Call function with arra out of bounds access - arrays

so I've got a buggy C file in which i need to find an exploit. I have found a bug when accessing the following struct:
#define BOARD_SIZE 10
typedef int (*turn_function_t)(struct board *);
typedef void (*win_function_t)(struct board *);
struct board {
win_function_t win;
turn_function_t turn;
int avail;
int do_shot(struct board *board, int strength, int x, int y) {
if(!(x >= 0 && x <= BOARD_SIZE && y >= 0 && y <= BOARD_SIZE)) {
/* If there was already a sunken ship, return error */
if(board->f1[x][y] && !board->f2[x][y])
/* Now perform shot */
return SHOT_WATER;
board->f2[x][y] -= strength;
return SHOT_HIT;
The bug I found is a wrong index check when accessing array f2. I can chose the index as input (index can be anything from 0 to 10 inclusive). I need to find a way to call the function win (doesn't matter which parameter). My question now is is there any way I can use that out of bounds access to call the function win since the function pointer is stored directly after the array f2 inside the struct?

of cause it can be done easily.
I show you an example code below.
I use pragma pack(1) for byte align and use print to find the address of the function, and finally I got it.
the code may can not be run on your computer.
but your can find the address by print to make bounds address equal to function address.
it may be f[0][-1] on your computer
#include <stdio.h>
typedef int (*turn_function_t)(struct board *);
#pragma pack(1)
struct board
turn_function_t win;
int f[10][10];
#pragma pack(0)
int win(struct board *b)
return 0;
int main()
struct board b; = win;
// printf("%p\n", &b.f[0][-2]);
// printf("%p\n", &;
(*(turn_function_t *)(&b.f[0][-2]))(&b);
return 0;


how can i access a variable in enum

#define NUMBER_OF_CARDS 54
typedef enum type{
} CardTypes;
typedef struct game{
CardTypes cards[NUMBER_OF_CARDS];
int hearts;
int spades;
int clubs;
int diamonds;
int players_cards;
I have something similar like this and I want to access any variable from enum when this function is called
void set_cards(GameState gamestate, int x, int y, CardTypes cardtypes){[x * y] = cardtypes;
void generate_game(GameState gamestate){
some code
if(variable == 0){
set_cards(gamestate, x, y,[NUMBER_OF_CARDS].JACK;
//This is what I have tried but it doesn't work
I hope you understand what I mean, because I really don't know how to explain this any better.
set_cards(gamestate, x, y,[NUMBER_OF_CARDS].JACK;
//this is what I have tried but it doesn't work
please ignore any inaccuracies in the code. what is important for me is how can i access any of the enum's variable in the function generate_game().
this right here: if(variable == 0){ set_cards(gamestate, x, y,[NUMBER_OF_CARDS].JACK; //This is what I have tried but it doesn't work
Based upon what #Aconcagua wrote your code should be using pointers :
// gamestate is a structure , so it must be passed as pointer to enable modification to be seen by caller
void set_cards(GameState *gamestate, int x, int y, CardTypes cardtypes){
gamestate->cards[x * y] = cardtypes;
void generate_game(GameState *gamestate){ // here also pointer so caller know the changes
some code
if(variable == 0){
// next depends on what you intend to do :
// 1- set the current games rate card with value of last card
set_cards(gamestate, x, y, gamestate->cards[NUMBER_OF_CARDS-1]);
// 2- set the current gamestate to JACK
set_cards(gamestate, x, y, JACK);
Your types do not have too much sense. Card is defined by its colour and type.
typedef enum {
//you neeed some more
} CardTypes;
typedef enum {
} CardColour;
typedef struct
CardTypes type;
CardColur colour;
Card deck[54];
How to access:
void foo(Card *card)
Card card1;
card1.colour = HEART;
card1.type = JACK;
card -> colour = DIAMOND;
card -> type = KING;
card[34].colour = CLUB;
card[34].type = QUEEN;

