Why can't I make a connection with AzureDataSudio? - sql-server

I am running SQL Server Linux container images with Docker on Debian Linux version 11.
I have connected successfully as 'root#sql1' from the command line with username 'SA':
I have downloaded AzureDataStudio, but can't make a connection:
Note that I am using the same password.
I have entered the port '1433' under Advanced Settings, and this leads to the following error:
Thank you.


Ubuntu 18.04 Apache2.4.29 not able to open ports other than 80

As stated in title, I have LAMP configuration with Apache2.4.29, the problem is when I open a new port other than 80(in this case, port 12743), it could not be accessed through edge browser as port 80 does.
I added a line here under /etc/apache2/ports.conf:
appended a paragraph under /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf
after that I used the following command to restart Apache2:
all these shows no warning nor error messages.
The Ubuntu currently has ufw inactive, and used iptables and fail2ban instead:
however, attempts to access the website via new port failed returning the following page:
I wonder what might be the problem.
Problem solved, what I needed was just a sudo reboot.
It turned out that adding ports shall require not only an Apache2 restart but also a server reboot.

VSCode Remote SSH to Linux - Connecting was canceled

I am trying to connect from my Windows 10 machine to my Ubuntu Linux server (16.04.6) using Remote SSH.
To do this I've read many different tutorials but have no success.
I am able to connect from my Windows 10 command prompt to the Ubuntu Linux server via ssh without any problems. I even used ssh-keygen to generate a private and a public key and copied the public key to the appropriate directory on the Linux Server (.ssh).
In VsCode I installed the extension Remote-SSH added my host to my configuration file c:\user.ssh\config:
Host <ip-address>
HostName <ip-address>
User <username>
Then I clicked in VSCode the button bottom left "Open a remote Window" and chosed my host. A new windows opens and VSCode is trying to connect. Then I see a window with the error message: "Could not establish connection to . Connection was canceled". This is the log.
[11:53:17.573] Log Level: 2
[11:53:17.582] remote-ssh#0.51.0
[11:53:17.583] win32 x64
[11:53:17.586] SSH Resolver called for "ssh-remote+<ip-address>", attempt 1
[11:53:17.587] SSH Resolver called for host: <ip-address>
[11:53:17.587] Setting up SSH remote "<ip-address>"
[11:53:17.648] Using commit id "5763d909d5f12fe19f215cbfdd29a91c0fa9208a" and quality "stable" for server
[11:53:17.650] Install and start server if needed
[11:53:18.624] getPlatformForHost was canceled
[11:53:18.625] Resolver error: Connecting was canceled
[11:53:18.640] ------
Again, I can connect to the same linux server via ssh from my local machine (Win 10) without any problems.
I've resolved the connection issues; possibly the ssh config was not correctly saved/accessed by VS Code?
I thought I should be able to directly set it up to point to an existing config file, but that didn't seem to work. Instead, I created a new config file in the UI, and over-wrote the contents. Shouldn't be necessary, but seemed to do the trick.
What I did was:
Add new host: => Remote-SSH: Connect to host... => Add New SSH Host...
Type in command: ssh user#host to attempt to connect
Choose platform in the command bar in the new window (Linux in my case)
Verify connected (I needed to change ssh-agent settings to store credentials)
Edit the config location: => Remote-SSH: Connect to host... => Settings
Enter config file under Remote.SSH: Config File (C:\Users\me\.vagrant\machines\default\virtualbox\config in my case)
Modify config file further, as needed
Connect through the UI: Remote-SSH: Connect to host... =>
Hope that helps!
For me it was not starting necessary SSH*. See status services using:
Get-Service SSH* on PowerShell.
I got a time out error on enabling necessary services and this helped.
A colleague of mine was with this problem. We solved just deleting his %USERPROFILE\.ssh\config file, closing VSCode, reopening it, and trying to connect again.
There was some garbage in his ssh config file.
I also found that if the value of the "Host" field includes a ")" character, then there will be an error message as follows and the VSCode keeps trying opening remote:
The terminal process "C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe /c (type "C:\Users\xxxxx_xxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\vscode-linux-multi-line-command--ccton_---_---2-705401992.sh" | ssh -T -L Accton_AWS_EC)2 bash) & exit /b 0" terminated with exit code: 1.
I tried the following that worked for me:
Click on View > Command Palette (alternatively press CTRL + Shift + P)
Start typing:
Remote SSH: Kill
Click on the first option that says: Remote-SSH: kill VS Code Server on Host...
From the options, click on the server you are having trouble connecting to. This will kill that VScode server.
Now just try to reconnect:
a. View > Command Palette (alternatively press CTRL + Shift + P)
b. Start typing:
SSH Remote-SSH: Connect to host...
c. Select the server.
Adding my 2 cents here, I too had lots of trouble connecting to a remote using "Remote SSH Extension of Microsoft". Unfortunately, no luck and spent a lot of time trying all ways possible.
I found another extension named "SSH Client" by cweijan. It was easy and I was able to access my remote using it.
When I had this issue it was because the extension was complaining that the pem file permissions were too open, it should be accessible just by my current user.
Yes, I would like to ~ add on top of Shivam Popat's answer.
Configure F1 ssh.add and Option to add client, and password appears.
Now, connect, and save.
From the left pane you would see icon of key. and upon clicking it will open the remote folders.
The previous problem with VScode remote SSH resolved.

