react table - useMemo vs useState - reactjs

The react table documentation says that the data values should be memoized. However, in some of their examples on the site, they use useState instead of useMemo. Is useState already memoized? If not, what issues might I run into if the data is not memoized? (or how should it be done correctly when needing to change the data?) TIA!
documentation link with example of useState (link to code in case documentation link becomes 404 like a lot of old posts linking to old versions of react table documentation that I've come across)

I am not answering your question, but to show you the possible reason why they use useState against their Must be memoized statement.
Let's see react's documentation about useMemo & useState:
useMemo will only recompute the memoized value when one of the dependencies has changed. This optimization helps to avoid expensive calculations on every render.
useState Returns a stateful value, and a function to update it.
The first example is where the memoized dependencies rawData are passed down from its parent component and we want to customize the data by using expensiveMakeDataCalculation method. Here, the table data is renewed when changes of rawData are detected and we use useMemo for the sake of optimization, as the docs said.
function ExampleA({ rawData }) {
const data = useMemo(() => expensiveMakeDataCalculation(rawData), [rowData]);
But how if we want to fetch the data within the component? Yes, we can use useState to store our fetched data. As we know that rawData will always be the most recent state after applying updates and the memoized data will be renewed once rawData state changes.
function ExampleB({ initialData }) {
const [rawData, setRawData] = useState(initialData);
const data = useMemo(() => expensiveMakeDataCalculation(rawData), [rawData]);
// for example only
const onClick = (id) => {
try {
const res = await fetch(`url/${id}`);
const fetchedData = await res.json();
} catch (error) {
Here, we can simplify the code as below. We do not use useMemo anymore, since we are confident that the expensiveMakeDataCalculation only runs when the onCLick method is called and the data state can be consumed immediately by your table. You can memoize the data by using useMemo, but I think it is not necessary.
function ExampleC({ initialData }) {
const [data, setData] = useState(initialData);
// for example only
const onClick = (id) => {
try {
const res = await fetch(`url/${id}`);
const rawData = await res.json();
const calculatedData = expensiveMakeDataCalculation(rawData);
} catch (error) {
So, based on the above example, we can have new insight into how this example works and know the reason why the example uses useState over their Must be memoized statement. Here, the expensiveMakeDataCalculation is called inside setData setter and only runs when updateMyData method called.
const [data, setData] = React.useState(() => makeData(20))
const updateMyData = (rowIndex, columnId, value) => {
setData(old =>
// expensiveMakeDataCalculation. expensive? yes if you have a lot of rows data, index) => {
if (index === rowIndex) {
return {
[columnId]: value,
return row


react-table: do I need memoize data even when fetching data with a useEffect hook?

In the react-table docs examples, the input data to the table is memoized for the following reason:
React Table relies on memoization to determine when state and side
effects should update or be calculated. This means that every option
you pass to useTable should be memoized either via React.useMemo (for
objects) or React.useCallback (for functions).
All their examples use locally defined javascript objects. If I were to fetch data from a server in a useEffect hook, and add it to the component's state, do I still need to memoize it with useMemo? If so, should this memoization take place within or outside useEffect? I'm still wrapping my head around these React hooks and when/if they should be used together.
The reason for using useMemo or useCallback is optimization
So, if you fetch data from a server in an optimized useEffect, let's say it only runs after the initial render, and put the result inside a state via useState, then you do not need useMemo to memoized the state anymore even if there is a heavyCalculation inside it. Why? because the heavyCalculation (if any) will only run once and the state will never change, so it will never affect the react-table performance.
const URL = 'https://for.example.only'
function heavyCalculation(data) {
function Example() {
const [data, setData] = useState([]);
useEffect(() => {
const fetchData = async () => {
try {
const response = await fetch(URL);
const responseJson = await response.json();
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error(responseJson.status_message);
const updatedData = heavyCalculation(responseJson);
} catch (error) {
You can see another example here.