How to use global variables on a state machine

I made this state machine :
enum states { STATE_ENTRY, STATE_....} current_state;
void (*const state_table [MAX_STATES][MAX_EVENTS]) (void) = {
{ action_entry , action_entry_fail , action_entry_repeat }, /*
procedures for state 1 */
void main (void){
event = get_new_event (); /* get the next event to process */
if (((event >= 0) && (event < MAX_EVENTS))
&& ((current_state >= 0) && (current_state < MAX_STATES))) {
state_table [current_state][event] (); /* call the action procedure */
printf("OK 0");
} else {
/* invalid event/state - handle appropriately */
When I modify a global variable in one state the global variable remain the same , and I need that variable in all the states . Do you now what could be the problem ?
My Global variable is this structure:
#if (CPU_TYPE == CPU_TYPE_32)
typedef uint32_t word;
#define word_length 32
typedef struct BigNumber {
word words[64];
} BigNumber;
#elif (CPU_TYPE == CPU_TYPE_16)
typedef uint16_t word;
#define word_length 16
typedef struct BigNumber {
word words[128];
} BigNumber;
#error Unsupported CPU_TYPE
BigNumber number1 , number2;
Here is how I modify:
//iterator is a number from where I start to modify,
//I already modified on the same way up to the iterator
number2.words[i]=(nr_rand1<<21) | (nr_rand2<<11) | (nr_rand3);
This is just in case you may want to change your approach for defining the FSM. I'll show you with an example; say you have the following FSM:
You may represent it as:
void function process() {
fsm {
fsmSTATE(S) {
/* do your entry actions heare */
event = getevent();
/* do you actions here */
if (event.char == 'a') fsmGOTO(A);
else fsmGOTO(E);
fsmSTATE(A) {
event = getevent();
if (event.char == 'b' || event.char == 'B') fsmGOTO(B);
else fsmGOTO(E);
fsmSTATE(B) {
event = getevent();
if (event.char == 'a' ) fsmGOTO(A);
else fsmGOTO(E);
fsmSTATE(E) {
/* done with the FSM. Bye bye! */
I do claim (but I believe someone will disagree) that this is simpler, much more readable and directly conveys the structure of the FSM than using a table. Even if I didn't put the image, drawing the FSM diagram would be rather easy.
To get this you just have to define the fsmXXX stuff as follows:
#define fsm
#define fsmGOTO(x) goto fsm_state_##x
#define fsmSTATE(x) fsm_state_##x :
Regarding the code that changese number2:
number2.words[i]=(nr_rand1<<21) | (nr_rand2<<11) | (nr_rand3);
I can't fail to note that:
i is never incremented, so just one element of the array is changed (iterator+1) over an infinite loop;
even if i would be incremented, only the a portion of the words array it's changed depending on the value of iterator (but this might be the intended behaviour).
unless iterator can be -1, the element words[0] is never changed (again this could be the intended behaviour).
I would check if this is really what you intended to do.
If you're sure that it's just a visibility problem (since you said that when you declare it as local it worked as expected), the only other thing that I can think of is that you have the functions in one file and the main (or where you do your checks) in another.
Then you include the same .h header in both files and you end up (due to the linker you're using) with two different number2 because you did not declare it as extern in one of the two files.
Your compiler (or, better, the linker) should have (at least) warned you about this, did you check the compilation messages?
This is not an answer - rather it is a comment. But it is too big to fit the comment field so I post it here for now.
The code posted in the question is not sufficient to find the root cause. You need to post a minimal but complete example that shows the problem.
Something like:
#include <stdint.h>
typedef uint32_t word;
#define word_length 32
typedef struct BigNumber {
word words[4];
} BigNumber;
BigNumber number2;
enum states { STATE_0, STATE_1} current_state;
enum events { EVENT_A, EVENT_B } event;
void f1(void)
int i;
current_state = STATE_1;
for (i=0; i<4; ++i) number2.words[i] = i;
void f2(void)
int i;
current_state = STATE_0;
for (i=0; i<4; ++i) number2.words[i] = 42 + i*i;
void (*const state_table [2][2]) (void) =
{ f1 , f1 },
{ f2 , f2 }
int main (void){
current_state = STATE_0;
event = EVENT_A;
state_table [current_state][event] (); /* call the action procedure */
printf("%u %u %u %u\n", number2.words[0], number2.words[1], number2.words[2], number2.words[3]);
event = EVENT_B;
state_table [current_state][event] (); /* call the action procedure */
printf("%u %u %u %u\n", number2.words[0], number2.words[1], number2.words[2], number2.words[3]);
return 0;
The above can be considered minimal and complete. Now update this code with a few of your own functions and post that as the question (if it still fails).
My code doesn't fail.
0 1 2 3
42 43 46 51