Ubuntu 18.04 issue with xrdp and user

Since morning I am facing some issue with the ubuntu xrdp. I have 3 users server, admin and root. server user is once which is configured during the installation. if is use root user then I am able to login but if I use other server its throw following error.
connecting to sesman ip
sesman connect ok
sending login info to session manager, please wait...
login successful for display 10
started connecting
connection problem, giving up
some problem
for admin user its show following error
Unable to determine failsafe session name. Possible causes:
xfconfd isn`t running ( D-Bus setup problem) environment variable $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is set incorrectly (must include */ etc") or xfce4-session is installed incorrectly.
My Ubuntu version is: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
It`s fresh setup and i also try to reinstall xrdp and its dependency packages but nothing works.
The output of $echo $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS is empty.
After digging in deep and doing lots of troubleshooting, I finally able to access RDP from other users also. I reinstall everything and then install vncserver and kill all the running process of xface from the terminal. Now it's working.

Moodle unable to access using domainName

Installing MOODLE_33_STABLE origin/MOODLE_33_STABLE on Ubuntu 16.04.2
I am able to install it and , access it with my vm's ip,
but when i try to change
$CFG->wwwroot = 'http://ipaddress'
$CFG->wwwroot = 'http://somerandomname.com'
in config.php,
i am unable to access it using somerandomname.com in my lan.
i have also mapped the vm ip in hosts file of both apache2 and of the other systems in lan, still it shows HTTP ERROR 502, in chrome.
and Host not found when i check the chrome console.
if i am missing something guide me.
i want to access the moodle installed on my VM across my local connection with some domainname rather than the IP .
Thank you.
Sounds like you have to try classical debugging:
Try to access your moodle instance on the specific port, using eg. telnet
telnet somerandomname.com 80
Delete browser cache or open the URL in your incognito mode
Check the apache error log on Ubuntu: /var/log/apache2/error.log.
Check out further possibilities which are causing this 502 error:

Connect to SQL Server using SQLAlchemy

I'm trying to connect to a SQL Server Express database using SQLALchemy and pyodbc, but I'm continuously getting the error:
(pyodbc.Error) ('IM002', '[IM002] [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Data
source name not found, and no default driver specified (0)
And I really don't understand if my engine url is wrong or what else.
My scenario is the following:
I'm on a Mac
I have a docker container (based on a Debian image with unixodbc and unixodbc-dev) in which my python app tries to connect to...
a virtualbox virtual machine running windows 8 with SQL express 2014...
I configured a user for the SQL express, with SQL Server authentication:
user: ar_user
password: ar_psw
I configured TCP ports as 1433 and disabled dynamic ports (SQL Server Configuration Manager > Network Configurations > Protocols).
I turned off Windows Firewall.
I used an Host-only adapter for the VM running windows8
The VM is accessible from the host (my mac), since a:
ping -c 3 vm-ip
But although I tried every possible permutation of user, password, ip, server name and port:
...and many more!
I always get the "datasource not found error".
What should I do?
ps: the vm is pingable even in the docker container!
UPDATE (solved but not 100%):
I solved in this way:
I configured FreeTDS driver using /etc/odbcinst.ini in this way:
Description = TDS driver (Sybase/MS SQL)
Driver = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libtdsodbc.so
Setup = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/libtdsS.so
client charset = UTF-8
and in /etc/freetds/freetds.conf:
tds version = 7.3
client charset = UTF-8
Then I created the engine using the following string:
It seems to work properly, but I get this warning:
SAWarning: Unrecognized server version info '95.12.255'. Version
specific behaviors may not function properly. If using ODBC with
FreeTDS, ensure TDS_VERSION 7.0 through 7.3, not 4.2, is configured in
the FreeTDS configuration.
I also defined the TDS version using environment variables but it doesn't fix the issue... any idea?
I wrote a tutorial here of how to do this. Essentially, you need to:
brew install unixodbc
brew install freetds --with-unixodbc
Add the freetds driver to odbcinst.ini
Add a DSN (Domain Source Name) to odbc.ini named "MY_DSN"
pip install pyodbc
e = create_engine("mssql+pyodbc://username:password#MY_DSN")
The walkthrough here does a much more thorough job of explaining this, including issues with SQL Server/FreeTDS Protocol Version Compatibility.
