Please help me to solve this issue to use hot reload in simulator.
my JAVA_HOME is not pointing to this path. Where can I set this in simulator?
not pointing to this path. Where can I set this in simulator?
The IDE settings for maven are different from the ones in the system. See this answer:
Make sure the right JDK is used. Also check the build settings globally for maven and make sure the right JDK is set there. Make sure the project itself has the right JDK set on it.
I'm trying to install react-native app on ios emulator but i have an error say it have no podlock, so i find solution here No `Podfile' found in the project directory
but i ran into a problem when i try to pod install in ios folder, it show like this
Please help, i'm totally new to mac, i never using mac before, thank a lots
There are some Libraries that break with pods with arm-64 MacBook pro's. I have faced the same issues while setting up with React-Native. You can duplicate your terminal and enable the open with the Rosseta option. This option will run the pods using the Rosetta emulation. There are still many libraries that break on the new MacBook Pro.
You can follow this link for adding a duplicate terminal that uses Rosetta: Adding Rosseta Terminal
I solved, it turns out this folder is read-only, don't know why but it was a document folder, I move the project to the top level of the document, like document/project, and it works, but place project in document/a/b/c/project it not work, so weird, still looking for an answer.
I fixed it by running pod install with the parameter --project-direcotry=~/<path-to-my-project> like this:
pod install --project-directory=~/<path-to-my-project>
Also, if you need to run npx install-expo-modules, could be achive by it:
npx install-expo-modules ~/<path-to-my-project>
Apparently, the simple fact to set relative path solved it ;)
I am trying to install an app with react native cli but get the
ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not set and no 'java' command could be found in
your PATH.
Please set the JAVA_HOME variable in your environment to match the
location of your Java installation. Could not install the app on the
device, read the error above for details. Make sure you have an
Android emulator running or a device connected and have set up your
Android development environment:
And frankly this is sooo ofrustrating... Never had an issue with ionic or cordova nor android studio but infortunally, I need some native functions for my app...
Here is a background, at first the app was installing, I even was able to run hot reload on it then out of nowhere, without any change on the computer, I get this message whenever I try :react-native run-android".... I followed exactly what's on facebook github page but got this error... So i tried running a simple app on android studio and it worked...
Can someone have solution and also why this is happening out of nowhere?
Oh, I forgot right before I got this error, for some reason, I had to reinstall npm because nodeJs was not recognizing the npm command anymore
Ps : I even uninstall then reinstall android studio, uninstalled react-native-cli and reinstalling it, uninstalled react-native-create-project, reinstalled npm.
Check like this maybe this is the issue I guess:
1.Open the App that u have created using create-react-native-app or react-native init appName in android studio
It will be something like: appName>android>local properties(SDK location)
2.If u use windows pc/laptop then go to my computer right click for properties>advanced system settings click on that and find the environmental variables
and check if they are matching
Well, I got tired of it since none of the solutions on the web worked, I just wiped out my computer, reinstalled windows, got rid of all the non needed programs, reinstalled android SDK, java, react and... Still got this error... So I set JAVA_HOME (thanks youtube) and now it is working.
I have downloaded BluetoothDemo from I created APK file using codename one build server and install it on my android mobile. Its not working. Is there any way to fix it?
Can I run the same from netbeans using AVD manager or something similar to that so that I can debug it myself?
If I started bluetooth manually, following is error on mobile phone on click of initialize or start scan option-
Error snapshot attached
You need to also add the cn1lib and install it using the codenameone-refresh cn1libs action
If you are running Android 7.x. you will also need to make sure that 'Location' is enabled in the App settings, otherwise the behaviour will be exactly the same as described in the question. See this comment. Codenameone provides a setting for permissions in their build hints with ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION but that does not seem to work on my Nexus 6P with Android 7.1. I had to enable it manually.
As mentioned in the title I'm running Drupal 7.12. I'm having a little trouble with the Captcha module however. I can install and enable it without any problems. However when I go to "admin/config/people/captcha" the setting for the captcha module don't show up. Instead it shows the menu for "admin/config/people". If I go to my modules page to look at my installed modules it shows that captcha is installed. However if I click on the configure link associated with the captcha module it takes me to "admin/config/people". I've cleared my drupal and browser cache. Still nothing. I'm at my wits end what to do. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Try disabling the module then uninstalling/re-enabling (Do not just disable it UNINSTALL it) the module. If that doesn't work it must be an issue with some other module or code. Make sure you run update.php as well.
Thanks for responding. I tried all that. I finally figured it out though. It was a database issue. I deleted all my modules. Then I had to run this: Then I reinstalled all my modules. After I did that everything worked fine!
I just created a .jsp file in my google app engine project. How to resolve the below error.
Description Resource Path Location Type
Your project must be configured to use a JDK in order to use JSPs
/Proj1/war Unknown Google App Engine Problem
Kindly let me know.
it is the error. In order to compile jsp you need a jdk installed in your system. If you are running on a JRE you will get this error. Also make sure that your project has been configured with a jdk in it's path.
For sake of improving answers
stack over flow reference
.jsp file not working for Google App Engine guestbook tutorial
the accepted answer was a year ago
updated answer from reference
In the end I seem to have wasted my bounty as I found the solution (with a little help) myself.
The problem arose because I was unfamiliar with Eclipse. When I found the more verbose error message Your project must be configured to use a JDK in order to use JSPs guestbook.jsp.
It was located in a tab called 'Markers' in pane found at the bottom of the Eclipse window.
It seems that Eclipse wasn't aware that I had installed the JDK.
In Eclipse I went to menu Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs . Eclipse had only one entry there named jre6 I clicked the Add... button Chose Standard VM and browsed to the base directory of the jdk (in my case C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20)
I rebuilt my project but the same error was there. I had forgotten to check the box that tells Eclipse to use the jdk instead of the jre.
As soon as I did that Eclipse rebuilt my project and the error was gone.
To solve this problem, first please confirm that JDK is already install on your computer. If it not available, go to Oracle JDK hompage to download and install it.
Then follow some steps to config JDK.
When JDK is configured, return eclipse and build project if you still get current error, I decide you are using JRE instead JDK. Choose Prefrences - Java - Install JRE - Un-check JRE and check JDK
Rebuild project
Hope this help!
Set JDK as your Installed JREs in Eclipse.
In Eclipse Window->Preference->Java->Installed JREs
Click on Add Button | Select VM ->Add JRE
Select Folder of jdk as "JRE Home" Directory.
Click OK.
Build your GAE Project
For those who use Ubuntu and OpenJDK, and may come here looking for help on the same issue: EVEN when it is called Open*JDK* (i.e. java-6-openjdk) actually you may have installed only the JRE part since they are on different packages, so you need to install also the JDK. For version 6 this is done via:
$ sudo apt-get install openjdk-6-jdk
Note that you may have yet an openjdk-6-jre in your system.
If your problem persist, you must sure that in your project use JDK library. Go to your project->click right->Build Path->Configure Build Path->Add library->JRE System Library->Select "Workspace default JRE (jdk1...)"->Finish, and in "Order and Export" UP your JDK Library above JRE Library. When you save your proyect it´s ok.