: willFocus, willBlur, didFocus and didBlur. Read more about them in the API reference.
Let's check this out,
With navigation listeners you can add an eventlistener to you page and call a function each time your page will be focused.
const didBlurSubscription = this.props.navigation.addListener(
payload => {
console.debug('didBlur', payload);
// Remove the listener when you are done
Replace the payload function and change it with your "refresh" function.
Hope this will help.
You can also use also useFocusEffect hook, then it will re render every time you navigate to the screen where you use that hook.
useFocusEffect(()=> {
your code
At the request of Dimitri in his comment, I will show you how you can force a re-rendering of the component, because the post leaves us with this ambiguity.
If you are looking for how to force a re-rendering on your component, just update some state (any of them), this will force a re-rendering on the component. I advise you to create a controller state, that is, when you want to force the rendering, just update that state with a random value different from the previous one.
Add a useEffect hook with the match params that you want to react to. Make sure to use the parameters that control your component so it rerenders. Example:
export default function Project(props) {
const [id, setId] = useState(props?.match?.params?.id);
const [project, setProject] = useState(props?.match?.params?.project);
useEffect(() => {
if (props.match) {
}, [props.match?.params]);
To trigger a render when navigating to a screen.
import { useCallback } from "react";
import { useFocusEffect } from "#react-navigation/native";
// Quick little re-render hook
function useForceRender() {
const [value, setValue] = useState(0);
return [() => setValue(value + 1)];
export default function Screen3({ navigation }) {
const [forceRender] = useForceRender();
// Trigger re-render hook when screen is focused
// ref:
useFocusEffect(useCallback(() => {
console.log("NAVIGATED TO SCREEN3")
}, []));
"#react-navigation/native": "6.0.13",
"#react-navigation/native-stack": "6.9.0",
