This question probably has a very obvious answer but how do you map over a list of say, 40 items in an array and show 10 per page, with numbers at the bottom of the page which represent the 4 different pages of the items in the array.
You click the numbers, for example page 2, and you get the next 10 items in the array.
I am using grid and want to display 10 items per page in 2 rows and 5 columns. Do I have to add each page number at the bottom of the page and create click events on each one to load the next ten elements? I know how to split the array into 4 separate ones with splice.
Seems like surely there would be an easier, automated solution.
I want to show only 5 items per page and disable pageSizeOptions but display the navigations so that use can browse through all pages by that navigation keys only.
Use only:
<mat-paginator [pageSize]="5" showFirstLastButtons>
You can use any number instead of 5 as per your need. But in this case user wont be able to change items per page and height of the table will be fixed.
So here I made a class with two properties named Item. I am appending the item in the array but when I run the app I can only see two items: the first one and the last one. I appended five items. I can checkmark all 5 cells but only two items are displaying and one cell is not having a separating line.
This is the simulator image; as you can see no third item is showing but I can still check it and 3rd cell has no separator.
is there a way to set different number of items to display in views that has ajax pager? For example on first load, you have 10 items, after you click loadmore to load another list, you can get 15 items instead.
Thank you for your wisdom!
views show more has this functionality.
I made a Drupal 7 site and I want to limit the number of pictures (multi-value field is a teaser view.)
I want 1 row of 5 thumbnail images.
When I use the Field Multiple Limit to limit the number of images to 5 and use the Grid Field Formatter module to display them in a grid, the result is strange.
image link (my reputation is less then 10, I cannot include images, Sorry.)
The number of displayed images is limited to 5, but it's followed by empty table cells (one of each image).
image link
I tried to solve it by changing the weight of the modules, therefore I installed Grid Field Formatter.
image link
I moved the Field Multiple Limit in front of the Grid Field Formatter module, but nothing changed. The empty cells with css makeup remain visible.
How do I solve this?
Kind greetings,
I have a content type "Example".
I have 15 contents for that content type.I need to create 2 different views.
1st view.) which will be having the recently added/updated contents(Which I got.)
2nd view.) which needs to be with the rest of 10 contents from the 1st view(In simple words the last updated 10 contents from the content type).
#jsheffers's answer is good if your contents are fixed in number.
In case your total varies it couldn't be used. Also it would make old content show up on top which in many case is not the desired one.
so here is my solution.
Create a view to display five items.
Clone the page/block and enable pager or display all items. Now click to open the extra settings of pager or display all items. Here you would get a field where you could input Offset. You can now give an offset of '5' in here and save.
Pasting below the description of Offset as it appear in admin interface.
The number of items to skip. For example, if this field is 3, the
first 3 items will be skipped and not displayed.
Also attaching a screenshot to make it more clearer.
Step 1
Create a view that lists out the 5 most recently updated pieces of content.
Step 2
Create another view that lists out the 10 mosts recently updated pieces of content, and then switch the sort to desc.
The five most recently updated will show in view one and the other 10 will show in the second view. If you want both views to be on the same page, you could add one of the views to the header of the view you would like to be the main page.