Add via graph explorer - azure-active-directory
I was looking at the above doc. How do I create a user of type in Azure Active Directory on a demo tenant?

AFAIK , No Graph API support for Exchange objects and operations
You have to use PowerShell , kindly use - Set-Place
please see doc -
Hope this helps


Azure Active Directory - Scopes - Localisation

When you're defining a new scope (under "Expose an api") in an app registration, then you can fill out the scope's title and description.
Is there any way to localise / translate this? So that end-users can see the consent request in their own language?
I can't seem to find anything on the subject in the microsoft docs.
Thank you!
Adding localized names and descriptions is not currently possible. It's something that's planned, but no timeline to share at the moment.

Exchange API missing from Supported Legacy APIs

I am currently trying to follow the steps listed here:
However to add the delegated permission I need (EWS.AccessAsUser.All), the author suggests you should
"Select Add a permission. On the Request API permissions page, select Exchange under Supported legacy APIs."
This worked a few months back when I tried it in a prototype but the whole Exchange API under the "Legacy APIs" section appears to have been removed.
I can not find any mention of this anywhere on GitHub, SO or MSDN.
Please note some of the functionality I need is not yet supported in Microsoft Graph so using that API is not currently an option for me.
Any help would be appreciated.
I found out to my surprise that now you will need to search it within the "APIs my organization uses" by the name : Office 365 Exchange Online. You will be able to assign the necessary permission afterwards.

Microsoft Graph API - Azure AD Connect - extensionAttribute

When I try querying extensionAttribute with Graph API (Hybrid Exchange), I cannot get any value.
E.g., if I try:<userid or upn>?$select=extensionAttribute2, I cannot see the value even I know it’s there.
Do you know how to get it properly (or a workaround)?
Thank you
Are these values synced to Azure Active Directory? All properties for the AAD User can be found in the Microsoft Graph API docs here :
It sounds like these are being synced from an AAD Connect environment, so it's most likely you are trying to get the onPremisesExtensionAttributes.
Per the description:
Contains extensionAttributes 1-15 for the user. Note that the individual extension attributes are neither selectable nor filterable. For an onPremisesSyncEnabled user, this set of properties is mastered on-premises and is read-only. For a cloud-only user (where onPremisesSyncEnabled is false), these properties may be set during creation or update.
I suggest taking a look more thoroughly through the documentation in regards to this. In addition to that, as you mentioned Exchange, note that the custom attributes from exchange are the same as the extension attributes. For more info on this see :
This is a separate sort of "Extension Attribute" but I figured I would include this in the answer as well. There is a different extensibility section for the Microsoft Graph, and the docs on this can be found here :
If you see information on these extensions, know that this is separate from the on-prem extensions.

Terraform azuread_application seems to be missing arguments

I am automating my Azure Active Directory application.
If I look at the manifest in Azure I can see a lot more items than are available in the Terraform => azuread_application.
For example, I want to set the oauth2Permissions:
Or I want to set the accessTokenAcceptedVersion to 2 here:
But Terraform only seems to export these items:
So, the reason for this question is, what is best practice for creating an Azure AD Application Via Terraform?
Is the azuread_application one of those resource (like a azurerm_function_app) where some things are just not available to do via Terraform
Or am I expected to use Terraform in combination with a script like PowerShell?
Thanks in Advance.
some of the things are not possible with terraform, nothing you can really do about that except implementing it yourself and submitting a PR. You can use terraform in combination with powershell\az cli script to perform configurations that are not possible with it yet.

GoogleApps Provisioning API to move a user from one organization to another

i have a use case to move a user from one Organization to another. The Api i am using is provisioning API. Managing Org Users gave an example for lab. Can anybody please share more info on what jar's need to be used to implement this. My rest of code is able to manage the other user functionallity.
My Code is in java
I am using jars gdata-appsforyourdomain, gdata-client, gdata-core and gdata-collect. These jars dont have any API's to manage the organizations with users. It would be great help if any one can share docs or any sample data on this use-case. Thanks
I was able to figure out the way by going through the source code of the labs and deployed the same.
AppsPropertyService service=new AppsPropertyService(applicationName);
GenericEntry entry = new GenericEntry();
entry.addProperty("orgUnitPath", newOrg);
service.update(new URL(""+cutomerId+"/"+MailIdofUserToBeMoved), entry);
customerid- is the unique key of the admin.
