Create a hidden AAD group - azure-active-directory

How do I create a hidden AAD group (number of users should be listed as 0) in a demo tenant?
I created a hidden group via
New-UnifiedGroup -DisplayName "group-name" HiddenGroupMembershipEnabled
but I still see all the members in the group. What am I missing?

To create hidden Azure AD Group, you can make use of below command:
New-AzureADMSGroup -DisplayName "Group_Name" -groupTypes "Unified" -Visibility "HiddenMembership" -SecurityEnabled $False -MailEnabled $True -MailNickname "mail_name"
Make sure to have AzureADPreview module installed before running the above command.
If you created Azure AD group with "HiddenMembership", the valid users who can see that group members are:
Group Owner.
Group Members.
Users who have admin roles.
Other than the above, if anyone tried to fetch the group members, they won't get any list of group members (same as 0 users).
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the below results:
I created one Azure AD group with "HiddenMembership" and added few members using below script:
New-AzureADMSGroup -DisplayName "HiddenMem_Group" -Description "Hidden Members Group" -groupTypes "Unified" -Visibility "HiddenMembership" -SecurityEnabled $False -MailEnabled $True -MailNickname "hide_mem"
Add-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId "GroupID" -RefObjectId "User_ObjectID"
Please note that, the user who created group will be Group Owner of that group by default like below:
As Testdemo is Group Owner, he can get the list of group members using command like below:
Get-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId <Group_ObjectID>
When a normal user with no admin roles and not a member of that group runs the same command, he won't get any response (same as 0 users) like below:
Get-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId <Group_ObjectID>
New-AzureADMSGroup (AzureAD) | Microsoft Docs


Getting Domain for User with DSQuery | DSGet

Using DSQuery and DSGet to get user attributes that are needed to make accounts (not associated with their Windows account). The current command I've got is:
dsquery * -filter "(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectclass=User)(" | dsget user -samid -fn -ln -office -email > user.txt
which gets me all the information I need except the domain the user is associated with. There's the attribute in AD called User logon name (pre-Windows 2000) (first box), but as far as I can tell DSGet doesn't return that. I know the DSQuery can get me the groups the user is in but I'm not sure if there's an easy (one-liner) that can get the info needed. Any guidance or help is appreciated.
There is no attribute User logon name (pre-Windows 2000) in Attribute Editor so there is another way we can get the user logon name using distinguish name (DN) and UPN(User logon Name)
please use the below command to get the DN
This is for user
dsquery * -filter "(&(objectCategory=Person)(objectclass=user)(" | dsget user "CN=RahulShaw,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com" -samid -fn -ln -office -email -DN -UPN > Ansuman.txt
This is under Domain Users
dsquery * -filter "(&(objectCategory=Group)(objectclass=group)(" | dsget group "CN=Domain Users,CN=Users,DC=microsoft,DC=com" -samid -DN > ipsita.txt

Unable to add a group as a owner to another group in Azure AD

We want to add admin group as a owner to all other groups. When we tried to add via powershell command we got below error
'Group' is invalid for the 'owners' reference
It's not support to add a group as a owner to all other groups currently.
You could use Get-AzureADGroupMember to get a list of the group member and then foreach them to add all the members as owners of other groups.
An example:
$adgms = Get-AzureADGroupMember -ObjectId "{objectId of the admin group}" -All $true
foreach($adgm in $adgms){
Add-AzureADGroupOwner -ObjectId "{objectId of the target group}" -RefObjectId $adgm.ObjectId

Get List of servers part of AD group

How is it possible to get the list of servers which are assigned to a group or nested group?
Group A is assigned to the server A.Group B is assigned to server B.
User1 and user2 is a member of Group12. Then group12 is added as a member of Group A and Group B.
Now I want to get the list of servers user1 and user2 has access.
I am able to retrieve the groups each user is member of. But still I do not know which servers are added to Group12 for example.
Expected Outcome
Some command -GroupID Group12
Output --> ServerA and Server2
Some command -UserName user1
Output --> ServerA and ServerB
From what I could understand from your query, you want to retrieve the members of groups in AD.
You can use the PowerShell cmdlet Get-ADGroupMember to query the members of a group, as shown below:
# you need to have RSAT (Remote Server Administration Tools) module installed
# on the system where you're going to run below cmdlets in PowerShell
Import-Module ActiveDirectory
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "GroupA" -Recursive # to get members of Group A
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "GroupB" -Recursive # to get members of Group B
Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Group12" -Recursive # to get members of Group 12