Dynamic Memory Allocation in C not working

I'm trying to make a game that requires dynamically sized arrays in C but my code isn't working even though identical code works in another one of my programs.
Here are my #includes
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "SwinGame.h" //API for graphics, physics etc
#include <math.h>
Here are my typedefs for the relevant structs used:
typedef struct position_data
double x;
double y;
} position_data;
typedef enum enemy_type_data {CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, SQUARE} enemy_type_data;
typedef struct enemy_data
position_data location;
enemy_type_data type;
bitmap bmp;
double health;
double speed;
int path_to;
} enemy_data;
typedef struct enemy_data_array
int size;
enemy_data *data;
} enemy_data_array;
Here is the function to add an element to the array:
void add_enemy(enemy_data_array *enemies)
enemy_data *new_array;
new_array = (enemy_data *)realloc(enemies->data, sizeof(enemy_data) * enemies->size);
if (new_array) //if realloc fails (ie out of memory) it will return null
enemies->data = new_array;
// enemies->data[enemies->size - 1] = read_enemy_data();
printf("Enemy added successfully!\n");
printf("FAILED. Out of Memory!\n");
And here is my function call and variable declaration in the main procedure:
int main()
path_data my_path[41];
enemy_data_array enemies;
enemies.size = 0;
Why isn't this working?
You invoked undefined behavior by passing indeterminate value enemies->data in uninitialized variable having automatic storage duration. Initialize it before using add_enemy().
int main()
path_data my_path[41];
enemy_data_array enemies;
enemies.size = 0; = 0; /* add this line */
0 is a null pointer constant and can safely be converted to pointer NULL. Unlike NULL, 0 will work without including any headers. Of course you can use = NULL; with proper header included.
#2501's explanation is completely correct. Another solution is to change your implementation of add_enemy() to something like this:
void add_enemy(enemy_data_array *enemies)
enemy_data *new_array;
// check if size was non-zero
if (enemies->size++)
new_array = (enemy_data *)realloc(enemies->data, sizeof(enemy_data) * enemies->size);
// start new allocation
new_array = (enemy_data *)alloc(sizeof(enemy_data) * enemies->size);
if (new_array) //if (re)alloc fails (ie out of memory) it will return null
enemies->data = new_array;
// enemies->data[enemies->size - 1] = read_enemy_data();
printf("Enemy added successfully!\n");
printf("FAILED. Out of Memory!\n");
If fails because you haven't cleared the content of "enemies". Since it is a stack variable, it will contain whatever garbage data is on the stack.
set to NULL in the main function and try it again.

Anybody written a dictionary (hashmap) in ANSI C?

