Recoil - single atom vs multiple atoms - reactjs

I have an index file that contains a lot of atoms for a wizard I've created.
I thought about moving all the creations -
export const foo1State = atom<string>({
key: "foo1State",
default: "",
export const foo2State = atom<boolean>({
key: "foo2State",
default: false,
into one using JSON -
export const fooStates = atom<fooState>({
key: "fooStates",
default: {
foo1State: string = "",
foo2State: boolean = false,
Is that a better approach?
I'll mention that all that inputs are changing frequently so need to consider the renders.
What do you think?

If you have separate atoms for each state, then you can independently subscribe to each one. If you combine them all into one, a component that renders foo1State will re-render every time you update foo2State and vice versa. This can be problematic if the atom gets really big.
If you don't have any particular reason why you would need to hold foo1State and foo2State in single atom, go with your first approach, and keep them in separate atoms.


Why doesn't useState work with deeply nested objects and arrays in them?

In my use case I have an array of characters, each character has multiple builds, and each build has a weapons string, and artifacts string. I'm making a tool to select portions of each string and assign them to a value, e.g. assigning index 3-49 of weapons to a specific weapon.
const [characterIndices, setCharacterIndices] = useState<
{ builds: { weaponIndices: SE[]; artifactSetIndices: SE[] }[] }[]
>([ => {
return {
builds: [ => {
return {
weaponIndices: [],
artifactSetIndices: [],
The SE type is as follows:
type SE = { start: number; end: number; code: string };
//start and end are the respective start and end of selected text
//code is the specific artifact or weapon
The weaponIndices and artifactSetIndices basically hold the start and end of selected text in a readonly textarea.
I have a function to add a SE to either weaponIndices or artifactSetIndices:
const addSE = (
type: "weaponIndices" | "artifactSetIndices",
{ start, end, code }: SE,
characterIndex: number,
buildIndex: number
) => {
let chars = characterIndices;
chars[characterIndex].builds[buildIndex][type].push({ start, end, code });
setCharacterIndices((_prev) => chars);
I think that using a console log after using a set function isn't recommended, but it does show what it's intended to the weaponIndices, or artifactSetIndices after an entry is added.
Passing the addSE function alongside characterIndices to a separate component, and using addSE, does print the respective indices after adding an entry, but the component's rendering isn't updated.
It only shows up when I "soft reload" the page, when updating the files during the create-react-app live reload via npm run start.
In case you are confused about what the data types are, I've made a github repo, at at src/data.json. That JSON file describes what the character data looks like, including the builds, and each build's weapons and artifacts(called artifact_sets in the JSON)
Looks to me you are not updating the state at all.
Here you are just storing the same object reference that you already have in state into a new variable chars.
let chars = characterIndices;
chars now holds reference to a same object as characterIndices.
Here you are mutating that same object
chars[characterIndex].builds[buildIndex][type].push({ start, end, code });
And here you are updating the state to the same object that is already in the state. Notice that no state update here occurs.
setCharacterIndices((_prev) => chars);
Object you have in state is mutated, but you did not "change" the value of the state, thus no component re-render.
What you could maybe do is create a copy of the object, mutate that and update the state. just change chars assignment like this:
let chars = {...characterIndices};
React often compares values using only to a single level of nesting (the tested object and its children).
It will not re-render if the parent is found equal, or if all the children are found equal.
React then considers that nothing has changed.
In your implementation, even the first top-level check will immediately fail, since, after) will return true.
You could use an Immutable objects approach to eliminate this concern when setting a new state (either directly through spreading values or with a support library such as Immer).
For example instead of setting the values within the object...
myObj.key = newChildObj would make a new object, which preserves many of the previous values.
myObj === {...myObj, key: newChildObj}
This means that every changed object tree is actually a different object (with only the bits that haven't changed being preserved).
To read more about this see

How to manage large datasets with RecoilJS in React?

I have a React app that currently uses around fifty variables stored in the Context API. I would like to try using Recoil as an alternative but I have a question. Do I have to, and is it best practice to, store each variable in its own atom; and then import it individually each time I need to use it?
With Context I can just do:
const [appState, setAppState] = useState({
var1: "string",
var2: "string2",
var3: false,
var4: 23,
and then use appState and setAppState as the value in my Context provider. Defining and importing fifty individual atoms is a bit daunting. Granted I won't be using all fifty at the same time but it still seems a step back after using Context.
With Recoil I would have to:
export const var1 = atom({key: "var1", default: "string",})
export const var2 = atom({key: "var2", default: "string",})
and then:
import { var1, var2, var3, ... } from './RecoilAtoms'
Is there a better way to do this?
You can of course just save it in one atom:
const appState = atom({
key: 'appState',
default: {
var1: "string",
var2: "string2",
var3: false,
var4: 23,
// ...
I am not sure what you mean by "Is there a better way". My guess is, that you are referring to a monolithic solution, but the whole point of recoil is to split up your global monolithic state and just use it in an atomic fashion. Otherwise there is no real benefit in using recoil.
So yes, I would split it up in several atoms.

