Getting "Adding assertions after the test has finished" warning in siesta for Ext JS - extjs

Getting "adding assertions after the test has finished" warning in siesta for Ext JS. Any way to hide this warning in Siesta?


How can I turn React Testing Library "not wrapped in act" warnings into Jest unit tests errors

We are unit testing our react app using Jest and React Testing Library. And we get some of this "classic" errors :
Warning: A suspended resource finished loading inside a test, but the event was not wrapped in act(...).
When testing, code that resolves suspended data should be wrapped into act(...):
act(() => {
/* finish loading suspended data */
/* assert on the output */
But some Some developers simply ignore the error of this type. So, as time passes, the tests output is bloated with warning like that. And our tests feel less confident.
Is there a config in Jest or in React Testing Library that turns this kind of warning in error and makes the unit tests fail ?
I search in Google and found a lot of (good) articles to solve the warning but not to turn it into real error.
You can use the [jest-fail-on-console]: npm package to make the tests fail on console.error, console.warning.

Can't get cordova videoplayer to work in a ionic react environment

I get the next error message
react_devtools_backend.js:4026 Native: tried calling, but Cordova is not available. Make sure to include cordova.js or run in a device/simulator

When i am trying to integrate django with react when i am run webpack got error like below

WARNING in DefinePlugin
Conflicting values for 'process.env.NODE_ENV'
1 warning has detailed information that is not shown.
Use 'stats.errorDetails: true' resp. '--stats-error-details' to show it.
webpack 5.73.0 compiled with 1 warning in 2053 ms

Cypress Test runner--- can I make the warning message for "Download the React DevTools for a better development experience" go away?

I am using Cypress to test a React app.
is there a way to make this warning message in my console go away:
Download the React DevTools for a better development experience: ...
you will note that I see this warning only when running the controlled Chrome instance, not when looking at the same app in the normal Chrome browser. (As well, I do have the React dev tools installed and activated in Chrome so it seems this message is a side effect of the Cypress test-runner)
Add this regex to the DevTools console filter input:

sencha architect production build : Uncaught TypeError: c is not a constructor

I am having Extjs6 App. I am using Sencha Architect for UI . When I am building web using build setting , testing build was getting following error after build is done and onclick of my index.html.
Uncaught Error: [Ext.createByAlias] Unrecognized alias: interaction.itemhighlight
at Ext.Inventory.instantiateByAlias (app.js:13520)
at Object.factory (app.js:7711) at constructor.applyInteractions (app.js:213699)
at constructor.setter [as setInteractions] (app.js:9056)
at constructor.addItemHighlight (app.js:206608)
at constructor.updateTooltip (app.js:206589)
at constructor.setter [as setTooltip] (app.js:9062)
Please help me to resolve this error.
This will be due to not requiring a class that you use, in development they are loaded dynamically.
To figure out what class is missing, you should run sencha app build testing which will not minify the code, and your error message will be more meaningful.
I had a similar issue, the problem seems to be that sencha is not importing the library when is creating the production or testing builds, you should add the library you are missing in "requires" section of the view that uses it in this case i think the library is 'Ext.chart.interactions.ItemHighlight' after this all your builds should work properly because sencha now knows that it needs this library in the build.
Sorry for my english, hope it helps.