Postgres permission denied for relation <table>

I'm trying to learn Postgres and Ive made two basic tables and I can't join them together.
here is my list Of relations:
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | login | table | postgres
public | login_id_seq | sequence | postgres
public | users | table | test
(3 rows)
When I use the command
SELECT * FROM users JOIN login ON =;
I get
ERROR: permission denied for relation login
I have no idea what to do or what I did wrong.
You should grant the SELECT permission to user test:
GRANT SELECT ON login TO test;
If if might allow test to modify login, you should grant other permissions as well:
You should execute these statements as database owner or as user postgres. In general, you can use
psql -Upostgres -dtest
if you're running this command on the same machine where the Postgres server is running.
You may also change the ownership of login to test:
ALTER SEQUENCE login_id_seq OWNER TO test;
But have to execute this as user postgres as well.
Edit: You can try to change the user with
SET ROLE 'postgres';
as suggested by #lat long.
So this is what I did to finally get it to work...I basically just went into the login properties on pgAdmin4, found the owner and switched it to test and ran:
SELECT * FROM users JOIN login ON =;
and finally got what I was looking for. Surprisingly a simple fix.
The "test" user doesn't have permission to login and use the related tables. Run the query with the "postgres" user:
SET ROLE 'postgres';
Then run your query.

How to add an attribute to an LDAP schema

I am trying to add a new attribute named sAMAccountName to an already existing LDAP schema definition which is read by IM-LDAP using UnboundID LDAP SDK.
I have added an attributeTypes entry and sAMAccountName to matchingRuleUse.
attributeTypes: ( NAME 'sAMAccountName' DESC 'MS Sec Principal User' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE NO-USER-MODIFICATION USAGE directoryOperation )
matchingRuleUse: ( NAME 'distinguishedNameMatch' APPLIES ( creatorsName $ ... $ sAMAccountName ) )
For every previously existing attribute a call to com.unboundid.ldap.sdk.schema.Schema.getAttributeType("attrName") returns the attribute type. But not for my new attribute.
What am I missing?
Edited 10/11/18 after #jwilleke comment:
What I am trying to achieve is a mock using IM-LDAP for a very limited functionality of an Active Directory server.
In the actual AD production environment, there are entries representing users with objectClass: person, organizationalPerson,simulatedMicrosoftSecurityPrincipal.
In AD these entries contain sAMAccountName and memberof attributes.
But they are not there in the schema that comes with IM-LDAP.
The authentication Java code first performs a search on
Then if an entry in found, it checks whether a given security group name is present in the multivalued attribute memberof.
An entry exported from the production AD server looks like this :
dn: cn=Smith\,John,ou=User Accounts,dc=ACME,dc=CORE,dc=INT
changetype: add
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: simulatedMicrosoftSecurityPrincipal
cn: Smith,John
sn: JohnS
sAMAccountName: JohnS
userPassword: johnspasswd
memberof: ou=Service Accounts,dc=ACME,dc=CORE,dc=INT
The two new attributes are added to objectClass simulatedMicrosoftSecurityPrincipal in the schema by adding:
objectClasses: ( NAME 'simulatedMicrosoftSecurityPrincipal' DESC 'MSSecurityPrincipal' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST sAMAccountName MAY memberof )
But when I try to import these entries into the LDAP mock I get an error telling me that sAMAccountName and memberof are not defined.
attributeTypes: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.221 NAME 'sAMAccountName' SYNTAX '' SINGLE-VALUE )
Wokrked for adding sAMAccountName, but still trying to figure out how to add memeberOf
Here is the complete .ldif file.
This is what finally worked for me
objectClasses: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.5.6 NAME 'microsoftSecurityPrincipal' DESC 'MS SecurityPrincipal' SUP top AUXILIARY MUST ( sAMAccountName $ memberOf ) )
attributeTypes: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.4.221 NAME 'sAMAccountName' SYNTAX '' SINGLE-VALUE )
attributeTypes: ( 1.2.840.113556.1.2.102 NAME 'memberOf' SYNTAX )
