Getting object not found when compiling models in dbt cloud vs Snowflake - snowflake-cloud-data-platform

I am trying to use DBT Cloud to create derived views in Snowflake.
The underlying tables in Snowflake are themselves views that have been shared with me via the.
However, when I try to preview a super basic model:
I keep getting into the error:
Server error: Database Error in rpc request (from remote system)
002003 (42S02): SQL compilation error:
Object 'xxxx' does not exist or not authorized.
I've tweeked privileges and other things, but I can't figure the right configuration to get this working.
Any ideas?


DBeaver Denodo data access issue: 'user does not have EXECUTE privileges'

I am managing to connect to data in my organisation via Denodo Design Studio fine, but when I try to do it through DBeaver, I get the following error: SQL Error [20100] [HY000]: The user does not have EXECUTE privileges on the view XXXX
Any idea where I should look to fix this? I am just doing a simple SELCT * FROM XXXX table query for a small table.
I also have no issues connecting to the database, and can navigate the schemas and see the table/view names.
Using Denodo denodo-vdp-jdbcdriver-8.0-update-20220815 via the DBeaver Denodo connector.

Snowflake - Querying External Table from Tableau

I am trying to use the Snowflake connector in Tableau to query an external Snowflake table.
I cannot see the external table in the list of all tables on the left pane in Tableau (only regular Snowflake tables), so I have tried to pull from the external table using SQL.
Running this from the Snowflake site gets me the contents of the external table:
select * from EXTERNAL_TABLE_NAME;
Running the same from the "New Custom SQL" dialog in Tableau's Snowflake connector gets me this:
SQL compilation error: Object 'EXTERNAL_TABLE_NAME' does not exist or not authorized.
I also tried the following:
...which gets me: SQL compilation error: Object does not exist, or operation cannot be performed.
Any thoughts on what I can do to get this to work? I don't think it is a permissioning issue because I am using the same account to auth in Tableau as I am on the Snowflake website.
I'm guessing that I simply need to do a better job pointing to the location where the external table is, but I can't figure it out.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Looks like this is a deeper permissioning issue that I will have to resolve with our Snowflake admin. I was able to pull to Tableau from an external Snowflake table successfully using a different ROLE and DATABASE, so marking this resolved.

Setting up Azure SQL data sync's sync group

I just tried setting up Azure SQL data sync's sync group using sample Azure SQL database. I am syncing dbo.BuildVersion table of the sample database.
I get the following error on member database.
Database provisioning failed with the exception "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'NOT'.Inner exception: SqlException ID: 39f49622-6a56-4a44-8e55-2a646f99a584, Error Code: -2146232060 - SqlError Number:156, Message: SQL error with code 156 For more information, provide tracing ID ‘679953bc-7dac-4490-89e9-ea6d145d0442’ to customer support."
How should I resolve this issue?
I am able to resolve this issue by creating empty table in the member database first and then running the sync.
Does Sync service not create table when table does not exist in the member database?
It does create it, however, under certain circumstances it fails to create it do to some issue with the schema itself. Therefore, the workaround, as you figured out, is to create the table manually.

Error reading View in PlayFab Shared Database: "Object 'REPORT_PRIMARY.PUBLIC.ACCOUNT_MAPPER' does not exist or not authorized."

We have a Snowflake database that connects to a Shared View from PlayFab (for game events etc.) Stored procedures run daily via scheduled tasks to copy the latest data from the view into our own 'local' Snowflake table. It's been working fine, but today we're getting the following error trying to read from the PlayFab View:
Error: 100183: SQL compilation error: Failure during expansion of view 'PLAYFAB_ARCHIVE_SHARED': SQL compilation error: Object 'REPORT_PRIMARY.PUBLIC.ACCOUNT_MAPPER' does not exist or not authorized.
I can't find any mention of the error number or REPORT_PRIMARY.PUBLIC.ACCOUNT_MAPPER in the documentation. I believe error 100183 relates to a problem in a stored procedure, but I don't think it's my procedure, since I get the same error running a simple query from the PLAYFAB_ARCHIVE_SHARED view manually. I've checked the data from the PlayFab side, and it exists there. I'm not really sure whether the problem is Snowflake or PlayFab, but because of the error code, I suspect Snowflake.
I'm trying to get a direct support answer, but that doesn't seem to be happening for some reason. Anybody experienced this before?
PlayFab had mistakenly removed access to the view. Snowflake support confirmed that they could not find the view REPORT_PRIMARY.PUBLIC.ACCOUNT_MAPPER. After contacting PlayFab support, they re-enabled the shared view and Snowflake access is now working again.
In past I have faced similar error on view, Its because of the access could you run grant access on the stored procedure to your role.

Error while creating database on OrientDB

When I use the following command to create a database in OrientDB 2.0.10,
CREATE DATABASE plocal:../databases/pincode admin admin plocal
I get the following error.
Creating database [plocal:../databases/pincode] using the storage type [plocal]...
Error: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.exception.ODatabaseException: Cannot create database 'pincode'
Error: com.orientechnologies.orient.core.command.OCommandExecutorNotFoundException:Cannot find a command executor for the command request: count(*) from ORole where name.type() not in ["STRING"] and name is not null
I get the same error if i try to create the database this way,
CREATE DATABASE remote:localhost/pincode root password plocal
I have connected to the remote server in both cases.
Similar error of command executor not found, pops up even when I try to connect to the database.
Can someone help tell me where I'm going wrong?
