How do I obtain access to the Keep Supply Calendar - calendar

I have access to my google calendar showing all of my events but I do not have access to the team calendar showing PTO or company events.


How can I view/edit my users' Google Calendar Events using my NextJS app

I am building a platform using NextJS in which I need to grab my users' Google Calendar events and be able to add events to their calendars.
I have a service account set up and would like my service account to access my users' calendar data.
After researching, I have found that one way to do so is to have the user share their calendar manually with my service account.
However, I was wondering if there is a way for my users to be able to give my service account permission without having to do it manually, so for example, pressing a button on my platform that will let them share their calendar with the service account.
service account are intended for use with a calendar that you the developer control. Service accounts also only work with google calendar if you have a google workspace account. You will also need to use a google workspace domain account in order to set up domain wide delegation on your service account to use it with google calendar.
There is no way for a user to share a standard google calendar account with a service account. That was shut down by google a number of years ago. The only option now is domain wide delegation
That being said you will need to use Oauth2 to request consent of your users to access their google calendar accounts. Something like this would be a good place to start Node.js quickstart

How to host Teams onlinemeeting using MS Graph API from web Apllications

In our project we are trying to integrate Microsoft teams with web application.Using MS Graph API i have created Online meeting and obtained id and joinurl of meeting and stored in db,the user will not get to know about meeting url . is there any way to start the MS Teams online meeting from webapplication and after leaving the meeting the person should automatically redirected to same webapplication.
usecase will be to create a onlinemeeting and join the meeting directly from application.
I have implemented this usecase for Zoom Meeting,is there any plugin or some other things available for MS Teams online meeting to implement this useCase in Angular and jsp.

Microsoft graph calender api - read events of all users with email address

I have a of question on Microsoft Graph API . Is it possible to get calendar events of all outlook or office 365 users with my personal account ( Using my account to register an application in azure). I have a node application like to read users calendar events with their email address. Also let me know if we can create new event for other users

Google Calendar APIs for Apppointments

I am building a booking application which requires a calendar for each asset which can be booked for a given time slot. my aim is to assign a calendar to each resource and manage their availability, booking , conflict management.
is this possible? to create unlimited calendar with one account and name each calendar with resource?
how to go about the same?
I'm not sure if you can create an unlimited calendar with one account. AFAIK, as stated in this tutorial it is possible for an "app to allow your users to schedule/reschedule Calendar events using one of your Google calendars, you I don’t need the users to authenticate themselves with Google.What you need to use is the Google Calendar API with a service account."
Try the suggestion in this forum, to enable your user to create an event to multiple calendar make your user's email as a value in the attendees this will make your authenticated user be able get the events to their own calendar.
You would create your own implementation for managing availability and conflict management.
Hope this helps.

Get all calendar events for a specific user

As part of creating a service for syncing an internal application's calendar with Outlook Calendar (Exchange) I need a way to get all of the events from the calendars of a list of users. Through EWS I can get access to a user's calendar with their credentials but I won't have access to the password of the users I need to get the calendar's for. Is there any way to get at any user's data using admin credentials and that user's mail address?
Answering my own questions here but the answer is through impersonation. I had come across impersonation early but at first glance it wasn't what I was looking for but after reading more carefully it seems to be exactly what i need.
MSDN article on Impersonation
I'll have the server admin set up an account with impersonation permissions then connect to each account through their username/address and pull the calendar data I need with the GetUserAvailability method.