How to re-render a component when a non state object is updated

I have an object which value updates and i would like to know if there is a way to re-render the component when my object value is updated.
I can't create a state object because the state won't be updated whenever the object is.
Using a ref is not a good idea(i think) since it does not cause a re-render when updated.
The said object is an instance of
The observer class doesn't seem to play well with your use case since it's just sugar syntax to manage the updates with mutable objects. The documentation already has a section for React, and I suggest following that approach instead and using the SDK directly to retrieve the document by observing it.
You can implement this hook-observer pattern
import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from "react";
import kuzzle from "./services/kuzzle";
const YourComponent = () => {
const [doc, setDoc] = useState({});
const initialize = useCallback(async () => {
await kuzzle.connect();
await kuzzle.realtime.subscribe(
{ ids: ["document-id"] },
(notification) => {
if (notification.type !== "document" && notification.event !== "write")
// getDocFromNotification will have logic to retrieve the doc from response
}, []);
useEffect(() => {
return () => {
// clean up
if (kuzzle.connected) kuzzle.disconnect();
}, []);
return <div>{JSON.stringify(doc)}</div>;
useSyncExternalStore, a new React library hook, is what I believe to be the best choice.
StackBlitz TypeScript example
In your case, a simple store for "non state object" is made:
function createStore(initialState) {
const callbacks = new Set();
let state = initialState;
// subscribe
const subscribe = (cb) => {
return () => callbacks.delete(cb);
// getSnapshot
const getSnapshot = () => state;
// setState
const setState = (fn) => {
state = fn(state);
callbacks.forEach((cb) => cb());
return { subscribe, getSnapshot, setState };
const store = createStore(initialPostData);
useSyncExternalStore handles the job when the update of "non state object" is performed:
const title = React.useSyncExternalStore(
() => store.getSnapshot().title
In the example updatePostDataStore function get fake json data from JSONPlaceholder:
async function updatePostDataStore(store) {
const response = await fetch(`${Math.floor(Math.random()*100)+1}`)
const postData = await response.json()
My answer assumes that the object cannot for some reason be in React as state (too big, too slow, too whatever). In most cases that's probably a wrong assumption, but it can happen.
I can't create a state object because the state won't be updated whenever the object is
I assume you mean you can't put that object in a React state. We could however put something else in state whenever we want an update. It's the easiest way to trigger a render in React.
Write a function instead of accessing the object directly. That way you can intercept every call that modifies the object. If you can reliably run an observer function when the object changes, that would work too.
Whatever you do, you can't get around calling a function that does something like useState to trigger a render. And you'll have to call it in some way every time you're modifying the object.
const myObject = {};
let i = 0;
let updater = null;
function setMyObject(key, value) {
myObject[key] = value;
if (updater !== null) {
Change your code to access the object only with setMyObject(key, value).
You could then put that in a hook. For simplicity I'll assume there's just 1 such object ever on the page.
function useCustomUpdater() {
const [, setState] = useState(0);
updater = setState;
return () => {
updater = null;
}, [setState]);
function MyComponent() {
return <div>I re-render when that object changes</div>;
Similarly, as long as you have control over the code that interacts with this object, you could wrap every such call with a function that also schedules an update.
Then, as long as your code properly calls the function, your component will get re-rendered. The only additional state is a single integer.
The question currently lacks too much detail to give a good assessment whether my suggested approach makes sense. But it seems like a very simple way to achieve what you describe.
It would be interesting to get more information about what kind of object it is, how frequently it's updated, and in which scope it lives.

