Is it possible to maximize a SDL window? - c

I would like to make my program to maximize using the maximizing button left to the cross in my C program but I can't find how to do so. I found that the ShowWindow Function could be of some help but I don't understand it.
If someone could explain it if this is the solution or tell if there is something else or nothing at all, it'd be very nice.
By the way, I'm using SDL if that help.
PS: the maximize button is indeed grayed out.

The 'maximize' button is disabled if your window is not resizable.
Pass SDL_WINDOW_RESIZABLE flag to SDL_CreateWindow, and make sure your code can handle window size changing.

I may be wrong but it seems that the best way to maximise a window is to use the SDL2 because the SDL doesn't seem to allow maximisation, just resizing.


Hover across entire window and stop where mouse pointer changes

I'm faced with an issue I do not know how to tackle. I need to implement a function in python or C that allows me to hover( with the mouse) over the entire windowed application and stop when the mouse pointer icon changes. Any help or tip as to how I can attain this will be appreciated. Thank you.

KDevelop: How to disable source-code tool tips

I'm using Kdevelop 5.1.2 on Kubuntu 17.10.
When I move the mouse pointer in the editor to a line of code, there constantly appear huge tool-tips with info I usually do not want to see, hiding the code and making it difficult to move the mouse pointer to the intended code position.
Especially annoying is that when there is a compile error in the line the tool tip will not disappear when I move the mouse pointer away.
Is there a way to switch off this behaviour, i.e. so that no tool tips appear, or at least the delay can be increased?
Unfortunately there is no way to turn off only the tooltips.
You could either:
Go to settings->plugins and uncheck the "code browser".
Open the "code browser" panel and reduce it to minimum dimensions, this way the tooltip content will appear inside the panel, not in the editor.

winforms messagebox background colour

I am new to winforms and I want to keep things simple
When I create a message box: I notice the top half is white background while the lower half is grey (!!!)
(what I really want is all background white).
But even the VisualStudio dialog doesn't behave this way
Can someone please help me?
Do I need to write some custom code ?
I would post the image but not allowed;(
MessageBoxes are displayed by the operating system. If the options that are available aren't good enough, then you have to make your own form.

WPf Loading screen

I have window with loading icon.
In application I do like this
// create loading window
//do some operations
loadingWindow.Visibility = Visibility.Hide;
loading window is not showing.
Can you tell me guys what I do wrong?
Maybe this will give you some help in the right direction. I believe you have to use threads to get the loading effect.
Edit: You show the loadingWindow, then you do operations and then you hide the loadingWindow. Since there is nowhere stated that the app should wait with making the loadingWindow hidden till the operations are done it won't show up. If you look at the link I posted you should get a general idea of how to make a loadingscreen. If it so happens to be you do need help with it, just say so in a comment.
Hope it helps.
If you want a splash screen, use the SplashScreen class.
Note that it can only display an image, so it's not suitable if you need something more complex (e.g. animations or interactivity)

Image sliding control using wpf

I want to create a slider with images like a control in the bottom of the youtube(floating images with left and right navigation button). How i have to start. i am new to wpf.
for example:
I think the best way to start anything is just to start right away. Even if you don't know how to start... Just write the first line of code. Let it be awful. Hardcode images. Use dirty tricks. Then throw it away and rewrite.
Along with writing the code read a lot. There are dozens of books on WPF out there. MSDN sections are awesome.
Don't forget to read the code too. This technique is extremely helpful. You can find good examples of carousel implementation.
Hope this helps.
