SalesForce Visualforce email template Apex Controller - salesforce

I have an assignment.
I need to send to different contacts the participants associated with it using visualforce template in pdf format.
I know how send email to different recipients, but i dont know how to send with different text. When I do SOQL in my controller I have List of List (Contacts and Participants) but how send to different contacts with different text body i dont know

Visualforce email template can't have an apex controller like say a vf page. BUT it can include a vf component - and that component can have controller and accept parameters!
It's bit trickier than usual because you'd need to move some logic to getter but it's doable. Make a component, pass to it "related to.Id" or something and it'll work
There's my ancient answer if you're still stuck, overcomplicated for what you need but hey, gives some ideas.
Remember that each such email + component + controller will count to limit of soqls. If it uses 1 query (gimme participants for this contact id) - that's max 100 emails in single transaction.


condtionally render the content in vf pag email template in salesforce

Depending upon account type( personal, commercial) need to render welcome message in VF page with if condition.
for commercial account
for personal account
Dear {!relatedTo.FirstName},
how to render the given requirement with if condition in vf page.
Dear {!IF(relatedTo.isPersonAccount, relatedTo.FirstName, relatedTo.Name)} for simple things. If you have bigger blocks of text - most VF tags have rendered attribute to turn them on and off.
That's a weird requirement though. "Dear Four Seasons Total Landscaping..." ;)
Who do you send it to when it's a company? Maybe use recipientType="Contact" and then recipient.FirstName?

Variable value for Amount for Salesforce opportunity API

I'm working on a Magento website. In that, after the customer is done with adding products to the cart he fills a form and once the form is submitted, form data along with product details like SKU, price is sent to Salesforce to create a new opportunity.
The API is working and the Data is going to salesforce, but the issue is that the same product can have different prices based on certain conditions.
the new amount going to salesforce but on the salesforce side, the new amount is not reflecting but the amount when the product is created for the first time is coming.
is there any way to make the amount a variable field so the new amount reflects?
below is an image of the opportunity and the JSON data I'm sending.
{"StageName":"New Opportunity","Name":"test","CloseDate":"2021-06-04","What_are_you_interested_in__c":"Purchase New Trailer","Product_JSON__c":"[{\"Name\":\"Large Trailers\",\"Sku\":\"large-trailers-rent\",\"Quantity\":1,\"Price\":\"1301.0400\"}]","Purchase_Delivery_Contact_Phone__c":"123","On_Site_Contact_Email__c":"","Mailing_Street__c":"test-12","Delivery_Street__c":"","Qty__c":"1","X66969__c":0,"First_Name__c":"test-12","Last_Name__c":"test-12"}
This request looks weird. Vanilla Salesforce doesn't need hacks like a text field to hold serialised JSON in it (Product_JSON__c).
Where do you send it? Normal POST to something like services/data/v51.0/sobjects/Opportunity or some custom endpoint (it'd have "/apexrest" in the URL). Even if it goes to normal endpoint - I guess there's trigger that deserialises this Product_JSON__c and creates OpportunityLineItems out of it. You'll have to chat with developer responsible for that trigger, we can't tell what's going on in there.
In general yes, it's possible to have variable prices. You (or that developer) have to read up about OpportunityLineItem. There's ListPrice,UnitPrice,TotalPrice,Discount, lots of choices to do this right and report properly on the discounts! And there are tips like
Creating an OpportunityLineItem increments the Opportunity Amount
value by the TotalPrice of the OpportunityLineItem
There are ways to do it properly, insert header (Opportunity) and line items in one go, without such hacks. See