useEffect on infinite loop using async fetch function

I am trying to understand why the following useEffect is running in an infinite loop. I made the fetchSchedule helper function to call the getSchedule service (using Axios to query the API endpoint). Reason I did not define this function inside the useEffect hook is because I would like to alternatively also call it whenever the onStatus function is invoked (which toggles a Boolean PUT request on a separate endpoint).
The eslinter is requiring fetchSchedule be added to the array of dependencies, which seems to be triggering the infinite loop.
The way it should work is fetching the data from the database on first render, and then only each time either the value prop is updated or the onStatus button is toggled.
So far my research seems to point that this may have something to do with the way useEffect behaves with async functions and closures. I’m still trying to understand Hooks and evidently there’s something I’m not getting in my code…
import React, { useEffect, useCallback } from 'react';
import useStateRef from 'react-usestateref';
import { NavLink } from 'react-router-dom';
import { getSchedule, updateStatus } from '../../services/scheduleService';
import Status from './status';
// import Pagination from './pagination';
const List = ({ value }) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line
const [schedule, setSchedule, ref] = useStateRef([]);
// const [schedule, setSchedule] = useState([]);
const fetchSchedule = useCallback(async () => {
const { data } = await getSchedule(value);
}, [value, setSchedule]);
const onStatus = (id) => {
console.log('fetch', ref.current[0].completed);
useEffect(() => {
}, [fetchSchedule]);
return (...)
Update March 2021
After working with the repo owner for react-usestateref, the package now functions as originally intended and is safe to use as a replacement for useState as of version 1.0.5. The current implementation looks like this:
function useStateRef(defaultValue) {
var [state, setState] = React.useState(defaultValue);
var ref = React.useRef(state);
var dispatch = React.useCallback(function(val) {
ref.current = typeof val === "function" ?
val(ref.current) : val;
}, []);
return [state, dispatch, ref];
You would be fine if it weren't for this react-usestateref import.
The hook returns a plain anonymous function for setting state which means that it will be recreated on every render - you cannot usefully include it in any dependency array as that too will be updated on every render. However, since the function is being returned from an unknown custom hook (and regardless, ESLint would correctly identify that it is not a proper setter function) you'll get warnings when you don't.
The 'problem' which it tries to solve is also going to introduce bad practice into your code - it's a pretty way to avoid properly handling dependencies which are there to make your code safer.
If you go back to a standard state hook I believe this code will work fine. Instead of trying to get a ref of the state in onStatus, make it async as well and return the data from fetchSchedule as well as setting it.
const [schedule, setSchedule] = useState([]);
const fetchSchedule = useCallback(async () => {
const { data } = await getSchedule(value);
return data;
}, [value]);
const onStatus = async (id) => {
const data = await fetchSchedule();
useEffect(() => {
}, [fetchSchedule]);
Alternatively, although again I wouldn't really recommend using this, we could actually write a safe version of the useStateRef hook instead:
function useStateRef(defaultValue) {
var [state, setState] = React.useState(defaultValue);
var ref = React.useRef(defaultValue);
ref.current = state;
return [state, setState, ref];
A state setter function is always referentially identical throughout the lifespan of a component so this can be included in a dependency array without causing the effect/callback to be recreated.

React Hooks: Referencing data that is stored inside context from inside useEffect()

I have a large JSON blob stored inside my Context that I can then make references to using jsonpath (
How would I go about being able to access the context from inside useEffect() without having to add my context variable as a dependency (the context is updated at other places in the application)?
export default function JsonRpc({ task, dispatch }) {
const { data } = useContext(DataContext);
const [fetchData, setFetchData] = useState(null);
useEffect(() => {
task.keys.forEach(key => {
let val = jp.query(data, key.key)[0];
jp.value(task.payload, key.result_key, val);
let newPayload = {
jsonrpc: "2.0",
method: "call",
params: task.payload,
id: "1"
const domain = process.env.REACT_APP_WF_SERVER;
let params = {};
if (task.method === "GET") {
params = newPayload;
const domain_params =
JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("domain_params")) || [];
domain_params.forEach(e => {
if (e.domain === domain) {
params[e.param] = e.value;
setFetchData({ ...task, payload: newPayload, params: params });
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [task]);
I'm gonna need to post an answer because of code, but I'm not 100% sure about what you need, so I'll build a correct answer with your feedback :)
So, my first idea is: can't you split your effects in two React.useEffect? Something like this:
export default function JsonRpc({ task, dispatch }) {
useEffect(() => {
}, [task]);
useEffect(() => {
}, [data]);
Now, if my understanding are correct, this is an example of events timeline:
Due to the update on task you will trigger the first useEffect, which can setFetchData();
Due to the update on fetchData, and AXIOS call is made, which updates data (property in the context);
At this, you enter the second useEffect, where you have the updated data, but NO call to setFetchData(), thus no loop;
Then, if you wanted (but couldn't) put data in the dependencies array of your useEffect, I can imagine the two useEffect I wrote have some shared code: you can write a common method called by both useEffects, BUT it's important that the setFetchData() call is outside this common method.
Let me know if you need more elaboration.
thanks for your reply #Jolly! I found a work around:
I moved the data lookup to a state initial calculation:
const [fetchData] = useState(processFetchData(task, data));
then im just making sure i clear the component after the axios call has been made by executing a complete function passed to the component from its parent.
This works for now, but if you have any other suggestions id love to hear them!