React-Redux state not updating as expected—am I mutating reducer arguments?

thanks in advance for your attention with this (I believe) very basic question. I'm working on building my first "full-stack" application, and am running into something I can't quite wrap my head around with React-Redux. A brief explanation of the project: users can submit band idea names, and up or down vote others' submissions. Now, I believe that my problem is I'm not interacting with the state appropriately in my reducer dealing with MODIFY_BAND_SCORE actions. Here's the git repository, and I'll also copy and paste my store reducers here:
export const store = createStore(
bands(bands = defaultState.bands, action) {
switch (action.type) {
case mutations.CREATE_BAND:
return [
owner: action.owner,
score: 0,
flags: 0,
case mutations.MODIFY_BAND_SCORE:
let targetBandIndex = bands.findIndex(
(band) => === action.bandID
let targetBand = bands.splice(targetBandIndex, 1)[0];
targetBand.score = targetBand.score + action.value;
bands.splice(targetBandIndex, 0, targetBand);
return bands;
return bands;
users(users = defaultState.users, action) {
return users;
applyMiddleware(createLogger(), sagaMiddleware)
Hopefully that's enough context to make informed suggestions about what's going on here—my apologies for not having a truly minimal working example for this! The behavior I'm seeing from Redux-Logger when I dispatch an action of type MODIFY_BAND_SCORE is that I am (in a way) seeing the change reflected in that the correct band is having its score modified by the correct amount, but it is showing somehow in the previous and next states! Here's a screenshot:
I feel like I've maybe made this post longer than what it needs to be, am I correct in thinking that in my case for mutations.MODIFY_BAND_SCORE I'm actually modifying the state directly? This is probably occurring with my calling of .splice() on bands isn't it?
Like Siddharth mentioned,
let copyOfBands = [...bands]
will create a copy for you. It's important to remember that one of the key parts of Redux is that the store is read-only. It can be easy to forget that when dealing with non-primitive data (I've certainly done that a bunch), but you should always try to remember to make copies of the data, modify the copy, and then push the copy to store. This helps prevent you from getting really weird and hard to debug errors.
It is important to remember that the spread operator here will creates a shallow copy of the array, which means if you have other non-primitive objects inside the array (such as other arrays), you will have to copy those as well.

Redux selector on many to many

React + Redux recommend saving data normalized and using selectors to get derived data. So in our store we save Users and Tags which have a many to many relationship.
type Store = {
entities: {
users: User[];
tags: Tag[];
userTagMapping: { userId: string, tagId: string }[]
And in our view we want to show some derived data for this many to many relation-ship. For example we want to calculate the total users with some tag or the online-users with some tag. Right now we solved this using rselect. The only problem is that calculating these things becomes quite tedious. For example we have a selector which returns a map from a tag-id to a list of users to show which users belong to this tag (and vice versa a selector from user-id to tag list).
const selectUsersPerTag = createSelector(
selectUsers, selectTags, selectUserTagMapping,
(users, tags, mapping) => {
let result = {};
for (const tag on tags) {
const isUserMappedToTag = user => ({userId, tagId}) => userId == && tagId ===
result[] = users.filter(user => mapping.some(isUserMappedToTag(user)))
return result
and in my opinion this looks quite ugly and is a bit too hard to read for my taste.
My questions are:
Are we understanding the recommendations correctly (to use normalization and selectors)?
Is using a map the correct way to process our data and show it in the view or is there a better way? I am asking because this basically copies our data (slightly modified) many times into the props of our React components
Is there a nicer way to do this mapping (which is basically a SQL like join)? Because I really don't like this imperative approach and would find a functional one much nicer.

Should I store static configuration in redux?

I am building a react/redux web app and am wondering where I should static configuration information that never changes (while the webapp is running anyway).
This is the data in question
This information is used in different parts of the app, for example: there is a form where you are able to select any item out of the main array, and by doing so populating another select field with properties of the selected array:
<select>Choose an exchange</select>
<select>Choose a market (that is available in the above exchange)</select>
This would lend itself nicely to some reducer logic (that sets based on what is selected in the first select), but should it filter based on other state in the tree, or just load the data in a closure inside the reducer (keeping everything unrelated outside of state tree)? Or is this not state at all (and should the container load this file in and filter based on a single state prop)?
When the form is filled in the result will be handled like:
{exchange: 'a', market: 'b'}
So that would be state too (I guess?)
My understanding of redux is that we should only be storing stateful data in the store, that is, data that is subject to change. Static data by definition does not have state, and therefore does not need to be tracked as such.
As a result, I typically have a /common/app-const.js file where I store these types of static objects. In your case, you can simply move all the static data from exchange.js into a common file that you then import wherever you need it.
export default {
markets: [
{ pair: ['USD', 'BTC'], minimalOrder: { amount: 0.01, unit: 'asset' } },
{ pair: ['RUR', 'BTC'], minimalOrder: { amount: 0.01, unit: 'asset' } },
{ pair: ['EUR', 'BTC'], minimalOrder: { amount: 0.01, unit: 'asset' } },
I understand your approach however, it would be nice to simply inject your data, by way of connect() via react-redux, however its a bit more straightforward to just import the static data from a file where needed.
