Hover across entire window and stop where mouse pointer changes - c

I'm faced with an issue I do not know how to tackle. I need to implement a function in python or C that allows me to hover( with the mouse) over the entire windowed application and stop when the mouse pointer icon changes. Any help or tip as to how I can attain this will be appreciated. Thank you.


gtk drawing area does not redraw content

I am on an Ubuntu 19.10 64 bit system
Source files:
I am working on a simple drawing program using gtk and glade with c. Right now I am stuck into implementing undoing behavior. I have two problems. There are cases for when I press the undo button.
When I have one stroke or one dot on the canvas, it works perfect as I experienced. Canvas clears itself.
When I have two strokes or two dots on the canvas, if I click undo once, canvas does not redraw itself, unless I draw again; if I click twice, it works perfect like in the first case, canvas clears.
When I have more than two strokes or two dots on the canvas, if I click undo twice, the program stops working waiting me to force quit.
I am a beginner at using glade, gtk3, and cairo libraries. I have been searching about the issue for days. However, the resources are scarce compared to trending frameworks and libraries. Furthermore, I couldn't match the problem I need. I appreciate any help.
EDIT I forgot to add that the halting problem occurs after the function , on_undo_clicked exits the second time (twice undo click).
I solved the problem.
In the function, addPoint I forgot that the next struct pointer's pre pointer may be a dangling pointer. It creates the problem.

Is it possible to maximize a SDL window?

I would like to make my program to maximize using the maximizing button left to the cross in my C program but I can't find how to do so. I found that the ShowWindow Function could be of some help but I don't understand it.
If someone could explain it if this is the solution or tell if there is something else or nothing at all, it'd be very nice.
By the way, I'm using SDL if that help.
PS: the maximize button is indeed grayed out.
The 'maximize' button is disabled if your window is not resizable.
Pass SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE flag to SDL_CreateWindow, and make sure your code can handle window size changing.
I may be wrong but it seems that the best way to maximise a window is to use the SDL2 because the SDL doesn't seem to allow maximisation, just resizing.

Xlib - Two issues with call to XMoveResizeWindow

I am new to Xlib (in C) and am having two issues when calling the XMoveResizeWindow function.
XMoveResizeWindow(display, window_id, move_x, move_y, resize_x, resize_y);
1) After the call, the window I move will reposition itself correctly, however, if I select the window with the pointer after the move, it will instantly revert back to the position it held prior to the move. I assume I have to somehow 'update' the X11 server after it's moved with the windows new position?
2) Secondly, in regards to the resize of the window. My window is essentially being truncated by the x and y values entered, instead of resized. In other words, instead of the entire window shrinking down, the right and bottom sides of the window are cut off from view. Is there a way to instead resize the entire window?
--I am sorry I am unable to submit my complete code, however, I believe my issues are due solely to my lack of understanding of Xlib and this particular function's operations. As such, I am not neccessarily looking for specific code as a solution, merely an explination or suggestion on how I should go about implementing a solution.
Thank you.
I believe there is something wrong with your code, since that code is not available i'll point to an example.
Examples are given at readme itself.

GTK: Get pointer position on scroll-event AFTER scrolled_window has scrolled

I've got a drawing area inside a scrolled window (with convenience viewport),
and this drawing area updates itself according to incoming motion-notify-events.
When I scroll the area though obviously no motion events are emitted,
but I wanted to work around this, and so tried to connect the drawing area's
"scroll-event" signal to the same motion-notify callback.
The problem I'm facing here is that this signal is emitted before the scrolled window
has update its viewport, so in the callback, I end up with pointer coordinates that were true just before scrolling, making it look like the drawing area is always "lagging a step behind" the actual pointer when scrolling while not moving the pointer itself.
I thought I could compensate for this by manually extracting the coordinates with gdk_window_get_pointer, but then I realized this cannot work as the pointer is technically still at its old position when the callback is commencing.
I also tried using g_signal_connect_after in hopes it would have the callback get called after the viewport was scrolled, but it didn't help.
My last hope would be to start a timer on scroll-events, and have the callback fire after a minimal amount of time, but this sounds realllly ugly, and I'd like to avoid that at any cost.
Any ideas as to how this could be realized?
Thanks in advance!
A solution would be to connect to the "value-changed" signal of the GtkScrolledWindow
Source: https://mail.gnome.org/archives/gtk-app-devel-list/2011-September/msg00014.html

form resizing and mazimizing problem

my form gets the black effect while resizing or maximizing the form
i want to remove that black screen effect
can someone help in that
You really have to explain what the black effect is.
I suspect it could be that you make some task in the OnResize event in the rendering thread that prevents it from repainting the window. But this is really speculation.