How to wait for multiple state updates in multiple hooks?

In my scenario I have a sidebar with filters.. each filter is created by a hook:
const filters = {
customerNoFilter: useFilterForMultiCreatable(),
dateOfOrderFilter: useFilterForDate(),
requestedDevliveryDateFilter: useFilterForDate(),
deliveryCountryFilter: useFilterForCodeStable()
//.... these custom hooks are reused for like 10 more filters
Among other things the custom hooks return currently selected values, a reset() and handlers like onChange, onRemove. (So it's not just a simple useState hidden behind the custom hooks, just keep that in mind)
Basically the reset() functions looks like this:
I also implemented a function to clear all filters which is calling the reset() function for each filter:
const clearFilters = () => {
const filterValues = Object.values(filters);
for (const filter of filterValues) {
The reset() function is triggering a state update (which is of course async) in each filter to reset all the selected filters.
// setSelected is the setter comming from the return value of a useState statement
const reset = () => setSelected(initialSelected);
Right after the resetting I want to do stuff with the reseted/updated values and NOT with the values before the state update, e.g. calling API with reseted filters:
In this case the API is called with the old values (before the update in the reset())
So how can i wait for all filters to finish there state updated? Is my code just badly structured? Am i overseeing something?
For single state updates I could simply use useEffect but this would be really cumbersome when waiting for multiple state updates..
Please don't take the example to serious as I face this issue quite often in quite different scenarios..
So I came up with a solution by implementing a custom hook named useStateWithPromise:
import { SetStateAction, useEffect, useRef, useState } from "react";
export const useStateWithPromise = <T>(initialState: T):
[T, (stateAction: SetStateAction<T>) => Promise<T>] => {
const [state, setState] = useState(initialState);
const readyPromiseResolverRef = useRef<((currentState: T) => void) | null>(
useEffect(() => {
if (readyPromiseResolverRef.current) {
readyPromiseResolverRef.current = null;
* The ref dependency here is mandatory! Why?
* Because the useEffect would never be called if the new state value
* would be the same as the current one, thus the promise would never be resolved
}, [readyPromiseResolverRef.current, state]);
const handleSetState = (stateAction: SetStateAction<T>) => {
return new Promise(resolve => {
readyPromiseResolverRef.current = resolve;
}) as Promise<T>;
return [state, handleSetState];
This hook will allow to await state updates:
const [selected, setSelected] = useStateWithPromise<MyFilterType>();
// setSelected will now return a promise
const reset = () => setSelected(undefined);
const clearFilters = () => {
const promises = Object.values(filters).map(
filter => filter.reset()
return Promise.all(promises);
await clearFilters();
Yey, I can wait on state updates! Unfortunatly that's not all if callAPI() is relying on updated state values ..
const [filtersToApply, setFiltersToApply] = useState(/* ... */);
const callAPI = () => {
// filtersToApply will still contain old state here, although clearFilters() was "awaited"
This happens because the executed callAPI function after await clearFilters(); is is not rerendered thus it points to old state. But there is a trick which requires an additional useRef to force rerender after filters were cleared:
useEffect(() => {
if (filtersCleared) {
// eslint-disable-next-line
}, [filtersCleared]);
const handleClearFiltersClick = async () => {
await orderFiltersContext.clearFilters();
This will ensure that callAPI was rerendered before it is executed.
That's it! IMHO a bit messy but it works.
If you want to read a bit more about this topic, feel free to checkout my blog post.