Sales Force sending email to non user with template from custom object

I'm need to create email in Sales Force with the recipient as a custom object rather than a User, Contact or Person. Unfortunately, it appears my client has created a custom object for the entity we need to contact.
I tried several methods in the UI and they have all ended up needing a User or Contact record to succeed.
I'm now using APEX code in a trigger, it also requires a User, but I have managed to get past that using this work around: Sending Emails in Salesforce to Non-Contacts Using Apex
Now I need to pass my custom object into the Email Template to get the merge fields from it.
I believe setWhatId is the correct approach, but it returns "Invalid entity type for whatId".
Not sure where to turn now....
In short, I have a custom object that is not a user or a contact, but it does have a related custom object with an email address field (also not user or contact).
I need to send an email to the email address recorded on the related custom object passing the custom object to the template to gain its merge fields.
Any help or guidance would be much appreciated. Can I even do this?
Best Regards,
From your comment and without knowing much more, the relationship traversal should look like this:
Contact c = [select id, Email from Contact where limit 1];
Assuming that the email address field is on a parent object you dont need to do this with code you can probably do this using a Visualforce Email template and the relatedTo set to the object with the details you want to use as merge fields. That way you can use it in workflow or process builder or flows without the need for code

How can I set the approvers for all steps in an approval process?

I have an approval process with three steps, all of which are set to Assigned Approver = Manually Chosen. When the user submits the record for approval, I'd like to have Apex code determine who the three approvers are. However, I don't see a way to hook into the approve request submission.
If I submit the approval with Apex Using Approval.process(), I can set the initial (and only the initial) approver with ProcessSubmitRequest.setNextApproverIds(). This call leads you to believe you can specify multiple approvers since it takes an array of Ids, but the array can only have 1 element, or else runtime a error occurs.
Once I know what the first approver's response is, I can use Apex to submit her response and, again, set the immediately next approver by passing a ProcessWorkitemRequest instance to Approval.process(). An important note here is that the approver must not approve via the standard UI. Instead, they must do something that invokes the Apex code so that we can set who the next approve should be. A trigger on the object under review, or a custom button + VF page could be used to invoke the Apex.
My main question is, how can I make sure that the user does not use the standard approval buttons? They appear in the Approvals related list and on the salesforce home screen. It may be in other places as well. Again, if they use the standard submit and approve buttons, I don't have any way to hook in to set the next approver.
We ran into a similar issue a while back and solved it by creating custom lookup fields to certain users. For example, if we wanted to route an approval request up to a Director and then a VP, we added Director__c and MarketVP__c fields to the object. These fields were populated in code by climbing the role hierarchy whenever a request was submitted. Our approval process's steps then chose who the assignee would be based on the values in these fields (first step would be assigned to Related User: Director and the second step would be assigned to Related User: Market VP, etc.).
To get around the standard approval button issue (we had other reasons for hiding it), we just hid that from their homepage layouts and built our own VF page and included it in a custom homepage component. This component functioned as an inbox with links to any records that were pending the user's approval. All user interaction with the approval objects was handled through other VF pages with their own Approve and Reject buttons. I don't know if the objects you're submitting to the approval process even use VF pages, so this may not be feasible for your situation.
A lot of customization for something that shouldn't need it, I know. Might not be the answer you're looking for, but hopefully it's some food for thought. visualforce between 2 objects

In salesforce I need to create a visualforce page that includes the fields of 2 objects. The first object is the QUOTE object. The second objects is a custom object with several fields.
I want to create a visualforce page that shows the records of both QUOTE and the new object. Can I do this without creating a custom controller? If no any hints on the code for this new controller?
Can I do calculations between fields in a visualforce page?
Ideally I want this page to appear as soon as the QUOTE is set to ACCEPTED
1: You can't do this without a custom controller unfortunately, unless one object is related to the other and you're just happy displaying it as a related list on the parent object's page. For calculations you could use rollup summaries for some basic sums etc..
As for a custom controller, have a look at field sets for a super easy way to get fields into a VF page, you essentially configure groups of fields on your objects and then you can stick those groups onto a page with minimal markup.
2: For fields with complex calculations you'll want to do the sums in the controller and then expose the results through variables onto the page in the usual manner.
3: Not really possible without creating a custom edit page in the first place — you'd be better off having a button on the quote page to open up the Visualforce page, that page can simply display an error if the quote is not yet accepted. There are some other alternatives that might work though, like using a forumla field to generate a link to the page when the status is as you desire.
I'm happy to elaborate on any of this, but the fact that you're asking about number 2 would suggest to me that you don't have much experience developing on the platform (not a dig, just an observation), so unless you're comfortable coding in other environments you could find this quite tricky. That said, you're on stackoverflow so I'm thinking you probably know a little about coding at least!