I just wondered if someone could give me some pointers (no pun intended) how to do this?
I want to set aside 4GB of ram in order to map numbers to memory which saves me traversing a linked list checking if they are there.
So instead of having (1,2,3,4,8,34,543,2343) and traversing 8 elements to verify that '2343' is in the list, i want to be able to look up the key '2343' in O(1) time?
Thanks in advance
If you only need to check if the number exists in the list, the you can try to make a Bitmap.
If the numbers are going to be sparsely spread out over a large range like 100,000 values in the range 0-4billion then a Hashtable would be faster. For a C implementation of a Hashtable take a look at GLib's Hashtable.
A Bitmap could hold numbers 0-4,294,967,295 using only 512Mbytes of ram.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <assert.h>
#define BITMAP_TEST 1
#define BITMAP_32_WORD 1
typedef struct Bitmap Bitmap;
typedef uint32_t Bitword;
typedef uint64_t Bitword;
#define BITWORD_BITS (sizeof(Bitword) * 8)
#define BITWORD_TEST(bword, bit) ((bword >> bit) & 1)
struct Bitmap {
size_t length;
Bitword *bitmap;
extern Bitmap *bitmap_new(size_t len) {
Bitmap *bitmap = malloc(sizeof(Bitmap));
bitmap->length = len;
bitmap->bitmap = calloc(BITMAP_WORD_COUNT(len),sizeof(Bitword));
return bitmap;
extern void bitmap_free(Bitmap *bitmap) {
extern void bitmap_set(Bitmap *bitmap, size_t bit) {
assert(bit < bitmap->length);
bitmap->bitmap[(bit >> BITWORD_BITS_SHIFT)] |= ((Bitword)1 << (bit & BITWORD_BITS_MASK));
extern void bitmap_unset(Bitmap *bitmap, size_t bit) {
assert(bit < bitmap->length);
bitmap->bitmap[(bit >> BITWORD_BITS_SHIFT)] &= ~((Bitword)1 << (bit & BITWORD_BITS_MASK));
extern bool bitmap_test(Bitmap *bitmap, size_t bit) {
assert(bit < bitmap->length);
Bitword bword = bitmap->bitmap[(bit >> BITWORD_BITS_SHIFT)];
return BITWORD_TEST(bword, (bit & BITWORD_BITS_MASK));
#include <stdio.h>
#define MAX_VALUE (2343 + 1)
static const uint32_t test_values[] = { 1,2,3,4,8,34,543,2343 };
#define test_values_len (sizeof(test_values)/sizeof(uint32_t))
static void set_values(Bitmap *bitmap, const uint32_t *values, int len) {
int i;
for(i=0; i < len; i++) {
bitmap_set(bitmap, values[i]);
static void unset_values(Bitmap *bitmap, const uint32_t *values, int len) {
int i;
for(i=0; i < len; i++) {
bitmap_unset(bitmap, values[i]);
static void check_values(Bitmap *bitmap, const uint32_t *values, int len, bool is_set) {
int i;
for(i=0; i < len; i++) {
assert(bitmap_test(bitmap, values[i]) == is_set);
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
Bitmap *bitmap = bitmap_new(MAX_VALUE);
set_values(bitmap, test_values, test_values_len);
check_values(bitmap, test_values, test_values_len, true);
unset_values(bitmap, test_values, test_values_len);
check_values(bitmap, test_values, test_values_len, false);
return 0;
If the numbers are 32 bits you don't even need hashing, just use an array.
I would advise embedding Lua in your project. Easy to embed and completely ANSI C with one very flexible garbage collected data structure (a Lua table/aka hashmap). You can always strip out the bits that you don't need, but even if you don't Lua is tiny.
Lua has a stack based API which isn't too hard to follow:
lua_State *L = luaL_newstate(); // make a new lua state
lua_newtable(L); // pushes a new table to the top of the stack (position 1)
// storing values
lua_pushinteger(2343); // key: 2343
lua_pushboolean(1); // value: true
lua_settable(L, 1); // pop key/value, store in table at position 1
// retrieving values
lua_pushinteger(2343); // key we're looking for
lua_gettable(L, 1); // get from table at top of stack - 2; pops key
if (lua_toboolean(L, -1)) // is it a true value?
// executes; we know 2343 is true as we pushed it just above
lua_pop(L, 1); // pop it off the stack; only our table remains
And you can iterate over the values as well, possibly doing away with the need of your linked list (but the order of the iteration is non-determinate). Full manual here.
A hashtable is actually only O(1) when there are no keys that have the same hash.
For an easy short version of a hashtable in C look here:

How to use two parameters pointing to the same structure in one function?

I have my code below that consits of a structure, a main, and a function. The function is supposed to display two parameters that have certain values, both of which point to the same structure.
The problem I dont know how to add the SECOND parameter onto the following code :
#define first 500
#define sec 500
struct trial{
int f;
int r;
float what[first][sec];
int trialtest(trial *test);
trial test;
int trialtest(trial *test){
int z,x,i;
return 0;
I need to add a new parameter test_2 there (IN THE SAME FUNCTION) using this code :
How does int trialtest(trial *test) changes ?
and how does it change in main ?
I know that I should declare test_2 as well, like this :
trial test,test_2;
But what about passing the address in the function ? I do not need to edit it right ?
trialtest(&test); --- This will remain the same ?
So please, tell me how would I use test_2 as a parameter pointing to the same structure as test, both in the same function..
Thank you !!
Please tell me if you need more clarification
I think that this is your homework, so I'll just write a different function that may give you an idea of what (I think) you need to do. I read that you don't want to change the trail_test parameter list, so I stuck with a similar parameter list.
struct thing {
/* put some stuff here */
typedef struct thing thing; /* because this is C, not C++ */
int how_many_things(thing * thing_list);
int main(void) {
int i;
thing * a;
int count_init = random(); /* let's surprise ourselves and make a random number of these */
count_init %= 128; /* but not too many or it might not work at all */
a = malloc(count_init*sizeof(things)+1);
for (i = 0; i < count_init; i++) {
make_illegal_thing(&(a[count_init]) ); /* like '\0' at the end of a string */
printf("There are %i things in the list\n", how_many_things(a) );
return 0;
/* This is very similar to strlen */
int how_many_things(thing * a) {
int count = 0;
while (is_legal_thing(a) ) {
return count;
